Julia Bedell Brown Floor USAG

LIVE BLOG: No 71. Rhode Island and No. 72 Southern Connecticut at No. 61 Brown

Rhode Island is making a short trip east, while Southern Connecticut heads over to Providence to face off against Brown in this tri-meet showdown. It’s the final regular-season competition for the Anchorwomen, who have been having a stellar season—so expect them to navigate these waters with ease. If you’re new to following NCGA-East, now’s the time to get familiar with Olivia Keyes and Aaliyah Krause, two standouts who will be making waves today.

Southern Connecticut and Brown, both GEC rivals and soon-to-be championship competitors, will get an early look at each other before the big showdown. While the Owls might not be in the mix for a team win against Brown, they certainly aren’t lacking in standout routines and could very well walk away with a haul of event titles.

For those interested in scoring info.

Rotation 1: Brown VT, Southern Connecticut UB, Rhode Island BB

Stream has cut to warm ups, but the meet hasn’t started rolling just yet!

As of 2:11, still no action just yet.

Alright, looks like the teams are doing touch warm ups.

Yang (Brown): Y lay, good.

Lin (Brown): Y lay, chest down, small step back, good distance

Mautner (Brown): Tucked Y full, deep landing, big step to the side.

Vault judges taking a bit of time here.

El Mammann (Brown): Y full, chest down but good landing, small hop.

Bedell (Brown): Y full, tiny step to the side. Great vault!

Dewar (Brown): Y lay full, some bend at the hips, hops back.

Axell (SCSU): Full to double tuck but rolls onto her back.

Mills (SCSU): Shootover, full to double tuck, hop forward.

Fitzgerald (SCSU): Blind to pike jaeger, extra swing to shoot over. Full to double tuck, a couple of small steps back.

Haven’t seen anything from bars in quite a bit.

Christensen (SCSU): Blind to staddle jaeger but doesn’t hold on. Double lay, hops in place.

Munshi (SCSU): Toe on tkatchev, soft knees at the bottom of the swing but great height. Bail to low. Double lay, big step forward.

Sitty (SCSU): Toe on to jaeger to shoot over, good. LAst hs looked good from this angle. Double lay, small hop forward.

Jimenez (RIC): BHS one hand BHS, smooth. Cat leap to switch side, good. Front toss to sit, a little check there. BHS gainer full off side, stuck!

Bunch (RIC): Cat leap to switch side, good. Had a balance check on her first leap series. Gainer full off side, shuffle hop in place.

Brandt (RIC): Side aerial, pause, to BHS. BHS swing to side aerial, great fix on the fly. Beat to split jump 3/4, chest down but keeps it on. Switch to tuck 3/4, good. Piked gainer off end, small shoulder shuffle. Her ability to think on her feet makes her an excellent beam worker.

Tucker (RIC): Inside full turn, love those. Front aerial to back tuck, squared herself up as she was swinging into the tuck but gets that connection. Switch to tuck 3/4, good. Gainer full off side, stuck!

Krause (RIC): BHS LOSO, FLOATS THAT. Small shoulder drop on the full turn. Cat leap to switch side, good. Cat leap to switch half to beat. Tucked front full, small step to the back and side. Good!

Keyes (RIC): Switch side series, good. BHS lay, small step back to adjust. Beat to front aerial, lovely. Tucked front full, hops forward. Beam is done and RIC is on a role!

After 1: Rhode Island 48.375, Brown 47.975, Southern 45.575

Rhode Island with that early lead on its last meet before shipping off to Brockport for regionals this week. Southern muscled its way through bars, and Brown didn’t give all that much away on vault. Rhode Island is a powerhouse on floor, don’t underestimate this D3 team.

Rotation 2: Brown UB, Southern Connecticut BB, Rhode Island FX

Fallon (Brown): Blind to straddle jaeger, good. Toe on, pike half off, good.

Dewar (Brown): Free hip to geinger to shoot over. Full to double tuck, small hop back.

Ford (Brown): Blind to straddle jaeger to bail. Full to double tuck, stuck!

Marcus (Brown): Maloney to bail to hs, great from this angle! Full to doubel tuck, small hop to the side. Good!

Davis (Brown): Full to double tuck, sticks the landing!

Walters (Brown): Tkatchev, good! Bail. Double lay, hop in place.

Virtius only has 5 Brown athletes on bars now, but this feels like a hiccup? Edit: yay! fixed

Fitzgerald (SCSU): BHS back tuck, no issues. Cat leap to gainer full off side, small steps.

Axell (SCSU): BHS loso, checks, keeps it on. Check on the leap series. Leg comes up, comes off. Cartwheel lay 1.5, stuck.

Stanfa (SCSU): BHS bhs loso, small check but smooths it over. SWitch to straddle jump 1/4, arm wave but fixes quickly. RO 1.5 lay, a little lock kneed, hops forward.

Melanson (SCSU): Cat leap to front aerial to bhs, excellent connection. Switch to straddle 1/4, fab-u-lous. Cat leap to side aerial. Cartwheel to tuck 1.5, hop forward. Great routine.

Lee (SCSU): Flaired leg full turn, big fan. Front toss, leg comes up, sissone to switch half to beat. Front aerial to bhs. (Looked like front) gainer full off side.

Allen (SCSU): Check on the full turn. BHS LOSO, a late check like she was a touch off balance. Cat leap to switch side, great. Front tuck! Nice! RO 1.5 lay, hop forward.

Whitt (RIC): Front lay to rudi, good. Switch leap to stag ring full, okay on that jump. Missed that last pass but routine was a great start.

Brandt (RIC): Rudi to stag jump, some travel in that stag. Good leaps. Front full to front lay.

Lunn (RIC): Double pike to open, chest down but good otherwise. Switch side to straddle half, nice, good extension throughout. Front full to front lay. Switch ring, great head position.

Krause (RIC): Front through to double tuck, hops backward into the lunge. Switch half to wolf 1.5. Front lay to tuck front full. Good!

Tucker (RIC): FHS rudi stag to open. Switch to switch half to straddle half, good. 1.5 to front lay, floaty.

Keyes (RIC): Front through to double tuck, chest a touch down, but good in the air. Switch side to popa. Double pike, lunges to the front. Good routine!

After 2: Brown 96.725, Rhode Island 96.575, Southern 93.500

That Brown rotation was exactly what the Bears would want: they counted nothing below a 9.625. Casual. The Owls avoided counting a fall on beam while Rhode Island showed up and showed out on floor. Keep an eye on Krause on vault for that next rotation because her front handspring front tuck is through the ROOF.

Rotation 3: Rhode Island VT, Brown BB, Southern Connecticut FX

Jiminez (RIC): Tucked y full, big step back and to the side, good height in the air.

Keyes (RIC): Lay tsuk, flexy feet, some bent hips, good landing.

Krause (RIC): FHS front tuck. Brushes the rafters. Reads “War & Peace” and takes a small step forward.

Tucker (RIC): Tucked y full, chest down, step the side.

Greene (RIC): Tucked y full, hops to the side, bent legs on the block.

Damiano (RIC): Sticks the Y lay! Lovely!

Marcus (Brown): Comes off on her BHS LOSO. Big wobble on the jump series. RO 1.5 lay, stuck.

Van Eyk (Brown): BHS LOSO, good. Lovely split jump. Hitch kick to side aerial. Gainer lay full off side, shuffles her feet.

Yang (Brown): Switch leap to split jump. Everyone take notes, it was perfect. Onodi! Transverse split jump half. BHS LOSO. Piked gainer off end, hops back.

Ford (Brown): BHS LOSO, hits. Transverse split jump half. Calm, cool, collected. Hitch kick to side aerial. Takes a couple of steps but recovers. BHS gainer full off side, sticks.

Brown recovering nicely, going 9.825 or better after the fall so far.

Lin (Brown): A little shy on the last leap in her series. BHS loso, hits. Side aerial. Beat to split 3/4, good. Cartwheel to tuck 1.5, sticks!

One more hit routine for Brown for the pressure to be done this rotation.

Walters (Brown): Front aerial to bhs swing down, almost a pause but kept it moving. Split half, leg comes up, keeps it on no issue. Front toss. Beat to split 3/4, chest a little down. Inside full turn, dropped shoulder. RO 1.5 lay, small step to the side.

Royer (SCSU): FHS front full front lay, lovely, lovely. Switch side to ring full. FHS floatiest rudi you’ve ever seen.

Floor judges are having a very long chat still.

Kelly (SCSU): Double tuck, lunges back. Good leaps. Front lay front full front tuck. Love that.

Zebdi (SCSU): Double tuck to open. Switch ring series, good. FHS front full front tuck, good. FHS rudi split jump, back leg just a whiiiisper too low.

Melanson (SCSU): Sits down her first pass. Just not enough punch into that front tuck. RO 1.5 to front lay. FHS front full but does jumps the half turn after landing, seems like that was meant to be a rudi.

Allen (SCSU): Double pike, good height. Front lay to front full. Switch side to popa, looked good from this angle. Double tuck, chest down but picks it up quick as she lunges.

Beyer (SCSU): Good chest position in the double tuck, switch side to wolf full, wolf full. Toes are soft in the air but good height throughout the series. Front full to front lay. FHS rudi, good!

After 3: Brown 145.675, Rhode Island 144.200, Southern 141.775

Southern didin’t let a few hiccups on floor get into its head, finishing on several high notes. Brown survived beam, not without a little bit of stress and some extra wobbles, but without counting a fall so that’s for sure a victory. Rhode Island will finish off on bars, and while this event may not be its strongest, it’ll most likely give dominant Brown some more space to tumble into first.

Rotation 4: Southern Connecticut VT, Rhode Island UB, Brown FX

Wilson (SCSU): Y lay full, chest down, major break at the hips, shuffles her feet.

Zebdi (SCSU): Tuck y full, hops back, chest down.

Kelly (SCSU): Missed the vault in the air, a few steps on the landing.

Allen (SCSU): Tucked tsuk full, big step back, good in the air.

Sitty (SCSU): Y half on, tuck off. Chest a little down on the landing.

Dorr (SCSU): Tucked Y full, good distance.

Greene (RIC): Comes off on her bail. Full to double tuck, hop forward.

Bunch (RIC): Shaposh, leg sep. Full to double tuck, stuck!

Smith (RIC): Comes off on her shaposh, just doesn’t get the grip she needed. Bail, wiggly on that. Double tuck, good landing, chest down.

Graziano (RIC): Half to bail, leg sep. Free hip to toe on pike half but doesn’t get that rotation she needed and puts her hands down.

Tough bar rotation for RIC today.

Krause (RIC): Half to bail hs, good. Toe to high. Free hip to toe tuck front, hop.

Keyes (RIC): Bail, toe to high. Full to dobule tuck, small step back. Good!

Dewar (Brown): Front lay to front full, some leg sep in that lay. Wolf jump could have a better shape. Good leaps. Double tuck, chest down on landing. Solid start.

Fallon (Brown): Rudi, picks her chest up quick. RO 1.5 to front lay good. Great extension on her leaps.

Yang (Brown): Double pike, very pretty in the air. Switch ring to switch ring half is fantastic. Wolf turn, good. RO 1.5 to floating front lay.

Walters (Brown): Rudi, good chest position. Double pike, nice in the air, controlled lunge. Switch ring to ring half is good, second ring doesn’t quite have the same form but good head release on both. RO 1.5 to front lay, no problem.

Marcus (Brown): Double tuck, lunges back, controlled, okay chest position. Good leaps. RO 1.5 to front lay, just keeps those toes in on the line. Switch half, popa, popa, could be a little sharper.

Davis (Brown): Double pike, floats, good chest position. GREAT position in both of the ring leaps, textbook from this angle. Whip half to front full. Love this music & choreo. Beautiful extension in her leaps and split jump. That’ll be a fantastic score.

FINAL: Brown 194.575, Southern 189.300, Rhode Island 189.075

Brown was dominant today, and Rhode Island was off to a strong start but the Anchorwomen took on just a little too much water on bars today. Southern Connecticut finished strong its last two rotations, shining on floor and finding some solid landings on vault.

VT: Bedell (Brown) 9.775
UB: Marcus, Walters (Brown) 9.825
BB: Lin, Yang (Brown) 9.850
FX: Davis (Brown) 9.875
Keyes (RIC) 38.425

READ THIS NEXT: Data Deep Dive: Are Scores Really Getting Tighter?

Live blog by Allison Freeman

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