This weekend marks the final regular-season meet for Brockport before hosting NCGA-East regionals next weekend. It’s the perfect tune-up opportunity for the Golden Eagles—sharpen routines, build confidence at home, and feed off the home-team energy one last time.
Adding to the emotion of the night, it’s senior meet for Brockport. So consider this your official warning: grab some tissues and make sure your mascara is waterproof.
Cornell, meanwhile, has one more competition before the GEC Championships. After a less-than-stellar showing at the Ivy Classic, the Big Red will be looking to rebound and bring the sparkle as they gear up for a title fight.
With that, get comfy, grab your snacks, and don’t forget to hydrate. The Golden Eagles and Big Red are ready to put on a show!
Warm ups for first rotation have begun! Also, this stream is everything a guy, gal, or pal could want. Thank you, Brockport!
Rotation 1: Brockport VT, Cornell UB
Weaver (Brockport): Y lay, bounces on her toes, knees a little soft, body shape looked good in the air. 9.400
Kay (Brockport): Y tuck full, leg sep in the air, big hop to the side. 9.550
Langdon (Brockport): Tucked Y full, foot caught on the tape on the mat so I think that hop was bigger than it would’ve been otherwise. Good height, soft form. 9.275
Gibbs (Brockport): Tsuk tucked full, chest down, stuck! 9.475
Hockman (Brockport): Y full, bounce in place. Fantastic vault! 9.700
Eramo (Brockport): Y full, pikes down a little, hops forward. Feels like she didn’t quite get the block she needed there but no issues on the landing. 9.525
Schenck-Davis (Cornell): KCH on high but goes over. Hits the second try. Blind to straddle Jaeger to shootover and comes off. Full to double tuck. 8.400
Tehrani (Cornell): Free hip to geinger – soft knees, shy on the last hs, double lay, good distance, landed behind the pillar, looked and sounded stuck based on team cheers!! 9.575
Beers (Cornell): Tkatchev, ah, such good height. Half to bail to hs. Toe on to pike half off, great! 9.625
Rothstein (Cornell): Blind to geinger, leg sep, bail to hs, nice! Great form on that and great hs. Winds up for double lay, small hop back. Lovely routine! 9.650
Shambo (Cornell): Blind to straddle jaeger, good! Bail to low, quite wiggly but keeps it going without issue. Winds up, double lay, hops forward because her chest is down but good in the air. 9.675
Jhaveri (Cornell): Malone to pak, great. Shy on that last hs by a bit. Full to double tuck, big step forward, rotation was a little slower in the air. 9.650
After 1: Cornell 48.175, Brockport 47.650
The Big Red were red hot on bars! After a rough start, the bar squad went hit for hit, pressure who? Brockport vault wasn’t as polished as we usually see, but the meet is far from over. It’s the first rotation, it’s anyone’s meet. Eramo not throwing a Yurchenko 1.5 seemed a bit unusual after debuting it last week but, again, the block just didn’t seem quite right from my angle so that may have been a choice of hers in the air and if it was, it was absolutely the right one.
Rotation 2: Cornell VT, Brockport UB
Rothstein (Cornell): Y full, soft knees, hop. 9.600
Whitaker (Cornell): Tucked y full, good chest position, step back. 9.600
Jhaveri (Cornell): Y full, stuck, soft form in the air, could be a bent lay or very open tuck. Great landing either way though. 9.550
DeFrancisco (Cornell): Y lay half, soft knees, good landing. 9.750
Beers (Cornell): Y full, flairs, hop back, best vault all day. The POWER. 9.775
Goetter (Cornell): Y half, sits it down, just didn’t have the block. 8.975
Klucinec (Brockport): Tkatchev, soft feet in the air, bail to hs, a little archy. Full to double tuck, small hop forward, good height, just not quick enough rotation. 9.425
Raymond (Brockport): Free hip to staddle jaeger, GORGEOUS, bail. Double tuck, great chest position, small step back. 9.625
Eramo (Brockport): Good hs. Blind to straddle jaeger. SHy hs after, bail to hs, little wiggly but good form. Full to double tuck hop forward. Judges having a chat. 9.750
Tosado (Brockport): Great hs to start. Blind to straddle jaeger, soft knees on the catch but gorgeous in the air. Toe front, steps. Brockport keeping that momentum going! 9.750
Brookins (Brockport): Blind to straddle, floats, but doesn’t hold onto it. Pak to switch kip, great. Shy on that last hs by a lot, full to double tuck, floaty, wants the stick but hops forward a touch. Minus the fall, that routine was quite fluid and clean. 8.900
Kay (Brockport): Blind to tucked jaeger to bail. Double lay, hops back. Good! 9.600
After 2: Cornell 96.450, Brockport 95.800
Both teams avoided counting a fall, and this was Brockport’s strongest bar rotation this season. Talk about pacing well, especially with the Golden Eagles hosting East regionals in eight days. After the fall on bars, Brookins is no longer in the lineup for beam for Brockport but remains in the floor lineup as of now. Czarcinski will be anchoring beam while Schulman leads off. With Sooy not on beam today either, Brockport has some pressure now.
Rotation 3: Brockport BB, Cornell FX
Schulman (Brockport): BHS LOSO, hits. Switch to tuck 3/4. Transverse split jump half, a little shy. Front toss, check but smooths it over. RO 1.5 lay, step forward. Excellent start. The team is feeling it. 9.700
Pecoraro (Brockport): Switch leap to switch half, good. Just a tad shy in that second leap. BHS back tuck, foot pops up but keeps it low and plants it right back on. Beat to split 3/4, doesn’t get that full extension but good form. Front full lay gainer off side, good. 9.525
York (Brockport): BHS loso, chest down, saves it. Small check in that full turn to follow. Switch leap to split jump half, dreamy. Front aerial to beat, good control. SWitch split jump to split jump. Yes, please. FRont lay full, stuck! 9.750
Hockman (Brockport): Switch half. BHS loso. Switch leap to split jump, great extension all the way through the toes. Front aerial to beat jump. Nods to herself and smiles. Front lay full, small hop. Beautiful! 9.825
Kay (Brockport): Cat leap to switch side. Comes off on the BHS series. Ah, first issue in this rotation for Brockport. Soft on the split jump 3/4. Piked gainer off end, stuck! 8.925
Czarcinski (Brockport): Pressure to hit so Brockport doesn’t count a fall. BHS loso, good! CAgtleap to switch side and the stream is GLITCHING, but looked good until it did that. Side aerial, good. Swithc leap to split jump half, nooot quite that full extension but playing it safe. Gainer front full off side, shuffles her feet. Good, and a hit! 9.600
Michelini (Cornell): Double tuck to open, bounces back with both feet OOB. SWitch ring to switch ring half but doesn’t have the head release at all in that second leap. RO 1.5 to barani. 9.550
DeFrancisco (Cornell): Double tuck, chest down, takes a step. Switch side to wolf full, good. Front full to front lay, it looked like, tough to see. Good. 9.675
Whitaker (Cornell): Front lay to rudi to stag, looks like she went OOB. Good extension in her leaps. Double tuck to end, good height. 9.675
Rothstein (Cornell): Front through to double tuck, good! Switch side to popa, but the popa isn’t quite level. Double pike. 9.675
Moylan (Cornell): Rudi to loso, love that so much. Wolf hop full leap series looked good! I love that skill. Double pike, chest a little down, steps back. Clean routine overall. 9.825
Beers (Cornell): Love this floor music. Hiiiigh double tuck to open, so much power. Steps back. Switch half to popa popa, and she FLOATS. Front tuck through to double pike, great height, steps just OOB. 9.725
After 3: Cornell 145.025, Brockport 144.200
Cornell is quietly running away with this meet so far, even though Brockport has had an equally strong and fantastic meet. There’s nothing better than a late season meet that is a game of tenths and sticks rather than minimizing falls. Although, let’s always minimize the falls, thanks. Cornell had three routines end up going out of bounds, but this is Brockport’s home floor so hopefully the Golden Eagles will keep all that adrenaline in check.
Brockport needs a 48.900 to tie its season high score of 193.100.
Rotation 4: Cornell BB, Brockport FX
Kokaly (Cornell): BHS loso, comes off. She was super crooked on that LOSO in the air. Side aerial, small check but smooths it over. Switch side, soft feet. BHS to tuck 1.5, stuck! 9.075
Michelini (Cornell): BHS loso, leg comes up, keeps it on. Switch leap to switch half to beat, good! Side aerial. Tucked front full, seemed stuck!
Shambo (Cornell): Full turn with a kick out, love it. BHS LOSO, good. Side aerial, chest comes down, keeps it on. It is getting LOUD in here. SWitch leap to straddle quarter, excellent, great extension! Piked gainer off end, stuck! 9.600
Tehrani (Cornell): BHS loso, check, chest down, saves it. Switch half to beat, nice. Cartwheel with a smile and cheers from the team. Switch to split half, extension all the way through her toes, lovely. Piked gainer off end, stuck! 9.650
Beers (Cornell): Cat leap to front toss to beat, small check but no issues. BHS loso, shuffle but fine. Switch leap to straddle half. Inside full turn, love that. Gainer lay full off side, stuck!
Burton (Cornell):
Czarcinski (Brockport): Front lay to front full, no notes. Switch side to popa. The form in her front full is what dreams are made of. Rudi, great height, no issue on the landing. Tuck full to wolf jump series, good positions. Great routine. 9.775
Tosado (Brockport): Fabulous opening front pass, such a quick twister. Switch half to wolf full. Okay, she should run a clinic on front tumbling. FHS rudi to end, chest just a touch down but my WORD. Absolutely fantastic. 9.850
Wood (Brockport): Biiig double tuck to open, big step back but controlled that lunge very well. Switch side to straddle half, fabulous height on all. A little shy on the popa in her jump series after, didn’t seem totally controlled at the end there. RO 1.5 to front lay, great! 9.600
Saravia (Brockport): Front double full to open, steps forward and out of bounds but doesn’t struggle to finish twisting before landing. RO whip half pass, lands with chest just a touch down, clean in the air. Good.
Brookins (Brockport): Front double full, great! Okay, Brockport. Switch side to wolf full, she is made of springs. RO 1.5 to front lay, floaty. Seems like she was short on that rudi at the end and immediately runs off the floor.
Hockman (Brockport):
VT: Beers (Cornell) 9.775
UB: Eramo, Tosado (Brockport) 9.750
READ THIS NEXT: Judge’s Inquiry Good vs. Great vs. Excellent Single Bar Releases
Live blog by Allison Freeman