Welcome back to the Alaska Airlines Arena in Seattle, Washington! Tonight we find out who heads onto nationals. Today we have the top two teams from round two session one and round two session two. These four teams will face off, each hoping to place in first or second in order to punch their ticket to Fort Worth and continue their drive towards a national championship title.
We have no individuals, so all the focus is on the top-scoring teams between the two sessions yesterday. Today, nothing hinges on past performances, high scores or NQS, all that matters is what happens between the gymnasts and the chalk in the next few hours.
Welcome back to the final day of Seattle! If you missed the first session Thursday, and if you missed the second session Thursday night then you went to sleep without heartburn.
If you’re a visual person, here is the possible breakdown for qualifying individuals based on how tonight. All thanks to @tenpointohstart who has a few updates as earlier sessions finish.
The top two teams today will punch tickets to the semifinals in Forth Worth on April 14th. You can watch along on ESPN+ and find live scores here.
Touch has begun!
Rotation 1: Alabama VT, MSU UB, Stanford BB, Utah FX
Gaskins (Alabama): Y full, looked like a tiny hop in place.
Quinn (Alabama): Y 1.5, looked like a hop, the landing was behind a judge.
Olsen (Alabama): Hops back the y double. Usual form.
Graber (Alabama): Y 1.5 with a biiig hop.
Paradise (Alabama): Y 1.5, another biiig hop. Remember how close OSU was to qualifying? Can’t keep giving tenths away.
Hudson (Alabama): Y 1.5, could’ve been stuck. Looked it.
Stephen (MSU): Small hop on the double tuck.
Loomis (MSU): Straddle jaeger, good. Giant full to stuck double tuck.
Mitchell (MSU): Little shy on the last hs, small foot shuffle on the double lay.
Jackard (MSU): Straddle jaeger, good. Giant full to double tuck, hops.
Schulte (MSU): Shapsh bail to hs some foot separation. Almost over the last hs. Double lay, hops.
Harkness (MSU): Piked gienger on the fingertips. Good bail. FTDB, stuck!
Gutierrez (Stanford): Wolf turn, sharp. Leg comes up on the series. Sticks the dismount.
Navarro (Stanford): Split jump mount, always love it. Comes off on her series after fighting for it. Sticks the dismount.
Neault (Stanford): Her mount is the coolest thing to me. Good series. Front aerial, nice. Switch ring could’ve been a little ringier. Sticks the RO 1.5
Bryant (Stanford): Almost a bobble in the full turn? But covers with choreo? Leg comes up on the bhs loso series. Front tuck, stacks a stabilizing step forward. BHS BHS double tuck with a step.
Widner (Stanford): Switch leap to split jump, usual overextension. BHS LOSO, gorgeous. Front aerial split jump. Side aerial to lay full. Great routine.
Lawson (Stanford): Standing Arabian, good. Good leap series. All happening directly in front of the Utah cheering section as O’Keefe finishes floor. BHS LOSO, wobble but keeps it on. Sticks piked gainer off the end.
Paulson (Utah): 2.5 to open, good. Beautiful leap series.
Gilstrap (Utah): Opens with double tuck, nearly putting the heel out of bounds. Front lay to rudi, floaty.
Rucker (Utah): Great tumbling passes, Utah isn’t giving much away.
McCallum (Utah): FTDB, good. Front lay to rudi, just rotates that around. Good.
O’Keefe (Utah): High double pike to start things off. Switch leap pass, beautiful form and hits her splits. RO 1.5 to front full.
Soloski (Utah): High double lay to open. Hits the full split in her split jump full in her series beautifully. Front lay to front full, gets near the corner but keeps it in. RO 1.5 to front lay, stalls that perfectly. Great.
After 1: Utah 49.600, Alabama 49.500, Stanford 49.275, MSU 49.275
The theme of the Seattle regional is tenths, tenths and not sticking landings. The teams that go on will be the ones that find their landings the most. It’s only the first rotation though, and Stanford is the only one to breathe a sigh of relief that beam is behind it.
Rotation 2: Utah VT, Alabama UB, MSU BB, Stanford FX
O’Keefe (Utah): Y full to start, looked stuck!
Stanhope (Utah): Y 1.5 BIIIG hop forward.
Rucker (Utah): Y 1.5, steps. More controlled than others.
Burch (Utah): Y 1.5, shuffle but good.
McCallum (Utah): Y half on half off, shuffling on the landing.
Hall (Utah): Y 1.5 hops back, good distance.
Waligora (Alabama): Straddle jaeger, good. Shy on that last hs. FTD lay, hops.
Hudson (Alabama): Bail to hs, nice. Short on the last hs. Giant full to double tuck, stick.s
Adams (Alabama): Shaposh pak, good so far. Giant full to double tuck, takes a step.
Machado (Alabama): VL, good. Giant full to double tuck, hops forward.
Doggette (Alabama): Tkatchev pak, great. Sticks the double lay.
Blanco (Alabama): Maloney to pak, nice. Good last hs. FTDB double back with two quick steps.
Wiedeman (MSU): Completely off on her series and takes it off the hip. Cat leap to front toss. Good. Tucked gainer full off end, stuck.
Kalefe (MSU): Hits her series, no problem.
Stephen (MSU): Front toss, foot slips off, doesn’t bother her. Great composure. Beautiful shape in her straddle jump. Sticks the RO lay double full.
Schulte (MSU): Love the flexibility choreo. Great leap series. BHS LOSO, small wobble but smooths it over. Side aerial to lay full, stuck!
Mitchell (MSU): BHS LBHS LOSO, right on line. Front aerial and a little wobbly on choreo. Split jump to straddle 1/4, good. RO 1.5, stuck!
Garcia (MSU): The elegance in her full turn, delightful. BHS LOSO, good. Switch leap to split jump, hits it. Sticks the dismount!
Neault (Stanford): Double pike to open, just kept it in bounds it looked like. Good passes otherwise. Good routine.
Gutierrez (Stanford): 2.5 front tuck to open, good. ends with a nice double pike.
Brunette (Stanford): Reminder that this is the THIRD time Stanford is competing this week. Front lay to rudi, great.
Hoang (Stanford): Nice double lay to open, chest a liiiittle down. FHS front lay front full, just a little forward. Good double pike, chest slightly down again.
Lawson (Stanford): RO 1.5 through to a double tuck and sticks it. Love the leaps, she has such great height. Double pike to close, good.
Bryant (Stanford): Full in to open, sky high. Front tuck through to double pike, just a little shy of being fully rotated. Ends with her open double tuck.
After 2: Utah 99.000, Alabama 98.900, Stanford 98.725, MSU 98.700
This continues to be a close meet, but please, go ahead and count the number of sticks verse the number of shuffling steps on each landing. MSU had a rough start to beam but recovered pretty well. It’s shaping up to be a one fall per beam rotation meet.
Rotation 3: Stanford VT, Utah UB, Alabama BB, MSU FX
Chrobok (Stanford): Y full, big hop back.
Navarro (Stanford): Y full, hop back.
Gutierrez (Stanford): Y 1.5, stuck! Stanford would like to remind everyone it’s close.
Neault (Stanford): Stanford with another stuck vault in the corner of my eye.
Brunette (Stanford): Y full, hop.
Bryant (Stanford): Y full, tiny step.
Morgan (Utah): Shaposh Bhardwaj, good. Sticks the double tuck.
McCallum (Utah): Shaposh pak, nice. VL, great. Little shy on the last hs. FTDB, smallest of hops. Much better than earlier this week.
Burch (Utah): Great release, dismount looked stuck.
Thompson (Utah): Pak, nice. Great handstands. Shaposh. Piked gienger between the bars, another great hs. Double lay, fights for that to stay put, sticks it.
O’Keefe (Utah): Shaposh, pak, good so far. Doing some pirouette work to stay on track. Double Arabian and steps forward.
Isa (Utah): Toe on tkatchev, nice. Bail to hs, done well. Giant full to Double lay, holds on with her toes.
Burgess (Alabama): Switch leap beat, good. Side aerial to lay full, stuck!
Olsen (Alabama): Switch leap series, good. Hit her acro series. BHS BHS double pike, stuck!
Graber (Alabama): BHS series, good. Front toss through to scale. Gainer full off side.
Adams (Alabama): BHS LOSO, not an issue.Switch leap to split jump, hits the full split no problem. BHS to 1.5, hops.
Waligora (Alabama): BHS LOSO, leg up. Entire arena gasps since she’s the only one going at the moment. Split jump, tuck full. I really enjoy all of her hand choreo. RO 1.5, just a hop.
Hudson (Alabama): Front aerial to BHS LOSO, good. Switch leap beat, no issue. RO 1.5, sticks it on her toes.
Ewing (MSU): Almost slips on the opening pass, great routine to finish.
Smith (MSU): Front tuck through to double tuck, small hop back. Closes with a high double pike. Good!
Mitchell (MSU): Double tuck to open. Ends with a double pike, chest up.
Harkness (MSU): FTDB to open. Switch leap series, good. Just a little low on the front leg in the wolf full. Front tuck through to double tuck, nice.
Schulte (MSU): Full in to open, so floaty. Great leap series, her popa is exquisite. Great routine.
Hofelich (MSU): Double pike to open, keeps it in. RO 1.5 to front lay. Closes with a double tuck, nearly with a stick there.
After 3: Alabama 148.525, Utah 148.475, MSU 148.250, Stanford 148.025
Alabama and Utah have established themselves as the top teams going into the final rotation, but MSU would very much like to find itself in one of those coveted positions. For Stanford’s magical season to continue it would need the bar rotation of a lifetime to move on. They did so earlier this week, which would give the Cardinals a 197.475 but could very much not be enough in this absolutely razor-thin and competitive regional.
Rotation 4: MSU VT, Stanford UB, Utah BB, Alabama FX
Garcia (MSU): Caught a hop on the landing.
Smith (MSU): Y full, stuck.
Hsu (MSU): Ah, great block, really went for the stick but put her knee down.
Schulte (MSU): Y full, bouncey-stuck.
Hofelich (MSU): Hops on the landing.
Stephen (MSU): Y full, tiny hops.
Waguespack (Stanford): Tiny hop on dismount, routine looked good otherwise.
Lawson (Stanford): Maloney bail to hs, good. Wonderful last hs. Step on the double tuck.
Brunette (Stanford): Great release, a little shy on the last hs but good double lay, just a step.
Neault (Stanford): Maloney to pak, nice. Slow giant full to double tuck, steps out of it.
Bryant (Stanford): Pak, good pirouette after. Nice last hs. Double lay with a hop.
Widner (Stanford): Straddle tkatchev, great form. Giant full to bail to hs. Nice last hs. Ends with a double tuck and a hop.
Morgan (Utah): Hits her triple series, no issue. Beat side aerial lay full, definitely off center but not an issue.
Randall (Utah): BHS LOSO solid. RO 1.5, steps into the salute.
Burch (Utah): Hits her series. Comes off on her leap series, I think.
Judges having a chat on beam!
Isa (Utah): Candlestick mount to start. BHS LOSO triples series no problem amid the cheering. Beat to straddle quarter, hit. BHS to gainer full off the side, stuck.
Eaker (Utah): Side aerial loso, nothing to her. Switch leap bhs swingdown. Cat leap side aerial to tuck full, stuck!
O’Keefe (Utah): Closing the meet with O’Keefe. Elegant series, perfect. Switch leap to leap, good. Utah needs this routine hit to advance. Cat leap side aerial to lay full, stuck! 10!!!!
Olsen (Alabama): Pike full in to open. Closes with a double pike.
James (Alabama): Front lay to rudi. Nice routine overall.
Gaskins (Alabama): Double lay to open, some soft knees. Great double tuck series to end.
Machado (Alabama): Double pike to open, small rebound back on that. Switch leap switch half, nice. Ends with a high double tuck.
Hudson (Alabama): Goes out of bounds opening pass. Great leap series. RO 2.5, nice.
Graber (Alabama): Full in to open, steps back just for fun. Double pike, good.
Final: Utah 198.200, Alabama 198.175, MSU 197.650, Stanford 197.250
Wow! Utah and Alabama will be moving on, for MSU and Stanford the season ends. Not due to any glaring mistakes, either. Stanford had an exceptional push this week, competing three times this week.
VT: Hudson, Quinn 9.950
UB: McCallum, Doggette 9.950
BB: O’Keefe, Eaker 10.000
FX: Schulte, Bryant, McCallum Graber, Gaskins, Soloski 9.950
AA: Schulte 36.900
Live Blog by Allison Freeman
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