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Last Week in College Gym: June 11

During the offseason, it can be difficult to keep up with all the news and training updates happening across the teams. So each week, we will provide a curation of the most exciting upgrades, as well as other important news happening in the college gym world. Note the majority of the training updates highlighted will feature new skills and not someone training their same routine from the past season, for example.

Finally, note we are only able to share links to updates posted on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and not Instagram Stories or Snapchat. However, we will try to note any clips of note that we see on those disappearing platforms.

Haley Pitou Works Triple Beam Series

BYU sophomore Haley Pitou is working on a bhs + bhs + loso beam series. If this is what it looks like on the first day, we can’t wait to see how it progresses over the offseason.

Taylor Lawson Trains Toe-On Shaposh

Stanford released a short training clip of sophomore Taylor Lawson working a toe-on shaposh on bars. We’re excited to see how much more she—and the whole Stanford squad—can improve over the summer.

Instagram Story and Snapchat Roundup

Alana Fisher Upgrades Beam Series

SEMO sophomore Alana Fisher posted a back handspring layout stepout to beat jump combination on her Instagram story. Adding the jump to the end of the series adds .1 in CV bonus!

Dymiana Cox Trains Piked Full-In

Incoming Penn State freshman Dymiana Cox posted a piked full-in on her Instagram story. She is landing in a pit for now. The Nittany Lions would be happy to add a new E pass to their floor lineup after losing Briannah Tsang’s full-in.

Sofia Iribarren Trains Exciting Beam Series

Incoming Illinois State freshman and current Spanish International Elite Sofia Iribarren is training a roundoff + layout to two feet beam series on her Instagram story. She’s currently working on a floor beam, and we’re hoping she competes it in 2019; it would be a refreshing series to see in NCAA!

Erynne Allen Returns to Beam

Kentucky’s most elusive upperclassman, Erynne Allen, is back on beam for the first time in two years, indicating that she might be trying other avenues to crack the Wildcat lineups.

Maddie Karr Trains More Bars Combinations

That tkatchev + pak salto and Bhardwaj we mentioned last week? Well, Denver junior Maddie Karr is at it again training bars combinations. This week she posted a tkatchev + Bhardwaj combination on her Instagram story. She’s still doing it sans-low bar, but it’s an exciting combination nonetheless.

Maddie McHale Trains Full-In

MSU sophomore Maddie McHale, who missed last season due to injury, posted a full-in on the Tumbl Trak on her Instagram story, saying she’s determined to compete the skill. We’re not 100-percent certain it’s a new video, but we’re hopeful and would love to see McHale healthy.

Article by the editors of College Gym News