Christiane Popovich

Recruiting Roundup: May 2024

Catch up on who has committed to begin their collegiate careers in the coming two seasons.

Commitment Changes

Alyssa Orgen ‘24 Florida > Kentucky

Adriana Consoli ‘25 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Georgia> Auburn

New Commitments

For a full list of recruits and where they are committed, check out our complete database. To learn more about the gymnasts, click their name to visit their CGN profile where you can see their high scores, links to their MyMeetScores page(s) and social media accounts, and more.

Commits (Class of 2024)

Gymnast NCAA Team High Scores
Alyssa Bigler


Air Force CGN Profile
Zoe Axell Southern Connecticut CGN Profile
Ellorie Cain LIU CGN Profile
Camryn Chiu Pittsburgh CGN Profile
Kaela Copeland Sacramento State CGN Profile
Christianna Cutler UW-Oshkosh CGN Profile
Alexa Denton Simpson CGN Profile
Michaela Duffy Ursinus CGN Profile
Taylor Dunn New Hampshire CGN Profile
Averie Evans UW-Oshkosh CGN Profile
Madelynn Farragher Ithaca My Meet Scores
Grace Flanagan Southern Connecticut CGN Profile
Tayah Graham Cortland CGN Profile
Kendall Guy Fisk CGN Profile
Nazstazia-Simone Henry-Jubitana Temple My Meet Scores
Zella Harper Air Force CGN Profile
Lillian Hunt Rhode Island My Meet Scores
Anna Ichiba Centenary My Meet Scores
Ella Isley William and Mary CGN Profile
Brenna Johnson Springfield My Meet Scores
Kaviana Jurries (was ‘23) San Jose State My Meet Scores
Carly Kliewer LIU CGN Profile
Emma Langdon Brockport CGN Profile
Mary Lloyd UW- Oshkosh CGN Profile
Ashley Locker LIU CGN Profile
Brianna Lucas Eastern Michigan CGN Profile
Ava-Lee Maclean LIU CGN Profile
Madalyn McCormic UW-La Crosse CGN Profile
Laniyah Montgomery Fisk CGN Profile
McKenna Myers UW-LaCrosse CGN Profile
Anna Lee Phillips  SEMO CGN Profile
Emma Reathaford Temple CGN Profile
Avah Reichow UC Davis CGN Profile
Chloe Sills San Jose State CGN Profile
Kaelyn Skeel West Virginia CGN Profile
Addisyn Hurley Snow Oklahoma CGN Profile
Analiah Solorio Eastern Michigan CGN Profile
Leah Spinney Springfield CGN Profile
Aiyana Thomas Fisk My Meet Scores
Haleigh Welch LIU My Meet Scores
Rachel Welch Simpson My Meet Scores
Reese Wilson Iowa CGN Profile
Zoe Zirbel Hamline My Meet Scores

Commits (Class of 2025)

Gymnast NCAA Team High Scores
Christiane Popovich


Minnesota CGN Profile
Isabella Ciolfi


Western Michigan CGN Profile
Alexandra Reddick


Central Michigan CGN Profile
Hannah Aoki North Carolina CGN Profile
Elena Brian UC Davis CGN Profile
Rilyn Harris Boise State CGN Profile
Macy Nihart Eastern Michigan CGN Profile
Taylor Sanders Iowa State CGN Profile
Anna Pearl Stanley North Carolina CGN Profile
Maiya Terry Missouri CGN Profile
Ava Thurston Ball State CGN Profile
Lulu Ton-That Brown CGN Profile

READ THIS NEXT: Recruits With Unique Skills to Get Excited About

Article by Katie Couldrey