California’s senior day sets the stage for an exciting quad meet at Haas Pavilion, as the Bears host Stanford, Arizona State, and San Jose State. For California, Stanford, and Arizona State, the main goal is to secure another strong score for NQS as they make their final push toward regionals.
California and Stanford already faced off earlier this season, with Mya Lauzon’s flawless 10.000 on floor helping the Bears edge out the Cardinal. Expect another tight competition between these two teams, and don’t be surprised if Lauzon shines once again in the all-around on her senior night.
Arizona State, coming off a tough meet, is eager to bounce back with a solid 196. Look for the Sun Devils to showcase their strength on bars and beam, where they’ve consistently excelled.
While San Jose State remains outside the regionals bubble, they’re determined to build momentum heading into next weekend’s conference championships. Keep an eye on their beam rotation, and especially freshman Madison Gustitus, who has shown impressive potential.
This quad meet promises to deliver plenty of dynamic gymnastics from all four teams, making for an exciting showdown to cap off the regular season!
Touch warm-ups underway. Lineups show that we’ll be seeing Ondine Achampong’s bars debut in the exhibition spot today!
Rotation 1: California VT, Stanford UB, Arizona State BB, San Jose State FX
Wiley (Cal): Yurchenko 1.5, hop and lean forward, some knees in the air
Gutierrez (Stanford): Good handstand. Jaeger, overshoot is clean. Iffy handstand. Double front, half out, stuck
Lee (ASU): Leap, full turn. Bhs, bhs, loso, slight lean Beat jump, sheep jump, nice sheep. Stuck 1.5 with a little lean to hold it, really nice.
Valuch (San Jose): Front double full, lacikng a little control. Switch half, popa, fine. Back 1.5, front lay nice. Rudi, good start 9.700
Mayhew (Cal): Yurchenko 1.5, basically stuck but then took a step, and another, good amplitude.
Robinson (Stanford): Straddled Jaeger, strong handstand, Pak with leg separation. Strong handstand, stuck full in, nice. 9.9!
Seaga (ASU): Bhs, loso, nice. Switch leap, switch side, fine. Side aerial. Gainer pike and falls.
Reardon (San Jose): Popa, Popa. Back 1.5, front lay, good lift on the layout. Switch ring half. Double tuck, larger lunge and slide back
Brown (Cal): Yurchenko 1.5, a little short and to the left.
Neault (Stanford): Slow handstand, Maloney, Pak, great leg form. Half pirouette is fine. Toe full, double tuck with a hop.
Lichtman (ASU): Bhs, loso is hit. Full turn, Switch leap, straddle quarter, flexed feet. Nice front aerial. 1.5 with a big hop 9.700
Johnson (San Jose): Front double full, step to the side. Rudi, loso, better control. Switch half, Popa, short on the first.
Frazier (Cal): Yurchenko double full, medium hop back
Sorrento (Stanford): Maloney, Pak, small leg separation. Half pirouette. Good handstands, double layout, chest down and a hop.
Smith (ASU): Split half from side position. Full turn. Bhs, loso, secure. Standing loso, beat jump, some bent knees and flexed feet. Switch leap, straddle quarter, great 180 position. Back 1.5, stuck.
Lopes (San Jose): Big full in, some foot form but well controlled. Switch side, half, straddle jump, great height. Front tuck through to double tuck, really good control, chest at ouch low.
Williams (Cal): Yurchenko full, nearly stuck, small slide.
Roberts (Stanford): Superb handstand, gorgeous Pak. Another strong handstand, Maloney half. Double layout, stuck. Excellent, should be a huge score.
Clark (ASU): Full turn. Bhs, bhs, loso, clean. Split jump, straddle quarter, nice back leg on the split jump. Front aerial. Gainer full off the side, stuck. Strong routine
Gustitus (San Jose): Nearly stuck double pike, a little leg separation. Switch half, wolf full, wolf full, front leg is low on both wolf jumps. Front tuck through to double tuck, quite short with a step forward.
Lauzon (Cal): Yurchenko 1.5, short with a hop back
Soma (Stanford): Gorgeous HELD handstand, Maloney, Pak. Another excellent handstand. Van Leeuwen, stuck double layout. Huge routine. 9.950
White (ASU): Bhs, loso, small check. Front aerial, chest down wobble. Split jump, double stag jump. Bhs, back 1.5 with a small step
East (San Jose): Nice double tuck, good control. Leaps were okay, wolf full looked a little short of rotation. Front lay, Rudi, clean.
AFTER ONE: Stanford 49.425, California 49.175, Arizona State 48.850, San Jose State 48.825
Stanford takes the lead after one with a really strong bar rotation highlighted by exceptional handstand work from Soma. California struggled with landings on vault, and will need to pick it up on bars if it wants to keep pace with Stanford. Arizona State recovered from a fall early in the lineup, but had to count a couple lower scores. San Jose State started strong on floor, but was a couple short landings away from a huge score.
Rotation 2: San Jose State VT, California UB, Stanford BB, Arizona State FX
Valuch (San Jose): Yurcehnko full, hop back, chest a little low
Lauzon (Cal): Pak, aggressive handstand. Van Leeuwen is clean, another strong handstand. Full in, stuck, about the best she can do, excellent, 9.925
Dean (Stanford): Side aerial, loso, secure. Straddle jump, straddle quarter, second is a little low. Back 1.5 with a hop forward
Purler (ASU): Double pike, step forward but chest position was okay. Rudi, stag jump, travels really far on the jump. Switch ring, wolf full, nice ring shape. Front lay, front full, solid.
Reardon (San Jose): Yurchenko half, short with a hop back, really nice body shape in the air.
Frazier (Cal): Maloney, Pak, tiny leg separation. Half pirouette, a little loose back. Double layout, tiny hop.
Landry (Stanford): Solid wolf turn. Bhs, loso, soft knees. Split jump, split ring, shoulder dips a little. Stuck gainer pike, nice.
Braaflat (ASU): Huge full in, lacking some control, big step and a slide. Back 1.5, front lay, awkard landing a little straight legged, leaps were fine.
Jurries (San Jose): Yurchenko full, not the biggest vault, hop back.
Newman-Achee (Cal): Good handstand, Maloney, Pak, leg separation. Half pirouette is a little late. Short handstand, full in with a step
Carter (Stanford): Bhs, bhs, loso, aggressive, small arm wave and adjustment. Straddle half, big check. Staddle half, straddle jump. Stuck front gainer full of the side
Mangahas (ASU): Full in, nice control on the landing. Front tuck through to double tuck, slide back, good form in the air. Switch half, wolf full, wolf full, really good leaps.
Pitts (San Jose): Front handspring pike half, overpowers it and falls
Cesario (Cal): Straddled Jaeger, overshoot, Jaeger is so good and above the bar. Good handstand, double layout stuck. Strong routine
Neault (Stanford): Bhs, bhs, loso, sharp. Beat jump, switch ring, nice. Full turn. Perfectly stuck 1.5, excellent.
Smith (ASU): Double pike, bounce out of it, but gorgeous in the air. Front full, front lay, fine. Tour jete half, Popa. Really nice double tuck.
Kirsch (San Jose): Tucked Yurchenko 1.5, hop forward,
Williams (Cal): Good hanstand. Pak. Van Leeuwen, form is pristine on both. Emphasizes a handstand on the high bar. Double layout is stuck,
Roberts (Stanford): Switch leap, split jump, good. Side aerial, tries to connect to a split jump, but didn’t fully have her feet on the beam, big balance check and the jump was like half a split jump- impressed she stayed on, dismount is stuck 9.600
Gregoire (ASU): Another nice full in, good control. Straddle positions were a little short on her jump. Rudi, loso, nice.
Lopes (San Jose): Yurcehnko 1.5, medium hop to the left, bent knees throughout
Brown (Cal): Strong handstand, Pak is so good. Another good handstand. Van Leeuwen, Short handstand, toe on pike half and stuck
Robinson (Stanford): Bhs, loso and falls. Split jump half from side position is nice. 1.5 with a lean.
White (ASU): Front double full, stag jump, very intentional stag jump. Switch ring, switch half, solid. 1.5, front layout, good control.
Exhibtion Achampong (Cal): Stadler Maloney, Pak, big leg separation on the Van Leeuwen. Really short handstand, stalder double tuck lands really deep. Not quite ready, but exciting to see her on bars!
AFTER TWO: California 98.725, Stanford 98.425, Arizona State 98.125, San Jose State 97.600
California takes the lead after a massive bar rotation, led by the senior trio of Lauzon, Cesario and Williams. Stanford was crusing through beam but had to count Roberts’s 9.600 after Robinson fell on the anchor spot, and only scored a 49 flat today. Arizona State looked strong on floor, and is really pushing the difficulty throughout its line up with five E passes, including three full ins. San Jose State was solid on vault, and Kirsch’s Yurchenko 1.5 was solid today. Half way through!
Rotation 3: Arizona State VT, San Jose State UB, California BB, Stanford FX
Lichtman (ASU): Yurchenko full, per the commentator, the camera was on the end of the runway still, lol
Lopes (San Jose): Maloney, Bail, some flexed feet but legs glued together. Aggressive handstands throughout, giant full, double tuck is stuck. One of her strongest, 9.700
Cesario (Cal): Full turn. Bhs, loso secure. Switch leap, switch half, front leg a touch low. Back 1.5 is huge and stuck, strong start 9.900
Dean (Stanford): Rudi, good control. Back 1.5, front full, well controlled again. Switch side half, Popa, looked a little short of rotation on those jumps
Braaflat (ASU): Yurchenko full, nice block, medium sized hop back.
Reardon (San Jose): Handstand and arches over. Remounts, Handstand, Maloney and falls again. A third fall and they end the exercise.
Williams (Cal): Wolf turn. Front aerial, split jump, clean. Bhs, loso, smallest arm waver but covers it well. Switch leap, split jump, great split positions on both. Bhs, gainer full with a step 9.825
Neault (Stanford): Big double pike, well controlled.Switch leap, swtich ring full, decent ring shape. Rudi. Back 1.5, front lay, front lay is low but no issues on the landing
Smith (ASU): Good Yurchenko full, medium hop back.
Valuch (San Jose): Short handstand, jaeger, overshoot is fine. Late giant full, stuck double tuck. Some form issues but great recovery
Frazier (Cal): Full turn, front aerial, loso is great. Split jump, split ring, nice. Stuck 1.5, huge routine.
Robinson (Stanford): Double tuck, good form and control. Back 1.5, Barani, straddle jump. Short double pike and takes a few steps forward.
White (ASU): Nearly stuck Yurchenko full, good chest position
Weyhmiller (San Jose): Short handstand. Straddled Jaeger, strong handstand. Pak and drags her feet through. Somehow does a perfect half pirouette after. Double layout with a step, impressive fight to stay on
Scanlon (Cal): Bhs, loso, small hip check. Switch leap, switch half, beat jump- really nice back leg position on the first switch leap, switch half is Back 1.5 with a hop forward.
Nguyen (Stanford): Double layout, bounce back, some leg form throughout. Switch side half, straddle, short of rotation on the first. Front tuck through to double tuck.
Gregoire (ASU): Yurchenko 1.5, hop forward, nice form in the air
Konieczny (San Jose): Aggressive first handstand, Jaeger, overshoot. Double layout, leg separation and a stick
Lauzon (Cal): Wolf turn, small lean. Bhs, bhs, loso, secure. Switch leap, split jump, sharp. Almost wobbles on choreography, but works through it. Perfectly stuck double full, great chest position. 9.975
Roberts (Stanford): Huge full in, barely stays in bounds. Switch half, Popa, nice. Rudi is well done.
Mangahas (ASU): Yurchenko full, great amplitude, hop back.
Jurries (San Jose): Gienger, overshoot, some form issues but solid. Hits the last handstand, double layout with a step.
Achampong (Cal): Switch ring, small arm wave/correction. Bhs, loso, check and bends at the waist. Split jump, split ring is strong. That sequence after her full turn is so pretty. Gainer full with a hop.
Carter (Stanford): Rudi, straddle jump. Switch side half, straddle jump. Back 1.5, front layout, good form.
AFTER THREE: California 148.125, Stanford 147.750, Arizona State 147.275, San Jose State 145.375
California’s seniors had another strong outing on beam to extend its lead over the rest of the pack. Cesario’s 9.900 as a lead off was huge to build momentum up to Lauzon’s 9.975 in the 5th spot. Stanford was solid on floor for a 49.325, but would’ve wanted a few more 9.9s. Arizona State is piecing together a solid meet, adding a 49.150 on vault, with really solid Yurcehnko fulls and Gregoire’s 1.5. San Jose State struggled on bars, but will get to end its night on beam, an even where the Spartans can really shine.
Rotation 4: Stanford VT, Arizona State UB, San Jose State BB, California FX
Chang (Stanford): Yurchenko full, hop back, a little pike down.
Lee (ASU): Short handstand. Piked Jaeger, overshoot, caught with bent arms. Better handstand. Giant full, double tuck with a step forward
Ashton (San Jose): Bhs, loso, leg up balance check. Switch leap, switch half, very short on the switch half. Bhs, stuck gainer full.
Mayhew (Cal): Front double full, front pike, good control. Switch ring, switch half. Back 1.5, Barani, stag jump, no issues.
Neault (Stanford): Yurchenko full on, pike off. Hop back and a step,. not her highest vault.
Gregoire (ASU): Half pirouette, Geinger, very short handstand, Bail is short as well. Stuck double layout is really nice.
Valuch (San Jose): Full turn. Bhs, loso, secure. Really strong punch front. Cat leap, switch half, lacking split. Back 1.5 with a step
Keuneke (Cal): Front double full, front pike, solid. Switch half, wolf full, nice wolf shape. Back 1.5, Barani, straddle jump. The tumbling control in this routine has improved a lot this season, nice one
Soma (Stanford): Yurchenko full, bigger hop back and then a lean.
Smith (ASU): Strong handstand. Big straddled Jaeger. Bail is fine. Another good hs, double layout, small slide.
Macasu (San Jose): Bhs, loso, nice extension, leaps were fine. Back 1.5 is short.
Williams (Cal): Front lay, Rudi, nice twisting form. Double wolf turn, a little awkward. Switch half, split jump. Back 1.5, front layout, took the layout a little high but worked through it okay
Gutierrez (Stanford): Yurchenko 1.5, big hop, good in the air.
Mangahas (ASU): Piked Jaeger, overshoot. Stuck full in, handstands were fine throughout, good routine.
Weyhmiller (San Jose): Full turn, small lean. Bhs, loso, very nicely done. Switch leap, switch half, beat jump, strongest switch half of the rotation. Side aerial, medium sized lean, but holds on. Gainer full stuck.
Cesario (Cal): Full in, huge but stumbles back with multiple steps. Switch leap, switch ring half. Back 1.5, front lay, good control.
Roberts (Stanford): Yurchenko 1.5, small hop, great in the air, per usual
White (ASU): Nice handstand, Van Leeuwen. Giant half, Bail, a littel short. Double layout with a hop
Kirsch (San Jose): Candle mount. Bhs, Onodi, right on. Full turn. Switch leap, straddle quarter, short of split. Bhs, tucked 1.5, stuck, nice one for her
Frazier (Cal): Double layout, chest a little low, but nothing major. Switch ring, switch half, sissone, nice. Front tuck through to double tuck, control is great.
Nguyen (Stanford): Yurchenko 1.5, nearly stuck, nice to see her dial that landing in! 9.925!
Clark (ASU): Straddled Jaeger, strong handstands. Pak with a little leg separation. Gorgeous double layout, small hop.
Gustitus (San Jose): Switch leap, split jump, good positions. Bhs, loso, major wobble bit holds on. Switch half, split jump. Gainer pike stuck
Lauzon (Cal): All the other events are done, Lauzon is the only one competing, feels fitting for her senior day. Front double full, front tuck, good control, a little to the right. Switch ring, switch half. Back 1.5, front full, really nice control again and she’s crying as she finishes. Excellent, 9.950
FINAL: California 197.675, Stanford 196.975, Arizona State 196.250, San Jose State 194.150
California wins on senior day after a slow start on vault thanks to superb performances by seniors. Looking towards conference championships, the Bears look like favorite in the ACC after defeating Stanford for the third time this season. The Cardinal started strong on bars but had some uncharacteristic beam and floor issues. Arizona State was solid today and will bump its NQS up by a little bit. San Jose State struggled some today, but Madison Kirsch was a highlight for the Spartans scoring well on vault and floor today.
VT: Taralyn Nguyen 9.925
UB: Ui Soma, Madelyn Williams 9.950
BB: Mya Lauzon 9.975
FX: Mya Lauzon 9.950
AA: Mya Lauzon 39.675
READ THIS NEXT: Leotard Rankings: Week 10
Live blog by Rebecca Williams