Tonight’s MAC showdown between No. 47 Eastern Michigan and No. 42 Central Michigan is set to be a thrilling matchup.
Central Michigan is coming off a strong week, securing back-to-back wins against UW-Oshkosh, SEMO, and Ball State. Luciana Alvarado-Reid led the way, winning the all-around in both meets and consistently delivering for the Chippewas. Eastern Michigan, meanwhile, fell to Western Michigan in week six but had standout moments, including Raisa Boris’ all-around victory. Alvarado-Reid and Boris are evenly matched, with all-around averages of 39.000 and 39.070, respectively, making the individual competition just as exciting as the team battle.
Follow along with ESPN+ and scores as we watch this meet unfold with a MAC conference win on the line!
Here we go!
Rotation 1: CMU VT, EMU UB
Shannon (CMU): Yurchenko full with a step back. Good position in the air. 9.725
Chemotti (EMU): Toe on hand to Tkachev, transition to low bar with leg separation, hit last handstand, dismounts with double layout and a stick. 9.700
Bootz (CMU): Front handspring, front tuck with half out with step on landing. 9.700
Evans (EMU): Maloney to Pak with leg separation and flexed feet. Dismounts with double layout and a step forward. 9.575
Skrupa (CMU): Yurchenko full with a hop backward. Leg separation off board. 9.675
Luciana Alvarado-Reid |
Cantu (EMU): Jaeger with flexed feet, transition to low bar is shaky, good last handstand, strong dismount. 9.450
Alvarado-Reid (CMU): Yurchenko full with larger hop back. 9.775
Solorio (EMU): Maloney, Toe shoot to handstand, toe shoot with slight leg separation, dismounts with double layout and a tiny hop. 9.700
Wellmeier (CMU): Yurchenko full and a hop back. Far on the table and didn’t get the best block. 9.725
Boris (EMU): Long wait for Solorio’s score. Mount up from low bar to high bar, good handstand, pike Jaeger and a fall, remounts to shoot over and dismounts with full twisting double back to a stick. 8.700
Kmieciak (CMU): Yurchenko full and falls to her knees. 9.025
Lowe (EMU): Mounts from low to high bar, blind change to pike Jaeger, Pak Salto, good last handstand, toe front pike with half out and chest down. 9.725
Pelfrey (EX-CMU): Yurchenko full and a step to the side. A little form in the air. 9.500
Germond (EX-CMU): Yurchenko full and a stuck landing. A little piked down.
After 1: CMU 48.600, EMU 48.150
Central Michigan has the lead after rotation one. Both teams had a fall toward the end of its line up and luckily both teams didn’t count the fall. Central Michigan will want to build off its good vault rotation as it heads to bars. Eastern Michigan has a few tenths to make up and will want to focus on clean vaults with stuck landings.
Rotation 2: EMU VT, CMU UB
Brushwood (EMU): Front handspring, front tuck with half out and small hop back. 9.550
Shannon (CMU): Piked Jaeger to Bail handstand, dismounts with double layout and a step back. 9.800
Lowe (EMU): Yurchenko layout half and comes in a little low and arched. 9.525
Johnson (CMU): Mounts high bar, toe hand release move and clean transition to low bar and dismounts with double layout and a small hop forward. 9.825
Boris (EMU): Yurchenko full on pike off and lands with chest down and a step forward. 9.475
Applegat (CMU): Gienger and immediate transition to low bar. Great last handstand and beautiful double layout dismount. 9.850
Cantu (EMU): Yurchenko full a little flat and off to the side. 9.650
Schwab (CMU): Immediate fall to start, Gienger, transition to low bar and bends and hits leg on floor, double layout dismount. 8.700
Fisher (EMU): Nice Yurchenko full with a large hop back. 9.725
Alvarado-Reid (CMU): Maloney to Pak Salto with beautiful form, great last handstand, blind change full to a double tuck dismount and a bounce up. 9.800
Lucas (EMU): Yurchenko full in tuck position and a low landing with large step to the side. 9.325
Kmieciak (CMU): Maloney to immediate shoot over, good last handstand and double layout to a tiny hop back. 9.775
Zimmerman (EX-EMU): Blind change to straddle Jaeger and a fall, Pak Salto, nice last handstand full pirouette to a double tuck and a step forward. 8.850
After 2: CMU 97.650, EMU 96.125
Central Michigan had a solid bars rotation with beautiful form and it was able to drop a fall. Eastern Michigan struggled with vault landings which resulted in a few lower scores. As a result, Central Michigan has taken a substantial lead.
Rotation 3: CMU BB, EMU FX
Light (CMU): Full turn and dances out of it, BHS to side aerial combo a little tentative, switch leap combo is solid, side somi, dismounts with gainer pike. 9.775
Chemotti (EMU): Open with double pike with too much power and jumps out of bounds, switch leap to switch ring, next pass back 1.5 full to punch front layout that is a little whipped vs. floaty. 9.625
Pelfrey (CMU): Side aerial is solid, full turn, switch leap to switch three quarter and bends a little at the hip, nice side aerial roundoff combo and dismounts with cartwheel gainer full to a stick. 9.350
Karle (EMU): Opens with Rudi to punch back layout and immediate jump, next pass is punch double front full, fun dance and energy throughout. 9.675
Applegat (CMU): Switch leap, switch leap, pike jump is solid, BHS LOSO is nicely done, beat jump to standing LOSO and a slight balance check, dismounts with RO 1.5 full and a small step forward. 9.750
Lowe (EMU): Opens with a Rudi to LOSO nicely done, switch side to straddle jump leap series is solid, next pass is double pike with shoulders a little forward. 9.800
Shannon (CMU): BHS BHS LOSO and a little off balance but stays on, full turn, switch leap to switch side and small balance check, dismounts with RO 1.5 full and fights for the landing. 9.725
Fisher (EMU): Opens with punch front layout to front full with a large step out, switch side to Popa is strong, next pass is double pike and lands on her heels with a couple steps backward. 9.675
Alvarado-Reid (CMU): Split mount, BHS LOSO is solid, switch leap to switch half and back leg is a little low, beat jump to aerial is solid, dismounts with gainer pike and a small step back. 9.775
Brushwood (EMU): Opens with front layout to Rudi, beautiful leap series, next pass is a double tuck and an uncontrolled bounce back. 9.875
Skrupa (CMU): Switch leap mount, front aerial to BHS is clean and solid, full turn, switch leap to split jump, cat leap to side aerial, BHS 1.5 full with a stuck landing. Beautiful routine. 9.825
Boris (EMU): Opens with huge double pike to a great landing, next pass is RO 1.5 full to a punch front layout, gorgeous leap series, closes with a double tuck to a great landing. Nice one. 9.825
Zimmerman (EX-CMU): Candle mount, wolf turn, switch leap to split jump is well done, BHS LOSO and a fall, switch half back leg a little low to beat jump, punch front layout full dismount. 9.225
Antonio (EX-EMU): Front layout to punch front full to open, leap series is solid, dismounts with a punch front Rudi to immediate punch jump.
Murray (EX-CMU): Full turn is unique – leg up and then turns, aerial with a lot of height, switch leap to wolf jump, front toss is solid, dismounts with punch front full and a step to the side.
After 3: CMU 146.500. EMU 144.975
Central Michigan continues with a commanding lead after the third rotation. It had a solid beam rotation highlighted by Skrupa’s 9.825 in the anchor position. Eastern Michigan had a good rotation highlighted by three 9.800+ scores from Lowe, Brushwood, and Boris.
Rotation 4: EMU BB, CMU FX
Lowe (EMU): BHS LOSO and a small step forward, cat leap series, aerial to straddle jump, full turn, RO 1.5 full dismount with a step. 9.575
Skrupa (CMU): Opens with a huge double pike to controlled landing, next pass is RO 1.5 full to punch front layout, switch ring to switch side is clean, closes with double tuck and chest down but good landing. 9.800
Solorio (EMU): Side aerial to BHS with small wobble, full turn, switch leap to split jump leap series is solid, dismounts with RO 1.5 full with a tiny hop. 9.750
Zimmerman (CMU): Opens with punch front double full and a large step out, switch ring to switch side to Popa, next pass is punch front layout to front full to a clean landing. 9.825
Childress (EMU): Mounts with front tuck onto the beam (wow), BHS LOSO with slight wobble, leap series is solid, dismounts with RO 1.5 full and a small hop forward.
Appleget (CMU): Opens with punch front through to double pike with great landing, solid leap series, next pass is punch front full to floaty layout and another great landing. 9.875
Fisher (EMU): Front toss to immediate BHS is solid, split jump to split three quarter and back leg is low, dismounts with cartwheel gainer full off the side of the beam. 9.800
Bootz (CMU): Opens with a Rudi to a good landing, solid leap series, next pass is RO 1.5 full to punch from layout, switch leap to wolf full to wolf full is solid.
Boris (EMU): Solid BHS BHS LOSO, full turn, beat jump to split jump three quarter, dismounts with RO 1.5 full to a stick. Great routine.
Wellmeier (CMU): Opens with a huge double pike and a hop at the end, next pass is RO 1.5 full to front pike and a good landing, switch half to Popa to Popa, closes with double back to an uncontrolled landing. 9.800
Chemotti (EMU): Full turn, front aerial to BHS LOSO is solid, standing switch jump to split jump, BHS 1.5 full to a stick. Nice. 9.925
Alvardo-Reid (CMU): Opens with FHS Rudi to stag jump, clean leap series, closes with RO 1.5 full to punch front layout. 9.775
Antonio (EX-EMU): Split jump to split three quarter, front aerial to back tuck is solid, full turn, side aerial to a balance check, dismounts with cartwheel gainer full of the side. 9.450
Parker (EX-CMU): opens with double pike and a little short on the landing with lunge forward, leap series is solid. 9.550
Izaks (EX-CMU): Opens with punch Rudi to LOSO and a foot out of bounds, switch side jump to straddle half is solid, closes with RO double tuck and is a little short with large lunge forward. 9.600
FINAL: CMU 195.625, EMU 194.050
Both teams ended on their best rotations, and they did not disappoint. Eastern Michigan’s beam rotation is jam packed with unique skills while Central Michigan’s floor rotation is performed beautifully. Central Michigan led since the beginning of the meet and will take home the MAC conference win tonight. Alvarado-Reid had another solid all-around competition and will take the win.
VT: Alvarado-Reid (CMU), 9.775
UB: Appleget (CMU), 9.850
BB: Chemotti (EMU), 9.925
FX: Appleget (CMU), Brushwood (EMU), 9.875
AA: Alvarado-Reid (CMU), 39.125
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Live blog by Jackie Craig