The moment the East and West have been preparing for all season has arrived: the 2025 NCGA Nationals, hosted by Gustavus Adolphus.
Defending champion Oshkosh enters the meet with plenty of confidence, aiming for its fourth consecutive national title. The last time an East team claimed the championship was Brockport in 2019, and both teams will have their work cut out for them. Recent national champions Whitewater and La Crosse are also in the mix, making for a deep and competitive field.
Cortland, Brockport, La Crosse, and Oshkosh secured their spots at nationals by finishing first or second at their respective regionals, while Whitewater and Rhode Island earned at-large bids based on season averages.
This year, fewer individuals have qualified due to a shift in the qualification process. These gymnasts will rotate with the qualified teams, though full assignments are still being finalized. The one confirmed pairing so far is Ithaca’s individuals rotating with Cortland.
Individuals update:

If you want a more in-depth take on how things can go today, and we get into both the team and individual event podiums, we broke things down quite a bit further in the NCGA nationals preview.

Rotation 1: Oshkosh VT, Rhode Island UB, Brockport BB, Whitewater FX
First event touch taking place.
McConkay (Oshkosh): Good height, hops on landing.
Lucero (Oshkosh): Y full, bent at hips, good landing.
McGibboney (Oshkosh): Y lay, big hop back.
Evans (Oshkosh): Y full, leg sep in air, hop.
Zeilinger (Oshkosh): Bent legs in air, chest down.
Passarella (Oshkosh): FHS front tuck, step forward, fab height.
Beatty (Stout): Y lay half, lots of bent knees, but good landing.
Cummins (Stout): Y full, piked down, controlled landing.
Greene (RIC): Double tuck, hops back, good start for RIC.
Bunch (RIC): Shaposh, good. shootover. Full to double tuck, step back.
Smith (RIC): Shaposh, good, leg sep, bail, good. Double tuck, glues her feet to the mat.
Cuen (RIC): Fights through half turns, gienger, shootover. Muscling to a stop. Comes off before the dismoiunt. Can’t quite get the dismount all the way there, salutes on the second fall.
Krause (RIC): Half to bail to hs, some leg sep but good. Toe to high. Almost goes over on that last hs. Toe to tuck, small step back, great bounce back!
Keyes (RIC): Bail to toe to high to toe circle to full to doubel tuck, stuck!
These next two routines are the last of this first rotation, all eyes on Utica.
Marra (Utica): Good first hs. pak has some big leg sep. Half on low to toe to high. Short on that last hs. Full to dobuel tuck, hops in place and gives an arm circle for the stick.
Graff (Utica): Straddle jaeger, good. Bail hs to low, tiny tiny leg sep but looked great otehrwise. Short last hs. Full to dobule tuck, ah puts her hands down.
Brookins (Brockport): Kicking off the meet! BHS BHS LOSO, soft knees but no wobbles. Switch side is tentative. Front full, hops.
Judges chatting already.
Schulman (Brockport): It is LOUD in here. BHS LOSO, wobbles, shoiulder check, smooths it over. Good tuck 3/4. RO lay 1.5, hop forward.
Pecoraro (Brockport): Swithc to switch half, looked good extension wise, had fleed feet. Looks like she hit her series out of the corner of my eye. Gainer lay full off side, steps forward.
York (Brockport): No, comes off on her series. Pressure is on for the rest of the Brockport lineup. Front lay full, step forward.
Hockman (Brockport): BH LOSO, small check but good. Check on the full turn.
Kay (Brockport): Cat leap to switch side, a little lopsided there. Beat to split 3/4 is good. Sticks the dismount. good!
Belog (Springfield): Leg up on the front toss, smooths it over like a bro. Front toss to bhs, good. RO 1.5 lay, stuck!
Roe (Ursinus): Beautiful extension on her leaps. Comes off on her acro series, noo. Front full dismount, steps back.
Hammond (Whitewater): High double pike to open. Switch to side, good. Switch ring could be more ring.
Copeland (Whitewater): Floatiest front lay to rudi, and I mean FLOATY. Switch side is gorgeous.
Moore (Whitewater): That double back hangs in the rafters. Good leap series. Rudi to end, leg sep in air, okay chest position.
Jenks-Recker (Whitewater): FHS front double full, good. FHS rudi to back tuck, inches from the tape but she knows exactly where she is.
Goodwin (Whitewater): Front through to double tuck, good, shuffle step in the lunge. Double pike is fab.
Kollhoff (Whitewater): Full to front lay, gorgeous. Double tuck. Great routine.
Nelson (Greenville): Dobule tuck, good height. Switch side to straddle, beautiful. RO 1.5 to front lay, sticky feet.
Kraft (Winona): Wonky opening pass, but gets that front tuck to her feet no issue. Chest a bit down on that last pass, good routine otherwise.
AFTER ONE: Whitewater 49.025, Oshkosh 48.325, Brockport 48.975, Rhode Island 46.725
Whitewater went absolutely lights out on floor, the lowest score counted was a 9.775. And that’s just how things are going to be today. Brockport seems to be cursed with beam at nationals lately. Although the Golden Eagles avoided counting a fall, they did count a 9.275 among their 9.550s and over, with Kay going 9.850 in the anchor. Anchorwomen struggled a bit on bars, but this isn’t the teams strongest event and the biggest goal today was adding upgrades. Oshkosh left a few tenths on the table (no pun intended for once), with errant steps on landings. Brockport gets the next rotation, perfect for cooling down and getting collected mentally.
Rotation 2: Whitewater VT, La Crosse UB, Rhode Island BB, Cortland FX
Pesch (Whitewater): Tuck y full, leg sep, small hop.
Spadaforda (Whitewater): Y full, chest down, small hop in place.
Fern (Whitewater): Y half, great distance, small hop forward, good body position.
Copeland (Whitewater): Tucked Y full, great chest position, small step.
Hammond (Whitewater): Y full, hop in place, good.
Moore (Whitewater): Y full, some soft knees, but good distance, small step.
Nelson (Greenville): Sticks the tucked Y full!
O’Connor (Winona): Y half on, pike off, good distance.
Barker (La Crosse): Good first hs, gienger to shoot over, feet glued together. Ful to double tuck, small step.
McCormick (La Crosse): Straddle jaeger to shootover, copy and paste of the first, great! Shy on that last hs. Full to doubel tuck, hops forward.
Best (La Crosse): Bails to hs, good.
Engels (La Crosse): Straddle jaeger, good height, flexed feet, bail to hs legs are GLUED. Full to double tuck, hops and clicks heels together.
Robbins (La Crosse): Good height on the release, sticks the double tuck.
Main (La Crosse): Piked yaeger, good. Bail to hs a little archy. Good last hs. Full to double tuck, small step forward.
Lutz (Stout): Half to straddle jaeger to shootover, leg sep but muscles it through. Shy on that last hs. Full to double tuck, small hop.
Ferguson (Stout): Half to straddle jaeger to shootover, great height. Toe on front pike half, stuck.
Jimenez (RIC): Check on the full turn, cat leap to switch side a bit uneven. Beat to straddle 3/4, good. Great start!
Bunch (RIC): Switch leap to switch half, comes off. That half didn’t quite have full extension. Hits her series.
Beam judges chatting.
Brandt (RIC): Beat to split 3/4. Switch to tuck 3/4, tiny check but smooths it over. Piked gainer off end, stuck!
Judges chatting again.
Tucker (RIC): Beat to straddle 3/4 is textbook. She’s ice. Switch to tuck 3/4, small bobble but okay. Gainer full off side side, stuck!
Krause (RIC): BHS LOSO, FLOATS. Yes. Switch side series, good. Tucked front full, small step. Great routine!
Keyes (RIC): Cat leap to switch side, excellent. BHS lay, no notes. Tucked front full, small step forward. Excellent!
Graff (Utica): BHS LOSO, small check. Switch leap to straddle 1/4, lovely. Beat to straddle 3/4 just wasn’t quite there, but no issues. BHS to lay 1.5, step forward.
Beam judges chatting.
Still chatting.
Marra (Utica): Switch leap to straddle quarter, chest down, keeps it on the beam. Check on the full turn. BHS LOSO, great. Standing loso to split jump, I love that. RO 1.5, small hop.
McSweeney (Cortland): Rudi to open, good chest position. Leaps had good amplitude but lacked precision. RO 1.5 to front lay, good.
Sutton (Cortland): Switch side to popa looked good. RO 1.5 to front lay, good.
Meadows (Cortland): Stumbles back on that first opening pass but keeps it on her feet. Switch leap series doesn’t have that full extension. Rudi to lay, great.
Adkins (Cortland): Front lay to rudi, chest down, lunges and her heels goes OOB. Front tumbling is gorgeous, keeps that pass in.
Cave (Cortland): Goes OOB on her double pike to open. Switch to popa is excellent. Front lay lay front full.
Mirigliano (Cortland): RO 1.5 to front tuck. Leap series could use a liiiittle ore extension. Double pike.
Floor judges chatting.
Foster (Ithaca): Front lay to front full, a little sideways and takes a big step to the side. Switch side to popa is OUT OF THIS WORLD. Double tuck, great chest position.
Murray (Ithaca): Double pike, lots of power. Front full to front lay, no issues. Lovely routine,
AFTER TWO: Whitewater 97.175, Rhode Island 95.350, Cortland 48.350, Oshkosh 48.325, La Crosse 48.200, Brockport 47.975
Rhode Island bounced back like pros after bars, counting 9.675 or better like they were only there to chew gum and hit beam and they were all out of gum. Cortland had a fabulous showing on floor, a few small errors but nothing that’ll make for a bad day. Whitewater, like Oshkosh, gave away a handful of tenths on landings and chest positions but overall had a clean vault rotation. Brockport heads to floor, where the Golden Eagles can shake off that start on beam.
Rotation 3: Cortland VT, Oshkosh UB, La Crosse BB, Brockport FX
Allan (Cortland): Tucked tsuk full, step.
Dobson (Cortland): Y tuck full, good distance.
Sutton (Cortland): Y lay full, steps.
Meadows (Cortland): FHS front tuck, arm cirlces for the stick!
Mirigliano (Cortland): Y half, steps.
Graham (Cortland): WHAT A VAULT, just a hop in place.
Murray (Ithaca): FHS front pike, big hop forward, that vault is nothing but power.
Steed (Ithaca): Y lay half, biiiiiiiiiiiiig hop.
McGibboney (Oshkosh): Half to tkatchev, great. Bail to hs, leg sep. Step on the landing.
Krull (Oshkosh): Shy on that first hs. Gienger, good! Bail to low. Full to double tuck, small step.
Evans (Oshkosh): Jaeger, good. Pak! Good form on that. Full to double tuck, sticks!
Hayden (Oshkosh): BIg release to shootover, shy on that last hs, full to doubel tuck, sticks!
McConkay (Oshkosh): Comes off on the gienger. Bail to low, some leg sep. Full to double tuck, steps back.
Zeilinger (Oshkosh): Free hip to tkatchev, good. Double lay, oh no, steps forward and puts her hands down.
Cummins (Stout): Some leg sep but this bar rotuine moves quick, sticks the double tuck. Love that routine composition.
Beatty (Stout): Blind to HUGE straddle jaeger to shootover. Shy last hs. Full to double tuck, small step. Wow.
Warren (La Crosse): Big wobble on her series. Front tuck, good. RO 1.5 lay, tiniest of hops.
McCormick (La Crosse): Love this handstand to swing through mount. Tiniest check on that full turn. Front aerial to split jump. BHS LOSO, tiny shoulder weobble. Hop on the dismount.
Main (La Crosse): Wolf, small check. BHS BHS LOSO, lovely. Switch leap to pike jump, be still my heart. Love the choreo steps out of her cartwheel. Gainer full off side, hops.
Christenson (La Crosse): Hits her series. RO 1.5 lay, small step, good routine.
Robbins (La Crosse): Hits her loso series. Switch leap to straddle half, needs a little more extension on that. Front toss to beat. Sticks the dismount.
Dickson (La Crosse): Little check on that full turn, finesses it. BHS LOSO, good. Front aerial. Great routine.
Montgomery (Eau Claire): Her toe point is what dreams are made of. BHS LOSO, great. Small adjustment on the side aerial. BHS to gainer full off side, deeeeep bend for the stick.
Beam judges are chatting.
Dahlin (Eau Claire): Front atoss toooooo bhs. I’d count it. Pike jump! Yes! More of those like that. Piked gainer off end, holds on with her toes!
Czarcinski (Brockport): Great opening pass, leaps have excellent extension. Rudi, good.
Pecoraro (Brockport): Front lay to front full, good. Double tuck, good control.
Gibbs (Brockport): Some leg issues in that opening pass but good control overall. Swithc to wolf full to tuck 1.5, okay. FHS pass with form issues but gets it around no problem.
Saravia (Brockport): Front double full, good. Good routine from the corner of my eye, exactly what Brockport needed for momentum.
Brookins (Brockport): Gorgeous front double full to start. 1.5 to front lay, floats. Excellent!
Hockman (Brockport): Full in! Hops forward into the lunge with control. Switch ring series looked good. Front full to front lay, lots of power there, good. Brockport loosening up after that beam rotation, looking good!
Roe (Ursinus): Double tuck, hops into the lunge. Leap series travels sideways a bit. I love her choreo. 1.5 to front lay, front lay doesn’t get a ton of lift but clean in the air throughout.
Matteucci (Ursinus): Double tuck, great. Wolf hop full to straddle jump series, good. Switch side is great. RO 1.5 to front lay, good!
AFTER THREE: La Crosse 97.250, Whitewater 97.175, Brockport 96.750, Cortland 96.700, Oshkosh 96.050, Rhode Island 95.350
This is the sixth rotation day, so let’s take a peek at our leaders so far today. The current vault leaders are Evans (Oshkosh), Graham (Cortland), Lucero (Oshkosh), and O’Connor (Winona) with a 9.750. Beatty (Stout) is the bar leader with a 9.775, Kay (Brockport), Christenson (La Crosse), Robbins (UWL), and Dickson (UWL) are the beam leaders with a 9.850. Murray (Ithaca) leads floor with a 9.850.
Brockport bounced back in a big way on floor, just like it needed to do. La Crosse sits in the lead with Whitewater and Brockport AND Cortland hot on its tail, so there’s absolutely no breathing room. There’s only a little over five tenths between the top four teams, so those tenths on landings are CRITICAL in the next three rotations.
Rotation 4: Brockport VT, Whitewater UB, Oshkosh BB, Rhode Island FX
Kay (Brockport): Only caught the landing, just a small hop in place, team looked more than happy.
Gibbs (Brockport): Chest down on the landing, takes a small step, good.
Weaver (Brockport): Y lay, big hop back, but clean in the air!
Langdon (Brockport): Y full, biiiiiiiig step but good.
Hockman (Brockport): Y full, hop in place, beautiful!
DelVecchio (Brockport): Tusk half, little hop, great!
Roe (Ursinus): Y 1.5, so so beautiful, just a step forward, doesn’t move her feet otherwise. Good.
Tally (Simpson): FHS front tuck half, chest a liiiittle down and hops forward. That was LOVELY.
Pesch (Whitewater): Straddle jaeger to shootover, good.
Copeland (Whitewater): LEg esp on the pak. FIGHTS through the full turn before her double tuck. Good work.
Scott (Whitewater): Good realease, caught it quick. Double lay hops back.
Magel (Whitewater): Blind to pike jaeger, good! Couple of shuffle steps bakcward on the dismount, good otherwise.
Gough (Whitewater): Blind to straddle jaeger to shoot over, good. Shy last hs. Double lay, hops forward.
Kollhoff (Whitewater): Blind to tkatechev to shootover, some flexed feet but great height. Full to double tuck, fihts for the stick, takes a small step.
Nelson (Greenville): Gienger. Bail to low, leg sep and a little archy. Dismount looked stuck!
Leage (Greenville): Toe on tatchev to shootover, great, legs glued together. Great routine!
Ratkowski (Oshkosh): BHS LOSO, takes a few steps back to level if out. Swithc leap to switch half, good.
Warkentein (Oshkosh): Hits the bhs loso series. Cat leap to switch half, not quite 180. Switch to straddle quarter, okay. RO 1.5 lay, step forward.
Cienkus (Oshkosh): Front aerial to split jump. BHS LOSO, lovely. Switch leap to straddle quarter, excellent. Great routine.
Hayden (Oshkosh): BHS LOSO, good. Great routine, keeping that momentum going!
Steele (Oshkosh): BHS LOSO, hits. RO !1.5 lay, small step forward and to the side. Oshkosh looking GOOD.
Romano (Oshkosh): Front aerial to BHS. Comes off on her fonttuck. Small step on the dismount.
Beatty (Stout): BHS LOSO series, good. Swithc leap switch leap good. Front lay full, small step to the front and side.
Cummins (Stout): Oike jump to straddle 1/4. Straddle to loso, love that. Small step on the dismount.
Brandt (RIC): Rudi to stag, good control. Front full to front lay, good!
Whitt (RIC): Good chest posiiton on the opening rudi pass. Rudi to stag to close things out. Good!
Cuen (RIC): Rudi to stag, good chest position. RO 1.5 to tuck half, good.
Krause (RIC): Front through to double tuck, chest a little down, lunges with the front foot. Good leaps. Front lay to tucked from full, whips it around.
Tucker (RIC): High opening pass. Gorgeous front lay. I could put this routine on repeat all day in my brain.
Keyes (RIC): Front through to double tuck, great. Switch leap to popa, textbook. Double pike, excellent routine. Lots of big, emotional hugs from the team.
Graff (Utica): Front lay to rudi, looks like she juuust keeps her heel up but I can’t tell from this angle. Ring full is a little rushed. Keeps her second pass in. Switch ring to switch half.
Marra (Utica): Double pike, no notes. Switch half to popa, good. RO 1.5 to floaty front lay. Double tuck, rebounds into the lunge.
AFTER FOUR: Whitewater 145.150, Brockport 144.475, Oshkosh 144.450, Rhode Island 97.250, Cortland 96.700
Whitewater is running away but will need to keep the adrenaline in check on beam. Brockport can gather its thoughts before closing out the meet on bars in the sixth rotation, and event that has not been kind to the Golden Eagles in the post season but this team has bounced back and shaken off beam, and when the Eagles deliver, you better watch out. Oshkosh also gets a breather and will close out this meet on floor in the sixth rotation.
Whitewater showed its fighting spirit on bars, and could very well be the ones to dethrone Oshkosh today if the team keeps it rolling.
Rotation 5: Rhode Island VT, Cortland UB, Whitewater BB, La Crosse FX
Jimenez (RIC): Couple steps on the landing.
Pompeii (RIC): Y full, good! Hops in place.
Keyes (RIC): Tsuk lay, steps back.
Tucker (RIC): Y full, big hop back, good distance.
Greene (RIC): Y full, doesn’t move her feet!
Krause (RIC): FHS front tuck, big hop forward. lots of power.
Marra (Utica): Y lay, a little archy, takes a step.
Graff (Utica): Tucked y full, doesn’t get as much block as she’d want, lands chest down and takes several steps.
Wong (Cortland): Gienger to bail, good. Minimal leg sep. Shy last hs. Half to half to double tuck, a big step forward.
Goldstein (Cortland): Sky high piked release, bail to low, good form, legs glued. Half to half to double tuck, small step.
Miranov (Cortland): Straddle back. Toe to high. Shy last hs. Double lay, tiny shuffles.
Adams (Cortland): Freehip to gienger, to shootover, good. Half to half to double tuck, sticks.
McSweeney (Cortland): Gienger to shootover. Half to half to doubel tuck, small hop forward when she fights for the stick.
my cortland bars is off by one — fixed.
Adkins (Cortland): Shy first hs. Gienger to shootover, good. Small step on the dismount.
John (Ithaca): Toe on shaposh, excellent, shootover, legs glued. Sticks the double tuck.
Babineaux (Ithaca): Blind to piked jaeger and comes off, noooo.
Magel (Whitewater): BHS LOSO, a little hesitant energy on the landing. Side aerial, no issue. Splut jump not quite 180. RO 1.5 lay, stuck! Great start.
Spadafora (Whitewater): BHS LOSO, good. Switch leap series with a slight pause. Great landing on the dismount.
Gupta (Whitewater): BHS LOSO, good. Front tuck, no issue. Beat to straddle 3/4, chest comes down, saves. RO 1.5 lay steps forward.
Hammond (Whitewater): BHS LOSO, good! Sticks her dismount, excellent.
Haberstock (Whitewater): Hits her series, no issue. She has icei n her veins. RO 1.5 sticks!!
Kollhoff (Whitewater): Small check oiut of hte corner of my eye. Split jump half to split jump transverse, no issue. BHS LOSO, unbothered by all the sound in here. BHS 1.5 lay, small step forward.
Nelson (Greenville): BHS LOSO, break at the hips but keeps it on the beam. Side aerial jump series no problem. Switch leap to split 3/4, leg pops up, she saves it, she had some trouble with that in the warm up too. RO 1.5, sticks!
Ferguson (Stout): Front toss, good. BHS LOSO, comes off. Gainer full off side, sticks.
Matulka (La Crosse): Rudi to split jump, good chest position. R 1.5 to front lay, bounces into the lunge.
Edwards (La Crosse): Giant double tuck. Rudi to close, fabulous chest position, I think the best one we’ve seen today.
Kehr (La Crosse): Swithc side to popa is LOVELY. Front full to front lay, gorgeous.
Dickson (La Crosse): Takes the first pass to the very corner, keeps it in. Lovely front full to ring choreo.
Robbins (La Crosse): RO 1.5 to front lay.
Taylor (La Crosse): Switch side to popa, okay. Front full to front lay, great control on that. Double tuck.
Guy (Gustavus): Front double full, great! Front lay to front full, but front foot goes OOB.
Krulich (Stout): Front lay to rudi to stag and juuuust keeps that rebounding stag in. Switch side to popa. Double tuck.
AFTER FIVE: Whitewater 194.025, Rhode Island 191.850, La Crosse 146.450, Brockport 144.475, Oshkosh 144.450, Cortland 144.300
It is going to be a CLOSE one. Rhode Island and Whitewater get to call it a day; defending champs Oshkosh will head to floor but will need a 9.9 average to overtake Whitewater, with Brockport facing similiar odds. La Crosse needs to go better than a 9.515 average on vault to take home the title. Whitewater and La Crosse are the challengers for the title with Brockport, Oshkosh, and Cortland battling it out for the last piece of the poidum.
Rotation 6: La Crosse VT, Brockport UB, Cortland BB, Oshkosh FX
Millington (La Crosse): Tucked y full, sideways hop, good distance.
Savage (La Crosse): Y full, leg sep in the air.
Dickson (La Crosse): Y full, big hop back, far cleaner in the air.
Pastore (La Crosse): Steps forward, very clean otehrwise.
Breckwoldt (La Crosse): Y full, piked at hips and chest down, but good landing otherwise.
Kehr (La Crosse): Tucked Y full, hops in place. La Crosse will be the national champions today!
Schaefer (Stout): Y full, great!
Guy (Gustavus): Y full, amazing distance, but bends the knees deeeeep on the landing.
Brookins (Brockport): Straddle jaeger to pak to switch kip is the best I’ve seen all season. Full to double tuck, hops.
Raymond (Brockport): Blind to straddle jaeger, great. Bail to low, legs glued, not quite hollow. Sticks the double tuck.
Klucinec (Brockport): Tkatchev, no problem, bail to low a little wiggly but good legs. Couple steps on the dobule tuck but keeps it up.
Saravia (Brockport): Free hip to blind to straddle jaeger, good. Bail to low. Half to half to toe on front tuck half, small hop!
Tosado (Brockport): Blind to staddlae jaeger, misses. Like Cortland, Brockport is pressured to hit the rest of the lineup now. Bail to low, good! Legs glued. Blind, fights, comes off.
Kay (Brockport): Blind to tucked jaeger, can’t get her hands on the bar. Double lay, steps back.
Miley (Winona): Toe on shaposh, legs glued. Full to bail to low, love that composition. Toe on half, big step forward. Cool routine.
Roe (Ursinus): Bail to low, good. Release looked good. Double lay, hops in place! Lovely!!
Mirigliano (Cortland): Switch half, not quite full extension there. Switch split jump is gorgeous, split jump half not quite 180. RO 1.5 lay, step to the side, good start for the rotation.
Goldstein (Cortland): BHS BHS LOSO, excellent. Switch leap to split jump, shy. Gainer lay full off side, chest down, almost sticks, shuffles the foot.
Beam judges chatting.
Cave (Cortland): La Crosse knows they’ve got the title and is celebrating. She’ll need to be calm and cool. A check on the bhs loso. Sticks the front lay full!
Dobson (Cortland): BHS LOSO, comes off. Pressure on the rest of the lineup. Cat leap to side somi, leg pops up.RO 1.5 lay, small step.
Sutton (Cortland): BHS BHS LOSO, aahh no, comes off. Cortland was looking SO good up until this moment. Finishing on beam at nationals is rough.
Meadows (Cortland): BHS LOSO series, good! Cat leap to side aerial with a check. Sticks.
Kobusy (Ithaca): RO LOSO, no issues. Piked gainer off end, small step.
Stoltz (Winona): RO LOSO, okay, loving those. Switch to switch half, excellent extension. RO 1.5 lay, small step.
Radojevich (Oshkosh): Front full to front tuck, takes it right to the edge of the corner, great control. Switch side to straddle, excellent.
Warkentien (Oshkosh): Caught her routine out of the corner of my eye but that was a DELIGHT and I loved the 2000s floor music.
Lucero (Oshkosh): Double tuck, great. Leaps,good. Front lay to front full with a biiiig step forward but keeps the control.
Cienkus (Oshkosh): Front tuck through to 2.5, great. Switch half to split full to popa, what a mouthful. Great. Awkward split jump rebound but gets that extension no issue.
Ratkowski (Oshkosh): FHS front lay to rudi, good! Team choreo time! Through to double tuck, great.
McGibboney (Oshkosh): Double pike, overcooks just a little, takes a step out of bounds. Leaps are fab, great amplitude.
Cummins (Stout): RO 1.5 to double full, oh, okay. Love that. Good height on the leaps, she is SPRINGY. Oshkosh dancing along with her choreo. Double pike, great height.
Beatty (Stout): Front lay to rudi, good chest position. Leaps looked good. 1.5 to front lay.
FINAL: La Crosse 194.925, Whitewater 194.025, 193.100, Cortland 191.975, Rhode Island 191.850, Brockport 190.900
VT: Kehr (La Crosse) 9.850
UB: Beatty (Stout), Leage (Greenville) 9.775
BB: Kay (Brockport), Christenson (La Crosse), Robbins (La Crosse), Dickson (La Crosse), Magel (Whitewater), Haberstock (Whitewater) 9.850
FX: Taylor (La Crosse) 9.900
AA: Beatty (Stout) 38.800
Yearly Awards
Outstanding Senior: Gillian Cummins (Stout)
Coach of the Year: Jennifer Regan, Whitewater
READ THIS NEXT: Full Steam Ahead for the Anchorwomen
Live blog by Allison Freeman