’00s Looks We Love, Part II: 2005-2009

It’s time for the 2000s, part two! If you missed it, check out part one, and don’t miss any of our throwback Thursday summer coverage. Let’s jump in!


Salbasgeon Suites Invitational with Iowa State, UC Davis and Washington at Oregon State

We kick off the second half of the 2000s with a classic look: oversized suit jackets and, more importantly, shoulder pads.
Neon orange for the win. Also, does the design on the front look like a rabid beaver to anyone else? No? OK…
Umm, Oregon State, we love this? Use metallic orange more, please!
We’re giggling at this framing.
KJ with the crimped hair.
Casual head stand on the beam.
Washington with the sleeveless leo and a giant husky on the front.
Velvet sleeves + mystique body = so ‘00s.
The hair!!!
Random standalone roundoff? Check.
The birth of the college salute?
Back when the worm was still a real thing people did. Also, KJ choreo.
So many messy buns.
2005 Washington, guys.
So many cornrows.
We’re not in 2004 anymore, Toto.

Penn State Double Dual: Michigan at Penn State Men and George Washington at Penn State Women

Everything about this image is perfect—from the “artsy” effects to the high-neck leo.
Since when was the obvious choice for abbreviating George Washington “Geo. Washington”?
Baggy, swishy, cinched pant legs.
Update: The Penn State mascot is still a thing of nightmares in 2005.
Raise your hand if you hated leos with the clasp thing in the back. Us, too.
So, the Penn State men have essentially the same leo as in 1984 except for slightly longer shorts.
Apparently the “Hitler Youth” hairstyle was a thing back in 2005 as well. And here we were thinking the 2016 Olympic team was just going through a 1940s-phase.
We can’t fault the ‘00s for its vault variety.
So much velvet yet still some sparkle??? GW, we’re in love!
Peep the bottom left when the mom smacks her daughter’s hand away from her face.
Woof, Penn State.
Nightmares, we said! Nightmares!
His shorts are so long; he’s basically wearing pants compared to prior years!
We almost managed to forget about T-shirt over long sleeve style. Almost.


Oregon State and Seattle Pacific at Washington

Mini jean skirt with a camisole? Hi, mid-2000s.
Oh, yes.
So sparkly.
Ah, the random leaves leo, we know it well.
Oh, well, sure.
SPU going full monocrhome, including the all velvet everything warmup.
More of this mount please.
Ah, the days when you could just put your hair in a simple ponytail for a meet.
Mhm, uh huh, OK.
We’ve all been there.

BYU at Utah

You better believe this meet starts with a montage set to Coldplay.
Utah in sleeveless leos!
Kristina Baskett adding the half twist before it was trendy.
Hi Ashley! (Who also 1.5-ed!)
Handspring double! But also, ouch.
This hair, though.
The face you make when you’re fifth up and the TV commentators are saying, “BYU has yet to land a vault.”
An off day, you might say.
Yes please.
A poof!
This just in, BYU floor has always been amazing. Back in Black going on here and Missy hates it.
Bring this back Utah.
Get it.
We’re just gif recapping at this point because! Miss you Ashley. PS her beam music is Sean Paul’s Temperature. Yup.
Casual Spiderman routine.
Reminder that she did a double Arabian, 2.5 punch front and triple. Yep that’s two E passes.
River dancin’.


Arkansas at Kentucky

Oh the teal glitter eyeshadow. It’s fantastic. It’s also nowhere close to Arkansas or Kentucky colors. Even better!
The SEC Network before the SEC Network.
RENE? IS THAT YOU? We hardly recognize ye.
“HOGS vs. ‘CATS” Who else is glad we (mostly) grew out of those nicknames.
This leo is fairly modern for 2007 if we’re being completely honest.
Arkansas, on the other hand, has a number of interesting cutouts. But we guess that’s fairly modern as well…
Just for giggles.
Peep that halter top.

2007 Super Six

FYI we miss this leo a lot, Florida.
Let’s play “How Many Gymnasts at This Meet Are Now Coaching”
Aluminum foil warmups. We don’t hate it.
Driving car or showing off rings?
Amanda, your hair is so “Mary-Kate Olsen from Our Lips Are Sealed”
Miss Val Game Face
When UCLA was still wearing this leo 10 years later.
We’ll say it again. Rhonda doesn’t age.
Stanford continues to think this leo design is hip.
Hello, Danna and Dan!
Rather tame for a Nebraska leo if you ask us.
Wear this color more, UCLA! Do we sound like broken records yet?
Who all is keeping count?
Crazy Utah fans is not a new concept.
She’s not a gymnast, but she is coaching now!
Nice sweater vest, Greg. Also, we miss the mustache.
Hello, Emily! Gymdog turned CrossFit sensation.
Add another now-coach to the list.
Psst, Anna. There’s a coaching position open at SJSU. Just a thought. K bye.
We’ve lost count.
Fluffy, furry hair scrunchie FTW.
Finish meet? Hang out in stands.
There was also this.

BONUS: AliciaSacramone

Sacramone still Sacramone-d, even at Brown.
Also, who else from Brown has ever gone to NCAA nationals?
Man, she really let loose in college, huh?
Throwback to when ASac basically did her elite beam routine in college but then dismounted with a tuck full.


2008 Big Ten Championships

Hi, coach!
OK enough of these into the lights headshots. Fun fact: Our Big Ten editor competed (always unsuccessfully) against Buckley during high school!
THIS WARMUP. Is that…leopard print?! Minnesota why.
THOSE “O” CUTOUTS. We’re screaming.
And a stuck Y1.5?! OK tOSU.
Libby bringing the style.
Gophers serving this look.
Hey there, Houry!
A very different Michigan look.
It’s so green!
More front gainer fulls, please.
Every Illinois leo from 2008-2017 was the same. WE SAID IT.
We’re not mad at this one.
If you’ve never watched a full Kylee Botterman floor routine, now would be the time.
BONUS FUN FACT: She didn’t do it here, but Personett competed a FTDLO at 2009 event finals
This is a look.
Press + planche = heart eye emoji.

Oklahoma at Missouri

Oh, SEC. But, kidding, Missouri was still in the Big 12 in 2008!
Hi, Rob! Also, this leo!
The back! Resurrect this one, Mizzou.
This is a KJ OU leo.
We can really stop bringing mascots to gym meets.
Ouch, but we love this combo. (She was fine!)
Sarah demonstrating the “I just stuck my vault” run.
Bar. Just one.
It’s 2008 and we’re still talking about the “new” vault.
So creative. More Markelovs, please.
Some classic KJ floor.
A close one!
So retro. Someone on the graphics team missed a wee typo there.


2009 Pac-10 Championships

Jim, we love you!
The deepest V.
OK but when are we going to see a giant tree instead of the “S,” Stanford? WHEN?!
UCLA, we love you, but we’re ready to see some new leos. Also, peep the script “Cal” sleeves in the background.
Oooooh yes.
The one and only Elyse Hopfner-Hibbs.
Anna, we miss you.
We got a single ASU routine and zero Washington in this broadcast. OK OK OK.

2009 SEC Championships

SECs in Nashville for some reason? This is Suzanne’s farewell (for now) SECs, so we’re anxious for the fluff.
If we’ve learned one thing doing these throwbacks, it’s that Sarah’s jewelry was always A+.
This is how Georgia started the day, so this will be a very SEC meet.
Two up, two down.
This leo is covered in Gs. Just, covered.
The face you make when you’re going five up on “almost every event.”
Does LSU still wear this?
There we go. Back on track. Thanks, coach.
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? That’s a 2010 song but close enough.
Oh, Arkansas.
A fleur de lis shirt, of course.
Note that Suzanne is listed as a senior on that banner there.
Gotta have some CK Achilles fluff, too.
It’s OK, you’ll come back with a vengeance.
“All you can eat zone.” Nashvegas, baby.
Rivals hugging it out.
I spy a Dana!

Article by the editors of College Gym News