2019 Season Superlatives

It’s often hard to look back at an entire season’s worth of highlights—and even harder to pick our absolute favorites. But we managed well enough. From the best overall routine to the best leotard to the best fall, take a look back at the 2019 season’s top moments. What were your favorite moments?

Best Single Routine

Nominees: Olivia Karas’ final floor routine; Abby Armbrecht’s regional semifinals floor routine that clinched her a spot at nationals; Milan Clausi’s beam versus Oregon State where she fought through tears after a pep talk from recently-injured Toni-Ann Williams; Maddie Karr’s bar routine that helped secure Denver’s spot at nationals and its first regional title

Winner: Kaitlyn Yanish’s floor during regional finals that advanced Oregon State to nationals and upset No. 4 Florida
This season saw a number of amazing performances. From clutch moments that helped teams advance, to perseverance and record-setting sets, these were a few of our favorites. And while all our nominated routines were worthy candidates, we had to go with Yanish’s regional floor performance. The sophomore not only needed a hit to send her team to nationals but outpaced the needed score, throwing up a stellar number that sent her team into a screaming, crying mess and the Gators home for the season.

Prettiest Leotard

Nominees: Utah (week eight, 43 points), William & Mary (week four, 35 points), Temple (week eight, 29 points),  LSU (national final, 26 points), Oregon State (week five, 25 points)

Winner: Michigan State (conference champs, 70 points)
To decide our overall favorite leotard from the 2019 season, our editors ranked their top 10. We then assigned points to those selections with each editor’s No. 1 receiving 10 points, No. 2 receiving nine and so forth. The overall highest point getter is our collective top leo of the year! And, as expected, Michigan State’s gorgeous green ombre took top honors.

Most Hilarious Fall

Nominees: Yul Moldauer (FX, nationals), Grace Glenn (UB vs. Utah State), Tiarre Sales (UB, Elevate), Anna Warhol (VT, Perfect 10 Challenge), Gabby Landess (BB vs. Alaska)

Winner: Maya Bordas (BB versus LSU)
Who doesn’t love a good sloth-hang under the beam?! The best falls make us laugh over and over, and Bordas’ beam slip-up definitely fits the bill.

Most-Egregious Carol

Nominees: Katelyn Ohashi (FX vs. Arizona State); MyKayla Skinner (FX national semifinal)

Winner: Bre Showers (BB vs. Florida)
We saw some wild moments this year, when judges just didn’t take big deductions. Missing a fall because you don’t remember that a fall onto equipment is a 0.500 deduction is the worst of the worst.
Note: this category is meant as a reflection on judges’ scores, not the gymnast herself.

Judy-est Moment

Nominees: Ava Caravela (scored 9.275 for this Yurchenko full), Ona Loper (scored 9.750 for a well-landed Yurchenko one and a half)

Winner: Shadae Boone (scored 9.600 for this stuck Yurchenko one and a half)
The Judy moment that started it all is also, fittingly, the first Yurchenko one and a half ever performed in DIII. We see you, Boone. We also see you, Judy.

Most Emotional Moment

Nominees: Maggie O’Hara finally breaking lineups in her junior season, then tearing her Achilles; Toni Ann Williams’ injury; Sam Cerio’s injury; Emma McLean finally making it to nationals but not being able to compete after an injury in her final career practice; LSU’s tributes to Gracie Zaunbrecher who passed away during preseason

Winner: UIC. Everything about this season was bittersweet. We saw both the MIC and USAG fields chant for the team after those championships, various teams wore “flip the decision” shirts throughout the season and through it all the Flames had a record-setting year. We’re still crying.

Best Save

Nominees: Leighton Varnadore (UB, conference champs), Jessica Ling (UB, regional semifinals)

Winner: Hannah Cohen (UB, regional play-in)
We’ve been thinking about this for weeks, and just still don’t know how Cohen not only saved that handstand but also managed to perform a solid release afterward. Abs of steel!

Favorite Choreography

Nominees: Clair Kaji, Claire Gagliardi, Miriam Perez, Sophia Carter, Anna Martucci, Jade Degouveia, Alex Hyland, Shannon Evans, Alicia Boren, Alisa Sheremeta

Winner: Sophia Hyderally
She became a gymternet sensation this year, and for good reason. We dare you not to enjoy this routine when you watch it. DARE YOU.

Stick of the Year

Nominees: Natalie Wojcik (VT, week one), Anthony McCallum (VT, NCAA finals), Maddie Karr (VT, Denver quad), Lynnzee Brown (FX double pike, Denver quad)

Winner: Brenna Dowell (VT, national final)
What a way to end her career. Again, we’re crying. It’s basically a constant stream of tears here at College Gym News.

Article by the editors of College Gym News

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