Lynnzee Brown salutes after her beam routine

2023 Predictions: Who Will Make the Most of Their COVID Year in 2023?

We’re narrowing in on the 2023 season, and it wouldn’t be a new year without some predictions! We’ll be answering one pressing question over the course of eight days as we gear up for the first meet on January 6. Check out the previous days’ questions and predictions here.

Teams having their star gymnasts back for one more year is about to get wild. We truly don’t deserve an extra year of some of these stellar gymnasts. However, we get it anyway, and today’s prediction is all about which one will make the absolute most of the opportunity.

Who Will Make the Most of Their COVID Year?

Winner: Lynnzee Brown, Denver (3 votes)

Runners-up: Alexis Richardson, Bridgeport (2 votes)

Also receiving votes: Derrian Gobourne, Auburn (1 vote), Amara Cunningham, Washington (1 vote)

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: I said this last year, and…we won’t talk about it. I’m speaking Lynnzee Brown revenge tour into existence.


Illustrated headshot of Peri GoodmanPeri: Alexis Richardson, hands down. She’s one of five sixth year gymnasts this season, and re-introduced all around during last year’s infamous Bridgeport lineup puzzle. 


Illustrated headshot of Alyssa Van AukerAlyssa: After helping her team break numerous records in 2022, I hope Derrian Gobourne can help Auburn continue that momentum in her fifth year.


Illustrated headshot of Emily MinehartEmily M: It has to be Lynnzee Brown. Her exit last year was so heartbreaking, and it’s time for redemption.


Rebecca Scally Illustrated HeadshotRebecca: Last year was a huge improvement for Washington, but with a small roster and an increasing injury load, the Huskies had to fight for every inch. This year, Amara Cunningham gets to take her victory lap with less pressure and more hype. With two 9.950s on her resume, it’s not inconceivable that she could get a 10.0 on floor before her career ends.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: I need Lynnzee Brown to have the farewell tour she so rightly deserves. I want nothing but good things for her this season.


Illustrated headshot of Allison FreemanAllison: I’m fully with Peri here. Alexis Richardson has the chance to close out her career with the Purple Knights and is ready to put Bridgeport back on track. 

READ THIS NEXT: All 2023 Predictions 

Article by Elizabeth Grimsley, Peri Goodman, Alyssa Van Auker, Emily Minehart, Rebecca Scally, Savanna Whitten, Alllison Freeman

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