After neither team finished the season the way they would have liked in 2023, both Ithaca and Ursinus are looking to end this season a bit differently. After graduating key contributing seniors from both teams, the Bears and Bombers will be looking to returners and newcomers to fill the gaps left from 2023.
The Bombers opened their season at Brockport last weekend with a solid start, but ultimately succumbed to the Golden Eagles with an end score of 189.525-188.475. This meet resulted in some fantastic highs, but also a couple lows. The Bombers top the charts of highest DIII scores on three events: Nicole Lonski with a 9.725 on vault, Kaylie Goodwin with a 9.800 on beam and All-American Grace Murray with a 9.775 on floor. Unfortunately, the Bombers did count a fall on bars and did not put up their best bars performance, but with small struggles here and there, the Bombers had an excellent opening meet weekend and will be looking for more hits at home this weekend.
The Bears opened their season with a home quad meet. The Bears finished in fourth place with a 182.425 due to a struggle on floor and bars, counting two falls on each. The Bears did put up some high individual scores with a 9.600 from freshman Arianna Ellis, a 9.600 on vault and a 9.500 on beam from freshman Erin Roe and a 9.425 from returner Brianna Duffy. The Bears showed some tremendous potential from routines, but will be looking to put together a meet with less falls.
Rotation 1: Ithaca VT Ursinus UB
Miller (VT): Handspring front. Sits it down. 8.750
Tanguay (UB): Half piroette to bail handstand to toe shoot. Stuck double tuck. Clean, good start. 9.350
Pellegrino (VT): Tsuk Lay. Little short, but clean in the air. 9.400
Coleman (UB): Shaposh. Blind to straddle back. Love it. Toe front. Just a step. 9.200
Freyman (VT): Handspring front. HUGE and stuck. Comeback queen. 9.625. Nice.
Duffy (UB): Jeager to bail. Beautiful. Nice double tuck to end. 9.250
Murray (VT): Handspring pike. A little low, but clean. 9.675
Troilo (UB): Blind to straddle back and hits the feet. Blind full to double tuck and doesn’t make it around. 8.050
Babineaux (VT): Tsuk arabian and sits it down. Bombers counting a fall. 8.775
Roe (UB): Jeager to bail. Bends the knees to not hit the ground. Double lay. Great, but steps back off the mat. 9.100
Lonski (VT): Yurchenko tuck full. Sticks it. Good finish. 9.700
Matteucci (UB): Clear hip to bail. Clear hip to toe shoot. Nice double tuck to finish. Simple, but clean. Beautiful handstands. 9.300
After 1: Ithaca 47.175 Ursinus 46.200
Bombers are counting a fall going into the next rotation, but also had some really strong scores to make up for it. Bears had a solid bar rotation counting no falls and will hope to keep this momentum going.
Rotation 2: Ithaca UB Ursinus VT
Matteucci (VT): Yurchenko tuck. Crunchy on the table. Meant to do a layout. 8.100
Cotteleer (UB): Maloney to bail. Little bit of knees. Stalder to double tuck. A little under and stumbles forward. Solid start. 9.250
Leo (VT): Yurchenko layout. Little piked with a hop. 9.350
Cohen (UB): Clear hip tkatchev. Clear hip bail with some legs. Peels off on the glide. Finishes with a double tuck with a step forward. 8.450
Schreiber (VT): Knee looked heavily taped. BIG yurchenko layout with just a hop. 9.450
Bailey (UB): Gienger to bail. Solid. Love this upgrade for her. Double to finish. Nice. 9.350
Troilo (VT): Yurchenko layout. Nice. Interesting hurdle technique. 9.475
Goodwin (UB): Big gienger. Struggles with some handstands and leg form, but finishes with a beautiful blind full to double tuck. 9.325
Cromer (VT): HUGE yurchenko layout half. A few steps forward, but great in the air. 9.375
Babineaux (UB): Blind full to blind half to bail. Toe shoot to a dead hang. Blind half to front giant to double tuck. No more jeager for her. 9.475
Sitting next to Coach Kim Valenti’s kid and his is taking pictures of the team. So cute.
Lonski (UB): Gienger to overshoot. Some legs. Blind full to double tuck to finish. Just a hop. Good finish for the Bombers. 9.575.
After 2: Ithaca 94.200 Ursinus 91.950
Bombers put it together on bars without counting any falls. Bears had some nice vaults, but will have to count a score in the 8s. The Bombers have a solid lead, but anything can happen with beam in the equation.
Rotation 3: Ithaca BB Ursinus FX
Freyman (BB): Split jump tuck 3/4. Nice. Front tuck to backhandspring. Perfect, but slow to connect. Rudi to finish. Stuck. All-American activities. Judge conference over series credit. No series credit and a 9.5 SV. 9.25
Gregory (FX): Front double full. Switch half to popa. Great performer as always. Rudi. Chest a little low. Wolf full wolf full. Double full to punch front to finish. Love that. 9.225
Foster (BB): Looooong wait. Back tuck to back tuck. Perfect connection. Switch leap switch leap. Small check. Side arial. Handspring to 1.5 with a step forward. 9.625
Warburton (FX): Rudi to open. Front lay to front full. Clean. Tour jete half to wolf full. Front through to 1.5 to end. Good. 9.225
Goodwin (BB): Front tuck mount. Wobbles forward. Handspring lay. So solid. Split jump to split 3/4. Gainer pike off the end. Hops forward. 9.400
Scarpetti (FX): Roundoff double tuck and slides back. Front lay front full. Front full? Looks like she went for a Rudi, but got lost. 8.825
Millier (BB): Front arial to layout step out. Wobbles and breaks the connection. Split to split 3/4 and wobbles. Stuck backhandspring 1.5. Bombers struggling with those series connections today. 9.000
Matteucci (FX): Front lay to front full and sits. Double tuck to finish. Good recovery. 8.950
Pellegrino (BB): Front toss to back tuck. Wobbles and breaks her connection. Switch side. Nice split. Switch leap to split half. Good. Stuck front full. 9.325
Troilo (FX): Nice double tuck to open. Chest down a bit. Double full. Roundoff 1.5 to front lay and sits it down. 8.400
Kobusky (BB): Looooong wait again. Sings the whole routine. Roundoff layout step out. Solid and confident as always. Split jump to sheep jump. Nice. Gainer front full off the end. Love this dismount change for her. Smart choice. 9.850 and the team goes crazy. Ties the team record.
Ellis (FX): Roundoff 2.5. A little undertwisted but pretty in the air. Switch full. Love it. 1.5 to front full. A beauty. Great finish for the bears. Love her lines. 9.650
After 3: Ithaca 141.825 Ursinus 137.775
A struggle on the floor for the Bears who will now be counting multiple falls. The Bombers were not their best on beam, but still didn’t count any falls. Will be wanting to hone in on those series connections this week in the gym.
Rotation 4: Ithaca FX Ursinus BB
Chesshire (FX): Double pike. Pulls it around. Low chest. Switch half to wolf 1.5. Back 1.5 to front half to jump. Ankle cruncher. Overall nice though. 9.700
Leo (BB): Front arial to backhandspring. So solid. Switch leap to straddle quarter. Stuck dismount. Good start. A few balance checks. 9.450
Freyman (FX): ABBA music. Love. Front double to front tuck. So nice. Great upgrade. Rudi to jump. She’s baaaaaccckkkkkkk. Should be a big number. 9.775.
Scarpetti (BB): Handspring to layout step out. Small check. Standing front tuck. WOW. Front full and sticks. Great routine. 9.650. Great.
Lonski (FX): Same pink panther music. 1.5 to front lay out. High, but legs apart. Down on the rudi and injured. Doesn’t finish. 9.050
Ellis (BB): Round off back tuck. So high. Love it. Off on the side arial round off to double full. 9.050
Pellegrino (FX): Rudi. Great. Chest up. Front full front lay. Switch side to wolf 1.5. Beautiful splits. 9.575
Warburton (BB): Great routine. Couldn’t see much through the medics. 9.7. Wow.
Foster (FX): Front lay to front full. New routine. Love it. HUGE double tuck to finish. So much power. Makes it look easy. 9.775. So deserved.
Zimmerman (BB): Front Ariel to backhandspring. Perfect. Small check on the split 3/4. Off on a front toss. Gainer pike off the end to finish. 9.300
Murray (FX): Front full front lay. Makes it look easy. Switch side half to wolf full. Double pike and almost sits backwards but fights to stay on her feet. 9.700
Roth (BB): Press mount. Beauty. Handspring layout step out. Fights to stay on the beam. Front full with a step. Fights for her skills. Great lines. 9.525
FINAL: 190.250 Ithaca 185.000 Ursinus
VT: Lonski 9.700
UB: Lonski 9.575
BB: Kobusky 9.850
FX: Freyman, Foster 9.775
AA: No Athletes Competeing AA
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