It’s regionals time—one of the most exciting five days of the college gymnastics calendar! We wrote up extensive previews over the past week to prepare you for the days ahead and which you can find linked below. Because of that, this Mount is a bit shorter than normal. Check out our predictions, make your own, then test out the postseason simulator for a bit more fun.
CGN Pick’em
Brandis (Last Time: 6-6; Overall: 45-34)
- Ann Arbor
- Round one: Illinois
- Round two semifinal one: Alabama, Michigan
- Round two semifinal two: Oklahoma, Ohio State
- Regional final: Oklahoma, Alabama
- Berkeley
- Round one: Southern Utah
- Round two semifinal one: Denver, UCLA
- Round two semifinal two: California, Auburn
- Regional final: California, UCLA
- Fayetteville
- Round one: Boise State
- Round two semifinal one: Kentucky, Arkansas
- Round two semifinal two: LSU, Oregon State
- Regional final: Kentucky, LSU
- Gainesville
- Round one: Clemson
- Round two semifinal one: Utah, Michigan State
- Round two semifinal two: Florida, Missouri
- Regional final: Florida, Utah
Claire (Last Time: 7-5; Overall: 44-31)
- Ann Arbor
- Round one: Illinois
- Round two semifinal one: Alabama, Michigan
- Round two semifinal two: Oklahoma, N.C. State
- Regional final: Oklahoma, Alabama
- Berkeley
- Round one: Southern Utah
- Round two semifinal one: Denver, UCLA
- Round two semifinal two: California, Auburn
- Regional final: California, Denver
- Fayetteville
- Round one: BYU
- Round two semifinal one: Kentucky, Arkansas
- Round two semifinal two: LSU, Minnesota
- Regional final: Kentucky, LSU
- Gainesville
- Round one: Clemson
- Round two semifinal one: Utah, Michigan State
- Round two semifinal two: Florida, Missouri
- Regional final: Utah, Michigan State
Elizabeth (Last Time: 9-3; Overall: 51-24)
- Ann Arbor
- Round one: Illinois
- Round two semifinal one: Alabama, Michigan
- Round two semifinal two: Oklahoma, Ohio State
- Regional final: Oklahoma, Michigan
- Berkeley
- Round one: Southern Utah
- Round two semifinal one: Denver, UCLA
- Round two semifinal two: California, Stanford
- Regional final: California, UCLA
- Fayetteville
- Round one: BYU
- Round two semifinal one: Kentucky, Arkansas
- Round two semifinal two: LSU, Oregon State
- Regional final: LSU, Kentucky
- Gainesville
- Round one: Clemson
- Round two semifinal one: Utah, Michigan State
- Round two semifinal two: Florida, Missouri
- Regional final: Florida, Utah
Emily M (Last Time: 9-3; Overall: 54-21)
- Ann Arbor
- Round one: Illinois
- Round two semifinal one: Alabama, Michigan
- Round two semifinal two: Oklahoma, Ohio State
- Regional final: Oklahoma, Michigan
- Berkeley
- Round one: Southern Utah
- Round two semifinal one: Denver, UCLA
- Round two semifinal two: California, Auburn
- Regional final: UCLA, California
- Fayetteville
- Round one: BYU
- Round two semifinal one: Kentucky, Arkansas
- Round two semifinal two: LSU, Minnesota
- Regional final: Kentucky, LSU
- Gainesville
- Round one: Clemson
- Round two semifinal one: Utah, Michigan State
- Round two semifinal two: Florida, Missouri
- Regional final: Utah, Michigan State
Rebecca (Last Time: 7-5; Overall: 48-27)
- Ann Arbor
- Round one: Illinois
- Round two semifinal one: Alabama, Michigan
- Round two semifinal two: Oklahoma, NC State
- Regional final: Oklahoma, Michigan
- Berkeley
- Round one: Southern Utah
- Round two semifinal one: Denver, UCLA
- Round two semifinal two: California, Auburn
- Regional final: UCLA, California
- Fayetteville
- Round one: BYU
- Round two semifinal one: Kentucky, Arkansas
- Round two semifinal two: LSU, Minnesota
- Regional final: Kentucky, Arkansas
- Gainesville
- Round one: Clemson
- Round two semifinal one: Utah, Michigan State
- Round two semifinal two: Florida, Missouri
- Regional final: Florida, Utah
Want to join in on the predictions? Tag us on social media with your picks then tune into the meets to see how well you do!
How to Watch
Looking for more info on how to watch your favorite gymnasts and teams in action? Head to our master schedule for all the scoring, video, and live blog links, or head to our annual “How to Watch” article to see what platforms you have access to with various streaming services.
Ann Arbor Regional Round One
Fayetteville Regional Round One
Ann Arbor Regional Round Two Session One
Gainesville Regional Round One
Fayetteville Regional Round Two Session One
Berkeley Regional Round One
Ann Arbor Regional Round Two Session Two
Fayetteville Regional Round Two Session Two
Gainesville Regional Round Two Session One
Berkeley Regional Round Two Session One
Gainesville Regional Round Two Session Two
Berkeley Regional Round Two Session Two
Ann Arbor Regional Final
Fayetteville Regional Final
Gainesville Regional Final
Berkeley Regional Final
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Article by the editors of College Gym News