LIVE BLOG: No. 5 Florida at No. 14 Georgia

Tonight will be one fun SEC matchup to watch. The Florida Gators are on a win streak as they take on Georgia, who recently upset then-No. 6 Kentucky. Both teams have been building off routines and growing confidence within their line ups. Gator Kennedy Baker scored a perfect 10.0 last week after the line up set her up with nothing lower than a 9.875 on their floor rotation. Georgia has excelled week to week as it cleans up little details and landings, and slowly regains depth. Gymodogs Snead, Babilis, Oakley and Johnson have stepped up in delivering the scores their team needs to have that first road win. Tonight will be one meet you won’t want to miss!

6:16pm- Final rotation warm ups are wrapping up. Meet will be here underway soon!

6:52 Intros are here!!! The crowd is pumped up for tonights meet. The energy in here is amazing! Georgia sold out all tickets and Stegeman is packed! Let’s get started!

Be sure to follow @ncaagymnews online here for Live blog routine by routine updates and on twitter and Instagram as well throughout the night!

Leotard update: Georgia is rocking the all red sparkly leo with an open back and I am loving it!! This cut and style looks great on the girls. Florida is wearing their Blue bodice with orange mixed in. First rotation should be starting here very soon.

Rotation 1: Georgia Vault/ Florida Bars 

Vega (Ga): Big Yurchenko layout full to start Georgia off. Very clean and solid on the landing. Very small hop back. 9.775

Boren (Fl): Mount to high Tkatchev to clear hip to bail to low bar. Double layout dismount stick. She held on to fight for that landing. 9.875

Oakley (Ga): Yurchenko layout full with small hop backwards. She kept her chest up very well and it was nice and clean. 9.725

Foberg (Fl): Mount to high. Toe on connected to Pak Salto to toe on shaposh connected immediately to gainer in between bars (Impressive) and full out tucked dismount with small hop back. Great set for Florida! 9.825

Dickson (Ga): Huge Yurchenko layout full. Should score big. Very clean. 9.8

Skaggs (Fl):Toe on to Tkatchev to Pak salto connected immediately. Double layout stick. 9.85

Johnson (Ga): Impressively high Yurcheko layout full with small hop backwards but again, another super clean vault for Georgia. 9.85

Hundley (Fl): Shaposh to Pak. Toe on to Shaposh half to high bar. Full out dismount stick. That was packed with difficulty. That will score big. 9.925

Snead (Ga): Yurchenko one and a half with small step backwards. Love to see the 10.0 difficulty vault added in the line up. 9.9

Gowey (Fl): Tkatchev to pak salto. Double lay with chest sightly down and forward. 9.875

McMurtry (Fl): Toe on Hindorf HUGE. transition to low bar. Full out dismount stick. This was such a clean set. This will score huge for Georgia. 9.975

Scores after one: Georgia: 49.050/Florida: 49.5

Rotation 2: Georgia Bars/ Florida: Vault 

Baumann (Fl): Yurchenko layout full with hop backwards. Love the height off the table. 9.75

Johnson (Ga): Mount over low to high. Clear hip to gainer. Bail to low bar. Double layout with small hop back. Very clean set. Great leadoff for Georgia. 9.775

Hundley (Fl): Yurchenko layout with tiny hop and chest a tad low. Not sure if judges will give stick for that but great distance and form. 9.825

Schild (Ga): Shaposh to high bail tools bar. Double layout dismount and falls forward… looks a tad short and couldn’t pull her chest up. 9.25

Foberg (Fl): Big Yurchenko layout full with hop backwards. Love her chest up and distance. 9.8

Vaculik (Ga): Blind full to gainer. Bail to low and transition to high. Full out dismount with slight hop back. 9.85

Boren (Fa): Yurchenko 1 & 1/2 and looks so close to a stick. Beautiful vault wow! 9.95

Oakley (Ga): toe on shaposh to pak to low bar. Oh no…she falls on last cast handstand and tries to save it but can’t get back into the swing. She falls again on cast…Looks rattled from it and seems to be giving her trouble. Crowd is cheering extra for her to finish strong. Double tuck dismount with step. 8.250.

Slocum (Fl): Front handspring entry to pike half off. Small step back but very clean vault. Love seeing this variety. 9.9

Snead (Ga): Tkatchev. bail to low bar. Double layout dismount with small hop/step back. 9.775

McMurtry (Fl): HUGE yurchenko layout full. WOW! sticks it. Very clean. 9.925

Dickson (Ga): Toe on Tkatchev. Bail to low. Transition to high. Double layout dismount with hop forward. 9.825

Scores after two: Georgia: 97.525/Florida: 98.9

Rotation 3: Georgia Beam/ Florida Floor

Snead (Ga): Back handspring to layout to back handspring connected solid. Switch to back tuck stick. She looks so calm and relaxed up there. Love her lines on beam. Punch front slight wobble. Round off double twist stick. 9.8

Hundley (Fl): Opening pass whip to double tuck very clean. Very fun routine her teammates make this even more fun on the side. Double pike middle pass. Last pass 1 & 1/2 punch front layout. 9.8

Arnold (Ga): Switch to tuck full jump. Front aerial to back handspring solid. Switch to straddle quarter jump. Round off 1 & 1/2 small hop forward. 9.8

Gowey (Fl): Opening pass Double pike super high and clean. Last pass double tuck with chest slightly down but pulls it off. 9.775

Oakley (Ga): Front aerial. Back handspring layout stick. Split jump to ring jump very clean.  Cartwheel gainer full off side. Looks like chest was down and forward just a bit. Bigger hop forward. 9.85

Baumann (Fl): Opening pass double tuck. Second pass 1 &1/2 punch to front layout full. Last pass Double pike super clean and with chest up. Solid set for Florida. 9.9

Babilis (Ga): Front aerial to back layout slight wobble check. Switch leap to split jump connected to back tuck solid. Front pike toss with small wobble. Front punch full with small hop forward. 9.825

McMurtry (Fl): Opening pass triple full twist HUGE. She makes that look way too easy. Very clean form. Front layout punch front layout full twist. Last pass huge double tuck. This will score very high. 9.925

Dickson (Ga): Front aerial. Switch leap to split quarter. Back handspring to layout series…falls. She tried to hang on to it but looked like she was way off on the side. Back handspring  1 &1/2 twist small hop. 9.3

Slocum (Fl): Double layout opening pass. front full punch front pike. Front handspring front Rudi twist to jump. Very clean fun routine to watch.

Vega (Ga): Switch ring wobble. Back handspring to layout series wobble. She’s usually very precise and solid. She seems to get back on track. hitch kick to front aerial beat jump solid. Side aerial to full twist dismount off end. 9.825

Boren (Fl): Huge double layout opening pass. Missy Elliot floor music, I love it! She is so fun to watch. Last pass double tuck that is sky high! Beautiful set for Boren! The crowd loved it. 9.825

Scores after 3: Georgia: 146.625/Florida: 148.300

Rotation 4: Georgia: Floor/ Florida: Beam

Hundley (Fl): Wifi wasn’t working on computer. However, I saw a beautiful solid and confident set. Round off  1 & 1/2 dismount stick. 9.875

Arnold (Ga): Opening pass double pike huge. middle pass double tuck huge again! She is so fun to watch and gets the crowd so involved. one and a half punch front layout clean. Awesome lead off for Georgia on floor! 9.875

Boren (Fl): swing one leg front toss. Back handspring layout with small wobble. Hitch kick back layout step out with small balance check. Cartwheel gainer full off side. 9.825

Babilis (Ga): whip to double tuck solid. Last pass Round off double pike with a lot of extra bounce. SHe keeps in in bounds and had great height. 9.875

Gowey (Fl): oh no…falls opening skill. Gainer full off side with slight foot shuffle. 9.3

Snead (Ga): Opening pass whip to double back handspring to double tuck flawless!! that was beautiful. Front handspring front Rudi to shusanova to stomach. The crowd loves it!!! Double pike very clean. A judge flashes a 10.0…crowd goes CRAZY! 10.0!!!!! They gave it!

Baumann (Fl): beautiful series solid. Switch to split jump clean. Front aerial solid. Round off 1 & 1/2 stick. 9.9

Dickson (Ga): Arabian double front opening pass huge. 1 & 1/2 punch front layout slightly low but saves it. Double tuck last pass very clean. 9.825

McMurtry (Fl): Fornt toss. Back handspring layout…falls. Thats not like her! she looked way off not he side and couldn’t save it. Switch to straddle jump to hips with back hip circle around beam. Round off huge double full stick. 9.325

Vega (Ga): Double pike HUGE. So clean and chest up. 1 & 1/2 punch front layout solid. Last pass double tuck huge again. She nailed this set! Beautiful floor routine for Vega. 9.925

Webb (Fl): Back handspring layout stick. Switch leap (missed the connection) makes up for it with split jump to beat jump. Front aerial wobble. Sheep jump solid. Round off double full twist stick. 9.725

Final Scores: Georgia: 196.125 /Florida: 196.925

That’s a wrap! What a night! The Florida Gators continue their win streak with a 196.925 against Georgia tonight 196.125. This was such an interesting meet to watch. Each team had some struggles throughout the night, but managed to fight through it and balance it out with some amazing routines. Tonight Georgia Gymdog, Sydney Snead received her first 10.0 on the floor exercise and it was so special to watch! Georgia faced some trouble on bars and beam that were very uncharacteristic, but they pulled through on floor and managed to perform when it counted. The Gators had some uncharacteristic routines tonight as well, but it seems like they were able to shake those off and deliver some beautiful sets. Overall I was impressed with how well each team was able to move on and not let any mistakes trickle to other events. This was such a fun meet to watch. and moving further into season each team will continue to improve.

Live blog by Megan Jimenez

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