Friday, September 30
Freshman Maddie Loomis works a double layout on floor with a little help. |
Freshman Taylor Chan sticks her piked full-in… up onto two mats! We want to see that come season.
Senior Rachel Heinl works a nice double pike onto 16 inches.
Junior Katy Won nails her double pike onto mats.
Thursday, September 22
The Spartans worked on their last tumbling pass on floor Thursday. This is helpful for later when the gymnasts are tired at the end of their routines, the skills are already committed to muscle memory. |
Saturday, September 17
SJSU has been training for a bit now, but finally got its gear for the 2016 preseason! |
Wednesday, September 14
San Jose State kicked off its official practice with training on each event. Check out sneak peeks at bars, beam and floor with some exciting skills, including a Khorkina on bars and a piked-full-in on floor. |