Potential Lineups 2018: Updates

As the 2018 season nears, we’ve gathered more information about your favorite teams and what they’re lineups might look like, including injury updates, freshmen statuses and veteran skill updates, as well as lineups from intrasquads. Below are the major updates we’ve seen since publishing the initial potential lineups features that you should be aware of both for general knowledge and when preparing your fantasy gym drafts for the season.



  • Brannan training all events, competed on VT in intrasquad with just a full
  • Key and Ernst at the bottom of both beam and floor in projected lineups leaked on Snapchat (however both showed beam at recent intrasquad)


  • Baumann and Foberg look healthy enough to train AA
  • Bradley, Cheney, Hair and McLaughlin not dressed out at final intrasquad pre-winter break
  • Skaggs training a very viable 1.5


  • Cherrey with a shoulder issue
  • Pedersen currently rehabbing shoulder issue and training bar and floor
  • Schild fractured her knee on a double arabian, coaches projecting her to return as early as the end of Jan on bars
  • Oakley dealing with chronic shoulder issues
  • McPherson had shoulder surgery, out for the season
  • Foss had Achilles tear before starting the season, maybe bars/beam at some point
  • Dickson training double arabian on floor and 1.5 on vault
  • Snead back in AA for the intrasquad, likely to compete a DTY this year according to coaches


  • Harman in large knee brace and on crutches as of intrasquad
  • Poland in knee brace at intrasquad
  • Ella Warren possibly joining in Jan? (unconfirmed)


  • Intrasquad highlights show Kirby on beam
  • D-D said in an interview Priessman and Finnegan will likely do the AA, Kirby another AA possibility
  • Dean most likely on everything but floor
  • Harrold most likely on everything but beam
  • Kelley torn Achilles, out for season – expect Hambrick or Edney to anchor floor instead and some of the lower-profile freshmen or Kirby to sneak in
  • Edwards has a new Y1.5 that could serve as a replacement for Kelley’s 10.0 start
  • Campbell a beam star and eventually an AA star according to D-D
  • Priessman and Durante coming back from knee cartilage removal surgery, separated dismounts from the rest of their routines at Gym 101



  • Leydin showed bars at a recent intrasquad

Arizona State (Maroon v Gold lineups)

  • Vault: Rushton, Kuhm, Ginn, K. Szafranski, Lentz, Wilson
  • Bars: Rushton, Callis, Kuhm, Christopherson, Wilson, K. Szafranski, Hart, A. Szafranski
  • Beam: Callis, Jones, Kuhm, Christopherson, Udowitch, Lentz, Wilson, A. Szafranski
  • Floor: Christopherson, Jones, Ginn, Kuhm, Udowitch, Lentz, K. Szafranski, Hart
  • No freshmen competed, all are fine, according to Justine Callis.


  • Emi Watterson to join in the end of December and will be eligible to compete the 2018 season.

Oregon State

  • Freshman Savanna Force really solid on beam. Full-in on FX good, but fell on her last pass. She went up 5th; I imagine she will be mid-lineup early season, since her fall seemed to be endurance related
  • Dessaints apparently showing full UB sets in training, don’t know why she didn’t do bars in intrasquad
  • Yanish still FX anchor, her standard huge DLO
  • Jacobsen with strong FX, fun routine including Irish dancing
  • Orange and Black lineups:
    • VT: Force (FTY), Davis (Ylay), Gill (FTY), Jacobsen (tsuk 1/1, they called it a kaz 1/1), Khamendoost (FTY), Dessaints (Y1/2). Dessaints and Jacobsen likely Y1.5s later.
    • UB: Yamaoka, Lowery, Davis (fall), Minyard, MCP, Jacobsen, Gill
    • BB: Greene (2 falls), Jacobsen, Force, Gill, Yanish, Dessaints, Lazaro, Minyard, Law (fall), Singley, Gonzalez. Hard to say who will make lineup w/o video.
    • FX: Davis, Jacobsen, Lazaro, Gill, Force, Lowery, Yanish


  • Spertus and Maxwell are no longer on the team
  • Tai dislocated her shoulder a few times during last season and isn’t healing well, may not be ready for vault
  • Grace Garcia training bars
  • Catherine Rogers in a boot
  • Yu missing from training updates recently


  • Lauren Wong officially on roster, likeliest contribution would be bars
  • Kim Tessen definitely competing Y1.5 and strong on all four pieces (didn’t show tumbling)


  • Rose and Hoffa still not doing all skills from pre-injury
  • Burleson still coming back from pre-season surgery but expected to be ready by season
  • Thompson on a boot and scooter at intrasquad, an insta story post indicates probably an Achilles tear.
  • Roberson and Riley definitely training all four

Big 12


  • Sam Ogden mysteriously disappears from the roster
  • Courtney Loper has been MIA from a number of recent team pictures, but present at 12/16 intrasquad albeit didn’t compete
  • Claire Hammen seen on crutches at intrasquad
  • Per DU twitter, Schou was rested at the intrasquad but is expected to compete in the season opener (presumably VT, BB, FX but not explicitly stated)
  • Lineups at 12/16 Intrasquad
    • VT: Chesnok, Glynn, Sundstrom, Brown, Karr
      • ** Addison expected in lineup at season opener but did not vault
    • UB: Kern, Glynn, Brown, Sundstrom, Chesnok, Karr
    • BB: Addison, Sundstrom, Brown, Karr, Chesnok, Glynn
    • FX: **note: Karr and Brown did full routines; Sundstrom did her middle pass; all others did dance throughs** Glynn, Addison, Sundstrom***, Brown, Karr


  • Lehrmann training 1.5, could sneak into VT lineup
  • Schoepfer training yurchenko 1.5

Big 10


  • Horth spotted in a boot, possibly reinjured, did not show at Orange/Blue intrasquad 12/8
  • LeDuc mysteriously not present at Orange/Blue intrasquad 12/8 or any training updates since
  • Sarah Lyons taking her redshirt year, expect her to contribute on VT and UB
  • Gough hasn’t shown any routines
  • Noonan no recent routines – possibly in a boot
  • Without Horth, LeDuc, Gough or Noonan, here are new proposed lineups
    • VT: Roe, Lyons, Givens, Meeks, Biondi, Balthazor. Howell seems like the sole alternate choice
    • UB: Lyons, Dwyer, Givens, Balthazor, Howell, Biondi. Donovan and Phillips remain alternates, and Jones may also step up, having done well on bars in J.O.
    • BB: Roe, Donovan, Balthazor, Howell, Biondi, Hodan. Phillips and possibly Dwyer likely to serve as alternates
    • FX: Roe, Phillips, Biondi, Givens, Howell, Hodan. Donovan is supposedly training floor again, per Walsh, for the first time since J.O., so she’ll serve as an alternate. Per Bogantes, Givens has a new pass as well – this would be her college floor debut.




  • Loper’s Y1.5 a sure thing, has been sticking in intrasquads
  • Korlin-Downs mostly back from ACL and has shown full beam. She’ll be much appreciated as an alternate option
  • DeMuse mostly back from ACL, has shown floor and vault minus hard landings, no bars or beam
  • Ryan Stach medically retired

Michigan State

  • Mike Rowe: several vague injuries, expected back midseason. Most likely referring to Hoyer and Lupinetti, who have been missing from updates
  • Confirmed more definite injuries to Gamelo and Ling, but Ling was recently cleared to start training again – saw partial bars from Ling on 12/15
  • Westney with nagging ankle injury, not on floor at the moment, likely resolved by season
  • Westney also training bars upgrades
  • Rowe confirmed Mitchell for AA and Maxim for 3 (no BB)
  • Intrasquad lineups :
    • Vault: Beatty, Jaranowski, Shirley, Maxim, Douglas, Mitchell
    • Bars: Hoerner O’Malley, Jaranowski, Brown, Shirley, Mitchell, Westney
    • Beam: Huehn, Hoerner O’Malley, Maxim, Mitchell, Shirley, Doulas (scratched after weird vault), exh: Westney And Lupinetti
    • Floor: Hoerner O’Malley, Brown, Chappell, Shirley, Maxim, Mitchell


  • Intrasquad
    • VT: Funk, Shchennikova, Zaziski, Townsend (Y1.5), Karas (Y1.5), McLean (Y1.5)
      • possible McLean starts the season with an FTY, though (she sat the 1.5)
    • UB: Townsend, Marinez, Shchennikova, Karas, Brown, Zaziski, alts. Farley, McLean
      • Marinez’s spot shaky, another fall. McLean more likely to break the lineup than Farley
    • BB: Karas, Zaziski (looks wobbly/inconsistent here), Funk, Brown, Farley, Marinez, alt. Osman
    • FX: Osman (new full-in), Funk (front 2/1), Marinez, Brown (new back 5/2 to open), McLean (training a new full-in, not shown here), Karas

Penn State

  • Intrasquad floor: Politz, Schuller, Bridgens, Bonsall, Garcia, Tsang, alts. Chinnery, McCracken.
    • They expect Chinnery in lineup at some point.
    • Tsang FX upgrade: piked full-in


  • Ali no longer on crutches, seen tumbling on Insta story – consider her a definite on vault and floor
  • Two new 10.0 SVs at intrasquad: Hall with a 1.5 and Karas with a Tsuk ½
    • Williams looks potential upgradable to a 1.5
  • Two front 2/1s on floor (Huang and Groden)
  • Farrell on beam and bars
  • Intrasquad lineups were
    • VT: Groden, Karas, Huang, Ali, Williams, Hall
    • UB: Huang, Williams, Groden, Farrell, Hall, Shank, alt. Ley
    • FX: Groden, Ali, Shank, Williams, Huang, Hall Alt. Prieto
  • Missed most of beam, but definitely included Shank, Farrell, Huang, Prieto
  • Drauss missing from all recent training updates (injured?)
  • Overall bars looking much cleaner than in the past

Article by the Editors of NCAA Gym News

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