Welcome to the DIII national championships, live from Winona, Minnesota. 2023’s rendition of this championship is set up to be a battle between the West’s UW-Oshkosh and the East’s Brockport. Both have been having a score surge at the end of the season, both with a season high over the 193 mark. 

Brockport enters this meet as the favorite. However, the same was the case in last year’s edition of this competition where the Golden Eagles couldn’t keep it together on beam…All I’m saying is, anything can happen at a national championship. This 2023 team started off slow but seems to be peaking just in time for the big dance. Emma Grace Sargent and Kyra Figurelli have been having a heck of a year, leading the team on bars and floor, respectively. Other key players to keep an eye on include Sydney Schumaker and Natalie Galioto. Keep an eye out for the beam lineup, if there’s a break down in the meet, it will likely come there. 

Oshkosh is another team on the rise, breaking team records multiple time this season. Emily Buffington started off 2023 on the wrong foot but has since broken the all around record twice…so don’t be surprised if she makes some noise in this meet. Reanna McGibboney has also been having an outstanding freshman campaign, making a consistent impact on vault, bars and floor.  

The number one team for the majority of the season, UW-La Crosse started off hot, but hasn’t quite kept pace with the top two teams. The Eagles likely will need some help from the top dogs to have a chance at pressuring for the title. Athletes who have really impressed this year include Rachel Chesley and Alex Wood. Both have stepped up tremendously to become staples for the team. Speaking of staples, don’t forget to catch Kerrie Legault on bars. Her toe point will leave you speechless.  

Ithaca has been steady throughout this season, catching the most steam in February. Led by program record eclipsing routines from Camryn Nichols, the bombers have a chance to make some noise here. Last year, the team broke a program team record at this meet. Granted that was also on the Bomber’s home turf. 

Springfield has been having a solid back half the season, led by superstar Devon Rosier’s slew of 9.8-plus routines across multiple events. Watch out for Tori Sipes on bars and MacKenzie MacLeod on any of her events. 

For more information and/or winner predictions, check out the NCGA Nationals Preview.

Pray for me. Nothing is wrong, I will just be trying to live blog based on two event feeds today. I’ll do my best in the athlete identification department, but my apologies in advance if some athletes are mentioned by school name only.

Rotation 1: La Crosse VT, Springfield BYE, Stout UB, Brockport BB, Oshkosh BYE, Ithaca FX

Millington (UWL): Y tuck with with a baby step back.

Pecoraro (Brockport): Lovely line on the series. Switch leap to gainer front full dismount.

Ithaca: Lovely and around on the wolf jump. Back 1.5 to front lay. On her heels and had to pike to get it around.

Another strong Y full in the layout position from UWL. Following a 9.700 already.

Stout: Toe hand, clear hip, overshoot. Not quite over the bar on the blind. This will be the routine the Blue Devils will look to drop. Double tuck was nice.

Brockport : BHS LOSO. Some knee form but solid. A small check on the leap. Switch leap, waver. Dances and repeats. Switch leap to straddle 1/4 with a waver. Back 1.5 with a small step to finish.

Y half for Lax. A little on the heels with two steps back.

Stout: Gienger could use a touch more height. Overshoot. 45 degrees. Toe hand to double tuck.

Just missed Vanderpool on vault. Typically a Y tuck full for her.

Ithaca: Front rudi. Chest down with a scoot. RO back tuck is very high through the middle of the floor. Strong combination pass to finish.

Brockport: Off on a BHS LOSO. So the rest of the lineup will need to pick it up to avoid counting a fall.

Overshoot to toe up. Double layout with a baby scoot back.

Wood (UWL): An adjustment forward on the Y full today. Opened a tad early.

Blind, Jaeger. Foot form. Had to stop the swing. Cast to overshoot. Loose in the back. Blind full, double tuck with a step back.

Y layout from Winona’s Breanna Ho (WSU) with a skuttle back.

Ithaca Switch leap, to stag. Rudi with a controlled landing.

Brockport: BHS LOSO is off again. So Brockport will be counting a fall in this first rotation. Beat to straddle 3/4. Small on the straddle and a wobble. Cat leap to side aerial with a leg up.

Stout: Maloney to pak. A little loose but strong connection. Double tuck is sat down. Another fall for stout.

O’Connor (WSU): Y full on back pike off. A solid hit for her.

Ithaca: Back 1.5 to front layout. Way to start. Double tuck with chest down.

Brockport with another fall. This is not good. Dismount was the best I’ve seen today, thus far.

Caught a short double layout with a hand down. routine looked solid before that moment. Just slung off a touch early.

Nichols (Ithaca): Back 1.5 to front layout. Excellent position in the air. An actual wolf position. We love to see it. Another hit for her on the last pass. She is having such a great season. I cannot handle it.

Velarmino (UWW): Piked Jaeger is nice and around. Overshoot is a bit short. Double layout with a touch of a pike. Stuck.

Gates (RIC): BHS LOSO is off. Switch leap, split to 1/4. Huge chest lean and off again. Beat, split 3/4. A small check. Gainer full with a step.

DeLorme (Ursinus): back 1.5 to front lay. A bit on her heels but managed. Lovely lines on the leap connection. I love the intensity of this music. Rudi. Nearly around with crossed legs on the landing. Strong opening routine for her.

Keyes (RIC): Cat leap to switch side, small waver. BHS LO two feet. Yes ma’am. Beat, front aerial with a hip break. Front gainer full with a baby hop in place.

Jaworski (Hamline): HUG! Front lay to full with a dance out. Lovely lay position. Switch side half, straddle. A head bound. OKAY. Double tuck! What a way to finish her career on the biggest stage! Switch side, popa. Boom Pipes! Yes. Also, she’s in a silver throwback looking leo that I cannot get enough of.

AFTER ONE: Ithaca 48.600, La Crosse 48.275, Brockport 46.650, Stout 46.375,

LAX was an obvious stand out in the first event, slaughtering the vault. Now the Eagles will have to wait it out on a bye to see what everyone else brings to the table. Brockport dug itself a hole, counting multiple falls on beam that rotation. Stout also will not escape without counting a fall. Ithaca gave itself the chance it needed to stay in this meet by going next level on floor. Will the Bombers keep this momentum flowing? I sure hope so.

Rotation 2: Ithaca VT, La Crosse BYE, Springfield UB, Stout BB, Brockport BYE, Oshkosh FX

Ithaca: Huge Y layout with hip open. Hop back.

McGibboney (UWO): Double pike was astronomical. Chest up and gigantic amplitude. Front lay to Rudi. Another controlled landing.

Beatty (Stout): BHS LOSO. Sharp arms on the finish. Hesitation on the turn. standing layout to straddle 1/4. Slow on the connection. Cat leap to switch side. An arm wave. RO back 1.5 is stuck. A lovely set for her to open the event.

For Springfield on bars, I caught an overshoot. Loose in the back and short of handstand, along with a toe up to high bar.

FHS front tuck for Ithaca on vault with nice and high. A medium step forward.

Buffington (UWO): Front lay to Rudi to gigantic split jump. Front lay front full to arabesque. Definitely on her heels on that.

Ferguson (Stout): Front toss to beat. Right on. BHS LOSO with a step back to manage the power. Nice straddle position on the jump. Back on her heels on the back 1.5 dismount, so had to take a step.

Another strong twisting vault from Ithaca. Chest down with a pace forward.

Osborne (Springfield) : Blind, piked Jaeger to overshoot to back hip circle. Not quite enough power. Toe hand front dismount with a step forward.

Ithaca: Y tuck full was dynamic as they come. Just a step back and foot form in the air.

Cienkus. (UWO): Front through to 2.5. Perhaps an OOB deduction there and loss of control. Switch half to popa is lovely. Perfect positions. Rudi to split jump. An arm wave.

Pauldon (Ithaca) : Y full is a little under powered, so she had to sit it down today.

Stout: OKAY punch front! No wobbles here. BHS LOSO. Snappy arms down. Switch leap, straddle 1/4. RO back 1.5 with a hop forward.

Stuck Y tuck full from Ursinus.

Sipes (Springfield): Maloney to low bar connection was nice and solid. Toe up to high. Lacking some turn over so had to muscle up the kip a bit. Double layout with a hop in place.

Springer (UWO): Front through to double pike. Flirting with OOB line a bit. Switch side to popa to split full. Yes on the height. Double tuck was short of the mat but fine.

Y half on the heels for ursinus but lovely shape in the air.

Popped in just in time for a RO back 1.5 from stout on beam. A pace forward. I will say that Stout is so underrated on beam. This is a strong rotation, so far. I’m seeing a 9.75 flashed.

Sawyer (UWO): Front through to double tuck. Throw that head back. A little under rotation on her jump connection. Double pike was overdone and managed with a huge lunge and a slide back of the front foot.

Stuck Blind full to double tuck from Cortland on bars.

Jarvis (UWO): Wolf 1.5. Very high but not quite around. Double pike is nearly layed out. Wow. Perfect control. Overrotated the front through to double tuck and OOB.

Knetzke (UWW): Front toss, BHS. A lean. Beat, split 3/4. Yes. Split position was right on. Cat leap, side somi. Chest down lean. Gainer pike with a small foot adjustment. 9.800

Toth (UWEC): A storm siren to start. Front full, front lay. Some leg crossing. Not quite around on the tour jete full. RO BHS LOSO. Front passes only? Rudi, landed with legs stagged. So to me that means could’ve been higher. Strong final leap combination. Solid first rotation for the all arounder!

Ravara (UWEC): Front full, front lay. Some leg form to force it around. Is her music playing? I hear rapid clapping. Another RO BHS LOSO. Must be a trend. Switch half was so stunning. A rarety. Rudi. Some leg crossing. Woohoo! Good for her for finishing a whole routine to the tune of off beat claps.

AFTER TWO: Ithaca 96.150, Stout 94.700, Oshkosh 48.400, La Crosse 48.275, Brockport 46.650, Springfield 45.400

Ithaca continues to set itself for a strong finish here, with just the non-leg events to go. Stout brought things back with a great beam rotation, good for a 48.325. UWO started with a couple shaky OOB routines, so let’s see if the returning champs can get things back on track on vault.

Rotation 3: Oshkosh VT, Ithaca BYE, La Crosse UB, Springfield BB, Stout BYE, Brockport FX

Tsuk tuck half to start for UWO. Just a step. Some foot form.

Osborne (Springfield): Front toss, BHS swing down. DEEP on the landing. Stuck gainer pike.

Brockport: Double tuck. Good control. Height was there. Back 1.5 to front tuck. Fought for that one. Popa to wolf 1.5 is around.

Jarvis (UWO): Legs apart on the pre flight with a step to the side on the Y full.

Climbing on the bar? Blind full to double tuck with a pace forward. Looked like maybe sandvik from here.

Buffington (UWO): DEEP landing on the FHS front pike with a couple steps back.

Springfield: BHS LOSO. Just an arm quiver. Split, split 3/4. Gainer pike with a step back.

Brockport: Wolf 1.5 to popa. Deep and side step on the first pass landing. Brockport wins the double back height award so far.

Y full for UWO with a step back. A little piked.

Belog (Springfield): BHS LOSO. Right on the money. Frotn aerial. A touch back but kept the arms moving. Split, split 3/4 with a lean. STuck dismount from her! Great routine.

UWL: Blind, Jaeger to shoot. Some leg form. Good last HS . Blind full double tuck looked stuck from this angle.

A fall on a front lay front full for Brockport on floor. Not quite around on the leap.

Sipes (Springfield): Hitch kick, side aerial. A lean. Split, split 3/4. Another lean. Front gainer full with a hop back.

HUGE Yurchenko full for UWO. A booty shake dance. Cause why not?

Another stuck-ish dismount for UWL on bars.

McGibboney (UWO): Another huge vault in the amplitude department. Pretty big step back too.

Legault (UWL): Maloney to overshoot. Stalder to toe up to high. Stalder to double tuck, medium sized step back.

Y layout from Toth is pretty slow and had to take a step forward.

Brockport: Double tuck. Large lunge. Switch leap, popa, tuck full. Back 1.5 to front layout is long but just in bounds.

Ravara (UWEC): Y layout. A touch short with a bit of a wild bound forward.

Ho (WSU): Blind full, swing half, overshoot. Loose in the legs. Toe up to high. Gainer front with a baby hop on the dismount.

Brockport: Front double full. Landed a bit lock-legged but managed fine with a cross step. Switch side, popa, wolf full. Another two passer. Front full, front lay. Good lay position.

Bateman (WSU): Blind, Jaeger to too far. Dynamic but kick to bring it closer to the bar. Overshoot. Double tuck with a pace forward.

Front aerial to BHS. Cat leap, side aerial. Strong dismount to finish.

Figurelli (Brockport: FTDT was a bit short with a bound up. Dynamic leap combo. A little wonky on the second leap landing. Back 1.5 front full. This routine is so hard. Wow.

Cortland: BHS LOSO. Right on. Beat, Switch half. Under split position. Standing back pike to split jump. Slow on the connection. RO back 1.5 with a pace forward.

RIC: Rudi to back full. Literally what the heck. So good. Switch ring, tour jete half. A little sluggish but around. Front double full. I repeat. What the heck. SO FREAKING GOOD. Medal that routine, judges!

Keyes (RIC): Front lay through to double tuck. Short with a step forward. Yes! Dance Miss girl! Double pike was on the money! One thing about her, she’s the baddest alive.

AFTER THREE: Oshkosh 96.400, La Crosse 96.400, Ithaca 96.150, Brockport 94.700, Stout 94.700, Springfield 93.675

Brockport brought that bounce-back energy in that rotation, but it’s likely too little, too late. The matchup between La Crosse and Oshkosh is turning out to be just what we all needed this fine afternoon, with Ithaca just a step behind. It’s getting juicy here at the halfway point, so don’t leave just yet!

Rotation 4: Brockport VT, Oshkosh BYE, Ithaca UB, La Crosse BB, Springfield BYE, Stout FX 

Hautala (UWL): BHS LOSO. Small foot adjustment. side aerial with a step forward. Gainer full with a bit of pike down and a step back.

Blair (Brockport): Front handspring front tuck with a hop forward.

Ithaca: Toe hand, Maloney, overshoot. Loose on the second release. Toe front tuck is stuck.

Stout: Bringing the floor party energy. Back 1.5 to front lay. Tried to force it but very short.

Vanderpool (UWL): BHS LOSO. Chest low but managed. Cat leap, front toss to beat. Low on the landing. Switch leap to gainer pike. 9.750 is the score I see.

Ithaca: Clear hip Tkatchev is right on. Clear hip to overshoot. Loose in the air. A stuck dismount to finish.

Stuck Y half. WOW. Chills, I have. Yes. Straight line in the air and everything. So hard to nail that blind landing.

UWL: BHS LOSO is off. Switch leap, split 3/4. Slow to connect. Side aerial is the moment. Gainer full is stuck. Way to bounce back from the mistake at the beginning of the routine.

Another fall on floor for stout. Seems like the team is mistiming their punches on the combo passes.

Brockport: This team is taking no prisoners on vault. Y full. Another strong landing with just a miniscule hop.

Ithaca: overshoot with wild legs. Jaeger is right on the money. Half turn to double tuck. Very unique routine composition there.

Schumaker (Brockport): Y tuck 1.5 with a pace forward. Some flexed feet in the air, but lovely technique otherwise.

Sandvik? (UWL): Side aerial to split jump. Leg up wobble. Idk that I would give that connection. Beat to 3/4 jump is wild and off the beam. That’s unfortunate. Now the Eagles will be counting a fall. Gainer pike with a hop in place.

Ithaca: I think I saw a cast over on bars…Clear hip Gienger to overshoot. Nearly a brush of the feet. Blind full to double tuck. Such a good routine.

Halcom (UWL): BHS LOSO. A little squatty on the landing. Frotn aerial… slow to beat. Split, split 3/4 with a chest down lean. Punch front full is stuck. Good finish.

Tsuk pike from Keyes.

Tour jete full is great. Rudi to double stag. Okay height. Tour jete half, spit full. A griddy. I love 2023. Back 1.5 front pike. Strong landing there. Fun routine.

UWL: BHS LOSO. Fierce. Front aerial. Snapped the arms down. Switch leap, switch half. She’s in it to win it. Gainer pike.

A missed Ray for DeLorme. Went for it again and was much closer this time but peeled off at the bottom. I assume she was going for the connection bonus there? Clear hip to overshoot to toe hand. Smoothly done. Arched the last HS. Toe hand double tuck.

Ho (WSU): Cat leap side somi. Yes. Switch leap, switch half. A little tight on the second leap. Punch front full with a hop to the side.

Ferguson (Stout): Double back to open is flirting with the line. Lovely line on the leap but not around.

UWW: Blind piked Jaeger. Pak salto with some feet. Double tuck with a step back.

Sellner (WSU): Cat leap tour jete 1/4. Front aerial BHS. Wonky on the connection. Good straddle position on the 1/4. Gainer front full off the side with a step forward. 9.425

Stout: Another fun choreo. The team is doing the entire thing with her. Double tuck with a slide back. Switch side, wolf full. Front lay, Rudi to double stag. Both feet OOB. Not the ideal way to finish such a great routine. I want to say that was Krulich.

Cummins (Stout): Why do I feel like this rotation is taking forever? From a judging perspective of course. Front through to double pike. Pretty solid there. A little correction on the landing. A little off center on the leap landing. Rudi, chest down.

Welsh (UWW): Front double full with a cross step. Tour jete half to popa. Couldn’t tell if she stayed in bounds on the first pass, but I didn’t see a flag. My lip gloss is poppin’. Back 1.5, front lay with a hop out. Rudi to finish. Best landing of the routine.

Moore (UWW): Double tuck is looking like a two foot stick from this distance. Switch side, wolf full x2. Back 1.5 to front lay. VERY good control. Another tik tok dance. Rudi. A little chest low but managed.

AFTER FOUR: La Crosse 143.800, Brockport 143.250, Stout 142.300, Ithaca 142.125, Oshkosh 96.450, Springfield 93.675

Beam is proving to be the problem child today, as expected. La Crosse counted a fall in the fourth rotation but maintains the lead for the time being. However, Oshkosh will be coming off the bye this next rotation to challenge. TBD if olympic order will come to La Crosse’s aid while the Titans will have to close the meet on beam. Brockport is trying to get back in this one following a stellar vault showing highlighted by Schumaker’s 10.0 sv vault.

Rotation 5: Stout VT, Brockport BYE, Oshkosh UB, Ithaca BB, La Crosse BYE, Springfield FX 

Ithaca: BHS LOSO. Sure of herself. Off on the side aerial.

Sawyer (UWO): Blind, Jaeger. Some back arch and feet. Straddle back right to HS. Short last HS. Blind full double tuck.

Springfield: Rudi. Slight leg crossing in the air. Show it off! Tour jete half, split full. Back 1.5 front lay is right up to the border. Front full, front tuck.

Nearly stuck Y layout for stout. Just a slight foot adjustment.

Amor (UWO): An audible gasp for the fall on bars. Overshoot is quite loose but in HS. Double layout with a large step forward.

Ithaca: Straddle was lovely but also not connected to the consecutive jump. Another fall. on a side aerial. So the Bombers will be counting a fall. Time to pick it up.

Springfield: Back 1.5 to front lay. Pretended to connect to a stag. Tour jete half, split full. Not around. Rudi to stag. Best pass thus far.

Berens (UWO): Jaeger is right on. Overshoot is delayed on the turn. Short HS FTDT with a college stick.

Ithaca: Front toss, back tuck with a lean. Switch side was dynamic. Switch leap, split half. Front full off the end with a step back.

Buffington (UWO): Blind Jaeger. Archy. Pak is stalled out in the air with a knee bend. Possible feet hit as well. Arabian double front with a pace forward.

Stuck-ish Y tuck full on vault for Stout.

Ithaca: BHS LOSO with a lean to the side. Another lean on the front aerial, to a more severe degree this time.

Springfield: Front double full. A little under done and back on heels.

UWO: Toe hand, Tkatchev. Swing half, overshoot. Blind full to double tuck with a step back. VERY short on the last HS there.

Cummins (Stout): Y full with a reasonable size hop.

Jarvis (UWO): Tkatchev in the rafters. Overshoot is tight and right to HS. Blind full archy to double tuck. Pretty uncontrolled step back.

Springfield: Opened with a dynamic combination pass. Danced right out. Switch side, wolf full. Double tuck with a two-feet stick. Excuse me.

Screams for a beam hit for the Bombers.

DeJong (Stout): Strong Y layout for her.

Toth (UWEC): Overshoot, toe hand, toe up to high bar. Just missed. Toe front dismount with a step forward.

Nichols (Ithaca): Front tuck. Several arms circles to try to save. Back tuck with more arm waves. Large wobble on the turn. Take a breath. Switch leap, split, beat jump. RO back 1.5 with a pace forward. Too bad.

Ravara (UWEC): Blind full, gienger, overshoot. Some legs. Blind full to double tuck with a step back.

Welsh (UWW): Y full is on the money as usual. The crowd goes wild!

Just caught the Rudi at the end of Springfield’s routine on floor. Chest up and legs right together in the air.

Tucker (RIC): Front aerial back tuck. Some feet adjustments to save. She fell off on a jump, I believe. Tuck 3/4. Gainer full is stuck.

Rosier (Springfield): Rudi. Right to the lunge. Switch leap… tour jete half. Back 1.5 to front lay. Love her technique on that. Wolf 1.5 is snappy. Front full, front full. A little slow on the twist, but she’s so patient that it doesn’t matter. Great routine for her!

Mirigliano (Cortland): Double pike is short with a wild flailing bound out. Jumps are right around. Back 1.5 front tuck. A little under on the turn, but timed the punch perfectly. Switch side, popa. Death drop to finish. Why not?

I don’t know if I’m out of the loop, but I’ve never heard “Great Balls of Fire” sound quite like this. But the crowd seems to like it.

Kollhoff (UWW): Front full, front lay to dance out. Flirting with the line. 1.5 jump is right around. Get that bonus. Double tuck, chest slightly low. That felt like the shortest routine in history, but it was great, so *shrugs*

Mylin (UWW): To athletes that can run across a sting mat and still do their pass, you have my utmost respect. Could NEVER be me. Front double full, a bit of a double pump step to control the power. Back 1.5 to front lay. A sideways hop to manage. Switch half, popa. Rudi with chest nice and high. Good set for her! Have a crown.


It felt like Oshkosh left some major tenths on the table on bars. Hopefully the team can shake that off before heading to beam. It’s about to be a race to the finish, so keep your eyes peeled as the checkered flags start waving. Stout and Ithaca’s days are done. Each team should be proud of its showing today!

Live scores have not been updated, so I guess that just adds to the suspense of it all…

Rotation 6: Springfield VT, Stout BYE, Brockport UB, Oshkosh BB, Ithaca BYE, La Crosse FX

UWO: BHS LOSO. Hip break check. Cat leap, Front aerial to beat. Slow connection. Switch leap, split jump. Gainer full is stuck. Like the natty is on the line or something.

Wood (UWL): Front lay front full. Double pike, has to step forward on the lunge.

Eramo (Brockport.); Blind full, swing half… nvm. Swing half, Overshoot. toe up to high. Muscle up to HS. Blind full double tuck with a sizable step back.

Cienkus (UWO): BHS LOSO. A bit choppy. Good line on the leap series. Front aerial to split. Smooth. Gainer full. Another stick.

UWL: Front lay to Rudi with VERY low chest. Tour jete half, split full. Double tuck was perfection.

Romano (UWO): Front aerial. Switch leap, split jump. Soft back knee. Front toss, BHS. RO tucked 1.5 with a step forward.

Brockport: Half pirouette to overshoot. Overcooked it. Arched and fell off. Not the best day for the Golden Eagles.

UWL: Opened with her connection pass. Good layout position on the second flip. Double tuck with the chest nice and high.

Buffington (UWO): Side aerial to rO is not connected in the slightest. Switch half. Nice extension. Switch leap, split. A hop to the side on the dismount. Start value will definitely be in question there.

Kiley (Springfield): Y full, a touch of bent knees in the air with a pace back.

A hit for Brockport on bars at just the right time. Stuck blind full to double tuck. Smooth connection on the release to overshoot as well.

Cortland: Y half. A bit back on the heels but managed with a step back.

Lansing (UWL): Front lay, front full required a double pump step to control. Double pike is huge with chest forward and a step out.

UWO: BHS LOSO with an arch back and arm wave. .. my beam feed is frozen. One moment

Switch leap, straddle 1/4. Stuck RO 1.5 dismount. Idk if that was the same beam routine it froze on or not…

Sandvik (UWL): Rudi to split jump. Hotel. Motel. Holiday Inn. Back 1.5 to front tuck. Mistimed the punch and had to take an uncontrolled lunge

Brockport: Clear hip to Gienger. Quite far away. A bit of a scary fall there.

UWO: BHS LoSO. Solid. Switch leap, split jump. Soft back knee. Cat leap, front toss, beat. Kept it moving. RO back 1.5 with a step forward.

Chesley (UWL): Front double full is on today! Back 1.5 to front layout. Keep it pushing. Switch half, popa. Rudi. Yes. Best routine so far for the Eagles.

So basically, the teams are watching and waiting to see the winner. UWO is finished.

Blind full double tuck with a near knee down for RIC on bars. I’m assuming Kelsey Gates.

Ravara (UWEC): BHS LOSO. Confidence. Switch leap, switch half. Switch leap, split jump. Gainer pike with the slightest hop back. 9.700!!!

Ho (WSU): Double pike is dynamic. Chest up. Switch half, popa. A little under on the second straddle. Off on the punch on the combination pass and had to put her hands down.

Keyes (RIC): Overshoot to toe to high. Toe hand, Blind full double tuck. On her heels with a step back.

Sellner (WSU): I do love that Winona State athletes technically get to close out this meet at home. Back 1.5 to front lay. Off center but GREAT layout shape on both. Wolf jump is right around. Rudi to split jump. Chest forward, so had to fight for her life to keep her hands off the floor on the way back down.

I love DIII gymnastics, but please give someone some scores 🙁 Please? Event the ones from last rotation would be nice.

Final: UW-Oshkosh 192.525, UW-La Crosse 192.325, UW-Stout 190.275, Springfield 190.100, Brockport 189.225, Ithaca 187.925

The annual depressing senior dance has commenced. What a sweet moment, honestly. “My Wish” by Rascal Flatts is made to make you cry, obviously.

UWO comes away with the much-more-narrow repeat victory in 2023. Ultimately, it came down to avoiding counting a fall on beam. UWL was neck and neck the entire meet, but couldn’t quite put together the beam rotation to take the title. Nonetheless, the Eagles put together a stellar meet that rivaled their best of the year. Stout once again rose to the occasion on the big stage to take third. Increasing vault difficulty this year has made such a big difference. Springfield flew under the radar much of the meet but put together three stellar rotations after the slow start on bars. Brockport ultimately had way too many misfires to stay anywhere near the podium, while Ithaca’s main downfall was beam after being the leader after the first two rotations.

Well… that’s all for now folks. Catch you guys next week for USAG nationals, or next year for some more DIII gymnastics, if that’s what suits your fancy.

AA Winner: Tia Ravara (UW-Eau Claire), 38.100

VT Winner: Kara Welsh (UW-Whitewater), 9.825

UB Winner: Rachel Chesley (UW-La Crosse), 9.800

BB Winner: Devon Rosier, (Springfield), 9.825

FX Winner: Kelsey Gates (Rhode Island) & Christina Wygonik (Springfield), 9.825

Yearly Awards:

Outstanding Senior: Cameryn Nichols, Ithaca

Coach of the Year: Kasey Crawford, UW-La Crosse

READ THIS NEXT: Judge’s Inquiry: Are Division III Routines Underscored?

Live Blog by Tavia Smith

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  1. I believe Harriet Toth also of Eau Clare won the AA with a 38.375 and Tia Ravara was 2nd with 38.100.

    Thank you for the great live blog!

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