Individual Regionals Watchlist: Week 10 Update

It’s time to start thinking about regionals. Yes, really. We have an NQS for nearly every team and individual. (For an explainer on all of your postseason questions, see our post here; there remains confusion around whether we’re calling it a national or regional qualifying score this year. We’re using NQS since that is what is on Road to Nationals as of publishing.) Note that per the NCAA, NQS must be carried out to four decimal places, which we do here.

Keeping track of which teams will qualify to regionals is usually pretty straightforward, but tracking the individuals is much more complicated. This year, we’ve started tracking individual scores in an effort to anticipate the decisive storylines and routines we need to watch in the last few weeks of the season.

A word on methodology: We don’t actually know which teams will qualify to regionals yet! Remember that individual qualifying to regionals applies to teams who finish the regular season outside of the top 28, i.e. those who advance straight to round two and don’t have to compete in a play-in. Since there are still so many moving parts with a month to go until regionals, we’re going to consider individuals from teams currently ranked outside that No. 28 team cutoff. Of course, some of these athletes’ teams will ultimately qualify, so we should all apply common sense and restraint in making predictions at this point. Note that we are using NQS scores as of today, which takes into account the scores from Monday’s meet between Stanford and Arizona State.

Bold names indicate the gymnasts who would qualify if the regular season were to end today. A double asterisk (**) indicates that a gymnast in a tie would lose the tie break (highest score not counted in the NQS).

All Around 

2019’s regional qualifying NQS cutoff was 39.1650.

Gymnast School Current NQS Remaining Meets Low score to drop currently counted in NQS
Denelle Pedrick Central Michigan 39.3550 Three, two away 39.275
Lea Mitchell Michigan State 39.3050 Three, two away 39.225
Hannah Joyner Rutgers 39.2350 Four, two away 39.050
Jovannah East Bowling Green 39.1300 Four, three away 38.675
Ariana Castrence Temple 39.1150 Four, one away 39.000
Jada Rondeau Eastern Michigan 39.0850 Three, three away 38.950
Elizabeth Culton North Carolina 38.9950 Three, two away 38.750
Nyah Smith Michigan State 38.9950 Three, two away 38.575
Anna Kaziska SEMO 38.9850 Three, two away 38.850
Taylor Chan San Jose State 38.9650 Three, two away 38.775
Julianna Roland Bridgeport 38.9550 Three, three away 38.750
Dahlia Solorzano-Caruso SEMO 38.9350 Three, two away 38.650

Denelle Pedrick remains at the top of our list despite being unable to drop her low total last week. She’s joined at the top by Lea Mitchell, who debuts on our list after Michigan State slid a bit in the rankings this week, and into regionals playoff position. Hannah Joyner’s NQS jumped about a tenth, putting a little distance between her and the rest of the field. Ariana Castrence jumped Jada Rondeau, and both move up with Utah State’s (and Leighton Varnadore’s) jump into the top 28. 

We also saw Angelica Labat fall out of the top group, sitting outside of current qualifying contention, and Dahlia Solorzano-Caruso join the leaders after a stellar double meet weekend. She still has two low scores to drop, and three meets to do it; watch to see if she shoots up the rankings. There’s a possibility that SEMO could have two individual all around qualifiers to regionals!

We’re still keeping our eyes on the group just behind the lead pack as well. Hannah Demers now has enough numbers for an NQS and is just outside of the qualifiers; with one very low number left to drop, she could easily jump into the middle of the pack next week. In addition to these gymnasts, Gabby Landess is another to watch–she has three scores of 39.200 or greater but is still counting two scores in the low 38s; with three meets left she could move into qualifying position with hit meets.

Gymnast School Current NQS Remaining Meets Low score to drop currently counted in NQS
Hannah Demers Central Michigan 38.9200 Three, two away 38.200
Belle Huang Rutgers 38.9050 Four, two away 38.550
Angelica Labat Illinois State 38.9500 Three, two away 38.775
Rachel Decavitch Kent State 38.8800 Three, two away 38.425
Bria Northrop Texas Woman’s 38.8650 Three, two away 38.750
Darian Burns Seattle Pacific 38.8650 Two, two away 38.825
Riley Freehling New Hampshire 38.8400 Three, two away 38.650
Jessica Meakim West Chester 38.8250 Three, two away 38.725

For the rest of this article, an asterisk next to a gymnast’s name indicates that she’s currently projected to be an all around qualifier; all arounders do not “take up” an event spot.


2019’s regional qualifying NQS cutoff was 9.8150. 

Gymnast School Current NQS Remaining Meets Low score to drop currently counted in NQS
Khazia Hislop North Carolina 9.9000 Three, two away 9.900
Denelle Pedrick* Central Michigan 9.8550 Three, two away 9.825
Deja Chambliss George Washington 9.8500 Four, three away 9.800
Hannah Demers Central Michigan 9.8500 Three, two away 9.825
Sydney Jennings Ohio State 9.8500 Three, two away 9.775
Alexsis Rubio Maryland 9.8500 Five, four away 9.825
Gabriela Bouza Boise State 9.8450 Three, zero away 9.825
Mikayla Robinson North Carolina 9.8400 Three, two away 9.800
Olivia Aepli Ohio State 9.8400 Three, two away 9.825
Kaitlyn Hall Rutgers 9.8350 Four, two away 9.800
Lauren Guerin Iowa 9.8350 Five, three away 9.800
Ariana Castrence* Temple 9.8300 Four, one away 9.800
Jovannah East* Bowling Green 9.8250 Four, three away 9.750
Stefanie Schweikert Ball State 9.8250 Four, three away 9.800
Marissa Nychyk Ball State 9.8250 Four, three away 9.775
Alecia Petrikis Pittsburgh 9.8250 Three, three away 9.775
Kylie Gorgenyi New Hampshire 9.8200 Three, two away 9.775
Leighton Varnadore* Utah State 9.8200 Four, two away 9.750
Abbie Pierson** West Virginia 9.8200 Three, one away 9.775
Bri Slonim Ball State 9.8200 Four, three away 9.800
Gabriella Douglas Michigan State 9.8200 Three, two away 9.800

This year’s qualification cutoff is already at a 9.8200, compared to last year’s 9.8150, though that could fluctuate based on which teams move in and out of the top 28 before the end of the regular season. Regardless, this is quite the competitive field! Deja Chambliss shot to the top of the pack with a 0.2000 increase in NQS. Likewise Sydney Jennings, who dropped a 9.700. Hannah Demers debuted on the list in qualifying contention. Iowa, on a bye, slipped into the regionals play-off ranking zone, and Lauren Guerin joined this list. Marissa Nychyk jumped into qualifying contention after dropping a 9.750, as did Alecia Petrikis after dropping a 9.700.

Gymnast School Current NQS Remaining Meets Low score to drop currently counted in NQS
Daisy Woodring Texas Woman’s 9.8150 Three, two away 9.750
Bridget Killian Iowa 9.8150 Five, three away 9.800
Cydney Crasa George Washington 9.8050 Four, three away 9.800
Julianna Roland Bridgeport 9.8050 Three, three away 9.750
Gayla Griswold Lindenwood 9.8050 Three, one away 9.750
Hannah Joyner* Rutgers 9.8000 Four, two away 9.775
Lea Mitchell* Michigan State 9.8000 Three, two away 9.775
Arden Hudson Ball State 9.7950 Four, three away 9.750
Alecia Farina Maryland 9.7950 Five, four away 9.750
Darian Burns Seattle Pacific 9.7700 Two, two away 9.700
Rachel Decavitch Kent State 9.7650 Three, two away 9.700
Sydney Williams Central Michigan 9.7550 Three, two away 9.650


2019’s regional qualifying NQS cutoff was 9.8350.

Gymnast School Current NQS Remaining Meets Low score to drop currently counted in NQS
Emily Muhlenhaupt Boise State 9.9400 Three, zero away 9.925
Olivia Aepli Ohio State 9.8800 Three, two away 9.850
Colby Miller Ohio State 9.8800 Three, two away 9.825
Jori Jackard Michigan State 9.8600 Three, two away 9.825
Tiara Wright Maryland 9.8600 Five, four away 9.825
Denelle Pedrick* Central Michigan 9.8550 Three, two away 9.850
Michaela Burton Pittsburgh 9.8500 Three, three away 9.850
Sofia Iribarren Illinois State 9.8450 Three, two away 9.800
Maddi Nilson Boise State 9.8450 Three, zero away 9.825
Shannon Farrell Rutgers 9.8400 Four, two away 9.825
Jada Rondeau* Eastern Michigan 9.8350 Three, three away 9.800
Gabriela Bouza Boise State 9.8350 Three, zero away 9.800
Hannah Demers Central Michigan 9.8350 Three, two away 9.775
Jenna Swartzentruber Ohio State 9.8350 Three, two away 9.800
Lea Mitchell* Michigan State 9.8350 Three, two away 9.825
Angelica Labat Illinois State 9.8300 Three, two away 9.775
Cortney Bezold Eastern Michigan 9.8300 Three, three away 9.800
Rachel Decavitch Kent State 9.8250 Three, two away 9.775
Elizabeth Culton* North Carolina 9.8250 Three, two away 9.800
Allyson Steffensmeier** Iowa 9.8200 Five, three away 9.775
Kathryn Doran**  Bridgeport 9.8200 Four, three away 9.750
Amelia Mohler** Western Michigan 9.8200 Three, one away 9.800
Tatum Bruden** Boise State 9.8200 Three, zero away 9.775
Kianna Yancey West Virginia 9.8200 Three, one away 9.800
Jada Rondeau* Eastern Michigan 9.8200 Four, four away 9.750

Olivia Aepli bursts onto our list in second place, and teammate Colby Miller scoots into third. Dropping a 9.750 moved Rachel Decavitch into a qualifying position. Kathryn Doran also dropped a low number and moved into contention, though she would currently lose a tie break for the final spot.

Anna Salamone dropped just out of a qualifying position, but with one quite low score still to drop, a strong performance could move her back into the thick of it. Courtney Mitchell was also unable to use an away meet to drop a score, and fell back out of the main pack. Note that Mei Li Costa and Jazmyn Estrella have much lower NQS’s than the rest of our watch list; they’re included because each has one extremely low total left to drop, and doing so should rocket them up the list.

Gymnast School Current NQS Remaining Meets Low score to drop currently counted in NQS
Anna Salamone Air Force 9.8150 Three, three away 9.700
Emma Milne San Jose State 9.8150 Three, two away 9.775
Ariana Castrence* Temple 9.8150 Four, one away 9.775
Nevin Adamski Ohio State 9.8100 Three, two away 9.750
Esperanza Abarca West Virginia 9.8100 Three, one away 9.750
Aleka Tsiknias Maryland 9.8000 Five, four away 9.750
Courtney Mitchell Lindenwood 9.8050 Three, one away 9.775
Zoe Schweitzer Ohio State 9.8050 Three, two away 9.750
Kylie Gorgenyi New Hampshire 9.8000 Three, two away 9.775
Sophia Hyderally Alaska 9.7950 Two, two away 9.725
Morgan Hooper Northern Illinois 9.7950 Three, two away 9.750
Simone Banen George Washington 9.7900 Four, three away 9.750
Jacey Baldovino Yale 9.7850 Three, three away 9.725
Mei Li Costa Brown 9.7350 Four, three away 9.400
Jazmyn Estrella Temple 9.6950 Four, one away 9.100


2019’s regional qualifying NQS cutoff was 9.8350.

Gymnast School Current NQS Remaining Meets Low score to drop currently counted in NQS
Hannah Joyner* Rutgers 9.9100 Four, two away 9.900
Gabriella Douglas Michigan State 9.8850 Three, two away 9.850
Michaela Burton Pittsburgh 9.8750 Three, three away 9.850
Mia Lord Northern Illinois 9.8700 Three, two away 9.850
Alyssa Worthington New Hampshire 9.8650 Three, two away 9.825
Morgan Tong Central Michigan 9.8650 Three, two away 9.800
Anna Kaziska* SEMO 9.8450 Three, two away 9.775
Alyssa Ito UC Davis 9.8450 Three, one away 9.825
Sophia Hyderally Alaska 9.8400 Two, two away 9.750
Emma Milne San Jose State 9.8400 Three, two away 9.800
Denelle Pedrick* Central Michigan 9.8400 Three, two away 9.800
Amelia Mohler Western Michigan 9.8350 Three, one away 9.825
Ella Hodges Ohio State 9.8350 Three, one away 9.800
Caitlin Satler Eastern Michigan 9.8300 Three, three away 9.775
Hannah Cohen George Washington 9.8300 Four, three away 9.775
Hope Masiado Boise State 9.8300 Three, zero away 9.800
Jovannah East* Bowling Green 9.8250 Four, three away 9.775
Jada Rondeau* Eastern Michigan 9.8250 Three, three away 9.775
Hailey Lui New Hampshire 9.8250 Three, two away 9.825
Tiara Wright Maryland 9.8250 Five, four away 9.800
Elizabeth Culton* North Carolina 9.8250 Three, two away 9.725
Amber Koeth Sacramento State 9.8250 Three, two away 9.775

This is the list that changed the most drastically, as gymnasts were able to drop low totals and move up on others who couldn’t capitalize or had a lower potential climb. Notably, Michaela Burton moved up significantly and is in a very sure spot, as are Mia Lord (who makes her NQS debut), Alyssa Worthington and Morgan Tong. Sophia Hyderally makes her NQS debut in qualifying position with one low score still to drop; she is in a solid place. 

Isabella Amado and Khazia Hislop both fall out of qualifying position this week. Hislop is concerning because her counting scores are all 9.800 or 9.825 with one 9.875 dropped; she will need to start receiving higher scores in order to have a shot at qualifying on beam. Erin McLachlan is another to keep an eye on; she has three scores of 9.875 or higher so is in a great position to qualify if she can drop a 9.750 and a 9.675 over her remaining four meets.

Gymnast School Current NQS Remaining Meets Low score to drop currently counted in NQS
Maya Reimers Bridgeport 9.8150 Three, three away 9.750
Khazia Hislop North Carolina 9.8150 Three, two away 9.800
Isabella Amado Boise State 9.8150 Three, zero away 9.700
Lea Mitchell* Michigan State 9.8150 Three, two away 9.750
Arden Hudson Ball State 9.8100 Four, three away 9.750
Emma Firmstone Yale 9.8100 Three, three away 9.775
Delaney Garin Temple 9.8050 Four, one away 9.750
Julianna Roland* Bridgeport 9.8050 Three, three away 9.775
Emili Dobronics Eastern Michigan 9.8050 Three, three away 9.750
Erin McLachlan Rutgers 9.8000 Four, two away 9.675
Hannah Nam North Carolina 9.8000 Three, two away 9.775
Morgan Hooper Northern Illinois 9.8000 Three, two away 9.700
Erin Elkabchi Boise State 9.8000 Three, zero away 9.750
Chelsey Andrada San Jose State 9.8000 Three, two away 9.725


2019’s regional qualifying NQS cutoff was 9.8700.

Gymnast School Current NQS Remaining Meets Low score to drop currently counted in NQS
Maya Reimers Bridgeport 9.9150 Three, three away 9.875
Lauren Guerin Iowa 9.9050 Five, three away 9.875
Taylor Chan* San Jose State 9.8950 Three, two away 9.875
Claire Gagliardi Ohio State 9.8950 Three, two away 9.875
Khazia Hislop North Carolina 9.8950 Three, two away 9.875
Claudia Goyco Ball State 9.8850 Four, three away 9.875
Denelle Pedrick* Central Michigan 9.8850 Three, two away 9.875
Emma Winer New Hampshire 9.8700 Three, two away 9.850
Olivia Aepli Ohio State 9.8650 Three, two away 9.850
Ashley Hofelich Michigan State 9.8650 Three, two away 9.825
Darian Burns Seattle Pacific 9.8600 Two, two away 9.825
Mikayla Robinson North Carolina 9.8860 Three, two away 9.825
Belle Huang Rutgers 9.8550 Four, two away 9.850
Tara Kofmehl Northern Illinois 9.8550 Three, two away 9.825
Sabriyya Rouse Maryland 9.8550 Five, four away 9.825
Chloe Cluchey West Virginia 9.8550 Three, one away 9.800
Reese McClure Maryland 9.8550 Five, four away 9.800
Anna Kaziska* SEMO 9.8500 Three, two away 9.825
Jovannah East* Bowling Green 9.8500 Five, four away 9.825
Emili Dobronics Eastern Michigan 9.8500 Three, three away 9.825

Darian Burns dropped a 9.725 this week and joined the “you would qualify if regular season ended today” club. Tara Kofmehl did the same, after dropping a 9.750. There wasn’t a ton of movement over last week on floor, despite some reshuffling in the pack leaders.

School Current NQS Remaining Meets Low score to drop currently counted in NQS
Isabel Goyco Texas Woman’s  9.8450 Three, two away 9.825
Cydney Crasa George Washington 9.8450 Four, three away 9.825
Bria Northrop Texas Woman’s 9.8400 Three, two away 9.800
Jade Brown  Kent State 9.8400 Three, two away 9.825
Hailey Lui New Hampshire 9.8350 Four, three away 9.775
Kendra Combs West Virginia 9.8400 Three, one away 9.800
Stacie Harrison Western Michigan 9.8350 Three, one away 9.800
Ronni Binstock Western Michigan 9.8350 Three, one away 9.825

Teams on the Cusp

So far we’ve only listed gymnasts on teams ranked outside of the top 28, but it is a realistic possibility that these team rankings will change before the end of the postseason. Let’s take a look at gymnasts on teams ranked between 25 and 28 that could qualify as individuals should their teams find themselves ranked lower come postseason.

Name School Event Current NQS
Kyla Bryant Stanford All Around 39.2950
Kyla Bryant Stanford Vault 9.8250
Kyla Bryant Stanford Bars 9.8400
Kyla Bryant Stanford Beam 9.8300
Kyla Bryant Stanford Floor 9.9150
Chloe Widner Stanford Vault 9.8200
Chloe Widner Stanford Beam 9.8500
Taylor Lawson Stanford Beam 9.8250
Morgan Hoang Stanford Floor 9.8500
Lauren Bridgens Penn State All Around 39.2500
Lauren Bridgens Penn State Bars 9.8650
Lauren Bridgens Penn State Floor 9.8800
Cassidy Rushlow Penn State All Around 39.1300
Cassidy Rushlow Penn State Bars 9.8350
Cassidy Rushlow Penn State Beam 9.8550
Alissa Bonsall Penn State Vault 9.8200
Alissa Bonsall Penn State Bars 9.8450
Tess McCracken Penn State Beam 9.8200
Sofi Sullivan Utah State All Around 39.1200
Sofi Sullivan Utah State Beam 9.8950
Leighton Varnadore Utah State All Around 39.1150
Leighton Varnadore Utah State Vault 9.8200
Leighton Varnadore Utah State Floor 9.8550
Grace Rojas Utah State Bars 9.8200
Autumn DeHarde Utah State Beam 9.8950
Autumn DeHarde Utah State Floor 9.8800
Juliette Boyer Arizona State All Around 38.9550
Hannah Scharf Arizona State Vault 9.8600
Gracie Reeves Arizona State Vault 9.8250
Cairo Leonard-Baker Arizona State Bars 9.8900
Jessica Ginn Arizona State Floor 9.8600

Article by Rebecca Scally, Emily Minehart and Jenna King

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