Sophia Groth Auburn

LIVE BLOG: Auburn Preview Meet

We’re getting a first look at Auburn tonight as it shows off how it looks ahead of the 2025 season. After two disappointing postseasons in a row, Auburn will be looking to make a splash this year—helped by a star-studded freshman class that includes Olivia Ahern, Sophia Bell, Katelyn Jong, and Marissa Neal. The team is also gaining two transfers in Alex Irvine from UCLA and Sarah Zois from George Washington. It will be difficult to fill the gaps left by Aria Brusch and Cassie Stevens, but the Tigers retain plenty of talent on the roster.

Tonight, we’re hoping to get a look at what the new additions to the roster are bringing to the table, as well as what regular contributors like Olivia Hollingsworth, Gabby McLaughlin, and Sophia Groth have been working on. You can watch on SECN+ while you follow along with our live blog below.

Rotation 1: Uneven Bars and Floor

Apologies in advance if any names are incorrect/missing – the audio is not great!

Hollingsworth (UB): Blind change, piked jaeger, overshoot – well done. Full in with a stick, great start!

Neal (FX): Opens with a big whip to double back! Switch ring to switch half, splits look a bit short but hard to tell at this angle. Double wolf turn. Double pike with a step.

Irvine (UB): Blind change, piked jaeger, overshoot, big amplitude. Really nice form on the full in dismount, just a small hop.

(FX): Her music has kind of a spooky vibe, I love it. Front tuck through to huge 2.5 twist, big step out of bounds. Switch half to wolf jump is very bouncy. Front double twist, flies out of bounds again but she clearly has some powerful tumbling.

Groth (UB): Ray, nice form. Pak salto. Full pirouette to double tuck with a step back. Good to see some solid routines on what has been a weaker event for the Tigers in recent years.

Missed a floor routine here.

Jong (UB): I’m so excited for her college debut! Chow to pak, beautiful. Big van Leeuwen with some leg form. Stalder to full in with a stick – that routine will be a welcome addition to their lineup.

Bell (FX): HUGE Front double twist to front tuck! Fun choreo and her team is really cheering her on. Great height on her leaps. Finishes with a sky-high double pike. A little more control on the landings and that will be an excellent routine.

(UB): Blind change to gorgeous jaeger. Pak with a tiny bit of leg form. Blind change to double front with two small steps. Lovely toepoint throughout.

O. Greaves (FX): Love to see her on this event! Front tuck through to double back, great landing. Seeing shades of her old elite choreography here, super expressive and dynamic. Double pike is a bit short with a hop. Switch half to straddle jump, good.

Boyd (UB): Toe on, Maloney, Pak with some leg form. Back up to the high bar, stalder to double tuck with a hop.

After 1: A solid start for Auburn. Jong’s debut was fantastic, I can’t wait to see how she can contribute to this team – especially after Graba said that we can expect to see her in the all-around this season. Greaves on floor was also a standout, that was a very polished routine.

Rotation 2: Uneven Bars and Floor

Leonard (UB): Clear hip to HUGE Tkatchev – flexed feet but the height was insane. Bail, back up to the high bar. Double layout with some leg separation and a hop. If she can clean up her form a bit that will be a great routine.

Boyd (FX): Starts with an excellent double L turn – it’s hard to wow with a turn but she just did! High 2.5 with a step. Switch leap to split leap full, clean with great splits. Whip half to front layout, lacks a little amplitude but she lands well. Great movement quality throughout.

Hagle (UB): Tkatchev to Pak, lacks height and really has to arch the Pak to catch it. Double layout with some leg separation, stuck.

Bartman (FX): There’s definitely an intense theme with Auburn’s music this year. Front tuck through to double pike, stuck cold! Switch half to wolf, good split. Double wolf turn. 1.5 to front layout with great rise on the second salto. Really nice to see her healthy, I hope we can see this routine in lineups this year.

Hill (UB): Shaposh to bail with a little leg form. Wobbles standing on the low bar but saves it. Finishes with a sky-high double layout, chest down on the landing but stuck. I can’t wait to see more from her this year, her amplitude and height are lovely.

Groth (FX): Front double twist, a little short but saves it. Switch half to wolf jump. 1.5 to front layout, drills the landing. Love that she’s using Dancing Queen! Super fun. Finishes with a solid Rudi – the first three pass routine we’ve seen.

Huff (UB): Maloney to bail, a little low with some leg form. Double layout with a small hop.

Jong (FX): Opens with a big full in. She’s having fun with her choreography and has a huge smile on her face! Double wolf turn. Switch leap to split leap full, good splits. 1.5 to front full, a little bit short and has to hop back. She looks thrilled and her teammates do too!

O. Greaves (UB): I can’t wait to watch her on this event. Gorgeous Church to Pak. Van Leeuwen with super pointed toes. Finishes with a full in, tiny hop and some leg form. She’s a joy to watch on bars.

Hollingsworth (FX): Starts with a very open full in – unique technique but it works well for her. Switch half to straddle full. Front tuck through to double back, great controlled landing. Great routine.

McLaughlin (FX): Fantastic opening choreography – the crowd is so into it. 1.5 to front layout, a little low on the layout but controls the landing. Switch full to wolf full. Finishes with a double pike with a big lunge. She is really selling this routine – I can’t wait to see it in front of a full crowd!

After 2: Bell and Jong are really impressing me – they look so polished and confident for freshmen. Greaves will continue to be a staple in the bars lineup, that routine is worthy of a big score. McLaughlin continues to be fantastic in her fifth year.

Rotation 3: Vault and Beam

Hagle (BB): Wolf turn full with a bobble. Cat leap to side aerial, balance check. Front aerial to Korbut, very nice. Split jump to double stag jump, great amplitude! Finishes with a gainer pike dismount with a step.

Hill (VT): Yurchenko full with a hop, drifts to the right but keeps it within the lines.

S. Greaves (BB): Back handspring, back handspring, layout stepout – very low and crooked but manages to stay on, incredible save. Full turn. Split jump half from side position, well done. Gainer full off the side, fights for the stick.

O. Greaves (VT): Yurchenko full, a little piked but good height. Hop back.

Zois (BB): Back handspring, back handspring, layout stepout – soft knees and a small wobble. Full turn. Beat jump to split jump 3/4. Round off to double twist, crossed legs in the air and a lean back on landing. She has great lines on this event.

Zancan (VT): Front handspring to front pike, love to see this type of vault! Big step forward but it was clean in the air.

Hollingsworth (BB): Full turn. Back handspring, layout stepout – nails it. Best acro series we’ve seen so far. Switch half to split jump. Split jump half from side position. Gainer full off the side, sticks it.

Huff (VT): Yurchenko 1.5, really fights for the stick but has to lean and lift a leg up.

Groth (BB): Back handspring, layout stepout, back handspring – very good. Switch leap to switch half, nice splits. Full turn. Cartwheel to gainer full off the side.

Bell (VT): GIANT Yurchenko 1.5 – big step forward but the dynamics of this vault are fantastic. She’s been great to watch tonight.

Jong (BB): Opens with a solid double wolf turn. Layout stepout, layout stepout – unique series, lands well with a little leg form in the air. Switch leap to pike jump. Round off to double twist to finish, stuck.

Schumaker (VT): Tucked Yurchenko 1.5 with a hop forward. Another nice 10.0 vault for their lineup.

Neal (BB): Full turn. Back handspring, layout stepout, layout stepout – nicely done. Side aerial. She looks super confident – especially for a freshman. Switch leap to split jump, quickly hides a wobble. Round off to 1.5 twist, very clean in the air, small hop forward.

After 3: The freshmen continue to be impressive tonight. It was good to see some 10.0 vaults from the Tigers, hopefully we can see some more from the likes of Hubbard and Hollingsworth in the next rotation. We’ve seen some great beam routines and it looks like there will be a good amount of depth on that event this season.

Rotation 4:

Ahern (BB): Back handspring to layout stepout, very high and floaty! Cat leap to switch half. Beat jump to front aerial, great form. Full turn. She is an excellent beam worker. Round off to 1.5 dismount with a stick – this will be a welcome addition to the lineup.

Neal (VT): Yurchenko full with a hop, very clean in the air.

Schumaker (BB): I believe this is our first time seeing Sydney on beam! Full turn. Side aerial with a balance check, split jump. Back handspring to layout stepout, well done. Beat jump to split jump 3/4, chest down. Gainer full off the side with a stick.

Woolsey (VT): Tucked Yurchenko 1.5, tucks too early on the table and just doesn’t get enough height to put it to her feet.

Hill (BB): Back handspring to layout stepout, some bent knees and elbows. Switch leap to switch half, well done. Full turn. Great height on the round off to 1.5 dismount, hop forward.

Hollingsworth (VT): Yurchenko half on, front pike off – goes crooked and steps forward over the line. Great form in the air, though – and great to see another 10.0 option.

Huff (BB): Side aerial to layout stepout, very nice and controlled. Full turn. Split jump, split jump 1/4. Back handspring, gainer full off the side, good.

Zois (VT): Sky-high Yurchenko full with a hop. Her form in the air is excellent, very straight body line.

Bartman (BB): Full turn. Back handspring to layout stepout, good. Switch leap to split jump 1/4. Side aerial with a wobble and a step back but she controls it. Dismounts with a front tuck (or layout with bent knees?) full, small hop forward.

Jong (VT): Solid Yurchenko 1.5! Small hop forward and some leg separation on the table.

O. Greaves (BB): Back handspring to layout stepout, lovely and controlled. Great split positions on her leap series. Beat jump to side aerial. Gainer pike off the end, lacks height and distance but lands well.

McLaughlin (BB): Really looking forward to this one. Back handspring to layout stepout, super solid. Beat jump to side aerial. Split jump to straddle jump half – sky-high and great splits. Full turn. Gainer pike off the end with a tiny hop. Her precision and form throughout the routine are just lovely to watch.

After 4: Beam continues to be Auburn’s strongest event, with plenty of lineup options available. There may not be as many options on bars, but Greaves and Jong looked fantastic tonight. Veterans Hollingsworth and McLaughlin continue to shine, but the freshmen really impressed me tonight. They look confident and ready to contribute to lineups from the get go. It was great to see very few falls or major errors considering it’s only December – the Tigers look competition ready.

READ THIS NEXT: 2025 Auburn Potential Lineups

Live blog by Sophie Poirier

One comment

  1. I really hope the NCAA starts 2-pass floor routines out of a 9.95 in 2026. If not, they need to just shorten the average floor routine because watching gymnasts awkwardly wave their arms around to “dance” between the two floor passes is awful.

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