LIVE BLOG: No. 5 LSU and No. 16 Arkansas at No. 11 Missouri

Arkansas has been nothing if not inconsistent this season: When the Gymbacks hit, they’re a formidable opponent; unfortunately, they’ve literally hit or miss this season. Top all arounder Kennedy Hambrick was “unavailable” last week against Kentucky, and the scores reflected her absence. Leah Smith, the only other Arkansas gymnast to compete all around this season, was also conspicuously missing from the floor lineup after a fall on beam. 

On paper, the fifth-ranked LSU Tigers are the favorites coming into this tri-meet, but there are a couple of factors working against them: Haleigh Bryant and Alyona Shchennikova are both limited by injury (to what extent remains to be seen); worst case scenario, that’s eight routines capable of 9.9-plus scores LSU will need to replace. Even if Bryant and Shchennikova are at full strength, the Tigers will be coming off of a Friday home meet against an always formidable Alabama and may not be as sharp as usual (case in point, Minnesota’s recent loss to both Maryland and Pitt).

Missouri had a disappointing (though still respectable 196.250) performance against Auburn last week and will be looking to reclaim its spot in the top 10. If it can replicate its level of performance against Florida the week before, it could potentially upset LSU and maybe even the SEC pecking order. 

Rotation One: Missouri vault, LSU bars, Arkansas beam

McCrary (Mizzou): Y full, a bit of a pike down and hop back. 9.625

Schaffer (Mizzou): Y full, cleaner in the air than McCrary’s and a hop back. 9.750

Davis (Mizzou): BIG Y full with a large hop back. 9.775

Schreiber (Mizzou): Excellent Y full with a definitive stick. 9.850

Celestine (Mizzou): Big Y 1.5 with a small hop forward. Nothing to take in the air. 9.900

Moore (Mizzou): Huge height on her Y 1.5. Landed slightly crooked and college stuck out of it. 9.925

K. Johnson (LSU): Missed the beginning of her routine. Stuck DLO, good start. 9.850

Finnegan (LSU): Fabulous piked Deltchev. Tight body position on the bail. Clean hip to double tuck, small hop. Great bars debut for her. 9.850

Dunne (LSU): Good rotation on her Tkatchev. DLO very close to the bar and some form in the air, nearly stuck. 9.825

Bryant (SLU): Nice straddled Jaeger. Very pretty, deliberate final handstand. Blind change to double front half with a small adjustment. 9.900

Arenas (LSU): Floaty Tkatchev. Some form on her Pak. DLO basically straddled in the air, but stuck.

Durante (LSU): Her usual giant straddled Jaeger. Some leg sep on the Pak, but may not be obvious to judges. Her usual enormous FTDT, stuck. 9.925

Interestingly, Rivers and Shchennikova in civvies and wearing BLM and Be the Change t-shirts respectively. Mentioning because other team members have warm-up jackets zipped up.

Pennese (Ark): No bounce out of her fhs, very low and crunched double full. Switch side to Popa, nice position. Clean double tuck in the air, but low chest on the landing.  9.725

Jones (Ark): Back 1.5 to front lay, gorgeous. Switch ring to switch half, high amplitude. Fhs Rudi, no problems. 9.825

Hambrick (Ark): Gorgeous kicked out double tuck to open. Back 1.5 to back lay to double stag, nicely done. Chest down on her double pike, right at the edge but stays in bounds. 9.825

Sedlacek (Ark): Very strong opening FTDT, legs slightly staggered in the air but a good landing. Fhs full to front lay, a tad flat on the lay. Switch half was nice, straddle half didn’t quite hit 180. Overcooks the double tuck and stumbled OOB. 9.700 is high given the issues before the final pass…. Broadcast says 9.600, which seems more accurate.

Lovett (Ark): Floaty DLO. Fantastic double tuck, stuck. Switch half to Popa, a little adjustment on the Popa landing. Front lay to front full; a little arched on the former, but good control on the landing.

Smith (Ark): Short on her FTDP landing and steps forward. Front tuck through to double tuck, slightest foot adjustment. Switch half to Popa, gorgeous oversplits. She just hangs in the air on those leaps. Big double pike with another small front foot adjustment.

AFTER ONE ROTATION: LSU 49.375, Missouri 49.225, Arkansas 49.075

Strong bars rotations for LSU. I’d love to see the form on the DLOs cleaned up across the board, because they really do a great job at finding those landings. Really strong debut for Finnegan; that piked Deltchev was impeccable.

The back half of Mizzou’s vault lineup was fabulous. Hoping to see them add a few of their 10.0 SVs soon. If they can get the front half to keep pace,

Arkansas just isn’t looking as sharp on floor as they have in recent seasons, almost tentative? Obviously, there are still great moments, but the precision and confidence aren’t quite there yet.

Rotation Two: Missouri bars, LSU beam, Arkansas floor

Marshall (Mizzou): Good blind change to straddled Jaeger. Nice position on the bail. HIGH and clean FTDT, stuck. One of the best dismounts in the NCAA. 9.875

Schreiber (Mizzou): Pretty, pretty handstands throughout. Stuck DLO. 9.850

Patrick (Mizzou): Straddled Jaeger, nice. A little loose on the bail. Good handstand. Flawless DLO, stuck. 9.950

Sheremeta (Mizzou): Pretty blind change to straddled Jaeger. No problems on the bail. Blind change to Rudi, small hop forward. 9.875

Celestine (Mizzou): Leg sep on the Pak and Maloney. Gorgeous VL. Overdoes her final handstand and goes over, takes an extra swing. Staldter pike half (i.e.g, the Celestine), stuck. 9.225

Gatzendorger (Mizzou): Large leg sep on her Maloney and Pak. Lovely full pirouette to double tuck. Small hop back. 9.725

Desiderio (LSU): Leg-up check and back bend save on her bhs loso. Stuck side gainer full. 9.750 is very high for

Durante (LSU): Front aerial to bhs bhs, well done. Side aerial to a rising full, stuck. 9.725

Dean (LSU): Tighter form on her bhs loso series, small foot adjustment. Front aerial, nice. Splits not quite hitting 180. Side aerial full with some legs. 9.850

Bryant (LSU): Front aerial to bhs, lovely. Didn’t quite hit her switch side. Back 1.5 with a small adjustment.

Finnegan (LSU): Bhs loso loso slow in the air and she hops off. Switch split to split jump, nicely done. Front aerial with a foot up. Side aerial to tucked full, stuckish. Good fight after the fall. 9.150

K. Johnson (LSU): Full turn, no problems. Bhs loso with an ever-so-slight waver. Switch leap series to split jump, high amplitude. Front toss a little off in the air, but she sold it. Back 1.5 landed staggered and takes a small step forward. Clutch finish.

Kelley (Ark): Y full, messy in the air and a pike down but stuck. 9.750

Pennese (Ark): Y full with a bit of form and pike down, small hop back. 9.825

Smith (Ark): Fantastic Y full, lots of height and amplitude and picture perfect form. Small scoot back. 9.850

Shaffer (Ark): Her usual stick-straight Y half in the air, large hop forward.  9.725

Sedlacek (Ark): Excellent Y 1.5, slight knees but very high. Stuck with chest forward and arm wave. Best she’s done this season. 9.900, well-deserved.

Hambrick (Ark): Y 1.5 clean in the air but underrotated, takes several steps back. 9.600

AFTER TWO ROTATIONS: LSU 98.525, Missouri 98.500, Arkansas 98.125

Very strong bars from the Tigers. Celestine’s handstand was the only large break. Their dismounts are some of the best in the country, both for the variety and the technique.

Not a disastrous beam rotation for the visiting Tigers, but certainly not their best and lacking some of their trademark swagger. Johnson understandably gets attention for her floor, but I’d argue her beam is just about as impressive.

As with floor, the vault lineup looks a little tentative. Back-to-back freshmen Smith and Sedlacek were the highlight, showcasing a combination of power and beautiful technique.

Rotation Three: Missouri beam, LSU floor, Arkansas vault

Gatzendorfer (Mizzou): Bhs  bhs loso, slightly soft legs but solid. Missed her foot on her split leap but worked through to the ring (maybe lacking a little height on the front leg? Camera angle wasn’t great). 9.750

McCrary (Mizzou): Front toss with a slight hip check. Very nice bhs loso series. Tucked 1.5 with a small hop. forward. 9.825

Schaffer (Mizzou): Bhs loso series with a check. Pretty leaps. Back 1.5 with a hop. 9.800

Sheremeta (Mizzou): Small check on her bhs loso. Nice position on the double stag. Tucked gainer full, stuck. 9.850

Hu (Mizzou): Lovely Yfull turn. Front aerial to bhs series, gorgeous. Front aerial to arabesque to scale, excellent. Slightly shy on the split 3/4? Again, the camera angle isn’t helpful. Gorgeous bhs side gainer full, stuck. 9.950 and that’s fine with me.

Schreiber (Mizzou): Love her opening shoulder cartwheel. Lovely, kicked out full turn. Excellent bhs loso loso, great extension. Switch half  to split jump to beat, great position. Side gainer full landed unequally on the left foot; stuck, but a major trunk bend to stay planted. 9.900

Desiderio (LSU): Usual nice opening DLO. Back 1.5 to front lay, great rise. High double tuck to finish. 9.875

Dunne (LSU): Tidy double tuck to start. Switch ring a bit out of control on the landing. 9.850

Ballard (LSU): Nice control on her opening DLO. Some legs on her Rudi to front lay, didnt quite hit the split position on the rebound. Switch ring to switch half, much better position. Very short double pike with a stumble forward. 9.775 is high. Not enough separation from the previous two.

KJ Johnson (LSU): Pretty open FTDT. Her straddle series is SO good! Big double tuck to finish, good control on the landing. 9.875

Finnegan (LSU): Beautiful opening tucked double Arabian to stag. Back 2.5 underrotated and sits the front tuck (which I think is supposed to be a front lay). 9.175

Bryant (LSU): Fhs double front, stumbles out of the landing a bit but finesses it well. Switch ring to switch half, nicely done. Orphan loso, always nice. Front lay to Rudi, chest down and steps forward. 9.900 is high for that Rudi alone.

Smith (Ark): Overshot her Pak and landed in front support, basically, had to take a hip circle, ouch. Big leg sep on the DLO.

Scalzo (Ark): Some shy handstands, but a strong DLO. Stuck.

Jones (Ark): Beautiful blind change to piked Jaeger. Pretty Pak. Rushed the handstand half on LB a touch. Excellent DLO, stuck.

Gianfagna (Ark): Stream glitched and I missed all but the FTDT with a hop back. Sorry!

Shaffer (Ark): Gorgeous bail. Tight handstands throughout. Small hop back on her DLO.

O’Hara (Ark): Blind change to straddled Jaeger, no problems. Gorgeous bail, excellent body position. Rushed her final handstand just a bit. Tight DLO with a step. 9.800

AFTER THREE ROTATIONS: Mizzou 147.825, LSU 147.800, Arkansas 147.475

Great rebound for Arkansas

Very nice beam rotation for Missouri. So glad to see Hu finally hit from start to finish, because she is truly an exquisite beam worker.

Another good but not great showing from LSU (not remotely surprising given it’s their second meet in three days). The scoring was mostly fine (and, admittedly, the broadcast angle isn’t the best) but there needed to be more separation and

Rotation Four: Missouri floor, LSU vault, Arkansas bars

Gamaio (Ark): Loso series with come legs, but solid. Side somi, nicely done. Switch leap series, good. 9.850

O’Hara (Ark): Bhs loso with a large break on the landing. Back 1.5 deep with a small step. 9.675

Smith (Ark): Beautiful switch leap to switch side. Soft legs on her bhs loso series, but very solid. High double tuck with a hop sideways. 9.800

Lovette (Ark): front aerial to bhs, a touch of hesitation. Pretty position on her leap series. 9.825

Hambrick (Ark): Bhs loso, floaty but an extra step. Switch leap to switch half, good. Straddle 3/4, no problem. Rising side gainer full, stuck. Not her absolute best, but a lovely routine. 9.900

Elswick (Ark): Slight bend at the waist after her leaps. Back 1.5, almost a stick. 9.925, great finish for the Razorbacks.

Schrieber (Mizzou): Rudi to front loso, great. Gogean to switch full (a tiny bit short on the latter). 9.900

Shaffer (Mizzou): Back 2/1 to loso, beautiful. Nice position on her switch ring. 9.850

Sheremeta (Mizzou): Excellent double front. Major amplitude on her Popa series. Rudi to a huge loso, gorgeous. 9.900

McCrary (Mizzou): Front lay to Rudi, very nicely done. Really nice double pike. Solid height on her split series. Back 2.5 a hair underrotated, but a well-controlled landing. 9.875

Either Moore or Celestine needs a 9.875 or higher to beat LSU…

Moore (Mizzou): Fabulous DLO to open. Really dynamic straddle series. Front through to a slightly short but stuck double tuck. I think that might give Missouri the win! Yep, 9.950. Big cheers (including from Arkansas).

Celestine (Mizzou): Pressure off Celestine. Very nice FTDT to open, good landing. Switch half to switch full, hits those positions beautifully. Back 1.5 to front lay, so easy. Kicked out her double tuck, small foot adjustment but an excellent finish. 9.900

Kratzer (Mizzou): Exhibition. Pretty opening double tuck, miniscule hop back. Switch half to Popa, nice straddle positions. Back 1.5 to front lay, great rise on the lay. I am in no way projecting a specific personality onto Alonna Kratzer, but I will say she certainly gives the audience the impression that she’s having a blast doing this routine. A stuck double pike with a DEFINITIVE step out to finish and she gets engulfed by the team.

Durante (LSU): Y full with chest down and a hop. 9.750

Edwards (LSU): Y 1.5 low on the table, but good height and a large bound forward. 9.850

Arenas (LSU): Some leg sep on the preflight but basically perfect after that. 9.850

KJ Johnson (LSU): Didn’t get the amplitude she usually does, chest well forward on the landing. 9.800

K. Johnson (LSU): Not great legs in the air and very sideways on the landing, but stuckish? 9.900 is way too high, especially compared to Arenas.

Bryant (LSU): One of her excellent stuck ones. 10.000

AFTER FOUR ROTATIONS: Missouri 197.350, LSU 197.200, Arkansas 196.800

That was a lights out floor rotation from Mizzou, not to mention a well-earned win. The LSU Tigers were very good, but the home team was better today. Also glad to see Arkansas finish the day with strong bars and beam sets after sub-49 scores on both last week.

VT: Haleigh Bryant, 10.000

UB: Hollyn Patrick, 9.950

BB: Helen Hu, 9.950

FX: Jocelyn Moore, 9.950

AA: Haleigh Bryant 39.700

Live blog by Claire Billman 

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