LIVE BLOG: USAG Nationals Semifinal One

It’s finally time for USAG nationals, and I couldn’t be more excited! It is my first time blogging in person, and it is going to be such an exciting competition!

For those who might not be too sure of the qualification process, the top two teams from each semi-final advance to the National Final on Saturday, April 13th at 7 PM EST. Alongside these qualifying teams, the top five on each event from each session will go on to compete in Sunday’s individual event finals; that being said, there is so much great gymnastics that will be happening in just the next 72 hours!

This first session, the top team coming in is No. 51 Texas Woman’s University, who is coming off a 195.875 at the MIC Championships three weeks ago. TWU has no all-around competitors coming into this competition, but has several two or three event athletes that have contributed to the strength and consistency of the team this year. Air Force is coming in ranked nationally at No. 56 and is coming in to this championships strong after its first performance in the Mountain West Conference, where it scored a 195.4500. Maggie Slife has been an extremely strong competitor for Air Force in her first season, having recently had a great debut at the California regionals, so she will definitely be someone to watch for throughout this competition.

Cornell at No.64 is the third team to qualify into this first rotation. Cornell has had some ups and downs this year, but has gone as high as a 195.025 this season, and will be looking to have a repeat performance at this competition and get one of the two spots into the final on Saturday night. Alongside these three teams, there are a handful of individuals who will also get the opportunity to compete here in the first session. Three all-arounders, Krystin Johnson of Talladega, Lola Sepulveda of Bridgeport, and Morgan Price of Fisk will rotate with a team throughout this competition. There are also 16 individuals from Southern Connecticut State University and one athlete from Fisk who will be competing this session, all who have the capability to score within the top five in each event to get to Sunday’s individual competition.

Day one of a weekend full of college gymnastics! Here we go! 

*Just a side note, there will be a rotation of individuals that will rotate through the events like a team.

Doing intros right now, so super exciting!

Rotation 1: SCSU (individuals on VT), Cornell (UB), Air Force (BB), TWU (FX)

Wallace (AF): Switch leap to split jump, good opening connection. BHS LOSO LOSO, REALLY nice and confident! Front toss, good. Looking really solid in this lead off spot. Gainer full off the side dismount stuck!! 9.825

Six (TWU) :Front full to front layout to start this routine off. Switch side half to straddle jump down the side before her second pass of a double tuck to end this routine, really nice lead off!! 9.750

Stone (CU): Blind half to Geinger, goes into a shoot over a little loose on the catch, finishes with blind full to double tuck dismount.

Kelley (SCSU): Tsuk full, a little short on that vault landing.

Slife (AF): BHS LOSO so good. Punch front tuck, huge. Switch leap to straddle ¼, nice movement in that. Round off 1.5 to finish, small step forward on the landing. 9.65.

Allen (SCSU): Tsuk full, good landing. 9.575.

Gose (TWU): Huge double pike to start off. Switch side to straddle full, straddle full. Second pass front full to front layout, good controlled landing. Front rudi to finish this routine off! 9.80.

Reucker (SCSU): Yurchenko tuck full, small step forward on the landing.

Greene (AF): Opens with Gainer BHS LOSO series, really nice and so difficult. Switch leap to switch leap a little shy on both splits. Cat leap to Gainer LOSO, again so difficult and does it so well. Round off 1.5, a little bent legs coming down but otherwise a really hard routine and really nice!

Beers (CU): Mounts with an in between the bar Tkachev, off the bar on that. Remounts blind right to shoot over, free hip to toe on pike half, stuck!! 8.825

Kinkade (AF): BHS LOSO, good. Side somi, really nice. Switch side, good. Beat jump to split jump to split ¾, great connection on those three skills. Ends with a Gainer pike off the end of the beam stuck!! 9.800

Rothstein (CU): Blind to Geinger, nice form, to a shoot over, nice and a double layout dismount in a hollow to end, stuck!! 9.60.

King (TWU): Nice double pike first pass, lots of power behind that. Second pass, back 1.5 to front layout, nice control on that landing. Switch ring, needs a little more bend in the back leg right to a nice Torjete ½. Last pass a double tuck, a little short but keeps it up.

Shambo (CU): Blind to Straddle Jaeger, lots of height on that, into a little short shoot over, nice last handstand to a big double layout. 9.600.

Hartley (AF): Side aerial to start really big wobble on that but keeps it on. Split jump to straddle ¼ a little short on that straddle. Handstand to BHS LOSO, really different series and does it well. Split jump to ring jump, good. Cat leap to switch side, a little short on that split. Love the forward roll choreo, dismounts with a Gainer full off the side.

Woodring (TWU):  Really big double pike, comes out perfect. Switch side to straddle full into the corner for her second pass of a punch front full ,front layout goes out of bands on that. Ends GREAT with a really nice double tuck. 9.700.

Bracher (SCSU): Yurchenko layout full, a little loose in the air, but keeps it on her feet. 9.625.

Moylan (CU): Fall on her release. Shootover a little shy on that, good last handstand and a really clean full in dismount to end. 8.725.

McKean (AF): Beat jump to wolf jump, good. BHS LOSO, an arm circle wobble Switch leap to switch half, great extension on that. Beat jump to straddle jump to straddle ¼, again really nice extension. Gainer pike off the end.

Hernandez (TWU): Front through to double pike, steps out of bounds on that. Switch side ½ to straddle ful, gets both around nice. Second pass back 1.5 to front layout to end. 9.750.

Johnson (Talladega): Bars: Nice shoot over right up to toe shoot sit up and ends with a nice double layout dismount. 9.425.

Sepulveda (UB): Beam: Front toss kick over, to scale, really nice. Cat leap to switch side, a little short on the straddle but good. Front toss to back handspring, nice. Ends with a punch front rudi, really nice start to her day in all around! 9.750.

Price (Fisk): Floor: Opens with a really big double pike, really well controlled. Love this routine, so much energy, great performance. Second pass a punch front layout to front full. Switch half to wolf full, straddle full, good. Ends with a  big 2.5 twist stuck! Wow!! That was so fun. 9.850.

After 1: Air Force 48.900, TWU 48.825, Cornell 46.850

A really great opening rotation to kick off these championships!! Air Force did really well on beam, and looked aggressive on a really nerve wracking event to start on. Cornell unfortunately had to count a fall on bars, so hopefully they can rally in this next rotation. TWU did well on floor but lost a couple of tenths in out of bounds deductions. Ending that rotation with Price’s floor was just the cherry on top. Onto the next!

Rotation 2: TWU (VT), SCSU (individuals on UB), Cornell (BB), Air Force (FX)

Walton (CU): Nice BHS LOSO series to start. Split ¾ nice extension. Beat jump to side aerial. Beat jump to straddle 3/4 , a little wobble . Dismounts with Gainer pike off the end. 9.700.

Zarlengo (TWU): Puts her hands down on that first vault. 9.100.

Wallace (AF): Opens up with a punch front layout to front rudi, a little under rotated on that. Second pass, a punch front rudi, better landing on that one. Torjete ½ straddle full, good. Back 1.5 to front layout to close out this routine. 9.725
Dinisoe (SCSU): Starts from the low bar, squat on to cast handstand switches grip to a front giant, 1 ⁄ 2 turn, shootover down to the low bar, immediate toe up, toe handstand, toe on , front pike half dismount. 9.575.

Byun (CU): Front toss, good. BHS LOSO, really solid. Round off 1.5 dismount, really nice!

King (TWU): A nearly stuck Yurchenko full!

Isbell (TWU) STUCK Yurchenko full!! Huge!! 9.825.

McKean (AF): First pass a punch front full front layout, comes up short and lands on her back. Torjete ½ to split full, good. Hop tuck double full, really hard dance skill. Double pike, good pass to end! 9.0.

Woodring (TWU): Yurchenko full, small step forward on that. 9.650.
Arnold (SCSU): Blind to straddle Jaeger, down to the low bar with shoot over, blind full to double tuck dismount, small step back! Plus a death drop. 9.550.

Willis (AF): Really nice double tuck to start. Front layout to front full second pass. Switch half to split full, good. Double pike to close out this routine, comes up short and puts her hands down. 9.050.

Holland (TWU): Yurchenko full, really nice!

Reucker (SCSU): Pak down to the low bar and comes off on that. Ends with a nice double tuck. 8.700.

Price (Fisk): Really nice Yurchenko full. 9.800.

long beam conference….

Jordan (SCSU): Starts with a huge Delchev immediate shoot over. Ends double layout stuck!! 9.775.

Martyna (AF): First pass a nice double tuck, a little squatty on the landing. Front layout to front full, good. Switch ring to switch half, a little short on that half. Last pass a punch front rudi to straddle jump, nice height on that to end!

Mastallone (SCSU): Nice Tkachev to immediate Pak, little leg separation. Nice last handstand to a little bit pulled in full in dismount, really nice routine! 9.850.

Meccia (AF):  2.5 twist, really nice lots of power on that. Switch ring to Torjete ½. Such a fun routine! Last pass a back 1.5 to front layout. Split ring full jump to end the routine.

Beers (CU): Cat leap to front toss, really nice. BHS LOSO, good. Switch leap to split ½, good. Gainer off the side, really nice! 9.825.

Burton (CU): Front aerial to side aerial series, wow. That was so good and SO difficult. Switch leap to beat jump to split jump, good connection. Front toss to beat jump, nice. Ends round off 1.5, small step back on that.

Slife (AF): Opens with a really clean double pike. Back 1.5 to layout right into floor choreography. Switch side to straddle half, great extension. Ends with a big double tuck!

Johnson (Talladega): Beam: Starts with a BHS LOSO, good start with that series. Cat leap to side somi, good connection on that. Switch leap to split jump. Ends with a front 1.5 dismount stuck!! 9.825.

Sepulveda (UB): Floor: Opens this routine up with a really nice front through to 2.5 twist to front tuck, out of bounds on that. Front rudi to LOSO for her second pass, really nice amplitude on that LOSO.

After 2: Air Force 96.975 TWU 97.650, Cornell 95.525

A good rotation for all teams! Cornell picked it back up on beam and had a strong rotation. TWU had a fall in the first spot, but came back with four nearly/ stuck vaults! Air Force also had a fall, but didn’t have to count it on floor, and ended with a strong score in that second rotation. Individuals are doing really well, Price had another really strong rotation, and Johnson scored a big 9.825 on beam. At the half way point, anyone can still rally!

Rotation 3: Air Force (VT), TWU (UB),  SCSU (individuals on BB), Cornell (FX)

Dinisoe (SCSU): Split ¾ jump to start, good. BHS LOSO series, big wobble on that. Front aerial, another big wobble on that.. Beat jump to split jump. Ends round off tuck 1.5, steps back on that. 9.575.

Hunt (TWU): Mounts with a blind to HUGE straddle Jaeger to Pak, a little leg separation on the catch, beautiful handstands in this routine wow and ends with blind full to double tuck stuck! 9.675.

McKean (AF): Yurchenko full small step forward on that. 9.575.

Willis (AF): Yurchenko full, small hop forward.

Stanfa (SCSU): BHS BHS LOSO off on that. Split full, doesn’t quite get it all the way around. Side facing split 1/2, good. Dismounts round off back 1.5, two big steps back on that. 9.100.

Zarlengo (TWU): Blind to piked Jaeger to shoot over, nice. Moves really quick through this into a double layout dismount, a little leg separation on the dismount, but sticks! 9.800.

Hartley (AF): Yurchenko tucked full step back on that but nice!

Kahl (SCSU): Opens with front aerial to BHS, good connection. Really nice extension on the beam. Switch leap to split ¼ jump. Cat leap to side aerial to split jump. Ends cartwheel back 1.5 dismount. 9.450.

Whitaker (CU): Opens with a front layout to front double full, lots of power on that, really nice. Torjete full to tuck 1.5 questionable on getting those both around. Front rudi to double stag jump, lots of height to close out that routine! 9.800.

Bowns (TWU): Over on that first handstand, but ends the rest of the routine well. 9.200.

Wallace (AF): Yurchenko full, big hop back but nice! 9.600.

Moylan (CU): Front rudi to a straight back layout for her first pass. Goes right into hop wolf full to switch ½ to wolf full, good on completing those turns. LOVING this choreo too! Second pass a really nice double pike to end. 

Gilmore (TWU): Makes the routine, but lots of steps back on that dismount. 9.575.

Meccia (AF): Really nice Yurchenko full!

Slife (AF): Yurchenko 1.5, really squatty but sticks it!

Ferrari (TWU): Really nice aggressive handstands to start this routine off, opens with a big straddle Jaeger to blind change to straddle back, I can’t remember the last time I have seen one of those, but SO good! Dismounts with a beautiful double layout, small hop forward. 9.800.

Mora (Fisk): Front aerial to back tuck connection, nice fluid movement. Side sumi, nice. Switch leap to sheep jump, really good. Cat leap to Gainer full off the side, stuck! 9.80.

Sepulveda (UB) Vault: Yurchenko layout full, nice distance and good form in the arm. 9.725.

Quiana (CU):  Starts with a HUGE double pike. Switch half to wolf 1.5, doesn’t really get that all the way around. Second pass a front full to front layout, nice ending! 9.850

Hoiland (TWU): Mounts over the low bar to the high bar to a blind change to pike Jaeger to shoot over. Really nice blind full on top of the bar to a double tuck dismount, small hop forward. 9.775.

Price (Fisk) Bars: Really nice Maloney to shoot over and ends with a HUGE full in dismount! 9.850.

Lee (SCSU): Straight leg flared back full turn, love the different turn. Front toss to sissone, to switch side, doesn’t really connect. Front aerial to BHS, good connection. Switch leap to split ring jump. Gainer front full off the end of the beam. 9.750.

Beers (CU): Front through to double pike, huge and so well controlled. Switch half to straddle full straddle full, really good. Really nice STUCK double tuck to end this routine. 9.9.

Walsh (CU): Front through to double tuck, really nice control on that. Big double pike right into her switch ring, Torjete full to wolf full combination. A really good end for Cornell on floor!

Allen (SCSU): Nice BHS LOSO series to beat jump. Split ¾. Cat leap to switch side, good. Side aerial, nice. Dismounts round off 1.5, big step back on that. 9.700.

Johnson (Talladega) Floor: Front through to a huge double tuck for a first pass. Switch side to straddle half to straddle jump, good. Another super fun routine, love the vibes. Second pass to end a big double pike! SUCH a fun routine! Also Cornell making signs for Johnson on the floor is the sweetest thing wow.

Melanson (SCSU): Cat leap to front aerial, touches the beam and goes into BHS. Switch leap to beat jump to straddle ¼, feet pretty far apart on that end jump. Cat leap to side aerial, big wobble. Dismounts cartwheel tucked 1.5, sits it down.

After 3: TWU 146.275, Air Force 145.225, Cornell 144. 750

Another nice rotation for these three teams! Cornell came back STRONG on floor and looked confident. TWU didn’t have to count a fall, but had some uncharacteristic mistakes in this rotation, but still holds the lead after three. Air Force had a pretty good rotation on vault and is still sitting good in second place. Price, Sepulveda and Johnson are all doing really well in the all-around and Mora of Fisk had a great showing in her event on beam!

Rotation 4: Cornell (VT), Air Force (UB), TWU (BB), SCSU (individuals on FX)

Moylan (CU): Yurchenko layout, good. 9.425.

Six (TWU): BHS LOSO, really nice. Switch leap to straddle ¼, good. Front toss to beat jump, nice. Dismounts with round off 1.5, stuck!! 9.825

Reucker (SCSU): First pass good double pike. Last pass, double tuck, not really that tuck shape but makes it! 9.775.

Boyer (AF): Maloney up really nice to shoot over, good. Stalder to double tuck to finish! Really good! 9.625

Byun (CU): Front handspring front tuck, really nice! 9.600.

Hernandez (TWU): BHS LOSO to get this routine started, a little bit of loose legs on both those but a nice landing. Switch leap to switch ½ to split jump, really nice. BHS 1.5 dismount to finish stuck!! 9.80

Wallace (AF): Maloney up, a little bit of leg separation to shoot over. Ends with a toe on to front tuck half stuck!

Zebdi (SCSU): Opens up her floor routine with a front rudi Switch ring to torjete ring ½, really difficult but done really well. Front lay to front full, underrotated but keeps it up. 9.700.

Whitaker (CU): Yurchenko tuck full stuck!

Woodring (TWU): Beautiful BHS LOSO to open, shuffles to stay on but keeps it up. Switch leap, switch leap, to split jump, a little low back leg on the leaps. Front toss to beat jump, good. Ends with round off 1.5 dismount, really nice routine! 9.750

DeFrancisco (CU): Yurchenko layout half big step forward. 9.575.

Beers (CU): Huge Yurchenko layout full. 9.800.

King (TWU): BHS LOSO series, nice height on that but a big wobble. Front tuck, really nice. Switch leap to straddle ¼, good. Dismounts round off 1.5. 9.750.

Carlisle (AF): Big Maloney up to a shoot over. Dismounts with blind full to a double tuck, really nice. 9.700.

Johnson (Talladega) Vault: A HUGE Yurchenko 1.5. What a way to end her day. Cornell wins most supportive team for real! Ran down to giver her the biggest high fives at the end. FLASHED A TEN. 9.925!!

McKean (AF): Really big piked Jaeger to shoot over, nice blind full to double tuck dismount.

Brkljacic (TWU): BHS LOSO, big wobble. Switch leap to switch leap, good connection on that. Front toss to beat jump. Dismounts BHS Gainer full off the side. 9.600.

Slife (AF): Starts with a really nice Maloney to Pak salto, really great form on that. Full in dismount STUCK to end! Really great routine for Air Force!

Hoiland (TWU): Front aerial to BHS, good fluid connection on that. Switch leap to split ¾. Such beautiful form throughout this routine! Cat leap to side aerial, nice. Ends front Gainer full off the end.

Sepulveda (UB): Bars: Opens with a huge Tkachev to shoot over, a little loose in her back. Ends with a really nice tucked full in, small bounce back but what a way to end her day! 9.650

Kelley (SCSU): First pass begins with a front lay, front full to front tuck. Leap pass, switch side to straddle full. Second pass double tuck, good finish.

Price (Fisk) Beam: Starts off with a BHS LOSO really nice height on that series. Front aerial to split jump. Switch leap to split jump, good. Dismounts with a round off double full, really nice routine! 9.725

Melanson (SCSU): Big 2.5 twist to front tuck to start, a little under rotated . Switch side to wolf full, good. Second pass back 1.5 to front layout another under rotated pass. Final pass front rudi, really strong finish. 9.775

Allen (SCSU): Starts off with really nice double pike. Front full to front layout, good . Switch side to straddle full. Last pass ends with a nice double tuck. 9.850.

Final: TWU 195.175, Air Force 193.675, Cornell 193.025

What a session one! Air Force and Texas Woman’s will be moving onto the final tomorrow night! TWU ended great on beam, and Air Force had strong bars at the end of that rotation. Cornell finished really well on vault and should be proud of this ending to their season! The definite highlight of that rotation would be Johnson’s 9.925 on vault and Cornell’s reaction. Wow. All the feels. Looking forward to session two tonight!

Advancing to Finals: TWU and Air Force

Event Winners:

VT: Johnson (Talladega) 9.925

UB: Mastellone (SCSU) 9.85

BB: Greene (AF) 9.85

FX: Beers (CU) 9.90

AA: Price (Fisk) 39.225

READ THIS NEXT: Previewing the 2024 USAG National Championships

Live blog by Julianna Roland

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