LIVE BLOG: No. 7 Florida at No. 12 Auburn

Auburn and Florida are coming into this meet having put up scores in week two within one tenth of each other. It would normally be expected that Florida would easily take this matchup, but Florida struggled with landings last week which hurt the overall team score. Besides landings, Florida also struggled on bars having to count a larger error, and Auburn has been struggling to find a consistent top six on beam. With Auburn being at home, this meet could easily swing in either direction.

The biggest things to watch this meet will be lineup decisions. For Florida, take note of what events Leanne Wong is set to compete in as she did not compete floor last week. Danie Ferris is already back on vault from her preseason injury, so look to see if she adds back any other events tonight. Auburn has been rotating one of the six spots on bars and it has resulted in a fall both weeks, look to see who will join Gabby McLaughlin, Olivia Hollingsworth, Aria Brusch, Cassie Stevens and Sophia Groth in that lineup. Beam has also been shaky, so the middle of that lineup will be one to watch.

Rotation 1: Auburn vault, Florida bars

Groth (AUB): Stuck her Yruchenko full, strong form and flair out. Good pointed toes throughout. 9.9

Disidore (UF): Good first hand stand to Maloney to pak which was close. Hit the VL. Stuck the double layout dismount. 9.875

Schumaker (AUB): Sat down her tucked Yurchenko 1.5. Seemed to just go too much for the stick after sticking it last week. Flexed feet throughout, but good tucked position. 9.1

Blakely (UF): Small leg separation on the Maloney, but good pak. Really hitting these handstands. Step on the double front and her usual cowboy. 9.825

Hubbard (AUB): Took a large step out of her Yurchenko 1.5. Bent her knees quite a bit on the last half twist of the vault. Leg separation on the table. 9.725

Nguyen (UF): Clean Maloney to pak. Overarched on the last handstand. Floated that double layout dismount and stuck it. 9.85

Huff (AUB): Big hop forward and an additional step on the landing of her Yurchenko 1.5. Had slight knee bend. Auburn is just overpowering these vaults after the fall. 9.75

Pilgrim (UF): Clean Maloney to pak and good finish on the cast half. Holds the stick on the ftdt dismount with a lean. Some bent arms on the giants before the dismount. 9.9

Hollingsworth (AUB): Small hop to the side on her Yurchenko 1.5. Slightest of knee bend and leg separation. Looked to be slightly short of rotation causing the directional hop. 9.85

Draser (UF): Clean Maloney to pak. Hit last handstand. Leg separation on the double layout dismount with a step forward. 9.775

Stevens (AUB): Big hop forward on her Yurchenko 1.5. Good toe point, but had some soft knees. 9.875

Wong (UF): Slight leg separation on both the Maloney and pak. Hit the VL. Hit last handstand. Stuck the double layout dismount. 9.95

After 1: Florida 49.400, Auburn 49.100

Auburn started strong with Groth’s vault, but after Schumaker’s fall all of the 10.0 start values were being overpowered leading to lots of landing deductions. After not sticking any dismount last week, Florida was able to stick multiple dismounts here to lead the way after one rotation.

Rotation 2: Florida vault, Auburn bars

Edwards (UF): Huge Yurchenko full with the smallest foot movement on the landing. That was a great one. 9.875

Boyd (AUB): Slight leg separation and bent elbows on the Maloney to pak combination. Had to recast. Bent elbows on the stalder and took a shuffle on the double tuck dismount. Some feet on that. 9.775

Draser (UF): Step forward on the Yurchenko 1.5. Some soft knees throughout and landed to the side of the mat. 9.8

This audio problem is so annoying

Hollingsworth (AUB): Leg separation on the piked jaeger and the bail. Went way over on the last handstand and came off the bar. Some feet on the FTDT but got the stick with an arm wave. 9.35

Ferris (UF): Big hop forward followed by a small hop forward on her Yurchenko 1.5. Good leg form in the air. 9.725

Brusch (AUB): Feet on the cast. Hit the Maloney, but may have been a little short on the bail. Sticks the double layout dismount. 9.825

Nguyen (UF): Crossover step on the landing of her Yurchenko 1.5. Good distance and leg form in the air. 9.825

McLaughlin (AUB): Small leg separation on both the Maloney and pak. Hit cast half and last handstand. Hits the giant full slightly over and sticks the double tuck dismount. 9.875

Wong (UF): Yurchenko half on front pike half with a small hop back. A couple of little leg separations in there as well. Might not have held the landing long enough. 9.85

Groth (AUB): Good toepoint on the Ray. Very wonky pak. A little over on the giant full but sticks the connecting double tuck dismount. Flexed feet on the dismount. 9.825

Pilgrim (UF): Very solid landing on the Yurchenko 1.5 with just a small hop forward. Bent the knees as she came down to the mat. 9.875

Stevens (AUB): Bent elbows on the cast. Some feet on the Ray, but connects it to the shootover. Feet again on the double layout dismount, but sticks the landing. 9.875

After 2: Florida 98.625, Auburn 98.275

Florida was a little hoppy on landings after sticking multiple on bars. The form on the vaults helped the Gator’s scored there. Auburn continued its trend this season of an early lineup bars mistake that hurt the overall team score, and will hope that does not continue to beam.

Rotation 3: Auburn beam, Florida floor

Brusch (AUB): Wobble after the switch half. Missed beat connection. Overcooked the full turn. Solid on the loso series. Clean switch to straddle quarter. Leans back on the heals on the gainer full. Tries to play off the stick. 9.725

Brubach (UF): Some feet on the front layout to Rudi. Switch half to wolf full rotation was a bit off. Flexed feet on the double tuck and slid the front foot back on the landing. 9.9

Zancan (AUB): Very solid loso series. Hit the split positions on the switch to switch half combination. Step forward on the back 1.5 dismount. 9.825

Nguyen (UF): A little short on the front double full, but works out of it. Clean switch ring to switch half. Nice Y turn. Clean back 1.5 to front layout. 9.9

Hollingsworth (AUB): Hit the full turn. Some feet on the loso series, but solidly landed. Clean switch half to split jump. Sticks the bhs gainer full dismount. 9.85

Lazzari (UF): Slight lack of control on the front double full. Was rotated to the ground a bit. Good rotation on the tour jete half to Popa to Popa. Hit the back 1.5 to front layout with a controlled step out. 9.85

Groth (AUB): Right on for the bhs loso bhs series. Break on the switch leap. Hit the switch half to split leap. Clean full turn. Sticks the gainer full dismount. 9.775

Blakely (UF): Bounces forward on the front tuck through to double pike and lands with straight legs. Hit leaps. High and controlled back 1.5 to front layout. 9.775

Stevens (AUB): Feet on the loso series but solid landing. Clean split to stag. Hit the Stevens and wolf turn. Sticks the back 1.5 dismount. 9.9

Hurd (UF): Bounces out of the front layout to Rudi. Clean positions in the switch ring to switch half. Controls the landing on the double pike. 9.875

McLaughlin (AUB): Very solid loso series with pointed toes. Clean side aerial to split jump connection. Good releve on the full turn. Slight hesitation on the end of the switch to straddle quarter. Sticks the gainer pike dismount. 9.95

Wong (UF): Clean double wolf. Very high double pike with a big bounce on the landing. Very high leap combination with good rotation. Clean layout half to front full. 9.95… How?

After 3: Florida 148.100, Auburn 147.575

Auburn will be happy to not have any major mistakes in that lineup, and the mistakes in the lineup are very fixable. Florida had a couple bouncy landing, but you can’t really tell by the scores. It was more controlled landings than last week though.

Rotation 4: Florida beam, Auburn floor

Draser (UF): Some feet, but solid on the loso series. Slow connection in the switch to switch half with a wobble at the end. Hit the full turn. Small hop forward on the back 1.5. 9.85

Brusch (AUB): Clean landing on the front tuck through to double tuck with some feet. Funky rotation on the triple jump combination, but good amplitude. Controlled last double pike with soft feet. 9.9

Lazzari (UF): Almost off on the bhs loso loso and had a big bend at the hips. Came back for the switch to split jump. Clean front aerial and full turn. Might have moved her foot on the landing of the gainer full dismount. 9.75

Huff (AUB): Huge full in and her lunge took her out of bounds. Nice switch ring to tour jete half. Pikes down the Rudi after the front layout. 9.75

Hurd (UF): Bent knee and slight wobble on the wolf turn. Slow connection on the front aerial to bhs, but she will get the combo. Wobble on the beat jump to loso. Solid switch to straddle jump. Sticks the back double full dismount. 9.825

McLaughlin (AUB): Slight bounce out of the back 1.5 to front layout. Slightly short of rotation on the second leap in her combo. Kept the front foot down on the double pike. 9.925

Blakely (UF): Well connected front aerial to bhs with a slight adjustment after. Hit the switch to switch half to split jump. Switch to gainer full is hit with a stuck landing. 9.875

Groth (AUB): Good control on the front double full. Great amplitude on the jump combination. Really good control on the back 1.5 to front layout. Moved her foot a little bit on the Rudi. 9.9

Nguyen (UF): Smooth on the Onodi to bhs. Slight bent leg. Clean full turn. Wobbles between the switch leap to split leap, but connects it. Crossover step on the back 1.5 dismount. 9.8

Stevens (AUB): Controls the front layout to Rudi. Some feet. Hit the tour jete half to wolf full. Sticks the double tuck and then goes into the lunge. Just some feet. 9.925

Wong (UF): Clean switch leap mount to split leap. Slight adjustment on the loso series. Clean full turn. Slight back foot movement on the front aerial. Hop back on the back double full dismount. 9.875

Hollingsworth (AUB): Super high and cleanly landed half in half out. Clean switch half to Popa. Went out of bounds on the front tuck through to double tuck. 9.8

FINAL: Florida 197.325, Auburn 197.025

It came down to the last couple of routines, but Florida came away with the win here. Florida had a much better bars rotation than last week which is more similar to what the Gators will be expecting this season. Auburn had great floor rotations two weeks in a row, but will continue to look for an answer on the sixth bars spot until Olivia Greaves comes back.

VT: Groth 9.9
UB: Wong 9.95
BB: McLaughlin 9.95
FX: Wong 9.95
AA: Wong 39.625

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Live blog by Alyssa Van Auker

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