The Washington Huskies are coming into their third consecutive conference dual meet after a season-low last week against Oregon State, in part due to a beam disaster that resulted in counting a score in the eights. The goal going into today’s matchup is clear: Hit beam and bring in another score as close to 197 as possible. Luckily for Washington, the Huskies have performed better at away meets than at home this season, with both of the Huskies’ last two away meets resulting in mid-196s.
Similarly, Arizona is coming off of its lowest-scoring meet since its season opener. However, the issues for these teams manifest in different ways. Where Washington has faced issues with consistency, even among normally consistent stars like Skylar Killough-Wilhelm, Arizona has struggled to put the little details together, resulting in lower scores. The Wildcats will be looking to build on the success of all-arounder Malia Hargrove as the basis for a fully hit performance.
These teams bring up the rear of the Pac-12 standings at the moment, giving the matchup some potential rankings implications. While at the moment, the night session of conference championships seems like a reach, there’s no time like the present to start the climb.
Rotation 1: Arizona Vault, Washington Bars
Henry (UA) VT: Starting off with a Yurchenko full, lacking amplitude. Hard to tell form from this angle but looked like a pike down to land. Hop backward. 9.775
Moody (UW) UB: Nice first handstand. Maloney to Pak, loses the feet in the Pak a little bit. Not too bad on the cast half or the final handstand. FTDT with a hop back. 9.825 I’m pretty sure.
Mueller (UA) VT: Another Y-full, a bit more amplitude but again generally piked throughout. 9.75
We’re sans scores at the moment, I’ll fill you in when that changes.
Russon (UW) UB: Blind change to Jeager on the high bar to start, connected to an overshoot, all very smooth. A bit late on the final cast, but the blind full to double tuck is stuck. 9.85
Nosek (UA) VT: Y-full, similarly piked in the air, lands kind of crooked with her chest down. Pretty prominent leg separation on the table. 9.8
Oppegard (UW) UB: Starting off with a blind change to Jeager, takes it really far out but catches. A bit short on the bail, good handstands otherwise. Small hop forward on the double layout dismount. 9.75
Hargrove (UA) VT: Yurchenko 1.5, the GymCats’ first. Solid form in the air, a bit piked in the first twist but sorts it out. Medium hop forward. 9.875
Brooks (UW) UB: Sharposh to hip circle to bail, some leg form throughout, short of handstand on the bail by a fair margin. Straddled blind full but an essentially stuck double tuck dismount. 9.825
Castles (UA) VT: Best form in the air of the Yurchenko fulls, but still rather flat off of the table. Small hop adjustment to the side. Perhaps a tad underrotated. 9.825
Tubbs (UW) UB: Toe on to Maloney to Bail, not too bad of a handstand on the final skill there. Small arch on her final handstand. Gets the stick on her double layout after falling on it last week. 9.775
LaRusso (UA) VT: Best landing of any Arizona vault on her Y-full, close to stuck. However, she did take on a variety of shapes in the air, including both tucked and piked. 9.85
Killough-Wilhelm (UW) UB: Hop to piked Jeager to overshoot, amazing toe point throughout that combination. Blind change to front giant 1/2 to double tuck, gets the stick. Really efficient and pretty work throughout. 9.925
AFTER ONE: Washington 49.2, Arizona 49.125
Well at the moment we are still without scores, but both teams looked solid across the whole rotation. Arizona’s vaults generally seemed to be lacking amplitude, but in the Wildcats’ defense, the camera angle was not helping them out. Washington still has a few form issues across its routines, but things are certainly getting cleaner as the season goes on. Pretty clean work from Morgan Bowles in the exhibition spot as well, showing some reassuring depth. Now that we finally have scores, I am having a mild chuckle at some of the vault scores.
Rotation 2: Arizona Uneven Bars, Washington Vault
This meet being sponsored by Coke Zero feels like a personal shoutout.
Innes (UW) VT: Starting the second rotation off with a Yurchenko full, stuck cold but had to pike down quite a ways to get there. 9.825
Mueller (UA) UB: Tkachev with some major foot form. Toe on to bail, loose back in that. Double layout dismount straddled but stuck. A lot of small things to take, we’ll see. 9.8
Brooks (UW) VT: Yurchenko half, small hop forward. Not the most amplitude but a good body position in the air. 9.85
LaRusso (UA) UB: Starts off with a blind change to Jeager, not the most amplitude. Well short on her next cast, as well as her bail. Fully crooked on the FTDT dismount but stuck with a lean. 9.75
Davis (UW) VT: Yurchenko full, bigger off of the table than all of the other fulls we’ve seen today. Medium-sized hop back. 9.825
Raskin (UA) UB: Begining on the high bar, blind to Jeager, great amplitude but messy legs. Short of handstand in the bail, great toe point. A fully floppy double layout, stuck. 9.775
Navarro (UW) VT: Y-full, we’re moving unnecessarily fast here, a large step backward. We missed the begging of the vault so no idea about leg form. 9.775
Hargrove (UA) UB: Starts off on the high bar, messy blind full to Tkachev. Bail is nice, no question about handstand there. FTDT is a struggle, only a small step but chest is way down, almost high fives the mat. 9.775
Killough-Wilhelm (UW) VT: Yurchenko full, great extension and toe point in the air. Small hop back I think, there were people standing in front of the camera. 9.875
McCabe (UA) UB: Once again starts on the high bar with a blind change to Jeager. Bail is nice, maybe a tad short. Double layout once again straddled with a hop in place. 9.875
Cunningham (UW) VT: Yurchenko full, great pop off of the table. Once again this camera angle shows us nothing, but it looked like a stuck to me! 9.875
Fears (UA) UB: Tkachev, finally some semblance of amplitude. Hip circle to bail, a bit of loose back in that as well. Another incredibly floppy double layout, landed well with a lean to the side. 9.825
AFTER TWO: Washington 98.450, Arizona 98.175
I’m not entirely sure of the judge’s motive regarding the Arizona bars scores, though once again the camera angle is doing no favors. At the very least, there were no falls, so we can always find solace in that. Washington’s landings on vault looked solid, an improvement from the Huskies’ last few meets. Arizona had trouble breaking out of the low 9.8s, even with help from the judges regarding some form mistakes. That being said, no one has fallen yet, which is a blessing in it of itself.
Rotation 3: Arizona Balance Beam, Washington Floor
Fears (UA) BB: Leading off with a back handspring to loso, tiny adjustment. Full turn. Cat leap to side aerial, this camera work sure is something. Beat jump to stag ring is nicely done. Roundoff to back 3/2 is stuck with a lean forward. 9.7
Innes (UW) FX: First pass is a front 2/1, a large step on that but nicely around. Switch leap to wolf full to wolf full, a bit short of rotation but nice positions. Back 3/2 to front layout, hop forward. Finishes with a Rudi, keeps the front foot planted. 9.825
Henry (UA) BB: Full turn to start out, small adjustment on that. Back handspring to loso, solid. Side somi, chest fully horizontal on landing. Straddle to straddle 1/2, some feet issues on both of those jumps. Back handspring to back 3/2, hop in place. 9.85
Roberts (UW) FX: I have to say I love her music. Double tuck to start out, great control on the landing but a bit indistinct in position in the air. Follows that up with a back 3/2 to front layout, barely keeps it in bounds. Switch half to wolf full, a bit short of rotation on the latter jump. Double pike to end, once again showing great control. 9.825
Hargrove (UA) BB: Back handspring to loso to loso, small lean on the landing but no real wobble there. Full turn. We’re getting a lot of unhelpful bird’s eye views. Split to sheep jump, not amazing in the air on the latter. Roundoff to back 3/2 is stuck. 9.9
Killiugh-Wilhelm (UW) FX: Starts off with a front 2/1, stepped out of it quickly. Front aerial to switch leap to switch ring half, short of ring position but still very pretty. Second pass is a back 3/2 to front layout, shows better control there. She’s very excited and rightfully so! 9.9
Mueller (UA) BB: Side aerial to loso, soft knees and some feet issues in the air but very solid on landing. Full turn. Switch leap to straddle, both short of split. Beat jump, okay. Roundoff to back 3/2, hop forward. 9.85
Navarro (UW) FX: A bit of a judges delay before this routine, not entirely sure why, there wasn’t a judging conference. Finally getting started with a double tuck, amazing control on the landing and great form in the air as well, Switch side to Popa, cheats rotation a little bit. Comes back with a back 3/2 to front layout, stuck cold but a bit of crossed legs in the twist. Double pike to end, steps forward out of it but keeps the chest up. 9.825
Linton (UA) BB: Wolf double to start out, a bit of an adjustment on that. Back handspring to bhs to loso, very solid. Switch leap to split to beat, short of split on the first two skills. Gainer full, stuck! 9.8
Cunningham (UW) FX: Starts off with a front tuck through to double tuck, beautiful landing. Switch half to wolf full to wolf full, rotated fairly well considering the difficulty. Finishes with a double pike, once again showing amazing control. You always know what you’re gonna get with Amara Cunningham, and it’s consistently great work. 9.9
Castles (UA) BB: Back handspring to loso, solid landing, maybe a small lean. Switch leap to split leap, great positions in the air. Flexed feet in her front aerial, connected nicely to a sissone. Wolf turn 5/2, controlled nicely. Roundoff to back 3/2 is stuck. Great landings across the board for Arizona. 9.925
Nguyen (UW) FX: First pass is a double tuck, amazing landing, lunge backwards was barely needed. Front full to a front pike, mildly tucked in the second salto. Switch leap to switch ring half, not bad positions in the air, no question it was fully rotated. Double pike to close, small bounce backwards. 9.825
AFTER THREE: Washington 147.725, Arizona 147.500
Both teams impressed in rotation three, putting up their highest respective rotation scores of the night so far. Washington across the board has looked like a wholly more polished team this week compared to last week. Things like landings and control on leaps are really starting to come together for the Huskies. Arizona delivered a clean set of wobble-free beam routines with generally good form.
Rotation 4: Arizona Floor, Washington Beam
This UW lineup is looking to recover from a multiple fall rotation last week, Bowles in the lineup and Moody anchoring are both changes from previous meets.
Brooks (UW) BB: Chalk-ography never gets old. Full turn. Front toss to back handspring, solidly done. Really emotes on the beam. Switch leap to split, once again wobble-free. Front aerial to beat jump, another really solid connection. Stag to gainer full is stuck! 9.875
LaRusso (UA) FX: Front double full, very large step forward. Cat leap to switch side to Popa, shy of straddle positions on the latter two leaps. Follows that up with a back 3/2 to front layout, a bit of scrappy leg form but no major landing mistakes. Final pass is a Rudi. 9.8
Navarro (UW) BB: Following up a great leadoff score from Brooks. Back handspring to bhs to loso, bends at the hips, uh oh it’s starting. Beat jump to switch side gets back on track, chest a little bit low. Full turn. Roundoff to back 3/2 is stuck. Besides the big wobble, a solid routine. 9.725
Strom (UA) FX: Starts off with a front layout to Rudi, takes a step forward out of it. Cat leap to switch leap to switch ring half, not particularly close to ring position. Slowing down before her last pass, back 3/2 to front full, loose leg form in the air. 9.775
Bowles (UW) BB: New in the lineup this week after some exhibitions in past meets. Starts off with a side aerial to back handspring, solid. Full turn is nicely controlled. Split jump to straight jump full, a tad short of complete rotation. Beat jump to side aerial, once again wobble-free. Front gainer full dismount is stuck. A great season debut for her! 9.825
Mueller (UA) FX: ABBA floor music. Starts off with a double pike, great amplitude. Switch side to Popa, nicely around on the Popa. Back 3/2 to front layout, a bit of form in the first skill but landed nicely. Finishes with a double tuck, large lunge back out of that. 9.9
Davis (UW) BB: Back handspring to bhs to loso, large leg up wobble but keeps it on the beam, still some nerves from last week. Beat jump to straddle 3/4, nicely done. Roundoff to back 3/2, medium sized hop forward on the landing. 9.7
Schultz (UA) FX: Starting off with the most foot crossed front 2/1 to front tuck, honestly kind of impressive. Switch ring to switch half, not the most controlled. Cartwheel to loso. Flys backwards out of her Rudi to finish up. 9.5, looks like some start value issues going on there. Confirmed that she started out of 9.7.
Killough-Wilhelm (UW) BB: Looking for redemption after two weeks of mistakes. Front aerial to back handspring to loso and she’s off. This is week three, I guess. Washington beam is as we expected. Full turn. Piked front toss, doesn’t connect out of it as she normally does. Switch leap to split jump. Side aerial to back 3/2. Well… it was only one fall this week? 9.35
Henry (UA) FX: Finally back to the meet after the conferences. Controls her double tuck nicely. Switch half to Popa, words like flawless are being thrown around and I’m not sure I see it. Back 3/2 to front layout, this commentator is telling us that this floor routine is perfect. I don’t really buy it. Double pike. 9.9… not perfect unfortunately.
Moody (UW) BB: Looking to drop the fall and salvage a good team score here. Back handspring to loso to loso, new upgrade for her and hit well. Switch to split, small lean. Full turn. Roundoff to back 3/2, stuck landing! Amazing work and will be able to drop the fall. 9.9
Hargrove (UA) FX: Full in, the commentator called it stuck but between you and I, it was not stuck. Whip half to front full, a bit out of control there. Switch ring to split full, fully around. Finishes up with a double tuck, keeps the front foot planted. 9.925
Final: Washington 196.750, Arizona 196.8
So I disagree with the winner here, but putting that aside, both teams scored season highs. Washington beam still had some wobbles, but was able to bounce back from last week and not count a fall. Deiah Moody was the clear highlight, and Brenna Brooks always delivers solid and consistent routines. Arizona also competed at this meet, and if you’d like to believe the commentator, the Wildcats were perfect in every way. Gripes aside, Arizona delivered on the beam and an extent on floor, but the little details are keeping this good team from being great.
Event Winners:
Vault: Hargrove (UA), Killough-Wilhelm, Cunningham (UW) 9.875
Bars: Killough-Wilhelm (UW) 9.925
Beam: Castles (UA) 9.925
Floor: Hargrove (UA) 9.925
READ THIS NEXT: Rising to the Occasion: The Effect of the Llewellyn Touch and Washington’s Year-Long Journey
Live blog by Ian LeWarn
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