Oshkosh Beam

 LIVE BLOG: No. 59 UW-Oshkosh at No. 63 UW-Whitewater

This key conference matchup features the top two teams not just in the WIAC, but also in the NCGA. It’s a prime opportunity for both UW-Oshkosh and UW-Whitewater to see where they stand head-to-head under the same judges and on the same equipment. UW-Oshkosh has established itself as the team to beat with an average score of 192.254 and a season high of 194.150, while UW-Whitewater, close behind, averages 191.619 with a high of 192.775. While Oshkosh has the edge, they’ve dipped into the low 191s three times this season—scores Whitewater could surpass. Whitewater, meanwhile, has only posted an all-around score below 191.950 once.

Oshkosh excels across the board, ranking in the top two on every event except vault, where they sit fourth. Whitewater, though consistent, struggles most on floor, ranked eighth in the NCGA. Both teams will look to capitalize on their strengths, shore up weaker events, and boost their all-around averages in this pivotal competition.

Rotation 1: UWW VT UWO UB

Oh how I love a hype video… bonus points for playing it on the stream not just in the arena.

UWO absolutely nailing their double layouts in warmup. Bars stream is at a really funky angel and I cannot see the low bar at all so I will do my best.

Pesch (UWW): Stream cut out for her vault, but score shows a 9.625

McGibboney (UWO): Half pirouette into a tkatchev. Bail handstand down to the lowbar. Sticks the full out cold. Too good. 9

UWW stream having some issues and not working

Fern (UWW): Yurchenko layout half with a big step forwards. Stream cuts out immediately after. 9.475

Krull (UWO): Catches a nice gienger. Legs are apart. Bail handstand to the low bar. Blind full into a double tuck. Another stuck landing! Titans coming out with a bang! 9.775. HUGE score for the Titans

Bailan (UWW): 9.650

Romano (UWO): Blind change into a dynamic straddled jeager intto a bail. Nice connection there. Blind full into a double tuck. Opens a bit early and melts a bit on the landing.

Copeland (UWW): 9.650

Hayden (UWO): Toe hand into a gienger, but catches very clpse and has to labor the bail down to the low bar. Blind full into a stuck double tuck, good recovery, but not what the Titans wanted.

Hammond (UWW): 9.725

McConkay (UWO): Another nice gienger. Bail handstand down to the lowbar. Looks like she fell the wrong way. Gets back up with a blind full to a double tuck.

Moore (UWW): 9.625

Zeilinger (UWO): Clear hip to a big tkatchev. Hop half (love those) to a bail handstand. Winds up her giants into the biggest double layout I have ever seen! Second layout is above the bar still. Takes just a step back. 9.650

Of course the stream starts working right after they finish on vault. The universe just doesn’t want me to see vault streams the last two weeks!

After 1: UWW 48.325 UWO 47.425

UWW starting off this meet with a strong lead after Oshkosh struggles on bars

Rotation 2: UWW UB UWO VT

Pesch (UWW): Blind change to a straddled jeager to a shootover. Struggles with the leg form throughout. Blind full to double tuck is clean with just a hop back. 9.675

Passarella (UWO): Front handspring front and doesnt make it to her feet. Looks like her hands slipped on the table. 8.600

Talley (UWW): Blind full to gienger is nice. Bail to horizontal. Clips the low bar into her blind full double tuck, but nice leg form and landing. 9.650

Zeilinger (UWO): Goes for a yurchenko full and has to tuck it down and lands shorts. UWO will be counting a fall on vault. 8.725

Copeland (UWW): True shaposh to a pak with some legs apart. Great half pirouette right on top of the bar. Ends with a solid blind full to a double tuck with a hop forward. Great improvement from Copeland. 9.750

Evans (UWO): Yurchenko half and gets lost in the air. Sits it down. 8.900

Magel (UWW): Blind change into a piked jeager. Bail handstand down to the lowbar. Another great double layout, but pikes it down and jumps back out of it. 9.725.

McConkay (UWO): Almost sticks the tuck full but hops back. Chest is up. Very nice. 9.600

Gough (UWW): Blind to a straddle jeager. Maybe a tiny bit close. Bail handstand. Another great double layout with a hop back. Warhawks are killing it with these double layouts today. 9.525

Lucero (UWO): Yurchenko layout full. Pikes it down a bit. but legs are straight and together. Just a hop. 9.725

Goodwin (UWW): Nice first handstand into her maloney. Kip handstand blind change into a crisp straddle back. Over on the high bar handstand. Gets back up with a blind full to double tuck. 9.150

McGibboney (UWO): Yurchenko full with a small hop back. Doesn’t get her usually pop off the table. 9.725

Great exhibition from Carley Scott.

After 2: UWW 96.650 UWO 94.100

UWW builds on its early lead and now sits 2.5 points ahead of the Titans.

Rotation 3: UWW BB  UWO FX

Magel (UWW): Handspring layout. Covers her wobbles well. Nice arial. Straddle quarter to side facing straddle jump. Round off 1.5 with a big step forward. 9.675

Warkentien (UWO): Double tuck with a step back. Chest is a little down. Ends with a rudi. Is a little bit underrotated. 9.550

Swiebocki (UWW): Handspring handspring layout step out and is off. Front toss and is off again. beat jump to split 3/4. gainer pike off the end with a step forward. 8.225

Radojevich (UWO): Opens with a back 1.5 to a front full. Round off double tuck with just a step back. 9.650

Haberstock (UWW): Solid on the handspring layout stepout. Another straddle 3/4. Leans on the side arial, but saves it. round off 1.5 with a big step forward. 9.550

Lucero (UWO): Big double tuck to open and controls the step back. Front lay to a front full and sits it down. 8.875

Gupta (UWW): Handspring layout stepout with a small lean. Front tuck and has a leg up wobble, but keeps it on. Beat jump to a split 3/4. Round off 1.5 and couldn’t see the landing. 9.675

Cienkus (UWO): Front tuck through to a back 2.5 into a controlled step. Front lay to a rudi to a huge split jump to a lunge. Nice. 9.750

Kolhoff (UWW): Side arial is solid. Handspring layout with an extra step back and a small lean. Handspring 1.5 off the end. 9.675

Ratkowski (UWO): Front lay to a front rudi with just a step back. Nice. Switch half to wolf full. Ends with a big double tuck with a controlled step. 9.775

Hammond (UWW): Handspring layout step out and is off. Switch leap to a big straddle half. Cartwheel. Gainer lay out step out. Love it. Sticks the gainer full off the side. 9.100

McGibboney (UWO): Roundoff double pike with a step back. Johnson to a straddle jump. Front lay to a front rudi. Mistimes her punch and rudi is a little wonky, but she gets it around. 9.725

After 3: UWW 144.325 UWO 142.550

After a stellar floor rotation UWO is now just under 2 points behind the Warhawks. That 2 points will be hard to make up.

Rotation 4: UWW FX UWO BB

Dudziak (UWW): Double pike to start. Jumps to a lunge. Front handspring front full to front tuck. Nice! Double tuck and jumps to lunge. Good start for the Warhawks 9.675

Ratowski (UWO): Off on the handspring layout stepout to start. Off again on the jumps. Switch leap to a stunning switch half. Sticks the gainer pike off the end. 8.550

Haberstock (UWW): 1.5 to front layout to a very controled step. Switch side to a popa. Falls backwards and out of bounds on her double pike to end. 8.950

Warkentien (UWO): So steady on the handspring layout stepout. Split is a little short on the switch half. Switch leap to straddle quarter. Ends with a roundoff 1.5 with a step forward. 9.550

Jenks-Recker (UWW): Front handspring to front double full with a step forward. Huge! Switch half to wolf full wolf full. Front handspring to rudi to back tuck. Right to a lunge. Nice! 9.700

Cienkus (UWO): Front arial to a split jump. great flexabilty there. Handstand layout step out is right on. Sticks the gainer full of the side. Great routine. 9.750

Moore (UWW): Another big double tuck to open! Back 1.5 to a nice front layout. Front handspring to a rudi with just a step. Great landings throughout. 9.750

Hayden (UWO): Nails the handspring layout step out. Cat leap to front toss to beat jump. Sticks the roundoff 1.5! Great. 9.700

Kolhoff (UWW): front handspring front full front layout. little bit of a leg separation. Switch half to split 1.5. Huge double tuck to close with a controled step. Big height on the double tuck. 9.800

Steele (UWO): Another solid handspring layout. Like clockwork. Front arial is right on. Roundoff 1.5 with a step forward. 9.725

Goodwin (UWW): Front through to a roundoff double back, but steps out. No backhandspring needed! Double pike and nearly sticks it! Such a fun routine. 9.725

Romano (UWO): Front handspring to back handspring is beautiful. Front toss to split jump and is off. Sticks the gainer pike off the end. 8.900

FINAL: UWW 192.975 UWO 190.275

VT: 9.725 Chloe Hammond, Mia Lucero, Reanna McGibboney
UB: 9.775 Zoe Krull
BB: 9.750 Delaney Cienkus
FX: 9.800
Kelsey Kollhoff

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Live blog by Mary

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