LIVE BLOG: No. 18 BYU at No. 24 Boise State

We’ve got another exciting Saturday MRGC meet tonight!

These two teams met at BYU last week and it was a close one, so buckle up, grab some popcorn and enjoy the meet!

Boise State hopes its second home meet goes better than its first. The Broncos rebounded from that rough opening meet last week, posting a 196.525 at BYU. They’ll hope to build on that momentum as the matchup shifts to their home turf this weekend. Boise State’s bar squad led the way last week with a 49.350 total, but the Broncos were able to hit 49 on all four events after struggling the previous week. Emily Muhlenhaupt is still waiting for the elusive 10 on bars; join the collective gymternet in watching and hoping that 10 comes soon. It’s only right.

BYU had the edge over Boise State in the initial matchup, scoring a 196.700. The Cougars seem to have found their groove in the mid-196s but are still hunting for that elusive 197. It’s within reach. A full put together meet could do it for BYU, as it’s been able to avoid counting mistakes but not eliminate them altogether. Sadie Miner-Van Tassell continues to compete and excel in the all around; she’s been the MRGC Gymnast of the Week every week so far. Also watch for the back half of BYU’s bar lineup—which is truly exquisite—and we all know BYU floor never disappoints.

Follow along with the action here and with scores here.

Rotation 1: BSU VT, BYU UB

BYU bars lineup:

Masiado (BSU): yfull, clean in air, hop back. A nice leadoff. 9.75

Miner-Van Tassell (BYU): why are we not showing bars? WHY? IT’S A DUAL MEET, IT’S NOT THAT HARD, PEOPLE.

Vulaj (BSU): yhalf on pike half, solid. Small hop. 9.875

Nilson (BSU): yfull, pretty clean entry and some leg bend with a hop back. 9.75

Would be nice if we could see bars instead of gymnasts standing around.

Smith (BSU): clean yfull, small shuffle back. That’s the best full we’ve seen so far. 9.85

Hunter (BYU): finally we’re seeing bars! joining mid-routine. clean dlo with a hop back. 9.825

Blackson (BSU): capable of a 1.5 but just a yfull today. clean in the air, just a hop in place. 9.8

Beeston (BYU): short first hs; good gienger to bail; cut to vault. ugh. They just replayed a DLO. 9.775

Lopez (BSU): clean yfull with a step into her salute. 9.8

Alvarado (BYU): mal to pak pretty; good pirouette on low bar; final has the tiniest bit short. Stuck DLO. 9.925

Pitou (BUY): great first hs; pretty piked jaeger, maybe caught slightly close, goes over on bail hs but saves it; good final hs; ftdt to her knees. Definitely not her best.

AFTER 1: BYU 49.175, BSU 49.075

Solid but hoppy start for Boise State on vault. Didn’t get to see much bars, but it looked solid from what I saw (typed before I saw Pitou’s mistakes…). But that’s not saying much.

Rotation 2: BYU VT, BSU UB

Little (BSU): Maloney to pak, good; nice pirouette; good final hs; dlo kind of archy and a tiny hop. 9.85

Rollins (BYU): half on tuck half, good. 9.775

Blackson (BSU): bail hs good; nice hs; clean markelov; dlo to her knees. 9.225

Mason (BYU): clean yfull. 9.75

Nilson (BSU): doesn’t quite get the dowel over the bar and falls on straddled tkatchev; now BSU is counting a fall…dlo with hop back. 8.95

Benson (BYU): yfull clean, hop back but great in air. 9.8

Stokes (BSU): shap to bail, good; nice hs; stuck DLO. That gets BSU back on track. 9.975. That’s a career high.

Miner-Van Tassell (BYU): great y1.5, tiny hop forward. 9.875

Lopez (BSU): my stream is glitching. ok we back. piked jaeger good; hitting handstand positions nicely; great final hs; stuck DLO. 9.925

Muhlenhaupt (BSU): alright, this is the routine we’ve been waiting for. pretty straddled jaeger to bail; good hs; dlo tiny hop boo, she was set up for the 10! Darn hop. 9.9

AFTER 2: BYU 98.175, BSU 97.950

Well, that was not Boise State’s ideal bars rotation. It’s a better bars team than this. The back half of the lineup was great, though. Still not seeing much of BYU, apparently they’re running the events simultaneously. The vaults we did see looked good.

Rotation 3: BSU BB, BYU FX

Stokes (BSU): bhs loso good; straddle half, secure; slight lean on choreo; front toss, slightly deep landing to beat jump, solid; switch leap to gainer pike, stuck. Slightly short of 180 on that leap. 9.75

Hunter (BYU): rudi loso, great; switch ring tour jete half, good; ro 1.5 to lay, couldn’t exactly see what happened but looked short but then she overcorrected and fell forward. 9.000

Masiado (BSU): check on full turn; switch half, short of 180 and a check, goes into a beat jump, think that was supposed to be connected. Cat leap side aerial lay full solid. Not sure if she needed that connection, so that could dock her SV. 9.725

Beeston (BYU): front lay rudi good; switch ring switch half, solid; love me some Soulja boy music; clean double tuck. 9.775 ADJUSTED TO 9.875

Have been told we are now alternating routines. GOOD.

Little (BSU): bhs loso, secure, very clean; solid leap combo with good positions; front aerial beat, acceptable; ro 1.5 stuck. 9.8

Benson (BYU): solid double tuck; lay lay full, good landing; fine double pike. 9.75

Lopez (BSU): bhs loso, good; switch straddle half, solid; bhs lay 1.5, step back. Another solid hit. 9.85

Rieder (BYU): fhs double full punch front, good. You don’t see many people doing a punch front out of a front double full! Ro loso, that satisfies her back tumbling req. Fhs rudi good. 9.875

Popp (BSU): front aerial, solid; bhs bhs 2 foot lo 2 foot, secure; cat leap switch half, potentially slightly short of 180; gainer full with the tiniest of hops. 9.85

Miner-Van Tassell (BYU): opens with a DLO, good; clean double pike; solid leaps; ro 1.5 lay full, nice. 9.9

Loyim (BSU): triple series is good; side aerial to beat, good; switch straddle 1/4, small lean; ro 1.5 hop forward. Solid overall. 9.825

Vitkauskas (BYU): front double full good; ro 1.5 to lay, clean; solid leaps. closes with a nice rudi. 9.8

AFTER 3: BYU 147.275, BSU 147.025

Boise’s hanging with BYU despite counting a bars fall. The Broncos made a few tiny mistakes on beam but were able to pull a 49+ score. Meanwhile, BYU floor was BYU floor, but with slightly more tame scoring than when it competes at home.

Rotation 4: BYU BB, BSU FX

Ono (BYU): triple series solid; straddle straddle 3/4 fine; gainer full stuck. 9.825

per photographer Emily HF, they’re playing Marry Me during BYU beam.

Masiado (BSU): double pike, lands with low chest and a small step forward; leap combo not bad; lay lay full, better; fhs rudi, solid. Just that first pass. 9.6

McClelland (BYU): secure wolf turn; bhs loso, good; straddle beat double stag, nice; bhs tuck 1.5, stuck. 9.85

Pascal (BSU): solid double tuck; switch ring tour jete half, good positions overall; ro 1.5 to lay, secure landing; fhs rudi split jump, nice. 9.875

Margraf (BYU): front aerial back tuck, good; switch split solid; front full small step. 9.75

Loyim (BSU): did this commentator just say that her sister competes for Illinois? Close but no. Anyways. Opening pass solid; some things that I missed while typing. ro 1.5 to lay good. Solid double pike. 9.8

Miner-Van Tassell (BYU): aerial to split jump, good; bhs loso secure; switch split nice; ro 1.5 the tiniest of hops. 9.8

McGovern (BSU): rudi loso, slightly wonky in air but controlled landing; good splits in leaps; double tuck, largish lunge. 9.8

Rollins (BYU): switch straddle 1/4, good positions and secure landing; front aerial, pretty sure she normally connects that to the bhs loso but wise not to today; does the bhs loso solo and nails it; side aerial good; stuck gainer full. 9.8

Blackson (BSU): opening front double full, good; whip half front full, that was a WIERD landing, she basically spun around and may have gone oob also; Leaps solid; fhs rudi with an initial good landing and then steps to the side. 9.75

Millar (BYU): bhs bhs loso, small foot adjustment that’s barely noticeable; great split and straddle positions; step on dismount. 9.65

Popp (BSU): front punch through to double pike, nearly stuck. triple leap series hit; double tuck, not the sharpest landing but not bad. 9.725

Calling exhibitions “bonus gymnastics” is giving me the calling extra innings “bonus baseball” vibes. Kind of here for it, tbh.

FINAL: BYU 196.450, BSU 195.975

Definitely not the best meet for either team. Boise State still has work to do to clean up floor and will want to put that bars rotation behind it. BYU had another good meet but is still waiting to break through into the “great” category after again making but not counting a major mistake on two events.

Event Winners

VT: Vulaj (BSU), Miner-Van Tassell (BYU), 9.875

UB: Stokes (BSU), 9.975

BB: Lopez, Popp (BSU), McClelland (BYU), 9.850

FX: Miner-Van Tassell (BYU), 9.900

AA: Miner-Van Tassell (BYU), 39.425

Live blog by Tara Graeve

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