Mya Lauzon posing on floor exercise.

LIVE BLOG: No. 47 UC Davis and No. 32 San Jose State at No. 3 California

In the final weekend of the regular season, these teams are ending with a tri-meet. Cal is hosting two tri-meets this weekend, eyeing to take the No. 2 spot in the NQS rankings. In order to pass LSU, they are going to need a big score, as they would be dropping a 197.875 from their NQS. This team has been rock solid all season, breaking records left and right. Led by Mya Lauzon and eMjae Frazier, the Golden Bears are looking locked in for the postseason.

San Jose State is looking to improve their NQS as they are currently looking to be seeded in the first round of NCAA regionals. Teams ranked No. 27 to No. 32 are separated by less than a tenth, and this meet gives the Spartans the opportunity to qualify into the second round of NCAA regionals automatically.

Qualifying a team for regionals is a bit out of reach for UC Davis, but the Aggies are a team that has the potential to get there. UC Davis is coming off a program record team score of a 197.025, the first time they have broken the 197 barrier. As the Aggies finish off their regular season, they are looking to take the MPSF conference title in their next meet, as they battle it out with Southern Utah.

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Rotation 1: Cal VT, San Jose State UB, UC Davis BB

Lopes (SJSU): Nice Maloney to Bail. Giant full to double tuck dismount, stuck landing.

Williams (Cal): Really nice stuck Yuchenko full. Beautiful dynamics on that vault.

Mayhew (Cal): Stuck Yurchenko 1.5!

Frazier (Cal): Yurchenko double, big step back.

Abahram (UCD): BHS + layout, comes off the side. Solid full turn. L hop + switch straddle, slightest hesitation. BHS + back 1.5, stuck landing.

Koniec (SJSU):  Straddled jaeger, followed by a bail to handstand, short on the handstand. Double layout dismount, small hop forward and chest is forward. 

Lauzon (Cal): Finds the landing on the Yurchenko 1.5! Has to bend backward a bit, but gets the stick.

Mazury (SJSU): Nice piked jaegar, followed by a pak salto, clean. Double layout dismount, finds the stick.

Weyhmiller (SJSU): Double layout dismount, stuck landing!

Brown (Cal): Big Yurchenko 1.5, a bit short on the landing a takes a big step back.

Otsu (UCD): Double wolf turn, very nice! BHS + LOSO, big wobble and leg goes up in the air, but saves it. L hop + switch straddle, solid. Side somi, chest is really forward, but she is not falling off of this beam! RO + back 1.5 and sticks the landing. She’s a fighter!

Macpherson (SJSU): Goes for a giant full, is a bit over and comes off the bar. Full twisting double back dismount, step on the landing.

Ray (UCD): Side aerial + split jump, falls off the side. She look pretty square on the beam, so it looks like the nerves got to her. Another really big wobble, leg is way up in the air. Front tuck full off the end, sticks the landing.

Moneymaker (UCD): Front toss + BHS, falls off.  Full turn + beat jump, slow connection. Split jump + double stag, solid. Gainer full off the side, stuck landing.

Laird (UCD): Exhibition routine. Solid full turn. BHS + LOSO, dances out of the wobble. Split jump to split 3/4, chest is forward. The lights just went out???? That was weird. They came back on right away.  Side aerial, solid! Just a small hop on the landing, wow! Depsite the lights going out, she killed that!

After 1: Cal 49.475, San Jose State 48.825, UC Davis 47.400

Cal had a really solid vault rotation, with Kyen Mayhew leading the Golden Bears with a huge 9.975. They lost some momentum towards the end of the rotation, but still a great first rotation for them. San Jose State didn’t have their best bar rotation, but still counted five hit routines. UC Davis had to count two falls on beam, but they are heading to one of their strongest events in the next rotation. They are going to look to put that rotation behind them on floor.

A bit of a delay starting the second rotation due to lighting issues, which we saw during Marisa Larid’s beam routine. 

Rotation 2: Cal UB, San Jose State BB, UC Davis FX

Ashton (SJSU): Solid BHS + LOSO. Switch leap + switch half, a bit short on her splits. Gainer full dismount, solid landing.

Lauzon (Cal): Solid Maloney to Pak. Full twisting double back, she nailed that landing. One of her best routines of the year. 

Lopes (SJSU): Nice chest stand hold to start the routine. Cat leap + switch half.  BHS + LOSO, solid.

Cesario (Cal): Nice straddled Jaeger to shootover. Double layout dismount, and another stick for the Golden Bears.

Otsu (UCD): Front double full, big step forward. Cat leap to switch straddle half, needs to make it all the way around for no deduction. Back 1.5 + front layout, lands it nicely but doesn’t get sufficient amplitude on the second salto.

Frazier (Cal): Maloney to Pak, so nice. Half pirouette, hits the handstand. Double layout, stuck dismount. 4/4 sticks for Cal.

Weyhmiller (SJSU): Switch leap + switch half, wobble on the landing. Solid side aerial. Gainer full of the side, sticks the landing. 

Moneymaker (UCD): Front tuck through to double pike, solid step forward. Second pass is a Rudi, nicely done.

Perea(Cal): Beautiful Pak, so nicely done. Followed by a nice Maloney half, legs glued together. Double layout dismount, small hop forward.

Macpherson (SJSU):  Switch leap + split jump, nicely done. Solid full turn. RO + back 1.5, sticks that cold.

Williams (Cal): Beautiful Maloney to Pak, really nice form. Double layout dismount, and sticks the landing.

Abraham (UCD): Starts with a huge double layout, a big step back though. Switch stradle + straddle jump, nicely done.  Front tuck through to double back, opens up at the perfect time and takes a nicely controlled step back.

Mazury (SJSU): Beat jump + LOSO, solid! BHS + LOSO, big wobble. Beat jump, straddle half, another wobble.

Pinch hitting for Aaron, who’s having wifi/power issues. Missed a bit signing in and opening the post. Nice closing routine from Senthil on floor to end the second rotation. 

After 2: Cal 99.175, San Jose State 98.050, UC Davis 96.850

What a lovely bars lineup for Cal and a 49.700 to show for it! The Bears are definitely a team to watch on bars. 198.225 is the target score for the Bears to pass LSU tonight, and they’re on pace for it thus far. San Jose State put up a solid beam rotation, while UC Davis put a rough beam rotation behind it with a great floor lineup.  

Rotation 3: UC Davis VT, Cal BB, San Jose State FX

UC Davis going five up on vault. And the first vaulter just tripped on the vault runway and may have rolled her ankle or something. Looks like it was supposed to be Anna Holtan. 

Li (Cal): front aerial small pause but no check to LOSO, should be credited. Leap combo, small check. Gainer tuck full stuck. A leadoff hit is always appreciated. 9.85

Williams (Cal): front aerial to split, nice. Switch to split, lovely. BHS gainer full, tiny knee bend and a hop back. 

Moneymaker (UCD): yfull, step back. 9.775

Otsu (UCD): omelianchik, short of rotation with a deep landing and hop back. 9.675

Cesario (Cal): secure full turn. Bhs loso, small check. Good positions on her leaps. Stuck back 1.5 but waves her arms to hold it. 9.9

Macpherson (SJSU): coming into this mid-routine. Good middle pass. Clean double tuck to close. 

Abraham (UCD): stuck y1.5, nice! 9.925

Frazier (Cal): full turn, secure. front aerial to loso, solid. Split jump to ring jump hit. back 1.5, stuck, some leg form. 9.95

Lopes (SJSU): switch side half straddle, good overall but could use more extension. double tuck, secure landing. We must have cut over mid routine. 9.9

Lauzon (Cal): Secure wolf turn. Her lines on beam are absolutely lovely. BHS BHS LOSO, very nice. Switch to split, great positions and good landing.  RO double full, chest low but stuck. Shouldn’t be a 10 this time, but should be a very good score.

Mazury (SJSU): front lay rudi, little uncontrolled landing. Hits her leap positions well. Double pike, low chest and a step forward. 9.85

Perea (Cal): Wolf turn, hit. Front toss to back tuck, secure. Casey says there was a wolf turn “epidemic” a few years ago. BRB putting that in my memory forever. Secure leaps. Side somi to tucked 1.5 stuck. Great anchor routine for Cal. 9.975

Nelson (SJSU): Double pike, nice. Switch leap to switch ring, not sure she quite got the position on the ring. Back 1.5 to front full, clean. 9.95

Kane (Cal, exh): Side aerial to bhs, knees on the back handspring and a small check. Great positions on her leaps. Cartwheel 1.5 step forward. 

Valuch (SJSU, exh): fhs double full, some leg form but a nice landing. Back 1.5 to lay, some knees. Solid leaps. Fhs rudi to close, nice landing. 9.825

After 3: Cal 148.800, San Jose State 147.525, UC Davis 136.150

That wasn’t the best beam lineup I’ve seen Cal do, but it was still very good. San Jose State had a nice floor rotation, highlighted by Mia Nelson’s 9.950. In an unfortunate turn of events for UC Davis, the Aggies were only able to put up 4 vaulters after the leadoff vaulter tripped on the runway and was unable to vault. 

Rotation 4: San Jose State VT, UC Davis UB, Cal FX

Williams (Cal): Front lay Rudi, nice. Switch leap to switch ring full, good. Back 1.5 to lay, great control. 9.95

Macpherson (SJSU): Clean yfull with just a small hop back. 9.825

Laird (UCD): Pak, close catch and leg sep. Blind full double tuck step back. Pretty sure we missed the start of the routine. 9.725

Kane (Cal): Front full rudi, crossy legs but secure landing. Good leap positions. Back 1.5 to lay to a switch split? Wasn’t expecting that. 9.875

Pitts (SJSU): FHS tuck half with a step back. 9.825

Kirsch (SJSU): Tucked y1.5 with a deep landing and step forward. 9.85

Moneymaker (UCD): catching the end, nice DLO and a small foot adjustment. 9.85

Lopes (SJSU): y1.5, some knees and a tiny step back. 9.875

Cesario (Cal): Back 1.5 to front full, solid. Switch leap switch ring half, landing maybe a lil out of control. Closing double tuck, secure landing. 9.925

Scafani (UCD): Deltchev, way far out and she didn’t have a chance at catching it. Bail good. Rudi dismount, overcooks it and sits it. 8.125

Mayhew (Cal): Front double full to pike, stays in bounds. Switch ring split half nice. Back 1.5 to lay, some knees. 9.925

Senthil (UCD, exh): True shaposh to bail, leg sep. DLO, slightly low chest and a step forward. 9.325

Lauzon (Cal): Fhs double full to punch front, nice. Switch ring split half, lovely. Back 1.5 to front full, controlled. 9.95

Frazier (Cal): DLO, leg sep but controlled. Hits her leap combination. Front tuck through to double tuck, nice. That should be another good score. 9.95

Li (Cal, exh): Good opening double tuck. FHS front full front lay nice. Switch leap switch ring half, good extension. 

FINAL: Cal 198.500, San Jose State 196.650, UC Davis 184.900

That was a great meet for Cal, and even that wasn’t its best. With a 198.500, the Bears should pass LSU for No. 2 overall. San José State had a nice road meet; it’s another score that the Spartans will take in their NQS. It wasn’t UC Davis’ best meet, though floor was a highlight. That’ll definitely be a drop score for the Aggies. 

VT: Kyen Mayhew (Cal) 9.975
UB: Andi Li, Madelyn Williams (Cal) 9.975
BB: Gabby Perea (Cal) 9.975
FX: Mia Nelson (SJSU), Madelyn Williams, eMjae Frazier, Mya Lauzon (Cal) 9.950
AA: eMjae Frazier, Mya Lauzon (Cal) 39.725

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Live blog by Aaron Doyle