LIVE BLOG: No. 36 Boise State at No. 42 BYU

MRGC dual meet action is officially kicking off tonight with Boise State traveling to Provo to take on BYU. Boise State struggled a bit in its opener last weekend, counting a fall on its signature event, bars. Look for the Broncos to rebound tonight led by Emily Lopez who posted a pair of 9.9s on bars and beam. For BYU, tonight’s focus will be hitting a solid meet. After a somewhat rough start to the season, the Cougars will be looking to put together a solid competition and break 49 on all events. Watch out for Allix Mason and Rebekah Ripley on vault who are both competing relatively new 10.0 start value vaults. Both teams are looking to score into the 196s tonight, and this meet should be close. Let’s get to it!

Rotation 1: BYU VT, Boise State UB

Dudley (BYU): Yfull, a little piked with a small hop. Has nice distance though. 9.725

Little (Boise State): Nice first handstand. Maloney, to Pak with flexed feet. A little late on the pirouette. Giant full to double tuck, fights for the stick but has a significant movement to save it. 9.750

Rollins (BYU): Full on back tuck off with a big hop. A bit of flexed feet as well. 9.625

McGovern (Boise State): Short first handstand, geinger to overshoot with a significant leg separation in both. Does not hit horizontal on the overshoot either. FTDT with a big step. 9.624

Mason (BYU): Yurchenko 1.5 with a step backwards. Has nice amplitude but significant knee bend in the air. 9.750

Hamby (Boise State): Good first handstand. Ray to overshoot, does not hit horizontal on the overshoot. Hits her feet on the mat on the kip afterwards. Short final handstand. Nice double layout wih a hop. 9.650

Eaquinto (BYU): Almost stuck yfull. Great amplitude and form. Lands a little close to the left line, and a small step in place. 9.825

Loyim (Boise State): Almost arches the first handstand over. Ray and falls. Nice Pak afterwards. The pirouette is a bit rushed. Short final handstand. Double layout with a hop. 8.850

Ripley (BYU): Front handspring pike half with a hop backwards. Nice dynamics, and has nice chest position on the landing. 9.725

Blackson (Boise State): Nice first handstand. Bail is nice. Khorkina has a little bit of messy leg form. Double layout is stuck. A nice set. 9.900

Benson (BYU): Yfull, it had nice dynamics but she ultimately ended up landing short and taking a step forward. Good distance. 9.625

Lopez (Boise State): Nice piked jaeger, just a little bit of flexed feet. Great bail. Final handstand is well done into a double layout with a hop 9.875.

After 1: Boise State 48.800, BYU 48.650

An okay first rotation, the first few Boise State bar routines were a little rough. Specifically, the overshoots from releases were quite messy. After the fall, Blackson and Lopez responded very nicely. BYU had some struggles with short landings and uncontrolled hops on vault, ultimately only scoring into the mid 48s.

Rotation 2: Boise State VT, BYU UB

Kho (Boise State): yfull with a hop forward and has to kick her back leg up a little bit as well. 9.575

Mason (BYU): Nice first handstand. Maloney to Pak with a small leg separation. Very nice control on the pirouette. Double layout with a hop. 9.825

Loyim (Boise State): Yurchenko half, lands in a very low squat and has to lunge forward with a huge step. 9.475

Benson (BYU): Awesome first handstand. Very high Tkatchev. Bail is a little piked. Another hit handstand and a double layout with a stick. Some form errors throughout the routine but a nice set. 9.825

Popp (Boise State): Front handspring pike half, nice amplitude but a big jump and a step backwards. 9.825

Bramblett (BYU): Nice first handstand, great Jaeger to overshoot. Good final handstand. Double layout and falls to her knees. Such a shame because this was a beautiful routine before the dismount. Her form throughout that routine was very nice, this will be a big routine for BYU this season. 9.150

Blackson (Boise State): Yurchenko 1.5 and sits it down. Didn’t get enough block off the table, also significant knee bend throughout. 9.050

Eaquinto (BYU): First handstand has a little bit of arch. Maloney to Pak. Nice pirouette. Short final handstand. Double layout with a small hop. 9.800

Vulaj (Boise State): Full on, pike off. Great amplitude on that vault, with a hop on the landing. 9.775

Hunter (BYU): Nice first handstand. Huge Tkatchev but did catch a bit close. Bail to handstand is nice. Final handstand is a little bit short, double layout with a slide backwards. 9.800

Lopez (Boise State): High yfull with a small hop. She blocks off the table very square and has a nice layout shape throughout. 9.850

Alvarado (BYU): Beautiful first handstand. Lovely Pak, but the kip out of that has awkward rhythm. Works out of it very well, though. Nice Van Leeuwen, another great handstand. Double layout with a stick. Great. 9.925

After 2: BYU 97.825, Boise State 97.350

That was an impressive bar rotation for the Cougars, and the team did nicely responding after a fall. For Boise State, vault was rough with a fall and multiple vaults landing short. BYU has the lead at the halfway point!

Rotation 3: BYU BB, Boise State FX

Mason (BYU): Full turn. Bhs, loso is solid. Cat leap, side aerial is well done. Switch leap, split jump is okay, some leg form issues. Double full with a hop. She does a nice job at keeping rhythm throughout the routine, nice set. 9.700

Vulaj (Boise State): Love the Anaconda music. Opens with a back 1.5 to front full, take a step backwards. Switch leap, switch full, a bit short of split on the second leap. L hop full. Finished with a double pike, lands with chest up and a controlled step. 9.750

Raesly-Patton (BYU): Front aerial to split jump, nice split position. Beautiful pose on high toe. Switch leap, split jump. Bhs loso, leg up kick and saves the fall. Full turn. 1.5 is stuck. Aside from the wobble on the series, that was lovely. 9.600

Leitch (Boise State): Opens with a double pike with a large step backwards and a slide. Switch half, wolf full. Switch half is short of split. Front lay, front full, lands a little bit deep and take a step forwards. Double tuck and lands short, must take a step forward. 9.650

Margraf (BYU): Cat leap, split jump. Front aerial and falls. Redoes the front aerial, back tuck. Switch half, beat jump. Full turn. Dismounts with a stuck front full. 9.225

Lucas (Boise State): Opens with a double tuck, excellent control. Switch side, popa, short of split on both leaps. Back 1.5, front lay. Double tuck, lands very short and falls, just ran out of steam at the end. 9.050

Ono (BYU): Bhs, bhs, loso with a balance check. Very pretty scale pose. Straddle jump, straddle half, looks short of split. Gainer full is stuck. 9.600

Loyim (Boise State): Opens with a whip to double tuck, overpowers it some and has multiple steps back. Switch side, popa. Back 1.5, front lay, lands deep and almost falls but saves it. Nice double pike to finish. 9.625

Dudley (BYU): Bhs loso, fights to save it, but has a chest down wobble nad grabs her legs. Switch leap, straddle jump, straddle quarter. Balance check on the full turn. Cat leap, side aerial. Dismounts with a back 1.5 and a hop forwards. 9.500

McGovern (Boise State): Rudi to loso, messy leg form on the Rudi. Switch half, tuck jump 1.5, not the sharpest tuck position. Double tuck is very well done, has nice chest position on the landing and a very controlled step. 9.850

Rollins (BYU): Switch leap, straddle quarter is well done. Front aerial, bhs, loso is beautiful. Nice full turn. Dismounts with a stuck gainer full. Great routine. 9.900

Blackson (Boise State): Beautiful front double to front tuck, very clean twisting form. Sissone to to tour jete half, split full. Last pass is a nice back 2.5, takes a step backwards but was well controlled. 9.750

After 3: BYU 146.125, BYU 145.975

Both teams opened up the door for the other, but neither could really take advantage. BYU struggled with some acro series, and while not counting a fall only had one score above 9.800. Boise State had some strong routines, but had some issues on final passes and on leaps. Less than two tenths separate these teams going into the final rotation, it should be exciting!

Rotation 4: Boise State BB, BYU FX

Vulaj (Boise State): Bhs, loso some knee form. Switch leap, switch leap, to gainer layout stepout. Both splits were short of split. Full turn. Front toss is very well done. Back 1.5 is stuck. 9.875

Millar (BYU): Switch side, popa. Nice double tuck, takes a tiny step forwards. Front lay, front full is well controlled. 9.850

Little (Boise State): Solid bhs loso. Good full turn. Switch leap, straddle quarter, hits splits nicely. Front aerial to beat jump, worked through a check to keep the connection moving very nicely there. Dismounts with a stuck back 1.5. 9.675

Benson (BYU): Opens with a very dynamic double tuck, nice landing control. Tour jete half, popa. Front lay, front full is well done. Great double pike to finish, controlled lunge. 9.900

Elkbachi (Boise State): Nice full turn, great straight legs on the bhs loso. Well done side aerial. Tuck jump, straddle half and slips on the beam some, minimizes the check. Back 1.5 is stuck. 9.800

Rollins (BYU): Opens with a big double back, but stumbles backwards and steps out of bounds. Switch side, stag jump. Front lay, front full is well controlled. 9.650

Lopez (Boise State): Bhs, loso, bhs is pristine. Full turn. Split jump, straddle jump half, lacking some split in those elements. Front toss is good. Gainer full is stuck with some leg separation on the landing. Nice set overall. 9.925

Schooley (BYU): Opens with a switch 3/4. First tumbling pass is a back 1.5, front lay. The front lay is a ittle low and archy. Switch ring, switch side. Double tuck is just a tad under rotated and has to take a small step forwards. 9.825

Loyim (Boise State): Bhs, loso, loso is secure. Big check on the full turn. Side aerial is good. Switch leap, switch leap, nice split on those. Gainer full off the side with a hop. 9.800

Dudley (BYU): Opens with a nice double pike, has a nice open pike position and lands wit her chest up. Front full, front lay, great amplitude on the front layout. Switch side, wolf full, a little indistinct with the landing positions. Finishes with a double tuck that’s a little under rotated and has to take a step forwards. 9.750

Popp (Boise State): Sharp front aerial to start. Bhs, bhs, layout to two feet, very secure. Cat leap, switch half with a small arm wave. Decent split position on that switch half. Gainer full off the side is stuck. Nice routine, 9.825.

Ripley (BYU): Barbie Girl routine, opens with a front tuck through to double back, well controlled. Switch side, popa, wolf full, decent split positions. Lone pike jump. Finished with a very nice double pike that’s well controlled. 9.925

FINAL: BYU 195.475, Boise State 195.300

Well, that meet started a little bit rough, but BYU and Boise State brought in the final rotation. Both teams will be happy with the improvement from last week, but still have more to work towards especially on vault. Finishing within two tenths of each other, the race for the MRGC title is looking competitive as always.

VT: Emily Lopez 9.850
UB: Anyssa Alvarado 9.925
BB: Emily Lopez 9.925
FX: Rebekah Ripley 9.925
AA: Emma Loyim 37.750

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Live blog by Rebecca Williams

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