Host Temple had a season high last weekend in which it earned a top five beam score in program history, but the result could not have been more different for the Owls’ cross-town rival. After imploding on beam, Penn was upset majorly last weekend with West Chester coming out on top in the Palestra. The Quakers will look to rebound across the Schuylkill River tonight as they travel to Temple. They will arrive alongside EAGL opponents George Washington and N.C. State, the latter of whom Temple beat at last weekend’s quad. We’ll see if any more upsets are in the cards tonight; it’s a quad meet, so buckle in for at least something interesting to happen.
Here are the links to the stats and stream.
Maybe getting just a little emotional looking at the Philly skyline. Miss my undergrad!
Rotation 1: Temple VT, N.C. State UB, GW BB, Penn FX
Brooks VT: opens with a full, hop back, chest slightly down. 9.775
Adomaites UB: hits the last handstand, double back chest down hop back. 9.750
Zois BB: sticks double back. 9.825
Oniki FX: Double pike solid to open. back 1.5 front lay a little pikey. 9.775
Schugman VT: Yhalf, hops forward. 9.775
Childs UB: almost sticks double tuck steps forward. 9.725
Whitman BB: 9.825
Hill VT: sticks her full. 9.800
Rosen FX: good twisting pass to start, AC/DC music, sticks double tuck cold to end. 9.825
Obregon UB: Tkatchev some feet, misses handstand into bail, last handstand short, DLO step back. 9.750
Chambliss BB: Reigning EAGL gymnast of the year, solid BHS LOSO, small step back hop off double full. 9.800
Behner VT: good distance on full, hop back. 9.775
Ortega UB: catches the high bar pretty close, nice stick on DLO. 9.900
Aresta VT: pikes down yfull, small controlled hop back. 9.775
Shepard UB: catches Tkatchev close, beautiful last handstand, sticks double back. Nice routine. 9.900
Silverman BB: leaps not quite 180, gainer dismount off side. 9.825
Davies FX: sticks double pike, front lay to front full bit less control, double back chest way down. 9.550
Glynn VT: Goes for the y1.5 and huge bounce forward. 9.625
Rutherford UB: Catches Tkatchev fully extended, DLO a little underrotated step forward. 9.775
Katz BB: side aerial major check. Standing BHS LOSO nice difficulty, back 1.5 some knees step forward. 9.600
S. Kenefick FX: back 2.5 to punch front oof kind of scary, double full stumbles out a little bit, 9.650
York BB: triple series BHS LOSO two foot layout, no hesitation, front toss to beat same, clean leaps, 9.775
Lassiter FX: front full to front tucked full. Beautiful straddle positions. 9.750
It looks like the Penn stick object is a long stand of…ivy.
Van Horn FX: looks like a fall on first pass, side BHS LOSO no issues. front full front lay.
After 1: GW 49.050, N.C. State 48.975, Temple 48.900, Penn 48.550
Penn’s floor total is its lowest of the season. George Washington’s beam total is its highest of the season, as is Temple’s vault total.
Rotation 2: Temple UB, Penn VT, N.C. State BB, GW FX
Werlen VT: a lot of power on yfull, piked way down hop back. 9.750
Brooks UB: chest way down on double back, step forward. 9.700
Diaz BB: BHS some feet, leaps good 180 position. Back 1.5 stuck. 9.850
Lynch FX: back 1.5 to front lay fine. 9.800
Davies VT: yfull jumps to the side. 9.625
Dorunda UB: pretty first handstand, Tkatchev caught, blind full into stuck double back. 9.675
Jennings BB: BHS LOSO no hesitation, come off on leap. 9.000
Kazmierski FX: Rudi, straddle to wolf combo good, falls on final pass.
C. Marr VT: half on double back looks like a stick. 9.850
Whalen UB: Bail to handstand, Tkatchev between the bars good, full-in chest down hop forward. 9.850
Zultevicz BB: BHS LOSO bent legs but no hesitation, split leap not quite 180, side aerial to split jump, dismount sticks back 1.5. 9.875
Whitman FX: ends with a nice front double full, controlled step. 9.900
DeBarberie VT: full with some power, step back. 9.800
H. Stallings UB: beautiful handstand, huge full-in tiny step back. 9.800
Ortega BB: BHS LSO, onodi slight hesitation, switch to split jump good 180 positions, front walkover, gainer pike stuck. Lovely routine. 9.900
Sheremeta FX: love her extension/flexibility in her choreo. A hit, will be close to Friday’s 9.900. 9.775 tonight.
S. Stallings UB: piked jaeger, good bail to handstand, nice last handstand, double tuck step back. 9.900
Shepard BB: switch to switch half pretty big wobble, BHS LOSO slight hesitation, sticks back 1.5. That’s more like her usual. 9.850
Chambliss FX: double pike, back 1.5 to front lay, double tuck, few errors. 9.925
Glynn UB: Squatty but sticks double back to end. 9.750
Negrete BB: pretty series, beat jump, sticks double full. 9.925
York FX: triple full steps out of it weird but gets it around, back 1.5 to front full, back 1.5 to front lay small step out. 9.700
Neither GW nor N.C. State will count falls.
After 2: N.C. State 98.375, GW 98.150, Temple 97.900, Penn 97.375
Penn having three sets of sisters on its roster is truly insane!
Rotation 3: Temple BB, Penn UB, N.C. State FX, GW VT
Zois VT: really big hop back on yfull. 9.675
S. Kenefick UB: floaty Tkatchev, legs way apart on Pak, nice handstand to end, back double full dismount looks like a stick. 9.800
Scheurman BB: falls on triple series to start. pretty leaps. 8.900
Diaz FX: Elvis Crespo music, let’s get some salsa going. And Bad Bunny now. Double pike controlled. Nails double tuck to end. Long delay on score. 9.800
Katz VT: yhalf, overrotated step out. 9.675
Roland BB: floaty BHS LOSO big check to end, side aerial to beat, hop on back 1.5, hit. 9.800
Ortega FX: after a long wait, front lay front full. clean to end. 9.775
York VT: yfull step out. 9.775
Davies UB: caught jaeger, double tuck squats seems like it could be a stick but steps out. 9.675
Glynn BB: big break on BHS LOSO, stays on. sticks dismount to end. 9.725
Zultevicz FX: shipping off to boston music, got both passes around. 9.750
Chambliss VT: nice full, tiny step back. 9.875
Lassiter UB: good handstand, full-in stumbles lands on her knees with hands down. 9.100
Dorunda BB: triple series good, hop back on back 1.5. 9.825
Rutherford FX: back 2.5 punch front. big double tuck chest down, steps out. 9.825
Whitman VT: her signature vault, step back. 9.850
Kuhn UB: nice last handstand, full-in step back. She got it around. 9.800
H. Stallings BB: switch to straddle quarter. BHS LOSO tiny check. Comes off on side aerial, Temple now counting a beam fall. Back 1.5 takes a few steps out. 8.850
Shepard FX: double pike chest slightly down, leaps a little off tonight, front lay to front full. very dramatic strings music giving Succession. 9.875
Munnelly VT: sticks tucked full. 9.775
Oniki UB: falls on release. Penn counting a fall. 8.950
Donabedian BB: aerial to BHS BHS small check, side somi a little squatty but no hesitation, split jump to stag small check, back 1.5 stuck. Clean end to rotation. 9.900!
Negrete FX: double pike open small slide out, front full front layout, nice dance, double tuck beautiful to end. 9.875
After 3: N.C. State 147.525, GW 147.100, Temple 146.050, Penn 145.650
Temple’s Friday floor total of 49.300 was T-4th program all time. Let’s see if the Owls can recreate that magic and bring the evening to a more optimistic close.
Rotation 4: Temple FX, N.C. State VT, GW UB, Penn BB
Diaz VT: yfull step forward crunches the landing a bit. 9.550
Silverman UB: jaeger to bail, sticks double back. 9.850
Belkoff BB: back 1.5 small step forward. 9.850
Ruskey FX: front tuck to double back chest up, pretty straddles, big double pike chest higher. 9.875 wow not playing to open. 9.875
Zultevicz VT: another short landing on a yfull, chest way down. 9.625
Katz UB: big tkatchev between the bars, full in a lot of distance but step back. 9.775
Rosen BB: BHS LOSO no hesitation. sticks dismount. 9.875
Dorunda FX: double tuck, straddles not fully extended, front lay to front rudi. 9.825
Ortega VT: hop back on yfull but a better landing than the previous two. 9.800
Chambliss UB: nice handstands, clips heel, sticks double back. 9.475
Kuhn BB: back full small step. 9.850
Hill FX: straddles good 180 position. 9.825
Rutherford VT: yfull good, progressing in the lineup. 9.800
Munnelly UB: nice last handstand, double tuck close to the bar, hop back. 9.700
Werlen BB: cat to side somi big check, switch to split nice positions, back 1.5 small step back. 9.725
Glynn FX: front doubke full, great extension on leaps, love the side BHS LOSO, deamatic music, front lay front full just a small hop. 9.850
Shepard VT: sticks yfull. 9.850
Garfoot UB: sticks double back to end. 9.900
C. Marr BB: sticks dismount to end. 9.95 from both judges! They now tie for the Penn program record.
Schugman FX: back 1.5 to front full, double pike stuck to end. 9.925
Negrete VT: sticks yfull as well. 9.875
McMullen UB: Pak into nice handstand, sticks landing. sticks all around the building now. 9.750
M. Marr BB: BHS LOSO no issues, side aerial same, what if she breaks the record with this, switch to straddle great positions, sticks gainer BHS. Oh she really could. 9.950 again.
Donabedian FX: front rudi to BHS, effortless, lovely leaps, double full. 9.925
FINAL: N.C. State 196.475, GW 196.075, Temple 195.450, Penn 195.125
Temple surpasses 195 for the second time this season while counting a fall on beam. The Owls should feel hopeful about that. Penn’s 195.125, also counting a fall, is a top 5 program history score, which says a lot about the Quakers’ potential this season. Super impressive. As for the top two, the EAGL mainstays should feel good about tonight, though the Wolfpack ended a little understatedly with the vault issues at the start of the lineup. George Washington capped off a solid weekend, going over 196 for the first time this season and entering the rankings at #37- right on the regionals bubble. Watch for the Colonials going forward.
READ THIS NEXT: Is Bars Historically the EAGL’s Best Event?
Live blog by Katherine Weaver
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