Erica Fontaine

LIVE BLOG: No. 7 Denver and No. 26 Iowa State at No. 27 West Virginia

Mary Emma here again, but this time I’m in Morgantown for what is going to be a great Big 12 matchup! Denver has gotten off to a great start this season and should be the favorite to come out on top. However, both Iowa State and West Virginia are not far behind.

With Iowa State ranked 26th and West Virginia ranked 27th, it should be a close battle to see who comes out ahead. They have faced each other one other time this season in Cancun, with Iowa State narrowly getting the victory.

Injury Notes: Maddie Quarles, a freshman at Denver, was seen in a back brace at last week’s meet. 

Rotation 1

WVU: vault, Denver: Bars, ISU: beam

Merwin (WVU) – y half with a small hop

Steinmeyer (ISU) – front toss to beat jump nice, hits series, and small hop on dismount. Great leadoff!

Kern (DU ) – nice jaeger, and finishes with a stuck DLO!

Waldron (WVU) – y full with a small hop

Tun (WVU) – y full with a small hop

Sievers (ISU) – slight wobble on series, good full turn, good fight on side aerial, and a small slide on dismount. Great fight!

Ruiz (DU) – missed the beginning but a small hop on dismount to finish

Kaufman (WVU) – y full with a small hop

Woolfolk (ISU) – great on series and great leaps, not errors so far, nice side aerial, and a small hop on dismount. Great routine!!

Hornung (WVU) – y full with a hop back

Koshinski (WVU) – Y 1.5 with a small hop foward

Glynn (DU) – nice gienger to start, great on bail, and stuck her dismount!

Brown (DU) – good shaposh to pak, and great shaposh 1/2, huge DLO with just a small hop!

Semple (ISU) – perfect on series, leaps are good, very nice side aerial, and sticks (or close to it) dismount!

Karr (DU) – good on gienger, and stuck DLO!

Converse (ISU) – great BHS LOSO series, rock solid on leaps, wobbles on front toss but saves it, and sticks dismount!

After 1: Denver 49.375, WVU 48.925, ISU 48.825

Strong start for all three teams!

Brown (DU) – front toss to BSH solid, good leaps, and hits dismount

Abarca (WVU) – good bail, huge gienger, and sticks dismount

Ruiz (DU) – nice floaty series, slight check on full turn but covers nicely, great side aerial to split jump, stuck gainer pike

Marler (WVU) – great on gienger, and sticks DLO

Sundstrom (DU) – good fill turn to tart, slight wobble on series but covers, leaps are good, stuck gainer pike

Vasquez (DU) – cool mount! beautiful series, nice y turn! leaps are so nice, and stucks dismount. That was GORGEOUS!

Karr (DU) – great side aerial to BHS, slight wobble on full turn but covers, solid side somi, she is not falling today! and STUCK dismount!

Schou (DU) – great series to start! wobbles on sheep jump but saves it, stuck gainer full to end

Steinmeyer (ISU) – great full in to start, short on front lay and unfortunately falls

Looks like the judges are having a conference on Steinmeyer’s scores, which is delaying things

Sievers (ISU) – front lay to front tuck solid, she has the cell phone effect that Cipra had haha, second pass is great, and good rudi to split jump to close. Nice recovery!

After 2: Denver 98.750; ISU 98.075; WVU 97.900

It’s a close battle for second! Denver should have no problem cruising to victory, but ISU and WVU are neck and neck for second place

Also Abarca’s 9.8 streak continues. Talk about consistency!

Rotation 3

Linnen (WVU) – front aerial to split jump is lovely, nice front aerial to BHS series, wobble on full turn but saves it, and stuck dismount. She’s got GORGEOUS lines!

Kaufman (WVU) – good front toss to beat jump, great series, stuck dismount. Nice routine!

Orrego (ISU) – good y full with a small hop

Martin (ISU) – great y full with just a small slide

Hornung (WVU) – good on wolf turn, front aerial to one arm BHS is solid, slight wobble on leaps but covers, great front toss, dismount with step forward

Steinmeyer (ISU) y 1.5 with a hop to the side

Koshinski (WVU) – solid BHS LSOS series,, and sticks dismount!

Sievers (ISU) – HUGE hs front pike 1/2 with a hop back

Ruiz (DU) – good double back to start, good 1.5 to front lay, and nice double pike to close

Abarca (WVU) – solid series, great side aerial, and sticks gainer full dismount. Nice debut for her on bars!

Schou (DU) – great front double full to start, good 1.5 to front lay, and a great rudi to close

Galpin (WVU) – slight wobble on series but covers, good sheep jump to split leap, and sticks dismount!

Karr (DU) – nice double pike to open but lots of power and has a slight bounce back, 1.5 to front full is solid, and great rudi to finish

Brown (DU) – huge DLO to open, great 1.5 to front lay to split jump, having lots of fun with her choreography, and a HUG double pike to close. Great routine!!

After 3: Denver 148.150; ISU 147.425; WVU 146.750

Denver on pace for a 197 here. Iowa State extends its lead over WVU with a HUGE vault rotation. WVU had a very solid beam rotation, though, and is on pace for a good score tonight.

Rotation 4

Linnen (WVU) – great opening pass, her dance is lovely, nice rudi to LOSO to close. I love that pass!

Chesnok (DU) – y full with a small hop back

Ruiz (DU) – y full with just the smallest of hops

Schou (DU) – y full with a small hop

Fontaine (WVU) – she’s really into the music, huge double back to open, STAR WARS! great second pass, ugh I love this routine so much! great rudi to finish

Sundstrom (DU) – y full with a bounce

Karr (DU) – STICKS y 1.5! Near perfect 9.975!

Brown (DU) – y 1.5 with a step to the side

Kaufman (WVU) – good double pike to open, really liking this choreography too, and sticks double back to end

Hornung (WVU) – great double pike to open, solid second pass, nice 1.5 to front lay to finish

Tun (WVU) – great full in to open, whip to double full is great! and a great rudi to close! That was great!!

Koshinski (WVU) – huge stuck DLO to open! good 1.5 to front lay, Really getting into this choreography, and a hige stuck double back to close. GREAT ROUTINE! Team does 10 hands haha. 9.925 is what she gets

Final: Denver 197.450; ISU 196.700; WVU 196.125

Amazing meet for all three teams! The atmosphere here in the coliseum was INCREDIBLE! WVU was so good on floor, and Karr’s vault was so good. I missed most of ISU’s bars, but based on the scores, it looked like a great rotation too.

Live Blog by Mary Emma Burton

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