Taylar Schaefer saluting after her vault

 LIVE BLOG: No. 74 UW-Stout at No. 67 UW-La Crosse

This competition will be another showdown between the UWs, with La Crosse hosting Stout at home. It promises to be a close matchup, though UW-La Crosse holds a slight edge as the third-ranked team in the NCGA, while Stout sits in seventh. La Crosse has been remarkably consistent this season, never scoring below 189.600 and improving week by week. Their season high of 192.150 shows they’re on the right track.

Stout, while consistent, will need to push for higher scores if they want to make a serious bid for nationals. They started the season with two scores in the 187s but have steadily improved, culminating in last week’s season-high of 190.825. Both teams are poised for a strong showing, but Stout will need to close the scoring gap to keep it competitive.

Rotation 1: UWL VT UWS UB

Millington (UWL): Tuck full to open. Good height and distance. Little bit of legs apart, but great start. 9.475

Cummins (UWS): Maloney HALF!! In this economy!!! Half piruoette into a bail, a little short on the handstand. Blind full to a STUCK double tuck. Love this routine composition. 9.625

Vogt (UWL): A yurchenko layout full. Pikes it down quite a bit, but stands it up with a step back 9.200

Schaefer (UWS): Blind change and misses the jeager. Swings into a bail and ends it with a blind full to another stuck double tuck 8.550

Dickson (UWL): NICE yurchenko full with some height and good position. Steps back. I liked this one. 9.600

Beatty (UWS): Blind to a beautiful straddled jeager to a shootover. Loved how quick she turned over her jeager. Ends with a blind full to a double tuck with a step back. Great form throughout. 9.450

Pastore (UWL): Yurchenko layout half. Good height, but would like to see her hips a but more open. Steps forward 9.600

Ferguson (UWS): Blind into another high jeager but misses. Stout will be counting a fall. Repeats the jeager and misses again. Swings to a bail. Toe hand on the high bar and doesn’t make it over. Repeats the toe hand and connects it to a toe front pike half. What a hard dismount! 7.550

Breckwoldt (UWL): Another dynamic layout full but takes a step and a slide back. Great in the air. 9.600

Lutz (UWS): Blind change to a jeager but catches too close and cant connect to her bail. Takes an extra swing into the bail. Blind full right on top of the bar into a double tuck with a step back.

Kehr (UWL): Goes for a yurchenko tuck 1.5 but is short and locks her knees on the landing. Hope she’s ok.

Brittingham (UWS): Opens with a sky high geinger into a bail, but hits her feet. Blind full is too crooked to connect so she gets down. Ends with a double tuck.

After 1: UWL 47.475 UWS 45.125

Rotation 2: UWL UB UWS VT

Can’t see the vault rotation from the panoramic stream, so I am just going to blog the bar rotation

Carroll (UWS): 9.400

Barker (UWL): Blind half to a clean gienger to a shootover. Has to muscle out of the shootover, but keeps it going. Ends with a blind to double. 9.325

Qualich (UWS): 9.625

McCormick (UWL): Blind into a nice straddled jeager into a shootover. Great handstand on the high bar. Blind full into a double tuck. Opens early and doesn’t make it around. 8.975

Beatty (UWS): 9.450

Robbins (UWL): Blind full into a tkatchev. Would like to see some more height. Bail down to the low bar. Blind full into a double tuck with a step back. 9.575

Winstead (UWS): 9.375

Main (UWL): Blind change to a piked jeager. Catches a tiiiny bit close. Bail right to the handstand. Great handstand on the high bar. Blind full into a double tuck with a step. 9.625

Cummins (UWS): 9.450

Engles (UWL): Blind into a jeager. Bail handstand down to the low bar. Doesn’t make her blind over and comes off. Gets back up with a blind full to a double tuck with a step forward. La Crosse will be counting a fall 9.100

Schaefer (UWS): 9.550

Best (UWL): Great first handstand into a maloney to a bail handstand into a toe shoot. Winds up her giants into a double lay with a hop forward. 9.550…robbed

After 2:

Rotation 3: UWL BB  UWS FX

Warren (UWL): Nice handspring layout to start. No wobbles. Pike jump. Stick to round off 1.5 to end. Great opening routine. 9.450

Beatty (UWS): Front lay to front rudi to open. Controls her step but is underotated. Beautiful 1.5 to front lay. Legs are glued together. 9.525

McCormick (UWL): Front arial to split jump is beautiful. Small balance check on the handspring layout series. Switch leap to split jump. Sticks the gainer pike off the end. Great work. 9.675

Mielke (UWS): Round off double tuck with a small step. Switch half to a wolf 1,5. back 1,5 to a front layout. Little bit of form. 9.500

Main (UWL): DOuble wolf turn is spot on. Handspring handspring layout and lifts her front foot but puts it right back down. Sticks the gainer full off the side. 9.725

Cummins (UWS): 1.5 step out to a back double full. So unique! Double pike to close but open early and puts her hands down. 8.875

Christenson (UWL): Opens with another triple series, handspring handpring layout. Little crooked but saves it. Sticks the roundoff 1.5. 9.775

Kassing (UWS): Double tuck with a controlled step. Very high rudi stag jump. 1.5 to front lay to end. 9.550

Robbins (UWL): Flawless handspring layout. Sticks the acro series. Roundoff 1.5 with a hop forward. 9.675 9.75/9.6 split

Krulich (UWS): Great front lay to rudi. DOuble tuck and steps forward. 9.525

Dickson (UWL): Handspring layout and hides her wobble. Sticks her dismount. 9.675

Ferguson (UWS): Double pike with lots of power, but steps out of bounds. Roundoff 1.5 to a front half to a straddle jump. Love this pass. 9.325

After 3: UWL 143.175 UWS 140.25

Rotation 4: UWL FX UWS BB

Barker (UWL): Jumps to a lunge out of her front lay to rudi. Ends with a double tuck. Opens a bit early and steps forward.

Schaefer (UWS): Perfect on the handspring layout. Solid on the jumps. Hops back on the roundoff double full. 9.400

Edwards (UWL): ROundoff double tuck with a step back. Front layout to front full. very controlled step forward. Ends with a rudi and jumps right to a lunge. very pretty routine. 9.700

Cummins (UWS): Handspring layout with a small check. Switch leap to a very high straddle quarter. Sticks the roundoff double full cold! 9.500

Kehr (UWL): rudi to lay out step out. almost out of bounds but keeps it in. Front full to front lay and is short but keeps it to her feet with like three steps back. good save. 9.450

Lennard (UWS): small wobble on the turn. beat jump to standing lay put step out. wowza. handspring layout step out with small check. round off 1.5 with a hop forward. 9.450

Dickson (UWL): Front lay to front full into a ring kick. Maybe a little bit out of control. Very interesting music, i kinda love it tho. Never heard anything like it before. Rudi to a split jump. 9.725

Krulich (UWS): Punch front with a balance check. Switch leap to straddle quarter. Gainer full off the side with a hop. 9.550

Robbins (UWL): Powerful double tuck to start with a step back. 1.5 to a front lay. 9.700

Beatty (UWS): Handspring handspring layout and comes off. wobbles on her turn. Sticks the front full off the end. 8.850

Taylor (UWL): Front full to a front lay. Another good music choice. Round off double tuck is a little low, but she gets it up. 9.725

Ferguson (UWS): Handspring layout is right on. sissone to a switch half and has a small balance check. Sticks her gainer full off the side. 9.725

FINAL: UWL 191.475 UWS 187.650

VT: Jessica Qualich 9.625
UB: Gillian Cummins, Lauren Main 9.625
BB: Raina Christenson 9.775
FX: Kyla Dickson, Jessica Tayl
or, Hunter Matulka 9.725

AA: Gillian Cummins 37.450

READ THIS NEXT: An Overview of Updated NCAA Gymnastics Rules and Judging Clarifications for 2025

Live blog by Mary

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