This is a Florida home meet. The scoring is going to be wack. For Missouri, that’s good news: The Tigers have had a slightly slow start to 2023 by last year’s stratospheric standards, and it’s really time for this team to break into the 197.000+ range. This meet is an ideal opportunity to do so.
Meanwhile, Florida, still 198-less, could really use an emphatic result tonight to prove that it’s ready to compete with Michigan and Oklahoma. Vault is a little bit of a weakness for both of these teams, so watch those landings.
Rotation 1: Florida VT, Missouri UB
Richards (UF): Yurchenko one and a half, slightly off to one side, hop straight forward. Solid start. 9.825
Schreiber (Miz): Shy on the first handstand, Maloney to Bail nice and clean, double layout drilled. 9.825
Wong (UF): Half on pike half off, WAY short, huge step forward. Never really closed the pike, weird. 9.725 HOW WAS THAT ONLY A TENTH WORSE THAN RICHARDS
Patrick (Miz): Blind to Jaeger, foot form and just overall a touch chaotic, bail. Double lay, hop-shuffle back.
Blakely (UF): One and a half, clean and square, medium hop forward. 9.875
Celestine (Miz): Maloney, soft backswing, whippy Pak, nice van Leeuwen. Stalder pike half dismount, stuck….ish, tiny hop to salute. 9.825
DiCello (UF): One and a half, soft knees, baby hop forward. 9.9
Sheremeta (Miz): Jaeger to overshoot, nice, Rudi dismount with a medium hop back. Both blinds a touch late. 9.85
Thomas (UF): Nice clean one and a half, medium hop forward. 9.9
Moore (Miz): Toe on to Tkachev to overshoot, huge, missed a handstand, FTDB a little deep and a scoot forward to salute. 9.85
Clark (UF): Nice clean FTY, huge hop back. 9.85
Hu (Miz): Church to Pak, lovely, wacky half turn on the low bar with a soft back but works through, blind full double back… scoot back to salute. 9.875
After 1: Florida 49.350, Missouri 49.225
Close after one, as Florida gets off to a slow start on vault.
Rotation 2: Missouri VT, Florida UB
Schaffer (Miz): FTY, good distance, some hip angle, medium hop back. 9.675
Blakely (UF): Maloney to Pak, clean, half turn. Her form has honestly improved so much on this event. Blind to front giant to double front, big step forward.
McCrary (Miz): FTY, nice until a pike late, pace back. 9.725
Nguyen (UF): Maloney to Pak, touch of knees on her double lay but DRILLED the landing. 9.925
Schreiber (Miz): Nice FTY, better hips than the first two, medium hop.
DiCello (UF): Not sure about that first handstand, Ray, Pak, van Leeuwen with soft knees. Full out, stuck on her toes.
Davis (Miz): One and a half, overcooked, two long running steps forward.
Thomas (UF): Maloney to Pak, great, nice van Leeuwen, double layout with a baby scoot back, Alicia thinks it’s a mandatory 10… Yeah, 9.95 is right.
Moore (Miz): Drilled her one and a half and SCREAMS. Fabulous. 9.925
Wong (UF): Borderline first handstand, Maloney to Pak lovely, van Leeuwen. Nails her double lay. 9.95. Definitely better than DiCello.
Celestine (Miz): One and a half high and dynamic, medium hop forward. Her hip angle is just spectacular. 9.875
Richards (UF): Why are you here. Maloney, tons of form, to bail. Double layout a little whippy, awkward stick with an arm swing. 9.85
After 2: Florida 99.025, Missouri 98.275
Super super hot bars rotation for Florida, even if the score ordering didn’t make a ton of sense. Solid vault rotation for Mizzou, a team that really doesn’t love that event.
Rotation 3: Florida BB, Missouri FX
Blakely (UF): Front aerial BHS good, switch switch half to beat, feet as usual. Check on her full turn. Gainer full off the side, good. 9.825
Schreiber (Miz): Rudi to layout to double stag. Front full front lay to stag. Great start, she’s so good at keeping these landings under control. Switch half split… I don’t know, that was kind of dicey in the air and the rotation got weird. Biggest issue of the routine for sure. 9.8
Lazzari (UF): Nailed the triple series. Front aerial, little adjustment, full turn. One and a half, hop to the side.
Kratzer (Miz): Double tuck, nice and clean, tight tuck position. Switch side Popa is imprecise, not super symmetrical and some foot form. One and a half front lay nice.
Nguyen (UF): Onodi BHS, some flexed feet but steady. One and a half dismount with pretty soft knees, a smidge underrotated, hop forward. 9.875
McCrary (Miz): Front lay to Rudi is nice. Double back comes in short, low chest and a big step forward.
DiCello (UF): Candle mount, John Roethlisberger is losing his mind about it. Thinks it looks unsafe, which is probably true, but sounds very innocent. BHS LOSO great, BHS gainer full with a tiny hop back. 9.975 there WAS a hop.
Sheremeta (Miz): Front double full is lovely, precise rotation on her switch side Popa. Rudi LOSO clean. Not a ton to take so far. One and a half front aerial. Awesome. 9.85 excuse me
Thomas (UF): Full turn, nice, one-arm BHS to LOSO nailed. Side aerial one and a half, small step forward with her right forward. JRoth was setting her up for a 10, oops. Wait it is a 10. Oh no.
Moore (Miz): Double layout, lovely, switch side Popa Popa with a smidge of feet but awesome rotation and height. Nice front through double back, maybe a tiny shuffle. 9.85
Wong (UF): Beautiful switch to split, BHS LOSO great. Front aerial to beat. Very smooth. Double full, crossed legs and a hop back. 9.85
Celestine (Miz): Full in, shuffle of the front foot. Tour jete half split full, one leg below horizontal. One and a half front lay, a little low and a longer step out. Solid double back. 9.9 that was not the best of the rotation but you know what it’s fine.
After 3: Florida 148.575, Missouri 147.475
Season highs in sight for both teams here and the vibes are… kinda odd.
Rotation 4: Missouri BB, Florida FX
Schaffer (Miz): Full turn, BHS BHS LOSO, can’t match the second foot and falls. Getting through, aerial, switch split, one and a half twist stuck. Really only the fall there. 9.25
DiCello (UF): Front double full, pretty in the air, very long step forward. Switch ring switch half, hop back. Double wolf, nice one and a half twist. 9.875 for a 39.75 AA.
Lawrence (Miz): Switch split, full turn, side aerial BHS steady. Awkward little wobble on her scale. Front aerial, one and a half twist with a hop forward. 9.8
Baumann (UF): Double wolf, snappy. One and a half front full, awkward, goes a little sideways with soft knees. Not her usual for sure. Switch side to straddle is so nice. Double pike looks a smidge deep, lunges out fine. 9.9
McCrary (Miz): Kickover front to beat, nice. BHS LOSO. Split to ring jump, little check. Full turn. Beat to split jump. Gainer pike, hop forward. Nice sensible routine. 9.8
Richards (UF): Double layout, awesome. Switch side to Popa precise. One and a half front full with a quick step forward. She’s had a good day. 9.9
Sheremeta (Miz): Orphan beat jump, BHS LOSO good. Front aerial to split to shushunova 1/4, looks slightly misplaced and she slams her legs down on the beam a little harder than she might have liked but winces and keeps moving. Gainer full off the end stuck. 9.925 yay!
Wong (UF): Dos Santos I, gets the landing this week. It’s been a little temperamental, understandably. Switch half Popa Popa lovely. Whip half front full absolutely nailed. She’s not even done and she’s getting 10 hands. 9.975, I’m cool with that.
Hu (Miz): Korbut mount, all that nice handstand work, front aerial to Korbut OH NO swims and grabs the beam. She should not have stayed on there. BHS gainer full, step forward. Bummer. 9.675
Thomas (UF): Double layout great. Turning leaps have been a little hectic lately but holding up today. Absolutely nailed the front lay front full.
Schreiber (Miz):
VT: Jocelyn Moore 9.925
UB: Kayla DiCello 10
BB: Trinity Thomas 10
READ THIS NEXT: Florida Gifts First HBCU Team Fisk Leotards, Spring Floor
Live blog by Rebecca Scally
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