Happy Friday night with a regular season Pac 12 match up! This is definitely going to be an exciting one. No. 16 Oregon State will be taking on No.4 Utah at home for their first meeting of the 2024 season.
This will be Utah’s second home meet in a row, coming off a big 197.675 last week, which was the second highest score of the season for the Utes. Utah shined last week, scoring over a 49.300 on each event, and debuting six 10.0 start value vaults. This is a big deal for any team, but especially Utah, as this has been an event they have historically struggled on, so having this extra difficulty is undoubtedly paying off. Only having to count one score below a 9.8 on vault last week, this is definitely an area the Utes can improve on even more to give them back a few tenths as they chase their first 198 of the season. Nothing lower than a 9.8 was counted on the other events for the Utes, led by a handful of 9.9 plus scores from super seniors Abby Paulson and Maile O’Keefe, as well as junior Grace McCallum and sophomore transfer Ashley Glynn.
Oregon State last week did not have their best meet going up against California, but came away with their second highest score of the season at a 196.775. The Beavers struggled to score above a 49.150 on all events with the exception of floor where they put up a 49.3. The highest score of the night for Oregon came from Sydney Gonzales with a 9.925 on beam, but the majority of counting scores for Oregon were in the 9.8 to 9.85 range across the board. Oregon State will be losing some of these high scores too, especially on bars and beam, with the absence of Ellie Weaver for the remainder of the season after she unfortunately suffered a lower leg injury this previous week. On top of this, with the absence of Jade Carey from all-around this year, the Beavers are missing these 9.9 plus scores on floor and vault as well, along with the confidence Carey brought to the all-around each week. Approaching the mid point of the season, Oregon will be looking for some different faces to make their mark in the lineup, pay more attention to detail, confidence and consistency in these lineups to fill in some of the gaps where they can get back extra tenths to be breaking the 197 mark on a weekly basis.
If you are able to watch, you can watch here starting at 8:00 EST!
Rotation 1: Utah Vault, OSU Bars
Winger (UU): Starting off the meet with a Yurchenko 1.5, small step back, a little flat. 9.825.
Beeman (OSU): Starts OSU off with a blind piked Jaegar, catches pretty close. Pak, big leg separation, back up to the high bar, stalder to stuck double back! A little loose but a good hit to start Oregon off. 9.725.
Zirbes (UU): Yurchenko 1.5, really off to the left. Looks like she missed her block and steps all the way out of the lines. 9.775.
Briones (OSU): Opens with a Maloney to Pak, really nice connection. Great pirouette on top of the bar, ends with a HUGE double lay, small slide back. 9.850.
Glynn (UU): Yurchenko 1.5, step forward keeps her back foot down and stays in! This was the best of the three so far, so Utah will be looking to build from here! 9.875.
Devries (OSU): Opens with a nice Maloney to Pak, is a little far and touches her feet on the floor. Ends with a double layout with a couple shuffles back. Looked like that rattled her a little. 9.70.
Smith (UU): Yurchenko 1/2 on pike off, Sticks !! (more like bounces in place) That was a great vault! Very controlled and nice height. 9.925.
McMillan (OSU): Maloney to shoot over, really nice and smooth gets the handstand. Dismounts with a stuck double layout with a little arm wave forward, but a great routine to get them back on track! 9.85.
Rucker (UU): A HUGE Yurchenko 1.5 STUCK!!! That’s what she wanted after last week! Just wow. 9.975.
Thompson (OSU): Starts with a Maloney to Pak, beautiful. Dismounts with a double layout, steps back but a great routine for the Beavers! 9.850.
Gilstrap (UU): Yurchenko full, stuck!! That was a really nice vault! Very clean, great height and amplitude. A little to the right side on the landing but stays in bounds.
Carey (OSU): Shy on first handstand, Maloney up to the high bar, full twisting pak back down, so good. Maloney 1/2 back up, legs a little separated and dismounts with a full in and a small hop back.
After 1: Utah 49.525, OSU 49.175
That was a pretty good opening rotation! It started off a little shaky with a both teams having to settle in a bit after the first few routines, but around number three in the lineup, both started hitting their stride! Utah put up 6 10.0 start value vaults which is HUGE for any team, especially with this being an event they’ve historically struggled on. Highlighted with a 9.975 by reigning vault national champion Jaedyn Rucker, the Utes came away with a HUGE 49.525. Oregon State on bars started off a little loose, but came away with a 49.175, counting a high 9.9 from Jade Carey and filling the spot Ellie Weaver would’ve filled if she wasn’t unfortunately injured last weekend. Each score was above a 9.725, but OSU will want to hone in a little more to keep up with Utah in these next few rotations.
Rotation 2: OSU Vault, Utah Bars
Briones (OSU): Opens for OSU on vault with a really nice Yurchenko full, bounces in place but a great vault to start off! Lacked a little amplitude, but a nice, controlled vault. 9.85.
Smith (UU): Starts with a beautiful Pak salto, back up a a nice Maloney 1/2 and ends with a toe on, front pike 1.2 and a small scoot back. A nice opening routine for the Utes. 9.875.
Garcia (OSU): Yurchenko full, really nice distance with a small hop back. 9.825.
Sabado (UU): Her first event of the night! Opens with a nice blind to Jaegar right to shoot over, really good control. Ends with a great double layout, a little hop back, but a great routine! 9.775.
Gonzales (OSU): Yurchenko 1/1 on, pike off, lands a little funny, and finishes on one foot, but she’s good! A little out of control but otherwise a really powerful vault. 9.875.
Morgan (UU): Maloney to open, full twisting pak, a little weird catch, Maloney 1/2 back up and ends with a stalder to tuck 1/2 STUCK! Such a quick routine, jam-packed but really good. 9.875.
Buckner (OSU): Yurchenko 1.5 STUCK! Lands with a little straight legs with her foot on the right line, but wow!! 9.950. (career high!!!!)
Zirbes (UU): Opens with HUGE Ray, but misses the bar and has to remount. Does her Pak, pretty close to the bar and has to kip a little weird. Ends with a full in and a small step back. 9.025.
Thompson (OSU): Yurchenko full, stuck but her chest was too far down and has to hop forward. 9.75.
O’Keefe (UU): Starts with a beautiful Maloney to Pak, misses her pirouette and does a toe on half, ends with a double arabian small hop forward. Not too sure how she saved that, but, she is a pro and made it look like it was supposed to be there, so we will see how its judged! 9.575.
Esposito (OSU): Yurchenko full, got really far back on the table, but keeps it controlled. 9.850.
McCallum (UU): A littlemore pressure for a big score. Maloney to Pak right to stalder, back up to a Maloney 1/2, a little bit of legs on this. Ends with a STUCK full in! Great routine when the Utes were in need of a big score. 9.95.
After 2: Utah 98.575, OSU 98.525
Not a bad rotation by any means, but, I’m not too sure this is the rotation either team wanted. Utah had two low scores, and had to count a 9.575 after an improvised routine from O’Keefe, that looked to fill all the requirements, but the judges disagreed. Junior, Grace McCallum came in clutch with a huge 9.95 in the anchor spot, and some big scores in the beginning of the lineup as well. OSU is less than a tenth behind Utah after two. After this rotation and six solid vaults, highlighted by a career high from freshman Olivia Buckner who stuck a beautiful Yurchenko 1.5., the Beavers are looking more comfortable with each passing routine. This is still anyone’s meet half way through, getting super exciting!
Rotation 3: Utah Beam, OSU Floor
Morgan (UU): In the lead off spot for the Utes! Round off, BHS mount, love. BHS BHS LOSO, solid. Such beautiful extension. Front gainer full dismount with a small step forward. Really nice lead-off for Utah! 9.825.
Briones (OSU): Starts off with a front 1.5 to layout step out, really nice control! Switch 1/2 to straddle full, gets both all the way around. Ends with a double pike, steps forward, just comes out a little early. Besides the falter on the last pass, this was a solid start. 9.725.
Smith (UU): Candle mount to start, Hitch kick, front aerial to split jump, back leg a little low. BHS LOSO, excellent. Switch leap, good. Moon walk with the peace sign, definitely my favorite part. Gainer full stuck to end! That was so fun to watch honestly. 9.850.
Miller (OSU): Opens with a back 1.5 to front lay and sits it down, completely missed her bounce. Really nice double tuck to pick it back up. Switch 1/2 to straddle full, gets both around. The routine they will want to drop, so a little extra pressure on the rest. 9.050.
McCallum (UU): Another candle mount to start. Triple wolf turn to double wolf turn, amazing. That is SO hard. BHS LOSO, perfect. Switch leap series, nice. Gainer tuck full off the end stuck! So good. 9.925.
Gonzales (OSU): Starts with a nice front full to front lay, nice rise. A little short on her switch full. Double pike to end, perfect control. Switch ring to switch half to end. Really nice routine to get them back on track after a fall! 9.875.
Paulson (UU): Starts with beat jump, side aerial to back layout, a little bobble but keeps it on. Really nice leap series. Ends with a Gainer full stuck! Thats why she’s number four in the nation! 9.925.
Young (OSU): Her first appearance tonight! LOVE the music. Starts with a really nice double pike. Double tuck for second pass, hops a little forward. Switch to torjete 1/2 ring. First three pass routine tonight, ending with a nice front lay to front full. 9.9
O’Keefe (UU): Mounts with switch leap to leap, beautiful. Side aerial to LOSO, perfect. Maile’s aggressive beam is like no other. SO good. BHS gainer full, STUCK. Wow. 10.0!!!!! Her 13th (13th!!!!!! ten on beam!)
Esposito (OSU): Has to settle after that energy in the crowd! Front layout to front rudi but goes out of bounds, a little too much power. Switch side to split full, nice, Second pass, round-off double pike, a little squatty on the landing, but keeps it up. 9.750.
Gilstrap (UU): Following a ten, the stage is set for her! Mounts with a split, so pretty. First skill, wolf turn, misses her foot and is off. Front aerial, nice. BHS LOSO, a little sideways but holds on. Switch leap, ring jump, perfect. BHS Gainer full stuck! Besides that wolf turn, that was a really nice routine to end a huge rotation for Utah.
Garcia (OSU): Last up for Oregon, first pass back 1.5 to front layout, nice amplitude. Good leaps down the middle. Ends with a double tuck, but puts her hands down. Unfortunately OSU will have to count a fall on floor. 9.00
After 3: Utah 128,275, OSU 146.825
This was a HUGE rotation for Utah! With a 49.525 highlighted by the 13th 10.0 of O’Keefe on beam alone, all scores counting were above a 9.825 for the Utes. This was definitely what we are more used to seeing from them, and a great way to get off an off bars rotation and move into floor! As for OSU, they will have to count a low score after two falls on floor. The Beavers looked good in their routines, but when. the mistakes happened, they just looked a little hesitant in what they were doing. They will have to bring the aggression to beam in this last rotation to get a score they will want to count for their NQS in the next couple of weeks.
Rotation 4: OSU Beam, Utah Floor
Esposito (OSU): Switch leap, split jump, a little short. BHS LOSO, a little sideways but good. Round off double full, a little hop back, but a good lead-off! 9.775.
Smith (UU): 70s routine!! Yay! Front double full to start, very nice. Second pass rudi to straight layout to stretch jump, really controlled. Great lead off routine for Utah, so so fun.
Buckner (OSU): A little wobble on the full turn. BHS LOSO, another small bobble. Split to double stag jump. Side aerial, looks a little unsure on her skills. BHS 1.5 stuck!! Just needs a little more confidence, but she will as she keeps competing! 9.8.
Gilstrap (UU): Front lay to rudi, huge. Dance, beautiful as always from her. Ends with a front pass with a pretty large step forward. 9.9
McMillan: (OSU) Front toss to BHS swing down, super nice and unique! Switch leap, a little low back leg. Split jump to ring jump. Gainer full, hop back, but a nice routine throughout! 9.875.
Paulson (UU): Taylor Swift routine!! Yay!!! Front through to HUGE 2.5. Really nice control on that. Front lay to front full, really nice. Ends with a back 1.5 to floaty front lay. WOW! That was a huge routine! So joyful. 9.925.
Young (OSU): Front aerial, back tuck, lifts her foot off the beam. Split to ring jump, slight bobble, but covers it. Front gainer full STUCK! Really quick, nice routine. 9.775.
Rucker (UU): Half in half out, lands really short and is down on that. Round off 1.5 to front lay to end, really nice. Even with the fall, that was so enjoyable to watch, such a performance! 9.125.
Gonzales (OSU): Front aerial to back tuck, really smooth. Side aerial, nice. Switch leap to split jump, really nice. Front gainer full, stuck! Really nice beam from OSU so far! 9.875.
O’Keefe (UU): Coming off a 10 on the last event, she should be feeling so confident going into this! Double pike, really big, a little out of control with a slide back. Front lay front full, great control on this pass. Back 1.5 to front lay! A great way to end her night! 9.90
Carey (OSU): Anchoring beam for the Beavers, Carey starts with a front aerial to straddle jump, balance checks on both. Solid BHS LOSO. Switch leap to switch half, very nice. Gainer full off the side. A great way to end the best rotation of the night for Oregon State! 9.9.
McCallum (UU): Starts with a huge full in, slides back a little but stays in. Beautiful dance throughout and ends with a nice front lay to front rudi! A really nice way to end for the Utes overall.
Final: As this meet went on, both teams definitely looked more confident and settled in. There were still mistakes from both teams, but both Utah and OSU made strides this meet. Utah had a great meet overall, but with the mishap on bars, they can definitely get some tenths back moving forward into next week. Utah didn’t have to count a fall, but they easily could have scored in the mid 197s with small fixes and the absence of uncharacteristic mistakes from some veterans. As for OSU, they had to count a fall on floor, but pulled it back together on beam with all scores above a 9.75. The Beavers are still adjusting with some lineup changes due to injuries and the absence of Jade Carey from all-around, but had a pretty solid meet this time out. Moving into next week and coming up on scores beginning to count of RQS, teams will want to start getting some of these lower scores out of their averages, starting strong from the first routine out, and staying strong through the four.
Event Winners:
VT: Rucker (UU) 9.975
UB: McCallum (UU) 9.950
BB: O’Keefe (UU) 10.00
FX: O’Keefe (UU) 9.950
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Live blog by Julianna Roland