Gymnasts Retire Over Off Season


Gymnastics isn’t the safest sport in the world, and injuries come along with the territory. It’s natural to have a handful of gymnasts retire due to injury or burn out every off season, which leaves fans wondering, “Where’d You Go? I miss you so.

The most notable retirement came from UCLA’s Jennifer Pinches who represented Great Britain at the 2012 London Olympics. Pinches dealt with off-and-on wrist injuries throughout her career and decided to medically retire and become the team’s undergraduate assistant coach. Sophomore Karli Dugas and junior Alex Waller also no longer appear on UCLA’s roster and it is unclear as to why.

Arkansas lost two non-seniors from it’s 2014-2015 roster. Kathleen York transferred to Texas Tech and subsequently retired due to the fact that the school does not have a gymnastics team. Paris Ryder also no longer appears on the roster. Ryder suffered an ACL injury last season.

Illinois’ Tori Fujinami and Suren Kanchanavaleerat as well as LSU’s Shonacee Oliva and Auburn’s Meggie Lim also seem to have retired. Finally, 2012 Canadian Olympian Dominique Pegg, has been removed from the Alabama roster after two years battling injury and little competition time.


  1. Just came across this sesrching for something else. Seriously delayed response, but yes, Alex Waller also medically retired last year after a string of ankle/Achilles injuries and illnesses. But has been enjoying staying involved as a team manager.

  2. Thanks for the heads up! We’re glad she’s enjoying her new role as team manager.

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