LIVE BLOG: Big Ten Championship Session Three

It’s the B1G show at the new-look Big Ten Championship, with UCLA competing in its first-ever conference championship and in a strong position to claim the title. However, that position has felt a bit more uncertain in recent weeks, with few stuck vaults at Utah last weekend and some struggles on bars. Still, the Bruins managed a 197.400 on the road—a solid score that bodes well for tonight.

Michigan State also broke the 197 mark last weekend at home for Senior Day and will look to repeat its 2024 title run. The Spartans have had shaky moments throughout the season, particularly on bars and beam, but have come close to taking down UCLA before, setting up what should be a tight competition.

UCLA and Michigan State are joined in the night session by Minnesota and host Michigan. The Wolverines have shown steady improvement as the season has progressed, with standout freshmen Sophia Diaz and Jahzara Ranger providing plenty of promise for the future. With their help, Michigan will be aiming to break out of the 196 range and push toward a 197 of its own to be confident before regionals, though it’s unable at this point to get into a seed. Minnesota has some star freshmen of its own, but it’s fifth-year Mya Hooten who will look to steal the show tonight and compete for the floor title in the first rotation.

This meet will be on BTN, with live scoring available here.

196.775 is the team score to beat right now, that number being reached by Iowa a few hours ago. Hanging close behind in second place is Illinois with a 196.500. Event leaders are as follows: Maryland’s Natalie Martin with a 9.875, Nebraska’s Emma Spence on bars with a 9.975, Nebraska’s Sophia McClelland on beam with a 9.950, and Spence in the all-around with a 39.575. Floor I need to list an entirely separate sentence because it’s a five-way tie: Ohio State’s Rylee Guevara and Tory Vetter, Washington’s Emily Innes, Nebraska’s Sophia McClelland, and Penn State’s Alyssa Kramer with a 9.900.

In fun conference news last night as well, Rutgers has qualified to regionals as a full team for the first time since 2014!

Every team is wearing a new leo tonight! What do we think of them all? As much as Michigan State is my favorite leo team in the country, I have to go with Minnesota as my favorite here. Such a unique design for the Gophers.

Rotation 1: UCLA VT, Michigan UB, Michigan State BB, Minnesota FX

Lee (UCLA) VT: Full stuck for a second but has to shuffle back with her left foot mid-salute. 9.775

Parenti (Michigan) UB: Maloney legs together, come apart a bit on the Pak, slightly piked DLO and a step back. 9.850

Schulte (MSU) BB: Taking over as leadoff tonight with the injury of Giana Kalefe. Switch to split to beat solid positions, 180, BHS LOSO legs slightly bent, gainer full step forward. 9.900

Jencks (Minnesota) FX: Front double full slight lack of control. Rudi to straddle better. 9.850

Moors (UCLA) VT: Chest way low on front pike half, hop in place. 9.850

Jordan (Michigan) UB: Caught the jaeger, handstands looking solid, TV lag so missed middle but stuck dismount. 9.900

Duplissis (MSU) BB: Legs slightly bent on triple series but no movement, TV lag so missed middle but stuck dismount. 9.925

Swartzmiller (Minnesota) FX: Straddle leaps solid, Rudi to Stag. 9.850

Webster-Longin (UCLA) VT: Y1.5 stuck, great leg form! 9.925

Diaz (Michigan) UB: Legs together on Maloney to bail, beautiful handstands and lines, sticks dismount. 9.875

Misenheimer (MSU) BB: BHS LOSO same leg form but solid. Steps forward on Y1.5. She gets crowd surf carried like at a rock concert by the team, LOL. 9.850

Sorry for the gaps in the above routines!

Pearl (Minnesota) FX: Back 1.5 to front lay, super floaty. Feet form on double pike but secure landing. 9.900

McGowan (UCLA) VT: Hop forward on Y1.5, form looked good in the air. 9.825

Vore (Michigan) UB: Tkatcehv caught very high, DLO a bit pikey and step forward. 9.825

Harkness (MSU) BB: BHS LOSO with a hesitation on the landing, another small check on leaps, side aerial is secure, tucked gainer full dismount hop back. Her first competitive beam routine of the season, got through the nerves at a key time. 9.800

Gonsiorowski (Minnesota) FX: Amazing position on the full-in landing, chest up and open. Double tuck chest down a bit more, really lovely. 9.900

Campbell (UCLA) VT: Yfull her usual stuck and chest fully upright. 9.925

Bauman (Michigan) UB: Usual height on the Jaeger, last handstand is good, big step back on the double front dismount. 9.875

Smith (MSU) BB: Leg form on BHS LOSO tiny check. Beat to straddle very dynamic and 180 position. Double tuck dismount is high but has ti hop back. 9.825

Koch (Minnesota) FX: Front double full controlled step, 1.5 to front lay dances out, 9.900, what a knockout few routines in a row for the Gophers.

Chiles (UCLA) VT: Ydouble full again, she stuck one in warmups but not today, step in place and chest down. 9.825

Zabrowski (Michigan) UB: Jaeger caught a bit close, DLO pike in the first flip and steps back. 9.800

Stephen (MSU) BB: Her anchor routine one year ago clinched the title for the Spartans. Front aerial to two feet no hesitation. Floaty BHS LOSO same no issues, straddle position 180 on leaps, stuck double full dismount, totally locked in for that one! WOW it’s a 10.000! I was thinking to myself it was title-worthy, but love to see that.

Hooten (Minnesota) FX: Full-in open as usual, straddle to wolf 180 positions and toe-point maintained, front full to front lay stuck. Double tuck chest pretty down and a step forward, so few deductions before that.

AFTER ONE: Michigan State 49.500, Minnesota 49.425, UCLA 49.350, Michigan 49.3250

No better time for a beam season high than now for Michigan State. That event was one the Spartans wanted to get out of the way, and doing so with a 10.000 was certainly a way to do it. Favorite UCLA had some bright spots on vault, like Webster-Longin’s exciting stick, but more nervy hops than not keep the Bruins in the bottom half thus far. I was very impressed with Minnesota’s floor rotation; so much control on especially the E-passes. Michigan had a clean enough bars rotation that fell just short of its 49.400 season high.

Rotation 2: Minnesota VT, UCLA UB, Michigan BB, Michigan State FX

Pearl (Minnesota) VT: Yfull hop backwards, not the most amplitude. 9.775

Campbell (UCLA) UB: Legs come apart slightly on Maloney, chest slightly down on double front stuck. 9.900

Parenti (Michigan) BB: BHS LOSO not tons of amplitude and bent a bit in the legs but secure landing, leaps just shy of 180, hop back on dismount. 9.900

Harkness (MSU) FX: Full-in lunge back front foot moves. Switch tour jete half wolf full good amplitude. Front through double back. 9.875

Steensland (Minnesota) VT: Similar hop in place to Pearl’s. 9.750 first sub-9.800 routines of the evening.

Webster-Longin (UCLA) UB: Full-in arm circle and chest way down, shuffle forward. 9.900

Vore (Michigan) BB: Confident on BHS LOSO, same on front toss, good air on back 1.5, step forward. 9.875

Tucker (MSU) FX: Rudi to LOSO solid landing, double turn to switch half split. strong front double full to end. 9.850

Moraw (Minnesota) VT: Good distance on the yfull but hops back once again. 9.800

Malabuyo (UCLA) UB: Solid first handstand, Maloney to Pak with legs together, toe on to FTDB with a shuffle forward. 9.900, three of that score in a row.

Boozer (Michigan) BB: Crisp to start out, switch to split is 180, confident until BHS LOSO with leg up wobble, stays on- good save. Gainer full steps. 9.750

Beaufait (MSU) FX: Front double full, love her flexibility on her choreo. Controlled 1.5 to front lay. 9.900

Crump (Minnesota) VT: Y1.5 some leg form in the air good distance but big step forward. 9.825

McGowan (UCLA) UB: Feet flexed on the Jaeger, DLO can’t quite see if that was a hop in place, Karas says stuck DLO. Wow 9.900 again.

Ranger (Michigan) BB: BHS LOSO not the most amplitude but no hesitation, I think leaps just short of 180, front toss no hesitation, huge air on double tuck but hops backward. 9.900

Stephen (MSU) FX: Front tuck through to Rudi controlled, Front double full bit overrotated. 9.925

Stewart (Minnesota) VT: Fantastic y1.5 looks like a hop in place, clean in the air. 9.875

Esparza (UCLA) UB: Maloney to Bhardwaj, nice van Leeuwen, DLO legs come apart in second flip and small hop back. 9.900

Mulligan (Michigan) BB: Leg comes up on the side aerial for a check, nerves following Boozer’s, hops on dismount. 9.800

Smith (MSU) FX: Full-in lands chest up but maybe small hesitation. Straddles are high amplitude and over-split. Front through to double back controlled step back. 9.925

Hooten (Minnesota) VT: y1.5 has to step forward, leg form in the air. 9.875, IMO Stewart’s a bit better for the same score.

Chiles (UCLA) UB: DLO arm circle and small hop forward. 9.90 again.

Bauman (Michigan) BB: BHS LOSO no hesitation, straddle to sissone, Gainer pike arm circle but holds stick. 9.900

Schulte (MSU) FX: Open full-in her usual, oversplit on leaps, front tuck through to double back, not much to deduct. 9.975..

AFTER TWO: Michigan State 99.100, UCLA 98.900, Michigan 98.650, Minnesota 98.575

The Spartans holding onto the lead after UCLA’s 9.900 fest is big, but the next two events will be a huge test with some issues in recent weeks. Michigan let the nerves get in a bit on beam, but big for them to hold onto third place as well. The first half of Minnesota’s lineup didn’t do it many favors with the easier vaults and steps to match, but that was always going to be the Gophers’ weakest event tonight.

Rotation 3: Michigan State VT, Minnesota UB, UCLA BB, Michigan FX

Tucker (MSU) VT: Y1.5 floaty and a hop forward, always looks cool off the table with her height. 9.900

Jencks (Minnesota) UB: Tkatchev caught a bit close with flexed feet, bail seemed a bit off, stuck DLO the best part, nice. 9.775

Lee (UCLA) BB: Front aerial to split jump, check on BHS LOSO, straddle was 180 and controlled. Gainer full chest way down and multiple arm circles, can’t hold stick. 9.825

Parenti (Michigan) FX: Double pike chest down but controlled, back 1.5 to front full. Solid day for her. 9.850

Doyle (MSU) VT: Y1.5 hop forward chest was upright. 9.850

Harrington (Minnesota) UB: Nice first handstand, legs together in Maloney come apart a bit on Pak, shuffle back on full-in dismount but big height. 9.750

Rosen (UCLA) BB: Back in the lineup, leap positions are 180. BHS LOSO leg form but hit, good distance on back 1.5 and holds stick. 9.925

Davis (Michigan) FX: Wolf jump combo great amplitude, controlled double pike to close. 9.900

Zsarmani (MSU) VT: Chest a bit forward but holds stick on y1.5, 9.975.

Crump (Minnesota) UB: Maloney leg separation, better on Pak down, lovely last handstand, DLO a bit pikey and close to the bar in the first step but good hit. 9.875

Chiles (UCLA) BB: BHS LOSO no hesitation. Tiniest of checks on side aerial. Back double full hop back. 9.925

Diaz (Michigan) FX: Front double full dances out, leaps are 180 and great amplitude, Rudi to LOSO. 9.875

Smith (MSU) VT: Y1.5 hops forward. 9.900

Stewart (Minnesota) UB: Pak caught a bit close, step back on dismount, otherwise nice form throughout. 9.900

Campbell (UCLA) BB: BHS to two foot layout no hesitation. Back gainer full stuck. 9.950

Sanger (Michigan) FX: Chest a little low on double pike. Precise leaps. Back 1.5 to front lay leg separated on the lay.

Stephen (MSU) VT: Great form in the air on y1.5 but has to step back. 9.850

Hooten (Minnesota) UB: last handstand was solid, full-in high as usual and a step back. 9.825

Alipio (UCLA) BB: Triple series no hesitation, tucked gainer full holds stick, contagious after Chae, let’s see if Malabuyo continues for an overall killer run on this event. 10.000, a killer run indeed.

Bauman (Michigan) FX: Front double full effortless, back 1.5 to front lay step forward. 9.950

Kellerman (MSU) VT: FHS pike half and a hop back but clean in the air. 9.950

Lyden (Minnesota) UB: Maloney to bail strong, great amplitude and distance on DLO holds the stick for a minute, deliberate. 9.950

Malabuyo (UCLA) BB: Controlled wolf turn, small check, ring jump position looked good, back gainer full stuck. Another stick! 9.950

Ranger (Michigan) FX: Great DLO front foot stays secure, front lay to double tuck perfectly stuck, period. 9.950

AFTER THREE: Michigan State 148.675, UCLA 148.650, Michigan 148.200, Minnesota 147.900

This is a close one. The scoring is definitely happy tonight, but UCLA beam was a show regardless. It truly is a coin flip. Michigan is definitely holding its own tonight as well, with landings on floor pretty dialed in after a slightly tentative beam rotation. Minnesota’s bars are always a treat; the Gophers should be proud thus far.

Rotation 4: Michigan VT, Michigan State UB, Minnesota BB, UCLA FX

Davis (Michigan) VT: Nice yfull distance and just the smallest step. 9.825

Doyle (MSU) UB: Caught Jaeger close, Pak tiniest leg separation, double back small step back. 9.875

Koch (Minnesota) BB: BHS LOSO big air and no hesitation. Front toss to scale holds for a minute, can’t tell if the scale was intentional or to hide the check but very impressive regardless. Sticks back 1.5. 9.900

Rosen (UCLA) FX: Creepy vibes to end the night! Double back chest is up good landing to start. Back 1.5 front lay slight adjustment but good comeback. 9.875

Jordan (Michigan) VT: Decent-sized hop back on yfull. 9.800

Stephen (MSU) UB: A 9.800 will give her the AA lead. Good release down to the low bar, half in half out chest down and arm circle, looks like a small shuffle. 9.900!

Stewart (Minnesota) BB: Front aerial to swingdown, back full off the side stuck. 9.925

McGowan (UCLA) FX: Overcooked the full-in and a hop juuuuust within bounds. Straddle leaps are 180. Back 1.5 to front full good control on step forward. 9.900

Boozer (Michigan) VT: Sizable hop back again on the full. 9.775

Zsarmani (MSU) UB: Maloney to Pak slight leg separation, step back on the DLO to end. 9.825

Moraw (Minnesota) BB: BHS LOSO no hesitation, check on side aerial. Holds stick on gainer full off the side to end. 9.925

Malabuyo (UCLA) FX: Controlled first pass on DLO, ring position in the leaps looked good, back 1.5 step forward. 9.950

Ranger (Michigan) VT: y1.5 usual leg form just a small step forward. 9.850

Smith (MSU) UB: Perfect position on Maloney to Pak, good hold on last handstand, bobs in place on dismount. 9.900

Rowray (Minnesota) BB: BHS LOSO leg and dances a bit on the beam but stays on, wolf jump is precise, step back on dismount. 9.825

Campbell (UCLA) FX: Usual big full-in, straddle leaps 180, back 1.5 to front full dance brings down the house. Double tuck to end and perfectly controlled. 9.950

Mulligan (Michigan) VT: Y1.5 secure and a step forward. 9.825

Harkness (MSU) UB: Gienger big air and caught, arches over on handstand but stays on, last handstand better, DLO step back. 9.850

Pearl (Minnesota) BB: BHS LOSO no hesitation, switch to straddle is 180 and good amplitude. Aerial to beat no hesitation. Holds stick on BHS gainer full. 9.875

Moors (UCLA) FX: Front double full punch front tuck perfect control. Rudi slightly less secure on the landing. Went 10.000, long-awaited, but IMO there have been a couple of hers more deserving. Third perfect 10 at the Big Ten Championships ever.

Diaz (Michigan) VT: Y1.5 has to cross step back. 9.825, that was better than Mulligan’s but got the same score…anyway, looking forward to that vault progressing.

Kellerman (MSU) UB: Jaeger a bit close but caught, DLO stick, first of the rotation for the last Spartan routine. 9.950!

Lyden (Minnesota) BB: BHS LOSO slight check. Leaps more secure. 9.900

Chiles (UCLA) FX: DLO the usual, the choreo out of it is always so funny to me with the look around. Front tuck through to double back, crazy crowd. 10.000 not shocking.

FINAL: UCLA 198.450, Michigan State 198.150, Minnesota 197.425, Michigan 197.325

Well that was quite the shake-up in the final rotation. Michigan State lost its footing on landings with this one but should be proud of itself overall going 198+; with UCLA floor, I don’t think much more could have been done. Judging will certainly be the topic of conversation tonight with four 10.000 scores and an overall…happy vibe. Looking forward to the regionals seeding!

2025 Big Ten Champions

VT: Zsarmani (MSU), 9.975

UB: Spence (Nebraska), 9.975

BB: Alipio (UCLA) and Stephen (MSU), 10.000

FX: Chiles (UCLA) and Moors (UCLA), 10.000

AA: Campbell (UCLA) 39.725

READ THIS NEXT: Data Deep Dive: Simulating Conference Championships if Realignment Hadn’t Happened

Live blog by Katherine Weaver

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