leotard rankings graphic

Leotard Rankings: Week 10

When the college gymnastics season rolls around, some fans are excited for perfect 10s while others look forward to difficult skills and fun choreography. But we’re not going to lie. While those things are great, we love the leos most of all. And so, we’re back for another season of leotard rankings!

Each week we’re analyzing new designs to find our weekly faves. As always, leos can earn up to three points for design, up to one point each for fabric, sparkle, school spirit, and uniqueness, and up to three points for overall appearance. This week Savanna, Katie, Lela, and Talitha are joining editor-in-chief Elizabeth for judging. And, reminder that each season we save all the NCGA and USAG new team leos to judge together at the end of each division’s respective postseason, so be on the lookout for our thoughts on those then!

Don’t agree with our ranking? Make your opinion heard by voting in the fan poll at the end of the article each week or by voicing your thoughts on social media!

Arizona: 8.970

View a video of this leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 8.500

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 1.0/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.7/3

Yes, it’s a stock design, but I love it. I love the matter white paired with the mystique red, I love the mesh sleeves, and I especially love the cactus/mountains/sunset design on the chest.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 9.000

Design 3/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.8/3

The retro trend is taking over leo designs, and I love this one! The open back, the matte white, the subtle incorporation of the red, even the nod to the landscaping of Arizona—it’s all great. It only needs just a touch more sparkle, but other than that, I have no notes.

Katie Couldrey headshot newKatie: 8.900

Design 2.8/3, Fabric 1/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.6/3

I am really enjoying the ’90s fashion resurgence spilling over into the retro leotard designs this season. I can take or leave a white leotard, but this one is so fun and the picture design on the chest is perfect; these things can run the risk of looking tacky, but it’s just beautifully retro!

Lela: 9.150

Design 2.75/3, Fabric 1/1, Sparkle 0.9/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.7/3

Sparkly cactus! That is all. OK, they are telling me I have to write more. I love this whole deal. Athletic, retro design, cool open back, and did I mention the sparkly cactus? If I had to make one change, it would be to enlarge the cactus design. So great. 

Illustrated headshot of Talitha IlacquaTalitha: 9.300

Design 2.8/3, Fabric 1.0/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 1.0/1, Uniqueness 1.0/1, Overall Appearance 2.8/3

I love this so much! The matte white, the contrasting bright red, the picturesque chest design, the open back, the cactus… A+ for me!

Stanford: 8.810

View a video and images of this leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 8.600

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 1.0/1, Uniqueness 1.0/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

I like it! The back is so creative, and I love the rhinestone design on the front. Plus, the ombre sleeves are of course lovely.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 8.500

Design 2.3/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 1/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 1/1, Overall Appearance 2.3/3

Another tree leo! While not as animated as the Angry Tree, I do like this one. The neck is very unique and makes the leo stand out from a lot of Stanford’s other designs, and of course, the tree on the back ties the whole thing together beautifully!

Katie Couldrey headshot newKatie: 9.600

Design 3/3, Fabric 1/1, Sparkle 1/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.8/3

I got to judge the Angry Tree leotard, and this is just as fantastic. It’s a bit less camp and more refined, as well as a bit more grown up but just as lovely. The tree placement with the tapering of the back panel is outstanding. The ombre is beautiful on the sleeves, and it’s packed full of sparkle on the front. It’s just so cohesive, and I love it!

Lela: 9.050

Design 2.7/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 1/1, Overall Appearance 2.75/3

This tree is less angry but no less awesome. Great shape to the sparkles on the front, the back is awesome, and the styling of the back really makes the tree pop. 

Illustrated headshot of Talitha IlacquaTalitha: 8.300

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.4/3

I really like this! The back is superb, and the ombre sleeves are beautiful. I’m less convinced by the front. I love how much Stanford’s been playing with the Tree theme this year, keep going, please!

Arkansas: 8.660

View a video of this leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 9.800

Design 2.9/3, Fabric 1.0/1, Sparkle 0.9/1, School Spirit 1.0/1, Uniqueness 1.0/1, Overall Appearance 3.0/3

Absolutely superb. I love everything from the body ombre to the ribbon sleeve design and the way the cuffs are cut at an angle to the unique back. I adore this leo. It may be my favorite of the Jordyn Wieber era if not all time.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 8.400

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.6/3

Normally, I’m not a fan of Arkansas’s leos. The typical style just isn’t for me, but this might be my favorite one since the gunmetal leo from last season. The sleeve design is really nice, and I love the Razorback on the front—even if I wish they would’ve done their own version of the Stanford angry tree or Oregon State beaver.

Katie Couldrey headshot newKatie: 8.000

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

The back is stunning, the sleeves are really lovely with the unique angular cut, and there’s another big retro school logo—it’s a good one!

Lela: 8.900

Design 2.6/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 1/1, Overall Appearance 2.7/3

The mascot leo is a theme this week! Arkansas has a tough one to work with; that pig isn’t even a little cute, but they made it work spectacularly here. Love the ombre, the design on the sleeves, and the way that design carries to the back straps. Woo, pig, sooie, well done, Razorbacks. 

Illustrated headshot of Talitha IlacquaTalitha: 8.200

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.4/3

I like white leotards and ombre designs, so this is up my alley. I’m not a big fan of the huge hog on the chest, though I see why it’s there. Overall, this is an elegant and original leo and the back is beautiful.

Arizona State: 8.620

View a video of this leotard here and images here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 8.100

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 1.0/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.4/3

This is almost perfect. Arizona State does gold so so well, and I love how it’s used here. I also like the rhinestone design on the body, how the pitchfork pops on the sleeve, and the maroon elements—although I will note that the body and sleeve red doesn’t really match the back red, and it looked much more pink on the stream. I’m not obsessed with the shape of the red back straps, but I can deal with them.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 8.600

Design 2.7/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall 

Appearance 2.5/3

Another gold masterpiece! The sparkle throughout is so nice, but can we talk about the ombre on the sleeves? It’s so natural and just adds the necessary pop of color in this primarily black design. A win for the Sun Devils!

Katie Couldrey headshot newKatie: 8.800

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 1/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.7/3

It’s very ASU. I love the gold elements, and the side contrast cutouts work so well. There is beautiful sparkle placement, too, and the red strap on the back is stunning. It’s a fantastic leotard.

Lela: 9.000

Design 2.6/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 1/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.7/3

I love that the red straps on the back echo the pitchfork, and the red and gold against the black background look great. I love that firework sparkle design on the front—again, kind of echoing the pitchfork as well. But why doesn’t the sleeve maroon match the back-strap maroon? 

Illustrated headshot of Talitha IlacquaTalitha: 8.600

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 1.0/1, School Spirit 1.0/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.4/3

I didn’t realize this leotard was new at first glance, but it’s definitely very pretty. I could’ve done without the holes on the chest, but the open back is gorgeous and so are the ombre sleeves.

Talladega: 8.360

View a video of this leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 8.000

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

Talladega may have the best colors in the country to work with, and this is another great use of them in a leo! I adore the front, especially the ombre, and the back isn’t half bad either. Maybe my favorite of Dega’s leos this season.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 8.900

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 1/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.7/3

Talladega has easily won my vote for having the best leos in its inaugural season. This one is everything, from the ombre to the sparkle. My only negative is I wish the back was open, but overall, it’s a very good leo for Talladega!

Katie Couldrey headshot newKatie: 8.300

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.7/3

I have loved Talladega’s leotards this season. It has such fantastic colors that I think I could forgive quite a lot of design element flaws just because they’re so pretty. This is another great leotard. I love the placement of the sparkles, and ombre is always a good look. I do wish it continued onto the shoulders rather than having the solid line, but overall this leo is a great addition to their closet.

Lela: 8.600

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.7/3

This is an absolutely delightful color combination. The light blue and the red both pop here, and the ombre looks like the beginning of a sunset. I love how the back continues the design but doesn’t exactly mimic it. Talladega’s opening season will be memorable for a whole host of reasons, but its leotard closet is definitely one.  

Illustrated headshot of Talitha IlacquaTalitha: 8.000

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.4/3

What a lovely leotard! Talladega has spoiled us this year by putting such a delicate and elegant touch on its designs. I love the ombre effect on the front; I’m not a huge fan of the red straps on the back, but overall this is a beautiful leo.

Pittsburgh: 7.260

View a video of this leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 6.500

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 1.6/3

This is nice, but my one issue is that on the stream, the white near the belly really stood out, drawing my attention there. I do like the rhinestone pattern on the chest, and the back design. I could take or leave the Panther, but I can’t fault the school spirit.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 7.200

Design 1.9/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.1/3

This is a fun little design! I don’t entirely like where the white ends on the stomach, but the back is really nice. It reminds me of those varsity trend leos we’ve seen a lot of lately, and the panther is a nice touch!

Katie Couldrey headshot newKatie: 8.700

Design 2.5/3, Fabric 1/1, Sparkle 0.9/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

I really love it. I’m a sucker for blue and ombre, so this is always going to be a yes for me. The panther is a really great touch for the school spirit, and I love how crisp the white lines make the leotard look. The design of the crystals on the front are a beautiful pattern. If I was to pick one thing to criticize, it would be that I’m not sure the vibe of the patterns match the back, but it all looks so lovely I will overlook it!

Lela: 7.200

Design 2.1/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2/3

I love a mascot leo. Plus, I’m a cat lady, so this panther is pretty perfect. Love the color, the rhinestones, and the sleeves. I would take out the straps to really give that panther its day in the sun, but that’s a minor quibble. This one’s really cool. 

Illustrated headshot of Talitha IlacquaTalitha: 6.700

Design 1.9/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.5/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.0/3

I don’t dislike the design, but I find the white parts to be overwhelming. More yellow would have helped and would’ve been more in line with school spirit. I prefer the front to the back; the back straps look a bit out of place.

N.C. State: 6.880

View a video of this leotard here and sleeve details here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 6.700

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.0/3

This reminds me of a fancier version of Ball State’s pick-up sticks leotard. I like it for the most part, and we know from the sneak peek that was posted that the sleeves have a lace pattern on them as well. It’s a good, solid black leo to have in the closet.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 7.600

Design 2.1/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.9/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.3/3

I don’t know if I get the pick-up sticks vibe that Elizabeth got from this leo, but I definitely like where the Wolfpack went with this one! The red sparkles add a little bit of dimension and the keyhole back gives it a timeless look.

Katie Couldrey headshot newKatie: 7.800

Design 2.6/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.4/3

I’m going to expose my inner sci-fi geek here, but the front makes me think of the Star Trek Starfleet Insignia badge. It’s giving spaceship vibes, and I like it! The crystal Wolfpack really stands out, too, as the back is quite simple and clean.

Lela: 6.000

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 0.4/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 1.9/3

This one comes off as a bit generic. But I do like the way the design is laid out; I agree with Katie that it has a bit of a sci-fi vibe to it! Otherwise, a solid if slightly boring basic. 

Illustrated headshot of Talitha IlacquaTalitha: 6.300

Design 1.9/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.5/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 1.9/3

This leotard doesn’t scream N.C. State to me. I would’ve liked to see a bit more color, but the use of crystals is nice and original. Overall, a solid effort.

Temple: 6.880

View a video of this leotard here and the original Black Diamond leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 7.200

Design 2.2/3, Fabric 0.8/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.2/3

I liked the old version of this leotard a lot, but I may like the update even more. The back is really nice, and the ombre sleeves are great. I like how the diamond pattern on the body doesn’t go overboard and uses different sizes to add some variety.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 7.400

Design 1.9/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.9/1, Overall Appearance 2.4/3

An update of a Temple classic, and I love what the Owls did with it! The asymmetrical design of the diamonds on the front really gives it a fun little twist, and I like the ombre—although I do wish it was solid instead of mesh—but overall very nice!

Katie Couldrey headshot newKatie: 7.300

Design 2/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

It’s a nice remake and looks very classic. There’s nothing in particular that’s jumping out at me either in a good or a bad way. It’s just a solid leotard.

Lela: 6.100

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 0.5/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.0/3

I like the continuity of the diamond pattern and the fabric. And I love the sleeves. But this is definitely more of a useful basic than a Temple standout for me. 

Illustrated headshot of Talitha IlacquaTalitha: 6.400

Design 2.0/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 0.4/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 2.0/3

I quite like this remake, though if the theme is still diamonds, the original one was more striking. I wish the back was more open and the leotard was more sparkly, but it’s a good replacement for a much loved leotard!

Southern Utah: 6.680

View a video of this leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 6.300

Design 1.8/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 1.8/3

This is good, but there’s nothing about it I love. The ribbed fabric doesn’t really fit the rest of the design, but you can’t really see it from anywhere besides up close, so I’m not docking points for it. I think my favorite parts are the sleeves, and the rhinestone design.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 6.400

Design 1.8/3, Fabric 0.9/1, Sparkle 0.5/1, School Spirit 0.9/1, Uniqueness 0.4/1, Overall Appearance 1.9/3

This is nice, but not my personal favorite I’ve seen from the Thunderbirds. The ribbed fabric gives me corduroy vibes, but it’s not really visible from a distance. The sparkly Thunderbird on the back is very nice, but other than that, I wish it had a little more to it. Props for comfort, though, because it looks very comfortable!

Katie Couldrey headshot newKatie: 7.300

Design 1.8/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 2.5/3

The jury is still out for me on the ribbed fabric. I like the sparkly thunderbird, but the rest of it just feels a bit generic. It’s a solid leotard, but nothing stands out or wows me here.

Lela: 5.700

Design 1.5/3, Fabric 0.6/1, Sparkle 0.6/1, School Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 0.5/1, Overall Appearance 1.7/3

The fabric and the sparkly squiggles don’t really go together. I think I just like straighter lines on a leo (see: Arizona). Bring the thunderbird around to the front, eliminate some squiggles, lose the belt, and you might have me. Oh, is that a whole other leo? Probably. 

Illustrated headshot of Talitha IlacquaTalitha: 7.700

Design 2.4/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.8/1, School Spirit 0.7/1, Uniqueness 0.8/1, Overall Appearance 2.3/3

I really like this leotard! The highlight for me is the ombre sleeves, though I wish there was some more white in the rest of the design, too. The red straps add an athletic feel to the design and link the back with the front nicely. A solid effort!

Clemson: 4.580

View a video of this leotard here.

Illustrated headshot of Elizabeth GrimsleyElizabeth: 7.200

Design 2.2/3, Fabric 0.7/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, Theme Spirit 0.8/1, Uniqueness 1.0/1, Overall Appearance 1.8/3

You know what? I should loath this, but I oddly don’t. I know the pattern is supposed to be camo for military appreciation, but to me, it’s giving cow, I think because of the white. The collar isn’t my favorite, but I actually really like the swirly design with the mesh. I just wish the random oval wasn’t on the sleeve.

Savanna Whitten illustrated headshotSavanna: 5.400

Design 1.6/3, Fabric 0.3/1, Sparkle 0.4/1, Theme Spirit 1/1, Uniqueness 0.6/1, Overall Appearance 1.5/3

I wanted to like this so much, but it just doesn’t work for me. The print gives me Purple Cow restaurant vibes (pretty sure that’s just a me thing from living in the South), and the cutouts are just not working for me. I would’ve liked it better if it were more of the purple and less of the print.

Katie Couldrey headshot newKatie: 2.900

Design 0.4/3, Fabric 0.5/1, Sparkle 0.3/1, Theme Spirit 0.4/1, Uniqueness 0.7/1, Overall Appearance 0.6/3

Erm… It’s a no from me. I like the colors, but the pattern and design took me a while to recognize it as camo because all I can see are the big Milka chocolate advertisement banners on the side of Swiss ski slopes! And what is the patch on the arm doing? I’m so sorry, Clemson, but I hate it.

Lela: 4.600

Design 1.5/3, Fabric 0.4/1, Sparkle 0.3/1, Theme Spirit .4/1, Uniqueness 1/1, Overall Appearance 1/3

So, my high school had an actual rule against chewing gum that was in our rule book as “a gum-chewing girl/a cud-chewing cow/the only difference is the intelligent look on the face of the cow.” And that’s how I feel about this leo. The print, the cutouts, the weird Milky Way of sparkles front and center—Clemson is a team full of intelligent women, and I cannot believe that they were all on board with this moo-litary (I’M SORRY) appreciation leo. 

Illustrated headshot of Talitha IlacquaTalitha: 2.800

Design 0.1/3, Fabric 0.4/1, Sparkle 0.7/1, Theme Spirit 0.5/1, Uniqueness 1.0/1, Overall Appearance 0.1/3

I can’t find one single thing I like about this leotard. Someone on Twitter wrote that the print gives Milka Cow vibes, and I can’t unsee it. Please don’t wear it ever again.

Fan Poll

Congrats to Oregon State for winning last week’s fan poll! Vote for your favorite design from this week here.

READ THIS NEXT: What MAC Gymnasts Really Think About Their Leotards

Article by Elizabeth Grimsley, Savanna Wellman, Katie Couldrey, Lela Moore, and Talitha Ilacqua