Teams Begin Preseason Conditioning

Updated 9/3/15

While coaches can’t require much training during the summer, many teams choose to have a conditioning test once the gymnasts get back to school in the fall to ensure they kept up their endurance and strength while they were gone. From running to rope climbs, peak physical condition is needed to ensure preparedness for full routines in just a few months.A handful of teams have posted glimpses into their preseason workouts. Do you think you could keep up?

Getting a little sprint work and stair workout at the track this morning!

A photo posted by Oklahoma Women’s Gymnastics (@ou_wgymnastics) on

T G I F□ #TheGrindIncludesFriday

A photo posted by Maile’ana Kanewa-Mariano (@maileanakanewamariano) on

T.G.I.F. #makeitcOUnt!

A photo posted by Oklahoma Women’s Gymnastics (@ou_wgymnastics) on

Nothing says welcome back like conditioning testing. #MakingMyself #GeorgiaStrong

A photo posted by Georgia Gymdogs (@ugagymdogs) on

Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all. #ToughenUpTuesday #MakingMyself

A photo posted by Georgia Gymdogs (@ugagymdogs) on

First morning conditioning of many. Starting the year off right! #GettingStrong #UpBeforeTheSun #ItsGreatUF #GoGators

A photo posted by Florida Gators Gymnastics (@gatorsgym) on

We believe in work. Hard work. #wareagle #allforauburn

A video posted by Auburn University Gymnastics (@auburngymnastics) on

#spin #Onedaybetter #gobears□

A photo posted by Cal Women’s Gymnastics (@calwgym) on

This post will be updated when teams post new photos or videos. Keep checking back!