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Leotard Rankings: Week 6

When the college gymnastics season rolls around, some fans are excited for perfect 10s while others look forward to difficult skills and fun choreography. But we’re not going to lie. While those things are great, we love the leos most of all. And so, we’re back for another season of leotard rankings!

Each week we’re analyzing new designs to find our weekly faves. As always, leos can earn up to three points for design, up to one point each for fabric, sparkle, school spirit, and uniqueness, and up to three points for overall appearance. This week Savanna, Mary Emma, Tara, and Julianna are joining editor-in-chief Elizabeth for judging. And, reminder that each season we save all the NCGA and USAG new team leos to judge together at the end of each division’s respective postseason, so be on the lookout for our thoughts on those then!

Don’t agree with our ranking? Make your opinion heard by voting in the fan poll at the end of the article each week or by voicing your thoughts on social media!

Stanford: 9.300

View a video of the leotard here and view pictures of leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 9.600

Design 2.9/3, Fabric 1.0/1, Sparkle 1.0/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 3.0/3

WOW! You go, Stanford! I am obsessed with this and am having a hard time finding something negative about it.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 8.700

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 1/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.7/3

Love, love, LOVE! I’m normally not a high neck girlie, but it definitely works with this design. The strappy back is also to die for. My one minor complaint is that I wish the sleeves had been a matte white instead of the mesh, but overall, this design is a winner!

Mary Emma Brambila illustrated headshotMary Emma: 9.000

Design 2.7/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 1.0/1, School Spirit 1.0/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.8/3

While Stanford may not exactly be winning the gymnastics game this season, it is undoubtedly winning the leotard game. I love pretty much everything about this, from the ombré sleeves, to the strappy back, to the sparkly logo on the front. I do wish the sleeves matched the white on the front a little better, but that’s really my only complaint.

Tara Graeve Illustrated HeadshotTara: 9.400

Design 2.9/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 1.0/1, School Spirit 1.0/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.9/3

I absolutely love this from Stanford! Big logos on the chest don’t always work, but the rest of the front is simplistic enough and the deep V accentuates it well. I love the varying shades of cardinal, but the crossy back is my favorite part—the bands of red from the front also carry to the back nicely. Plus, I love the placement of the sparkles, and there’s not too much of them, either! GORGEOUS. 

Julianna: 9.900

Design 3/3, Fabric 1/1, Sparkle1/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 3/3

Perfect. I LOVE this leo. I seriously wouldn’t change a thing; they got everything right. The different shades of the red, the sparkles, the mesh, the BACK (undoubtedly my favorite part). The cut of this is so flattering and every detail is just right. First the angry tree, now this! Stanford’s leotard designers are *chef’s kiss* this year. 

Penn: 7.740

View picture of leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 8.500

Design 2.7/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.7/3

Ooo! I love this! It’s athletic and glam all at the same time. I love the relatively simple design, too, because it really makes the colors pop. Maybe my favorite Penn leo to date.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 7.000

Design 1.8/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 2.3/3

This varsity style athletic leo trend has been pretty popular over the last couple of seasons, and I’ve honestly been tired of it. However, I do love the way Penn did this style. The open back works; my only real complaint is that the sparkles feel randomly placed. Overall a solid leo!

Mary Emma Brambila illustrated headshotMary Emma: 8.000

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.6/3

Penn has been killing the leo game over the last several seasons, and this is no exception. The white makes the Penn on the front pop, and the cascading sparkles look really elegant. 

Tara Graeve Illustrated HeadshotTara: 6.700

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.4/1, Overall Appearance 2.1/3

This isn’t anything super special, but it’s very solid. I love the way the cascading rhinestones give it flair, and the open back is a nice touch. 

Julianna: 8.500

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 1/1, Sparkle 1/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

I like the ‘modern throwback’ vibe I’m getting from this leo. I don’t think it is the most unique ever, but I love the simplicity in the little details–specifically the open back–and the way the sparkles come down the chest. I also personally love the length of the sleeves since I would always end up rolling mine up to this length anyway, so I love that this was taken into consideration in the design! I think this leo is really flattering and will stand the test of time because of how clean it is overall.

Oregon State: 7.700

View pictures of the leotard here and a video here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 7.100

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.6/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.2/3

I, of course, love the orange, but I’m so-so on the design of this leo. It looks test paired with white, and I love the back, but it doesn’t scream Oregon State to me, funnily enough.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 7.500

Design 2.2/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.9/1, School Spirit 0.5/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.3/3

Oregon State is one of those schools that can take orange and incorporate it into a leotard really well and this is a good example of that. I love the ombre sleeves and the side cutouts, which I normally hate. I like the back, but I’d like it more if it was all strappy.

Mary Emma Brambila illustrated headshotMary Emma: 8.100

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

Another good Oregon State leo! I love a good Orange leo when it’s done well, and this is done really well. I don’t even mind the cutouts that much, which is saying something. I do wish the back was actually open and didn’t have that extra fabric there because it takes away from the design a little for me.

Tara Graeve Illustrated HeadshotTara: 7.900

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

Hello, orange! Orange can be hit or miss, but this one is definitely a hit for me. The orange is balanced well with the white, and I love the starburst-like pattern on the front. Plus, the crossy back is nice.

Julianna: 7.900

Design 2.2/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 1/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.3/3

I do really like this leo, I would have just made a couple of tweaks to the final product. For one, my favorite thing about this is the sparkle and the orange-to-white ombre sleeve, but I could have done without the side cut outs and the strip of mesh down the front. I like that Oregon State chose not to go full out orange, and used the white to break it up. I do really like the overall design; its simple but not boring. I also really love the back straps, but I think making the straps across the back thicker and taking away the mesh for an open back would’ve really given this extra wow factor point overall. 

North Carolina: 7.150

View video of leotard here

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 6.600

Design 1.8/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.0/3

I love the back, as well as the sparkle drip design on the belt. The front to me is meh. The way the V goes down so far but isn’t a true neckline makes it look weird. This could have been good, but it’s just not quite there.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 7.100

Design 2.2/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.4/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.4/3

Love the color scheme! The design overall is really good, I’m so happy the deep V isn’t made with mesh or anything crazy. I think I would like the white belt part a little smaller, but that is a minor correction. Strappy back is also a win!

Mary Emma Brambila illustrated headshotMary Emma: 8.000

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

LOVE! Carolina Blue just looks so good on a leotard, and the strappy back is perfection. I wish the sparkle patterns on the front matched a bit better because there’s a lot going on, but overall this is a win!

Tara Graeve Illustrated HeadshotTara: 7.800

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.4/3

I love the front of this, from the deep V, ombre, and rhinestone pattern on the chest and the dripping rhinestones on the belt. The ombre sleeves are also a nice touch. I don’t love the back as much as the front, but the crossy straps are solid, and the simpler back pairs well with the more intricate front.

Julianna: 6.300

Design 2/3, Fabric 0.4/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 2/3

Carolina blue is my favorite blue, but this leo just had a little too much going on for me. I like all of the details separately, but all together, it was a little overwhelming. I think taking away the deep V and the white band and leaving the front as is–because I do like that design–would have been more elegant. I think with a more simplistic front, plus letting all the back details shine on their own, would’ve done more for this leo as a whole.

UC Davis: 6.750

View picture of leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 6.400

Design 1.8/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 1.7/3

This is very different than what UC Davis has in the rest of its closet. I don’t know how I feel about the paint splotch design, but I do like incorporating yellow into the design, which isn’t something Davis does a lot of.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 7.700

Design 2.2/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.6/1, Uniqueness 1/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

Definitely wins for the most unique design of the weekend. In all seriousness, I think this is a good design. I think the yellow should not have made its way down to the dark blue of the front because it looks slightly out of place, but this is a good leo for the Aggies!

Mary Emma Brambila illustrated headshotMary Emma: 7.400

Design 2.1/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 1.0/1, Overall Appearance 2.2/3

This leo is definitely unique, and I don’t quite know how I feel about it. It’s not bad but it’s not my favorite. The paint splotches are interesting and add a unique flair to the design. They kind of make me think of dog spots, which I’m choosing to believe is an ode to UC Davis’ vet school, which is ranked No. 1 in the country.

Tara Graeve Illustrated HeadshotTara: 7.200

Design 2.2/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 0.6/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.2/3

The more I look at it, the more I’m drawn to it. It’s certainly unique! I enjoy the painted-on look and pairing the mostly navy bodice with gold accents is the way to go. 

Julianna: 5.000

Design  1.2/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 0.5/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 1.5/3

I like this leo mainly because it makes you look. The yellow streaks are really eye-catching, and I like the way UC Davis worked in the yellow, which could be a bit overwhelming otherwise. Looking through what leos they already have, I would love to see something other than the ‘sweetheart neckline’ just because they already have a few like this. I like this for the different details it pulls in, it’s just not my favorite this week.

Oklahoma: 6.700

View a video of this leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 7.500

Design 2.2/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.3/3

It’s the week of athletic designs, apparently! I love this one but not as much as Penn’s. The thing that stands out to me most is the different shades of red between the matte and mystique fabrics. I think if the leo was all matte, it would be phenomenal, but Oklahoma doesn’t really do all matte designs.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 6.200

Design 1.6/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.4/1, Overall Appearance 1.9/3

This has some hits and misses for me personally. I’m not really sure why the bottom is a completely different shade of crimson than the top; it almost makes it look out of place. I do like the back, and that the OU logo is subtle and not too flashy, but I do wish it was more open. 

Mary Emma Brambila illustrated headshotMary Emma: 7.100

Design 1.8/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.3/3

I like this! I love the athletic look of this leo, and the shade of red really pops, but I don’t know why they used a different shade for the bottom because it looks disjointed. It doesn’t look like every other new Oklahoma leo, so that’s a win.

Tara Graeve Illustrated HeadshotTara: 6.400

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 1.7/3

The crimson and white is very classic Oklahoma, and I like how “Sooners” and the OU logo are incorporated in the striping of the front and back, respectively. I’m not sure why the decision was made to mix the matte and mystique fabrics, but it looks even worse in the pictures than it did in motion. The one thing that’s missing for me is a little extra dimension, something like the use of black around the main striping like the original version of this leo had.

Julianna: 6.200

Design 1.8/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.3/1, Overall Appearance 1.9/3

I don’t not like this leo, it’s just not my favorite Oklahoma leo ever. This looks to be an updated version of a leotard Oklahoma debuted a couple of years back. I do like this one more, so I’m not mad about the upgrade. I was thrown at first by the two tones of red, but the more I look at it, and seeing it in competition, it is really unique. I think what is throwing me about this is all of the additional white accents under ‘Sooners’ on the sides and elsewhere. I think I would have liked this a little more without all the extras.

Kent State: 5.200

View video of leotard here

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 6.400

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 0.6/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 2.0/3

It’s an updated version of the “real” throwback leo they always wear, but not much was changed. I still love the crushed velvet, but I wish the logo on the front was a bit easier to see. It’s hard in still images, and almost impossible in motion.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 6.100

Design 1.6/3, Fabric 1/1, Sparkle 0.4/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.4/1, Overall Appearance 1.9/3

Looking at the preview for this I was so excited for the possibilities, but it’s a little too plain for me. I will always be a fan of velvet, but it could’ve used something else to make it stand out a little more. Maybe incorporate black or add more sparkle so you could read the logo. It’s good, but needs more.

Mary Emma Brambila illustrated headshotMary Emma: 4.900

Design 1.3/3, Fabric 1.0/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 0.6/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 1.0/3

I do like a good crushed velvet leo, but I wish this one had a little more to it. From a distance, I don’t think you’d even be able to read the logo, so it really just looks like a solid blue leo to me.

Tara Graeve Illustrated HeadshotTara: 4.000

Design 0.6/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.4/1, Overall Appearance 1.0/3

I love the idea of modernizing a throwback leo, but this is just a little too plain. It just looks like any other plain velvet leo. I do like modernizing the logo on the front with rhinestones, however.

Julianna: 4.500

Design 1/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 0.3/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 1.5/3

This could’ve been so good but I needed so much more from it. I am a velvet leo lover, but this truly looks just like a plain blue velvet leo. Watching the leo in the lights in the video, I love the concept of it being two toned. I like where they were going with the design being a revamp on a throwback, but none of this really comes across during competition. I think they had a good idea, but they didn’t quite hit the mark. 

BONUS! Minnesota: 5.600

View video and picture of leotard here

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 5.700

Design 1.5/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 0.6/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 1.5/3

I’m really glad Minnesota realized the flub on the first iteration of this design and corrected it this year, but it’s also a good lesson in always seeing samples before ordering a whole team’s worth of leos. Unless they thought the iteration actually looked good and only corrected it after fans called it out?

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 4.900

Design 0.9/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 1.5/3

So, I was one of the lucky ones that got to rate this the first time it debuted and I struggled to find something good to say about it. I think it has definitely improved, but still struggles in some areas. My biggest compliment is the improvement of the mesh; it’s a much better match with all of the gymnasts. Now can we fix the sleeves next?

Mary Emma Brambila illustrated headshotMary Emma: 4.400

Design 1.0/3, Fabric 0.4/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 1.0/3

I am and always will be a nude mesh hater, but props to Minnesota for redoing it and making it somewhat tolerable compared to the original.

Tara Graeve Illustrated HeadshotTara: 5.700

Design 1.7/3, Fabric 0.4/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 1.5/3

I’m still not a fan of the amount of mesh, but I’m glad they fixed it from the previous iteration of the leo. It’s a solid design overall—I especially enjoy the asymmetrical pattern on the front—it’s just too much mesh for my liking. 

Julianna: 7.400

Design 2.2/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 1/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2/3

I actually really do like this leo, I think the cut and the mesh open back is really flattering. I am even more glad that Minnesota fixed the mesh after debuting it in 2023. As for the actual design, I do think its unique, and I love the single strip down the back with ALL the sparkles. I think this will start to become more of a staple for the Gophers having redone the leo and fixed the issues with the mesh, I just wish they didn’t have to go through that the first time! 

Note: This leo is not new but debuted in March 2023.

Fan Poll

Congrats to Sacramento State for winning last week’s fan poll! Vote for your favorite design from this week here.

READ THIS NEXT: Leotard Rankings: Week 5

Article by Elizabeth Grimsley, Savanna Whitten, Mary Emma Brambila, Tara Graeve, and Julianna Roland

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