We have another exciting SEC dual meet tonight featuring No. 12 Arkansas vs. No. 13 Missouri.
Last week Missouri scored 197.000 in a loss to Auburn. The Missouri Tigers were leading heading into the final rotation but ultimately fell to Auburn after a tentative beam rotation. On the other hand, Arkansas is coming off a huge win against Kentucky last week where it recorded 197.400 and also set a new program record of 49.675 on floor.
The floor rotations should be a highlight as both teams are ranked in the top ten on floor with Arkansas ranked 8th and Missouri ranked 9th. Keep an eye out for Missouri’s Jocelyn Moore who is ranked 5th individually on floor and Arkansas’ Frankie Price and Lauren Williams, both currently tied for 8th on floor. A key all arounder is Missouri’s Sienna Schreiber currently ranked 15th in the individual all around standings and 7th on beam.
Missouri is finally back home at Hearnes Center after a month away. Tonight is Alumni Night and Decades Night. It’s also the last SEC dual meet of the season for both teams.
Watch along on the SEC Network. Let’s get started!
Rotation 1: Missouri Vault, Arkansas Bars
Schreiber (Miz): Yurchenko full to a small hop. Good start. 9.875
Swaney (Ark): Toe on handstand, Ray, Pak salto, double layout to hop back. 9.750
Light (Miz): Yurchenko full with a small hop back. 9.825
Pratt (Ark): Ray shoot over to handstand, toe shoot to high bar, dismount with shuffle back. 9.800
Griffin (Miz): Yurchenko full with a hop back. 9.825
Drotar (Ark): Maloney, Bail handstand, double layout with a stick but chest and arms down. Fought for the landing. 9.850
Horton (Miz): Yurchenko 1.5 with huge hop forward. Ton of power. 9.825
Linton (Ark): Maloney with a little pike, Pak salto, double layout to stuck landing. Only her third bar routine of the year. 9.900
Celestine (Miz): Yurchenko 1.5 with a step forward. Great height and distance. 9.875
Scalzo (Ark): Jaeger to shoot over, double layout with slight pike down and a small hop back. 9.825
Moore (Miz): Yurchenko 1.5 with a step back. Beautiful in the air. 9.800
Jones (Ark): Piked Jaeger to Pak salto with shoulder too far over the bar but continues, double layout to stuck landing. 9.925
After 1: Arkansas 49.300, Missouri 49.225
Good start for both teams. Arkansas was able to control its landings a little better than Missouri allowing them to pull slightly ahead after the first rotation.
Rotation 2: Arkansas Vault, Missouri Bars
Weaver (Ark): Yurchenko full with decent hop back. Big vault. 9.800
Burns (Miz): Blind, Jaeger, shoot over, double layout to stuck landing. Excellent start. 9.900
Smith (Ark): Huge Yurchenko full to a stuck landing. Slight arm swing but stuck. 9.850
Patrick (Miz): Blind, Jaeger, Bail handstand, dismounts with gorgeous double layout to stuck landing. Beautiful routine. 9.925
Price (Ark): Yurchenko full with tiny hop back. Solid. 9.875
Marshall (Miz): Replacing Hannah Horton in line up. Jaeger, shoot over, HUGE full twisting double back dismount with small hop back. Good one. 9.900
Essenpries (Ark): Yurchenko 1.5 landed with straight legs and a step back and to the side. 9.800
Schreiber (Miz): Maloney, Bail handstand, double layout to hop forward. 9.850
Klein (Ark): Yurchenko 1.5 to small step forward. 9.850
Moore (Miz): Huge Tkatchev, transition to low bar is solid, full twisting double back to a stuck landing. 9.875
Williams (Ark): Yurchenko 1.5 to a hop forward. 9.875
Titarsolej (Miz): Maloney to a fall, Pak salto, pirouette full to double back dismount with small hop. 9.100
After 2: Missouri 98.675, Arkansas 98.550
Missouri is in the lead after a strong bar rotation. While it had a fall, the other 5 routines were excellent. Arkansas had a good vault rotation but didn’t find the landings. It’s still very close heading into the third rotation with only a .125 lead for Missouri. Last week Missouri had a tough beam rotation so it will be good to see how it performs today.
Rotation 3: Missouri Beam, Arkansas Floor
Davis (Miz): Full turn, BHS LOSO solid, front toss and misses a foot but saves it, good jump series, switch leap to BHS, Gainer full to a stuck landing. Good start. 9.800
Gamiao (Ark): Open with a huge double pike, second pass is 1.5 full through to double full, nice leap series, last pass is double tuck with a little bounce back. Nice start. 9.800
Light (Miz): BHS BHS LOSO a little off but stays on with only small wobble, full turn, split jump, split half, cat leap to Gainer pike dismount with large step forward. 9.725
Klein (Ark): Opens with front layout through to double back tuck, good leap series, final pass is double pike with a bounce back but stayed in bounds. 9.875
Schaffer (Miz): Full turn, BHS LOSO solid, front aerial to a wobble, repeats skill and connects to a split jump, switch leap to split jump, dismounts with front 1.5 to stuck landing. A little tentative but overall good routine. 9.825
Jones (Ark): Opens with beautiful front double full, switch ring to switch half, 1.5 full to punch front layout is solid, closes with a Rudi. Great routine. 9.925
Marshall (Miz): Front aerial to BHS solid, split jump to stag jump, front toss with leg up but corrects it well, Gainer full to dismount. 9.800
Smith (Ark): Opens with front layout to stuck double tuck, switch side to Popa, dismounts with double pike to small hop forward. Great, fun routine. 9.850
Celestine (Miz): Wolf turn, BHS to side aerial solid, front tuck solid, jump series is beautiful cat leap to Gainer full with small hop back. Good one. 9.825
Williams (Ark): Opens with huge full twisting double back, second pass is 1.5 full through to punch front layout, solid leap series, closes with huge double tuck with great landing. Great routine! 9.950
Schreiber (Miz): Full turn, BHS LOSO LOSO solid, switch side, split jump, beat jump to Gainer full to a stuck landing. Beautiful routine! And it’s a perfect 10.000!
Price (Ark): Opens with huge double layout, switch side, Popa, Popa, final pass is front full to front layout to solid landing. Excellent routine. 9.925
After 3: Arkansas 148.075, Missouri 147.925
Wow! That was an exciting rotation for both teams. Missouri did an excellent job on beam capped off with Sienna Schreiber’s perfect 10. Arkansas delivered on floor with fun floor routines and great landings to take the lead heading into the fourth rotation.
Rotation 4: Arkansas Beam, Missouri Floor
Gamiao (Ark): LOSO LOSO solid, side somersault solid, switch leap to split jump, full turn, dismounts with RO 1.5 to a stuck landing. Good start. 9.900
Schreiber (Miz): Opens with front full to punch front layout to stag leap, Rudi to back layout to jump. Great lead off. 9.925
Jones (Ark): front aerial to BHS BHS beautiful, full turn, split jump to stag jump, dismounts with front full to stuck landing. 9.925
Kratzer (Miz): Replaces Light in line up. Opens with whip back to double tuck solid, switch side to Popa, next pass is solid double pike, closes with back 1.5 full to front layout. Great, fun routine. 9.900
Williams (Ark): BHS LOSO to slight balance check, switch leap to switch side is solid, pike front toss, full turn, dismounts with 1.5 full to small hop. 9.800
Horton (Miz): Opens with full twisting double tuck, switch side to wolf full, punch front through to triple full and falls. This is the second week in a row with a fall on her last pass. 9.150
Weaver (Ark): BHS LOSO, straddle jump to stag jump, side aerial, full turn, dismounts with 1.5 full to a stuck landing. 9.925
Celestine (Miz): Opens with huge full twisting double back with a step back, front full to punch front layout, closes with double back tuck to a solid landing. Great routine after a fall. 9.875
Klein (Ark): Side aerial LOSO, switch leap to split jump, full turn, dismounts with 1.5 full to a stuck landing. 9.925
Griffin (Miz): Opens with punch front through to double tuck, second pass is huge double pike, leap series is solid. 9.950
Linton (Ark): Double wolf turn, BHS BHS LOSO, switch leap to split jump, dismounts with 1.5 full with a small shuffle forward. 9.900
Moore (Miz): Opens with huge double layout, switch side to Popa Popa, punch front through to double tuck to a stuck landing. Excellent, fun routine! 9.950
FINAL: Arkansas 197.650, Missouri 197.525
What an exciting meet! Arkansas gets the win while setting its program and beam record. Missouri also had an excellent meet and scores its season high. It was especially great to both teams do well on beam after more tentative beam rotations earlier in the season.
VT: Celestine (Miz), Price (Ark), Schreiber (Miz), Williams (Ark), 9.875
UB: Jones (Ark), Patrick (Miz), 9.925
BB: Schreiber (Miz), 10.000
FX: Griffin (Miz), Moore (Miz), Williams (Ark), 9.950
AA: Schreiber (Miz), 39.650
READ THIS NEXT: Judge’s Inquiry: 20 Beam Connections From Week 7 I Wouldn’t Have Credited
Live blog by Jackie Craig