leotard rankings

Leotard Rankings: Week 5

It’s NCAA gymnastics season, and the leotards are as sparkly as ever. With new designs come your favorite series: Leotard Rankings! Each week we’re analyzing leotard debuts to find our weekly faves. There will be up to three points for design, up to one point each for fabric and sparkle, school spirit and uniqueness, and up to three points for overall appearance. This week Allison, Christina and Izzi are joining editor in chief Elizabeth to help judge. Don’t agree with our ranking? Let us know your thoughts on this week’s leos in the comments or on social media!

And don’t forget to vote in the poll at the end of the article each week. We’ll be tabulating all the votes to find the overall fan favorite design at the conclusion of the 2022 season!

Nebraska: 8.075

View a video of this leotard here.

Elizabeth: 8.600

Design 2.6/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 1.0/1, Overall Appearance 2.6/3

This is simultaneously the ugliest yet most amazing leo I’ve ever seen? It’s SO ’90s Alabama/Utah. The back is funky, the huge geometric shapes abstract and the colors great. As Emily M said in our Slack chat, “I hate it but I respect it? Because I know it could beat me up if it came down to it.”

Allison: 8.900

Design 2.8/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 1.0/1, Overall Appearance 2.8/3

I am 90% sure I had a leotard like this à la Dominque and I loved that shatter pattern then and I sure as heck love it now. The high color, the colors, the sparkles. It is nearly perfect. I just cannot look past teh asymmetrical opening on the back. But I love the N on the left shoulder. 

Christina: 6.200

Design 1.7/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 1.0/1, Overall Appearance 1.8/3

All I see is an anatomy drawing showing the muscles of the human body. Points for uniqueness and the asymmetry in the back but…what?

Izzi: 8.600

Design 2.6/3, Fabric 1/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 1/1, Overall Appearance 2.6/3

I hated this when I first saw it, but after just a few minutes, I decided that I love it. Even though there’s a lot going on, it all feels like one cohesive design, so I think it works. I love the soft ombre mixed with the sharp lines of the geometric design. I don’t love the back, but again, it feels like it fits in with the design so it doesn’t bother me too much.

Illinois: 7.575

View a video of this leotard here.

Elizabeth: 8.000

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.6/3

I love this. It’s very Penn State or Floida, but it works really well for Illinois. I love the cascading sparkles on the front—especially the use of orange rhinestones!—and I like the back V as well. The only thing I don’t like as much is the chunky sparkle collar.

Allison: 7.800

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.6/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

Yes to the neckline collar style this has, more of this. I love the silhouette made from the blue and white contrast at the shoulders and the sparkles down the sleeves. It is a bit Florida-esque with the colors, so maybe something a little more than the “I” on the back but it is sparkle city and I love it.

Christina: 7.500

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.3/3

This is very Florida (I feel like I’ve attributed each of this week’s leos to different school). That said, I really like it. A classic, elegant look. The sparkled collar works well, and I like the use of orange sparkles as well.

Izzi: 7.000

Design 2.1/3, Fabric 1/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.3/1, Overall Appearance 2.1/3

This definitely feels very Florida. I really hate thick collars, and this one really takes away from the rest of the leo. Based on the increasing number of leo collars, though, I appear to be in the minority on this. The rest of the leo is nice but nothing special.

Towson: 7.400

View an image of this leotard here.

Elizabeth: 8.100

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.6/3

I know this leo probably isn’t for everyone, but I love it. The shade of shiny gold is fantastic, and I love the black and yellow ombre. I even like the top design. It reminds me of a flattering sort of corset (without the pain a corset would bring).

Allison: 6.300

Design 1.9/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 1/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 1.8/3

I love black and gold together, but I think I need something different with the gold. I love the corset look but maybe some sort of ombre? The sparkle pattern is 10/10 though.

Christina: 8.000

Design 2.6/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.6/3

This actually looked better in photos to me than in motion. I still very much love it, though, and the balance of black and gold is perfect. The neckline is stunning, and of course the sleeve ombré from black to gold are just what I love. 

Izzi: 7.200

Design 2.2/3, Fabric 1/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2/3

This is so close to being a leo I love, but that middle cutout really bothers me. There’s already plenty going on—no need to make it busier with a random cutout. Otherwise, I really like the structure from the bodice lines, and the ombre sleeves are excellent.

George Washington: 6.750

Elizabeth: 6.500

Design 1.8/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, Theme Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.2/3

George Washington’s most recent pink leo was AWFUL. I’m talking my least favorite design in the history of NCAA gymnastics. So it was only up from there. But I like this a lot! The pink ombre works really well with the white, and the number of sparkles is great. I wish I could see the GW a bit more clearly, and I don’t care for the back lines as much, but overall this is a good one.

Allison: 6.800

Design 1.6/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, Theme Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.1/3

Pink on pink on pink. First all, love the ombre, LOVE the belt. I’m not usually a fan of breaking things up in the middle but when there are sparkles, yes please. I could do without the straps continuing onto the material on the back but honestly, its great. 

Christina: 7.100

Design 1.7/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 1/1, Theme Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.1/3

Now that’s a pink, princess leo. There is a lot going on. I love the pink ombré on the sleeves and bodice, but I wish it wasn’t interrupted by the sparkly belt there. The feedback is similar for the back, and I also would have done without the straps continuing onto the actual leo. Otherwise, a solid pink leo.

Izzi: 6.600

Design 1.5/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, Theme Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 1.8/3

I usually love a sparkle belt, but with the ombre it feels misplaced, like it cuts off the design. However, the ombre sleeves with clusters of sparkle at the wrist are beautiful. The back really misses the mark for me, though—the bodice structure comes out of nowhere and the random square cutout feels totally unnecessary.

LSU: 6.325

View an image of this leotard here and a video here.

Elizabeth: 6.800

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, Theme Spirit 0.6/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.0/3

I like this, and that surprises me. The mesh cutouts actually look great on video because they’re covered in sparkles. I also like the use of multi-colored rhinestones to represent all sorts of cancers. Overall, this is a nice, non-boring black leo for a team that normally goes one step too far with its designs.

Allison: 6.900

Design 1.9/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.9/1, Theme Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 1.9/3

I’m not typically an LSU leotard fan, but I love black leos. There’s something about the elegance of them, and I loved the varying colors of sparkles throughout. I think I need something else for the sleeve pattern to really win me over. However, I love that they went for a different route in regard to representing different things in one leo.

Christina: 6.400

Design 1.9/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 0.9/1, Theme Spirit 0.6/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 2.0/3

Eh. I do appreciate the attention to details with the different colored sparkles, but otherwise it’s a pretty boring leo. The back is lovely, but I am not a fan of the giant ribbon in the middle of the mesh part.

Izzi: 5.200

Design 1.1/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, Theme Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 1.6/3

I used to love LSU leos, but the last couple of years have fallen flat for me. I hate the arm cutouts, though I hated them less than I expected to on video. The gap between the neckline and where the rhinestones start also really bothers me for some reason. I love the idea of incorporating multiple colors, but I think they could have come up with a more interesting way to display them.

Sacramento State: 6.050

Elizabeth: 4.600

Design 1.2/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 0.4/1, School Spirit 0.6/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 1.4/3

I normally love throwbacks, but this is a throwback to a design era I didn’t particularly care for. The shade of green is great, but the design just doesn’t do it for me.

Allison: 7.200

Design 2.1/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.6/1, Uniqueness 0.4/1, Overall Appearance 2.4/3

Give me more green leotards, please. I’m a sucker for these swirls and this shiny green material. I love the stones around the neckline in the back and that the pattern isn’t just forgotten along the sides. Maybe a logo or something that makes it unique to Sacramento for a little school spirit, but otherwise, love it.

Christina: 4.900

Design 1.7/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 0.4/1, Uniqueness 0.3/1, Overall Appearance 1.4/3

I honestly thought this was MSU at first. I love a good green leo, but this one doesn’t do it for me. Like NIU’s, this is very 2010s, if not earlier, so I’m pretty indifferent to it. I am also not a huge fan of the random patch of black going across the chest. Otherwise, a fairly classic look.

Izzi: 7.500

Design 2.1/3, Fabric 1/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.2/3

This is extremely 2011, and I love it. The swirls in both the body and rhinestone design, as well as the (relatively slight) asymmetry feels like such a classy throwback to me, though I doubt they meant it to. The shade of green also feels somewhat regal. 

Missouri: 5.950

Elizabeth: 6.600

Design 1.7/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 1.8/3

This is close to being good but misses the mark for me. I think I would have preferred the top to have been completely white, because the black triangle—while cool with the leopard-y print on it—looks a little disjointed. I do love the back, though, and it looked good on all the gymnasts.

Allison: 6.500

Design 1.5/3, Fabric .8/1, Sparkle .8/1, School Spirit .9/1, Uniqueness .8/1, Overall Appearance 1.7/3

First of all, I love the open back. But I’d love to see the yellow lines connected into a more cohesive design. The front is super busy and ridiculous, but I really enjoy it. The only thing really throwing me off is the yellow that just peeks in the front for a second. 

Christina: 6.000

Design 1.8/3, Fabric 0.4/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 1.9/3

There is a lot happening here and maybe a few too many different textures. I am usually a fan of V necklines, but this one is eh, with the black lace and the white sides coming up a bit too high. The seemingly random sparkle straight lines are also a bit off. I do love the open back and the use of yellow and more subtle sparkles there, though.

Izzi: 4.700

Design 1/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.5/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 1/3

I feel targeted by the leos this week because like Towson, this one is so close to being great. Why did they need to add that deep V? And the side cutouts? And the random yellow straps on the front? There’s way too much going on here, and there are sharp angles pointing every which way. It looks like three different leos pasted together. 

Northern Illinois: 5.275

View a video of this leotard here.

Elizabeth: 5.200

Design 1.6/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 0.5/1, Uniqueness 0.4/1, Overall Appearance 1.6/3

I called that this would be the design when we saw the sneak peek, and I don’t hate it, but it’s nothing to write home about either. Black and red is always a good combo, but I wish the silver popped a bit more or that the leo as a while was a little more NIU.

Allison: 6.100

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.4/1, School Spirit 0.5/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 1.9/3

Strappy decisions were made, both physically and subtly with the placement of the jewels. I could use a little more something that says “NIU” since this could go for just about any school with a red and black, but I do love the simplicity of it a ton. 

Christina: 4.100

Design 1.0/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 0.4/1, School Spirit 0.4/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 1.3/3

This is OK, although this is very early 2010s and could totally be a UGA leo. I am not a fan of how the red mesh clasps over the straps, nor how it looks in the front.

Izzi: 5.700

Design 1.8/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.9/1, School Spirit 0.4/1, Uniqueness 0/1, Overall Appearance 1.8/3

I never really liked this stock design, and we’ve seen so many at this point that I’m extra bored by it. There’s nothing that offensive about it, but the cutout plus the straps is a weird combination for me. I do like the sparkle design on the bodice, though. 

Fan Poll

Congrats to UCLA for winning the week four fan poll! Vote for your favorite from week five here.

READ THIS NEXT: Leotard Rankings: Week 4

Article by Elizabeth Grimsley, Allison Freeman, Christina Marmet and Izzi Baskin

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