Nya Kraus Lindenwood on beam

LIVE BLOG: USAG Nationals Team Final

It’s team final day! I am so excited!! Each of the six teams had a great showing yesterday, but only four could qualify to tonight’s competition to compete for the ‘USAG National Champion’ title! Lindenwood, Texas Woman’s, Air Force, and West Chester (for their debut in the championship!) will compete tonight for the title!

This is going to be such an exciting competition and a new USAG National Champion will be crowned tonight!

Announcing everyone right now, Lindenwood lining up for their final time is giving me all the feels.  

Rotation 1: West Chester (VT), TWU (UB), Lindenwood (BB), Air Force (FX)

Sullivan (WCU): Yurchenko layout small hop back, really nice. 9.50.

Hunt (TWU): Mounts with a blind to HUGE straddle Jaeger to Pak, a little leg separation on the catch, beautiful handstands in this routine wow and ends with blind full to double tuck hop forward on the landing. 9.70.

Moon (LU): BHS LOSO, big wobble and touches the beam. Switch leap to split ¾, good connection on that. Front aerial to a beat jump, nice. Gainer full dismount off the side, stuck! 9.325.

Zarlengo (TWU): Blind to piked Jaeger to shoot over really arched back but saves it. Moves really quick through this into a double layout dismount, a little leg separation on the dismount, but a really nice routine. 9.70.

Not really showing names so I’ll do my best to keep up with these.

McKean (AF): First pass a punch front full front layout, a little flat on that connection but a clean fir pass. Torjete ½ to split full, good. Hop tuck double full, really hard dance skill. Double pike, good pass to end! 9.650.

Gruber (WCU): Yurchenko layout, small step back. 9.575.
Coleman (WCU) Yurchenko layout, small step back. 9.55

Eskew (WCU): Yurchenko full on tuck off, step back but really nice! 9.750.

Jones (LU): BHS LOSO, solid. Hitch kick to switch side, a little low on that split, right to beat jump. Round off 1.5 to end. 9.725

Ferrari (TWU): Big straddle Jaeger to blind change to straddle back, sway back but holds onto it Dismounts with a beautiful double layout. 9.850.

Martyna (AF): First pass a nice double tuck, right into the corner like right in. Front layout to front full, good. Switch ring to switch half, a little short on that half. Last pass a punch front rudi to straddle jump, really nice routine! 9.650.

Rush (LU): BHS LOSO series, big wobble lifts her foot up but keeps it on. Switch leap to double stag ring jump, beautiful. Gainer full off the side to dismount, stuck! 9.575.

Hoiland (TWU): Mounts over the low bar to the high bar to a blind change to pike Jaeger to shoot over. Really nice blind full on top of the bar to a double tuck dismount, small hop forward on that. 9.850.

Meccia (AF):  2.5 twist to start really nice lots of power on that. Switch ring to Torjete ½. Energy love. Last pass a back 1.5 to front layout, a little loose back on the landing. Split ring full jump to end the routine, really nice!

Appleget (LU): Switch leap to pike jump, good. BHS LOSO, really nice, looks super confident Standing LOSO, nice amplitude on that, a little bent back leg but good. Round 1.5 dismount to finish off this routine, STUCK! Just what they needed! 9.80.

Slife (AF): Huge double pike to start! Back 1.5 to layout, nice height on that layout right into the corner. Switch side to straddle half, great extension. Ends with a big double tuck, what a routine for Air Force wow.

Kraus (LU): BHS LOSO, pretty big adjustment, but keeps it on. Hitch kick to switch ½ to beat jump, good split on that. BHS Gainer full off the side, really holds onto that landing. Lindenwood in the clear after that low first score! 9.675.

After 1: TWU 48.825, WCU 47.875, Lindenwood 48.475, Air Force 48.400

A good first rotation for all teams! Lindenwood had a mistake in their first routine up, but came back with a good next five to keep them in this. Judging also seems to be a bit tight on beam, so we will see how this fares the rest of the night. TWU looked good on bars and had some really impressive, like really impressive handstand saves to give them just short of a 49 in their first event. West Chester had a good, clean first rotation on vault and Air Force did well on floor as well, both scoring about where they normally would after one rotation. TWU has the lead right now, and Air Force and Lindenwood aren’t far behind!

Rotation 2: Air Force (VT), West Chester (UB), TWU (BB), Lindenwood (FX)

Evans (LU): First pass a nice back 1.5 to front layout. Torjete full, not too sure if that was all the way around. Second pass a big double tuck to close, steps forward on that landing 9.725

Six (TWU): BHS LOSO, really nice. Switch leap to straddle ¼, good. Front toss to beat jump, nice. Dismounts with round off 1.5, STUCK! Good lead off for them! 9.775

Betts (WCU): Starts with a blind full to shoot over, right back up with a toe up to the high bar and a double layout dismount, a little shape issue, but a great routine! 9.650.

McKean (AF): Yurchenko full, a little low but keeps it up. 9.70.
Rodriguez (WCU): Blind full right a Pak down to the low bar. Back up with a toe up and ends with a BIG full in dismount, STUCK!

Hernandez (TWU): BHS LOSO, lifts up her foot but gets it there. Switch leap to switch ½ to split jump, really nice. BHS 1.5 dismount to finish, stuck!! 9.675.

Hartley (AF): Yurchenko tucked full really nice. 9.725.

Meccia (AF): Yurchenko full, comes in really short but keeps it on her feet.

Ringas (WCU): Mounts in between the bar to a clear hip to a Geinger, a little leg separation on the catch to a shoot over, loose back on the catch, to a really nice double layout dismount, hop back on that. 9.65.

Woodring (TWU): Beautiful BHS LOSO to open. Switch leap, switch leap, to split jump, a little low back leg on the leaps. Front toss, a really big wobble but again keeps it on. Ends with round off 1.5 dismount, stuck! 9.450

Slife (AF): Yurchenko 1.5, hop forward really nice.9.825.

Willis (AF): Yurchenko full, low chest.

Kraus (LU): Opens with a nice back 1.5 to front layout. Torjete ½ to straddle full. Torjete full moving into her last pass of a double pike,too good. 9.850.

King (TWU): BHS LOSO series, off on that, TWU will have to count that last 9.4 score. Front tuck, another really big wobble. Switch leap to straddle ¼, slight adjustment. Dismounts round off 1.5. 9.1

Wallace (AF): Yurchenko full, good landing. 9.725.

Eskew (WCU): Blind full to Geinger, a little loose, Pak down, also really nice form ending with a huge double layout dismount. 9.750.

Baechle (LU): Front double full to open a little short on that. Ring jump full, really good. Switch side to straddle full, good. Ends with a back 1.5 to front full, really nice routine!

Brkljacic (TWU): BHS LOSO, good. Switch leap to switch leap, nice. Front toss to beat jump. Dismounts BHS Gainer full off the side, stuck! 9.875.

Coleman (WCU): Great straddle Jaeger right to shoot over, beautiful. Blind full right on top of the bar double tuck to finish, stuck!! 9.875.

Hoiland (TWU): Front aerial to BHS, really nice. Switch leap to split ¾. Such beautiful form throughout this routine! Cat leap to side aerial, nice. Ends front Gainer full off the end. 9.825.

Jones (LU): Huge double pike to start! Right into front full to front layout for her second pass. Switch lep to Torjete full, doesn’t fully get that around. Last pass a back 1.5 front layout. 9.825.

Griswold (LU): Really nice double pike to open. Switch side to straddle full down the side going into her second pass of a front full to front layout, a really nice rise on that second flip. HUGE double tuck to end, a little short on that landing. 9.775.

After 2: West Chester 96.550, TWU 97.425, Air Force 97.00, Lindenwood 97.350

Lindenwood had a really great floor performance, so much emotion you could really feel it in everything they were doing. Air Force had a strong vault performance, keeping themselves in this heading to bars for the third rotation. TWU was a little shaky on beam (and the scoring is still pretty tight), and had to count a low 9.4, but had other scores that are keeping them on pace with the other teams, and are now TIED with Lindenwood! West Chester had a really great bar rotation, but will need big beam and floor scores to keep themselves in this through the next two.

Rotation 3: Lindenwood (VT), Air Force (UB), West Chester (BB), TWU (FX)

Six (TWU) :Front full to front layout to start this routine off. Switch side half to straddle jump down the side before her second pass of a double tuck, really short but keeps it up. 9.625.

Appleget (LU): Yurchenko full, small hop forward but clean. 9.725

Marshall (WCU): BHS LOSO, smallest adjustment. Cat leap to side aerial. Switch leap to Gainer pike off the end. 9.70.

Boyer (AF): Maloney up really nice to shoot over, good. Stalder to double tuck to finish, big step forward on that. 9.725.

Jones (LU): Yurchenko full, small step back. 9.70.

Gose (TWU): Huge double pike to start off, right into the corner Switch side to straddle full, straddle full. Second pass front full to front layout, good controlled landing. Front rudi to finish this routine off! 9.775.

Keane (WCU): BHS BHS LOSO triple series, to the VERY end. Switch leap to split jump, a little short of 180. Front walkover, good. Beat jump. Gainer pike off the end to finish. 9.525.

Baechle (LU): Yurchenko full, really nice control. 9.75.

Berkley (LU): Yurchenko full, HUGE, really nice landing. 9.825.

Wallace (AF): Maloney up, a little bit of leg separation to shoot over. Ends with blind full to a toe on to front tuck half, stuck! 9.75.

Caffey (LU): Yurchenko full, good but really far back on the table and a big hop.

Carlisle (AF): Big Maloney up to a shoot over. Dismounts with blind full to a double tuck, small hop forward

Griswold (LU): Yurchenko full, really nice height and block on that wow. 9.850.

Eskew (WCU): BHS LOSO to start, good. Switch ½, a little short on that split. Cat leap to side aerial, maybe touched her hand on the wobble ? Gainer full off the side. 9.40.

Whitaker (WCU): Beat jump to split full, really good gets it all the way around. BHS LOSO a little loose legs but keeps it on. Cat leap to front toss to beat jump, good connection. Gainer pike off the end to finish! What a way to end her career, tears. 9.650.

McKean (AF): Really big piked Jaeger to shoot over, nice blind full to double tuck dismount. 9.825.

King (TWU): Nice double pike first pass, lots of power behind that. Second pass, back 1.5 to front layout, nice control on that landing. Switch ring, not full bent on that right to a nice Torjete ½. Last pass a really clean double tuck, great landing.

Slife (AF): Starts with a really nice Maloney to Pak salto, really great form on that. Full in dismount stuck!! 9.9.

Cascadden (WCU): Standing LOSO, good. Switch leap to straddle ¼, beautiful. BHS LOSO, smallest adjustment. Beat jump to split ¾, really nice. A little full turn wobble, Ends with a round off 1.5 dismount, step forward on that. 9.70.

Woodring (TWU):  Really big double pike, really long lunge on that but keeps it to just that. Switch side to straddle full into the corner for her second pass of a punch front full ,front layout, almost out but keeps it in. Ends GREAT with a really nice double tuck.9.775.

McFarland (WCU): BHS LOSO, really nice Hitch kick to side aerial a little adjustment on the end. Switch leap to split ½, nice. Round off 1.5, step forward on the dismount. 9.725.

Hernandez (TWU): Front through to double pike really nice and keeps it in. Switch side ½ to straddle, nice. Second pass back 1.5 to front layout to end, just a little shuffle on the landing.

After 3: Lindenwood 146.325, Air Force 146.00, West Chester 144.850, TWU 146. 275

This was definitely the strongest rotation so far! TWU, Lindenwood and Air Force are all VERY close, within 0.025 so its truly going to come down to the last routine! This is SO exciting. West Chester will definitely have a great rotation closing out floor in their home arena, what a way to end a great night for them. Air Force will be tested ending on beam to see if they can pass both TWU and Lindenwood in the fourth. Lindenwood and TWU just have to do a little more, really focus in on the details to get the title!

Rotation 4: TWU (VT), Lindenwood (UB), Air Force (BB), West Chester (FX)

Wallace (AF): Switch leap to split jump, good opening connection. BHS LOSO LOSO, REALLY nice and confident! Front toss, good. Looking really solid in this lead off spot. Gainer full off the side dismount. 9.9.

Jones (LU): Really nice Ray to shoot over, nice last handstand into a double layout dismount.  9.825

King (TWU): Yurchenko full, really big!

McFarland (WCU): Front through to double tuck to start, big lunge on thatSwitch leap through to split full to wolf full, good. Double pike second pass, good! 9.70.

Slife (AF): BHS LOSO so good. Punch front tuck, amazing Switch leap to straddle ¼, nice movement in that. Round off 1.5 to finish! 9.850

Cooper (LU): Starts this with a blind to piked Jaeger to shoot over, really nice form on that connection. Ends this routine with a huge double layout dismount, STUCK. 9.9!

Holland (TWU): Yurchenko full, really nice 9.9!

Greene (AF): Opens with Gainer BHS LOSO series, really nice and so difficult. Switch leap to switch leap a little shy on both splits. Cat leap to Gainer LOSO, again so difficult and does it so well. Round off 1.5, a little bent legs but stuck! 9.825.
Kraus (LU): Really nice Ray to a shoot over, great connection. Ends with a HUGE full-in dismount, smallest step back. 9.875.

Eskew (WCU): Front through to double tuck . Switch side half to straddle full, really good. Front layout to front full second pass really nice. Switch half to straddle full, really nice routine! 9.750.

Moon (LU): Opens this routine with a Shaposh up to the high bar, a little loose legs on the back, overshoot back down and a double layout dismount STUCK. We are getting emotional in here. 9.90.

Rodriguez (WCU): HUGE double pike to start. This routine is so fun!! Switch side half to straddle full, doesn’t get it all the way around. Punch front full to front pike second pass. Ends with a really nice double tuck, stuck cold!

Kinkade (AF): BHS LOSO, big bent over wobble Side somi, really nice. Switch side, good. Beat jump to split jump to split ¾, great connection. Ends with a Gainer pike off the end of the beam. 9.525

Appleget (LU): Really nice first handstand, free hip to Geinger, beautiful, shoot over and ends with a beautiful double layout dismount, STUCK. Wow. 9.850

Fred (WCU): Double pike to open up a little bent legs on that, switch side to wolf full, doesn;t get the front leg all the way up on the wolf. Front full to front pike, almost goes down on that but keeps it up. Switch ½ to wolf 1.5, a little shy on the last half. Ends whip to back 1.5, really nice routine!

Hartley (AF): Side aerial to start, Split jump to straddle ¼ a little short on that straddle. Handstand to BHS LOSO, really different series and does it well. Split jump to ring jump, good. Cat leap to switch side, a little short on that split. Love the forward roll choreo, dismounts with a Gainer full off the side, stuck!!
Cascadden (WCU): Wolf 1.5 to open the routine, good. First pass double pike, chest a little. Front layout to front full, good. Switch side to straddle full. Nice back 1.5 to font tuck.


TWU 195.450, Air Force 194.850, West Chester 193.100

Wow. What a night for all these teams. Lindenwood ends it time as a program as the USAG National Champions! What a way to go out; the entire crowd was cheering for them, you could just tell how much they wanted it. This just meant so much for them. Air Force and TWU both put up really good meets too and should be so proud of its seasons. West Chester for its first time in the finals did SO well! This was such an exciting competition, and truly such a story book ending for Lindenwood.

READ THIS NEXT: West Chester Finally to Make Debut as USAG Nationals Host After Years of Waiting

Live blog by Julianna Roland

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