Serena Mullin performs choreography on the balance beam.

LIVE BLOG: No. 61 Brown and No. 54 Yale at No. 52 New Hampshire

This thrilling tri-meet features three competitive New England teams: New Hampshire, Yale, and Brown, all vying for victory in a contest that could go any direction. New Hampshire holds the highest peak score this season at 194.600 and enjoys the advantage of competing at home, but don’t count out Yale or Brown, both of whom have the potential to steal the spotlight.

The Wildcats have unearthed a new star in freshman Aine Reade, who captured the floor title with a 9.875 at an all-EAGL meet at Temple in Week 5. While bars has been a challenge for New Hampshire all season, the Wildcats will aim to make up ground with strong performances on beam and floor. Keep an eye on sophomore Anne Challman, who’s already earned two EAGL Specialist of the Week honors for her exceptional work on both events.

Yale comes into this meet fresh off a big win over Bridgeport and SCSU, posting a season-high 194.450. The Bulldogs excel on floor, with standout sophomore Ella Tashjian leading the charge—she’s scored a 9.875 in three of her four performances this season. If any team is poised to upset the Wildcats, it’s Yale, but they’ll need to be on point to do so.

Brown has posted slightly lower scores than its competitors, but with only three meets under their belt, the Bears are just beginning to hit their stride. They recently won their home opener with a 192.550, led by sophomore Lindsey Yang, who claimed the floor title with a 9.800. Senior Julia Bedell, with a career high of 9.950 on floor, could be a game-changer if she matches her peak performance tonight.

New Hampshire offers a free live stream for this event, so tune in as you follow along with the live blog below. Let’s get started!

Rotation 1: New Hampshire vault, Yale bars, Brown beam

Moreno (UNH): Starts off the meet with a clean yurchenko full, small hop back and could use more distance. 9.775

Holt (Yale): Finishes with a giant full to 1.5 – love a unique dismount. 9.600

Marcus (Brown): BHS LOSO, solid. Punch front tuck, lands a little low but clean. Round off 1.5 dismount is stuck. 9.600

Ockerbloom (UNH): Yurchenko full with some form on the table and a step to the side, but better distance. 9.650

Aucoin (Yale): Unfortunate fall on her jaeger to start. We only see her do a giant full to double tuck dismount – not sure whether she did the rest of her routine and it wasn’t shown. 8.000 – definitely not a full routine.

Van Eyk (Brown): Switch leap to split jump half, nicely done. BHS LOSO, solid. Cat leap to side aerial. Stuck gainer full dismount. 9.650

Mullin (UNH): Clean and dynamic yurchenko full but overcooks it and takes a couple steps back. 9.675

McMullen (UNH): Most dynamic yurchenko full so far, just a hop back. 9.725

Missed a bar routine from Luu for Yale – 9.775.

Reade (UNH): Clean yurchenko full with a step back, some low chest on landing. 9.750

Walters (Brown): Front aerial to korbut, very nice. Split jump 3/4. Front toss, super clean. She has excellent, very precise beam work. Dismounts with a stuck round off 1.5. 9.750

Mowers (UNH): Yurchenko 1/2, not much height or distance but clean form. 9.725

Lin (Brown): Switch leap to split jump half, splits look a touch short. Clean side aerial. Beat jump to split jump 3/4, split looks short again. Sticks tuck 1.5 dismount. 9.700

Kearns (Yale): Jaeger caught a little close. Super nice overshoot, very clean. Giant full to double tuck with a step back. 9.650

Ford (Brown): BHS LOSO, very nice. Switch leap to split jump, good splits. Split jump 3/4, breaks at the hips to grab the beam and falls. Hops right back on – hitch kick to side aerial, super solid. Finishes with a cartwheel gainer full dismount, slightly underrotated with a step forward. 9.125

Kriz (Yale): Maloney to pak, some leg form. Good handstand on high bar. Double layout with a hop back. 9.700

Davis (Brown): BHS LOSO – leg up and falls. The Bears will have to count a fall. Solid side aerial. Gainer pike off the end, goes a bit crooked, small hop. 9.100

DeJoy (Yale): Huge piked jaeger to overshoot, some form but very dynamic. 9.700

Ex – Boss (UNH): Front handspring front pike with a lunge forward, very nice in the air. 9.275

Ex – Harvey (UNH): Very powerful yurchenko full, big lunges back. 9.475

Ex – Sabatini (Yale): Just seeing her dismount here, giant full with late pirouette to high double tuck dismount, stuck.

After 1: New Hampshire 48.650, Yale 48.525, Brown 47.825

New Hampshire is off to a good start after a solid vault rotation, but they would have hoped for some sticks to secure a stronger lead over Yale. The Bulldogs did some good work on bars for their second highest score on the event this season. Brown had a tougher start and had to count a fall for a season low beam score – they’ll be looking to make up some ground as they head to floor.

Rotation 2: New Hampshire bars, Yale beam, Brown floor

Simpkins (UNH): Maloney with some form. Overshoot is very good. Full it dismount underrotated, takes a step back. 9.650

Sabatini (Yale): BHS LOSO, small bobble. Switch leap to split jump 3/4, another balance check. Round off 1.5 dismount with a small hop. 9.575

Dewar (Brown): Front layout to front full, good. Wolf jump 1.5 looks a bit under. Double tuck is a little short. 9.725

Before (UNH): Toe on, Maloney, pak with some foot form. Clear hip to toe on front pike half dismount with a stick. 9.700

Brueck (Yale): BHS LOSO with some soft knees, secure landing. Switch leap, split jump, split 3/4 – splits look short. Side aerial, small bobble. Front layout full dismount with a stick, very nice. 9.650

Walters (Brown): Opens with a clean rudi. Double pike is overrotated, lunges back close to the OOB line but keeps it in. Switch ring to switch ring half – I’m impressed, those ring positions look very acceptable. Good 1.5 front layout to finish. 9.725

Moreno (UNH): Maloney to overshoot, good. Giant full to double tuck, stuck. 9.775

Kearns (Yale): Some balance checks through her dance series. Round off 1.5 dismount, almost gets the stick but stumbles forward. 9.625

Marcus (Brown): Double tuck with slightly low chest on landing. 1.5 to front layout, not much rise on the second salto and maybe steps OOB? 9.775

Mullin (UNH): Toe on, Maloney – fingertip catch and falls. Redoes the combination better this time, just some leg form. Finishes with a stuck full in. 9.125

Strause (Yale): BJS LOSO, clean. Front aerial. BHS, BHS, double twist dismount – is this elite or NCAA?! Clean in the air with a step to the side on landing. 9.625

Davis (Brown): Double pike, big lunge back. Front layout front full, well done. Switch half to split jump full, very nice split positions. 9.850

Arthur (UNH): The pressure is on after a fall from Mullin. Ray, catches close with bent arms. Pak is also close, she’s rushing a bit. Blind full to double tuck, handstand is late but dismount is stuck. 9.650

Tashjian (Yale): BHS LOSO with a small bobble. Leap series is good. Side aerial, low chest with a wobble but saves it. Gainer full off the side with a hop. 9.650

Bedell (Brown): This is a big one for Brown. We didn’t see her opening pass! Front tuck through to double tuck, high and well controlled on the landing. 9.900 – well deserved and great news for the Bears!

Reade (UNH): Big gienger, just too far from the bar and falls. This definitely opens the door for Yale. They didn’t show the rest of the routine. 8.975

Kriz (Yale): BHS LOSO, solid with some soft knees. Switch leap to straddle 1/4. Side aerial with a bobble. Round off 1.5 dismount with great distance and a stick. Clutch anchor performance from the freshman! 9.700

Fallon (Brown): High rudi with a hop back. Leap series is high and clean. 1.5 to front layout, not much height on the second salto and underrotates but keeps it to her feet. Split leap 1.5 is underrotated. 9.675

Ex – Chu (Yale): Just caught her dismount, round off 1.5 with a tiny hop. 9.650

Ex – DeJoy (Yale): Front tuck, low landing and comes off. Switch leap to split 3/4, a little tentative after the fall. Round off 1.5 dismount, stuck. 9.050

After 2: Brown 96.800, Yale 96.775, New Hampshire 96.550

Well that shook things up. Brown put in a season high 48.975 on floor, helped by the brilliant Julia Bedell, to come from behind and take the lead. Bars continues to be a problem event for New Hampshire – at least it’s behind them now, and they can focus on putting in some big numbers on beam and floor, which are strong events for the team. Yale is being calm and consistent, and maybe slow and steady will win the race in Durham tonight.

Rotation 3: Brown vault, New Hampshire beam, Yale floor

Lin (Brown): Yurchenko layout with some pike down and a step back. 9.450

Harvey (UNH): Wobbles on her full turn. BHS LOSO LOSO, slow but solid. Switch leap to split jump is clean. Gainer pike off the end with a stick – great start for New Hampshire. 9.800

Sabatini (Yale): Missed the opening pass. 1.5 to front layout, a little low. 9.800

Mautner (Brown): Yurchenko tuck full, some leg form on the table. 9.600

Reade (UNH): I love that she’s consistently in the all around now, what a great addition to this team. BHS LOSO with a slide back. Cat leap to switch half to beat jump, split is a little short. Round off 1.5 with a step forward. 9.650

Holt (Yale): Front double twist with some crossed legs and big step on the landing. 1.5 to front layout, a little underrotated with a stumble. Switch side to straddle full. Rudi is short with low chest. 9.750

El Mammar (Brown): Clean yurchenko layout. 9.500

Ockerbloom (UNH): Solid side aerial to start. Switch leap to switch leap, nicely done. Clean 1.5 dismount. 9.725

Brueck (Yale): Front layout to rudi, good rise. Front layout to front full, good height again but a stumble forward. 9.850

Dewar (Brown): Solid yurchenko full, some pike down and a hop back. 9.675

McMullen (UNH): BHS LOSO, solid with some soft knees. Cat leap to switch half, very nice. She has lovely lines on this event. Side aerial – hip break and nearly has to grab the beam, but doesn’t. Round off 1.5 with a stuck. 9.600

Yale (Kearns): Front double full, steps across. Split leap full to split jump full, good. Missed her last pass but she did do a round off to double stag jump in her choreography, so that was the best thing ever. 9.900!

Bedell (Brown): Lovely stuck yurchenko full – Brown needed that! Could use more distance. 9.750

Challman (UNH): Wobbles on her full turn. Clean front toss. Round off 1.5 with a hop forward. This rotation is going much better for the Wildcats than the previous one! 9.750

DeJoy (Yale): Front double twist, clean in the air but a little out of control on the landing. 1.5 to front layout, not much height on the second salto but excellent distance. Finishes with a clean, high rudi. Loving all these three-pass routines from Yale. 9.825

Martocci (Brown): Yurchenko layout, short with a step forward. 9.325

Mullin (UNH): BHS LOSO, super solid. Cat leap to side aerial, small bobble. Round off 1.5 with some leg form and a hop forward. Much better after her bar routine. 9.825

Tashjian (Yale): Big routine for Yale here. Opens with a big double pike. Front full to front layout, excellent rise on the layout. Super high double tuck, overcooks it and flies back – oops. 9.725

Ex – Himes (UNH): LOSO LOSO, falls – shame because I love that series. Cat leap to switch leap. Clean round off 1.5 dismount. 9.050

Ex – Novinger (UNH): BHS LOSO, very solid – she is absolutely attacking the beam. Punch front, step forward. Split jump to double stag jump, really nice. Gainer pike off the end with a hop – I’d love to see that in the lineup eventually, she does some great beam work. 9.575

After 3: Yale 145.950, New Hampshire 145.300, Brown 144.775

A different leader in every rotation? I told you this tri-meet would be exciting. Yale followed Brown’s stellar floor work with an even better performance, notching a 49.125. 9.900 is a career high for freshman Ellie Kearns. New Hampshire bounced back from a rough bars set with a solid 48.750. Brown was held back by low start values on vault and posted a 47.975 despite a clean rotation – a big number would be needed on bars to stay in the mix. It’ll be close between Yale and New Hampshire – my money’s on the Wildcats to bring it home on floor, but I’d love to be proven wrong!

Rotation 4: Yale vault, Brown bars, New Hampshire floor

Strause (Yale): Tucked yurchenko full with a step. 9.550

Dewar (Brown): Just saw her dismount, blind full to double tuck, solid. 8.525 – must have missed a fall.

Boss (UNH): Front tuck through to double tuck, great control on the landing. Front double full, bounces up out of it but clean in the air. 9.750

Brueck (Yale): Front handspring front pike, not enough block and has to tuck halfway through, does not put it to her feet. 8.975

Fallon (Brown): Clean jaeger. Overshoot to great handstand. Toe on front pike half dismount, low chest. 9.725

McMullen (UNH): Still can’t hear this music without thinking of Degouveia. Huge 2.5 to punch front tuck – just lovely. High double pike stuck cold. She’s on fire! 9.900 – well deserved, that was a lovely set.

Tashjian (Yale): Yurchenko full, some pike down. 9.675

Marcus (Brown): Maloney to bail, nice and clean. Blind full slightly late to double tuck with a step back. Nice lines throughout. 9.775

Mowers (UNH): Double pike, great control on the landing. Front layout front full, underrotated with a little stumble. Switch half to straddle full, good. Solid double tuck. 9.800

Sabatini (Yale): Yurchenko full, some form in the pre flight but gets good distance. Small hop back. 9.700

Davis (Brown): Maloney to pak, pretty and clean. Blind full to double tuck, clean with a step. 9.800

Mullin (UNH): Front tuck through to double tuck, small stumble back. Switch half to wolf 1.5, very clean. 1.5 to front layout, not much height. Love her choreography! 9.850

Burt (Yale): The best yurchenko full of the three, good height and distance. 9.675

Walters (Brown): Toe on to ray, fingertip catch and falls. Redoes the release and catches close, connects to overshoot. Double layout with a hop forward. 9.175

Reade (UNH): Round off immediate double layout is huge as always. Switch half to wolf 1.5, excellent height. Front layout front full, clean and high. She is just a joy to watch. 9.900 is a career high for the freshman.

Kriz (Yale): Yurchenko full lacks height and distance, but she does stick it! 9.775

Ford (Brown): Blind change to jaeger, catches but pings off the bar – that was a nasty fall. Takes a minute to talk to the trainer before chalking up. Clean bail. Sticks her double tuck dismount, good finish. 8.850

Challman (UNH): Another big routine to for the Wildcats, let’s finish strong here! Big front double twist, a little out of control on the landing but not bad. Wolf jump full is clean. Switch full to wolf full, good. Huge rudi to LOSO, fantastic. Her music has so many songs in a way that should be a mess but actually works so well. 9.950

Ex – Minaev (UNH): Big double pike with a small slide back. 1.5 to front layout, good height. Split leap full to wolf full, good. Clean double tuck to finish. 9.825

Ex – Himes (UNH): Front layout to rudi, a little short. Double tuck, underrotates and puts her hands down. 9.175

FINAL: New Hampshire 194.700, Yale 194.325, Brown 192.100

New Hampshire put in a massive 49.400 on floor to secure the win at home. The Wildcats are so fun to watch on that event and they just keep getting better. Sure, maybe the judging got a little loose, but I don’t think it was egregious – there was some excellent floor work from all three teams tonight. Yale shone on floor but needed some more precise landings to challenge for the win. Brown has the potential – floor was excellent, there was some good bar work despite the counting falls – but needs to work on consistency.

What a fun, competitive meet from start to finish – and the same three teams will face off again next week, with Towson added in the mix!

VT: Moreno (UNH) and Kriz (Yale) – 9.775
UB: Davis (Brown) – 9.800
BB: Mullin (UNH) – 9.825
FX: Challman (UNH) – 9.950
AA: Sabatini (Yale) – 38.750

READ THIS NEXT: A Day in the Life of a College Gymnast: Home Meets Versus Away Meets

Live blog by Sophie Poirier

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