
LIVE BLOG: Cortland and Ithaca at Brockport

Remember 2020? No one does. Here’s a flashback before settling in for the Brockport meet broadcast live from Tuttle. 

Previously on NCGA-East…

Brockport was prepared to storm into the 2020 season, riding the high of its 2019 national title, ready to defend the nest. But the season was cut short, and Brockport sat out the 2021 season. During the extended intermission, John Feeney retired in the spring of 2021, behind him a 22-year legacy, leaving Brockport to search for a new head coach. Dr. René Lyst will be the one to guide the Golden Eagles in this new-to-all season. She has a roster of 34 gymnasts at her fingertips, with depth and inexperience to serve as both vice and virtue, a chance to mold and refine. The Eagles will look to sharpen their claws. Keep an eye on senior Lexi Castellanetta and her upgrades. 

Ithaca, too, stepped away for the 2021 season but will return with Rick Suddaby at the helm for the start of his 37th year at Ithaca. Suddaby has just seven upperclassmen returning, with four sophomores and 12 freshmen who have not yet seen any competition action. Amelia Bailey and Julia O’Sullivan will be the seniors to look to, junior Cameryn Nichols, who notched NCGA East All-Around Gymnast of the Week three times during her freshman year, will also be returning for the Bombers. 

The Red Dragons, under third-year head coach Sulekha Modi Zaug, have just one returning senior, Kamryn Rodriguez, a strong gymnast regularly throwing up 9.700s in her appearances. Junior Abby Bang brings some high scores on both vault and floor that Cortland can use, and Glynis Curcione can swing the Dragons into a strong showing. But with 13 new faces, Cortland will have a few puzzle pieces to work out to find the best set of routines as the season gets going.

And that’s what you missed on NCGA-East.

An early update, but looks like there will be both a vault|floor stream and bars|beam stream.

Waiting for teams to be introduced.

Hoping to find lineups but might be flying without. What’s life without a little mystery?

Teams are being introduced now. Anthem and then things should be underway.

Rotation 1: Brockport VT, Cortland UB, Ithaca Bye

Figurelli (Brockport): Laytout yurchenko with some nice height.

Nothnagel (Cortland): Toe to high, little loose on the second release, step back on the double tuck. Solid.

Sargent (Brockport): Tucked FTY, steps back. 9.650

Carr (Cortland): Nice free hip to hs, piked gienger holds on, super high double tuck, steps back.

Jackson (Brockport): Nice fhs front tuck, quick step back.

They’ve only announced one score so far.

Adams (Cortland): Free hip to piked gienger, clean double tuck but sits it down.

Castellaneta (Brockport): FTY, takes a step back, but fairly clean in the air.

DeAngelis (Cortland): Blind to straddle jaeger but misses. Bail to hs a little wiggly, fairly clean, stuck double tuck.

Blair (Brockport): Fhs front tuck with several steps back. I think she stuck it in the warmups and cannot wait to see that again.

Curcione (Cortland): Beautiful toe on tkatchev, a little awry on the hop for the dismount, comes off. Double tuck with a step forward.

Schumaker (Brockport): Tucked half, takes a big step off and to the side.

I don’t think I missed a Cortland bars?

Sooy (Brockport): Super clean layout yurchenko, just a major step back.

After 1: Brockport 47.600, Cortland 43.575

Cortland had a fairly solid bar rotation, unfortunately, it’ll be counting two falls. Brockport showed up strong on vault, the biggest issue controlling landings for now. No scores but I’m guessing it’s Brockport then Cortland so far.

Rotation 2: Ithaca VT, Brockport UB, Cortland Bye

I always love the phrase “judges you may take control of your events” like they’re wrestling.

Rachal (Ithaca): Far back on the horse so a tough block but got some distance on a layout yurchenko.

Schumaker (Brockport): Only caught the ftdb but looked solid, nice amount of air.

Gallivan (Ithaca): Layout yurchenko, a bit of knees and form in the air, steps back.

Bushey (Brockport): Free hip to piked gienger to bail, blind full to double tuck but bounces forward and puts her hands down.

Pauldon (Ithaca): Layout yurchenko, good amount of height, takes a big step back.

Figurelli (Brockport): Straddle jaeger, misses. Finishes with a stuck double tuck.

Bars is tough today for all so far.

Bell (Ithaca): Layout yurchenko, not a ton of height, but controlled and just a small step.

Gare (Brockport): Almost went over on the hs, saved it, piked gienger, hitting hs today, blind full to double tuck, a little hop to the side.

No other scores given so far.

Goodwin (Ithaca): Layount yurchenko, bounces back and takes a step.

Sargent (Brockport): Great toe point, misses straddle jaeger. Bail to hs, off on hs on high bar. Brockport will want to drop this score. Ends with double lay, but steps forward, putting her knees down. It’ll be a big routine as the season goes on.

Freyman (Ithaca): FHS front tuck, lands and squats super low but doesn’t move from what I can see.

Finally given first rotation team scores.

Swick (Brockport): Blind to straddle jaeger but comes off. Blind full to double tuck, takes a step back.

Jackson (Brockport): Shaposh to bail, double tuck, takes a step forward. Solid.

After 2: —

Brockport had some struggles on bars, and Ithaca had some solid vaults but didn’t opt for any twisting today. 44.550 Brockport bars, 46.650 Ithaca vault.

Rotation 3: Cortland VT, Ithaca UB, Brockport Bye

Potamianos (Cortland): Piked tsuk, takes steps back.

Cohen (Ithaca): Off on a straddle jaeger, double tuck, steps back.

Gallagher (Cortland): Tucked tsuk half but sits down.

Goodwin (Ithaca): Toe to high, bit loose on the bail, blind full almost doesn’t make it but fights through and saves it, steps back on the dismount.

Nothnagel (Cortland): Layout yurchenko has some pike at the end, takes a step.

Still waiting on a score update.

Lonski (Ithaca): free hip to piked gienger but comes off. All teams will count a fall on bars today. Bail to hs, some ankle separation, blind full to double tuck, steps back.

Brown (Cortland): Layout yurchenko, lands with chest fairly up. Steps.

O’Sullivan (Ithaca): Blind full to straddle jaeger, bail to hs some ankles, blind full to double tuck but doesn’t make it to her feet.

Adams (Cortland: Layout yurchenko, lands with her chest way down.

Bailey (Ithaca): Bail to hs, piked gienger, short on the dismount and falls.

Bang (Cortland): Fhs front tuck, what a block. Takes a step forward but that was great.

I can see the scores on a tv in the gym but not clear enough to read.

Kyriakopoulos (Ithaca): Bail a bit loose, saves it, blind to piked jaeger, Ithaca hitting handstands, falls back on the dismount.

Montague (Ithaca): What I’m assuming is an exhibition as Ithaca already put up 6 routines. Blind to nice straddle jaeger, takes several steps back on her double tuck but saves it.

After 3:

Everyone is counting at least two falls on bars today. Cortland had some strong vaults and Ithaca struggled through bars, particularly dismounts.

Not sure if they’ll move cameras for beam or floor but as it is, beam is completely across the gym for now and you’re missing a corner of the floor.

Many thanks to whoever zoomed in. Manifesting an adjusted angle for floor.

That’s two manifestations today. I’ll save my third for now.

Rotation 4: Brockport BB, Ithaca FX, Cortland Bye

Wernick (Brockport): I think they said Dorothy Wernick, but things were jumbled with music. Judges are taking their time to get cozy. BHS LOSO, slightly off center, keeps it on. Split jump to split 3/4 but hesitates during the connection, side aerial turned side somi?, solid leap series. Piked gainer off end, just a hop in place.

Gallivan (Ithaca): Techno and upbeat music, alright. RO 1.5 to out of sight due to the camera. I think she stayed in. Leap series short on some positions. FHS rudi to stag, bounced high but regained control. 8.350

Pecoraro (Brockport): Judges are going back and forth, waiting for them. Solid leap series, not quite hitting split, but was square. BHS back tuck, stays on. Small balance checks. Straddle jump to split 3/4, not quite 180. Tuck punch front full, can’t fully see the landing, but took a few steps.

Lonski (Ithaca): Pink panther for music. RO 1.5 ro front lay, nice. Switch leap, straddle jump, good. FHS rudi, chest a little down. Solid routine.

Stinnette (Brockport): BHS loso, solid, some knees. Switch leap to back tuck. Split jump straight full, some pause. Cat leap side aerial, balance check. RO 1.5 takes several steps off to the side but saves it.

Freyman (Ithaca): RO BHS double pike, nice. Leap series, nice. Double front full. Ends with a 1.5 to front pike. Solid.

Castellaneta (Brockport): BHS LOSO, clean. Switch leap to straddle quarter, nice. Front toss, takes a step forward. Beat to straddle 3/4, puts her chest down but keeps it on. Side aerial to lay full, bounces in place.

Goodwin (Ithaca): Opens with a double tuck, chest a little down and steps forward. Leap series had bounce but a little soft on shapes. RO 1.5 to front lay, looked good.

Galioto (Brockport): BHS LOSO, drops shoulder a little. Front toss to split jump, back knee a little soft. Switcc leap to tuck 3/4. RO 1.5 super floaty, some soft knees, steps to the side.

Pellegrino (Ithaca): Popa to wolf, almost bounces oob from this angle. Front full to front lay, stays in. Switch leap to switch side, nice. Rudis off-screen, but looked good.

Schumaker (Brockport): Cat leap to side aerial, small bobble. BHS loso, wobbles but keeps it on. Switch leap to shy split 3/4. Jump series a little shy, too. Side aerial to tuck full, just a step.

A. Bailey (Ithaca): Punch tuck full, front half to back tuck. I love it. Rudi, a bit short on the twisting through, low chest. Fun routine.

White (Brockport): 7th routine. BHS LOSO, Switch to straddle quarter, little soft but solid. Switch half, bobbles but keeps it on. BHS 1.5 lay dismount, small step back.

Bell (Ithaca): 7th routine. Judges are grabbing a coffee. Falls on first pass, underrotating. Solid leaps. Dramatic music and choreo. RO 1.5 to front pike, possibly stepped oob. Closes with a 1.5, taking a few steps.

After 4: —

Brockport hit every routine, a few bobbles but stayed on. Ithaca had a good showing for floor, just some steps and form issues. No score updates so far.

Rotation 5: Ithaca BB, Cortland FX, Brockport Bye

Pauldron (Ithaca): Bobble on full turn. Front toss to back tuck, takes a step froward. Beat split jump split 3/4, soft knees. RO 1.5 dismount, just a step forward it looks like.

Potamianos (Cortland): First pass, nice, lands with just up. Good jumps. Great leap series. Front full to front lay, nice. Super high energy floor routine.

O’Sullivan (Ithaca): BHS side aerial, step forward with a little pause. Balance check on full turn. Beat (?) to switch side, chest a little forward. Switch leap to split, a little shy but solid. Gainer front full for dismount, nice.

Carr (Cortland): Rudi, nice. RO 1.5 to front tuck, solid. Good leaps. Solid last pass, clean routine.

Goodwin (Ithaca): BHS LOSO, leg comes off but stays on. Split to split 3/4, hits. Cat leap to side aerial, nice. Piked gainer off, steps forward.

Adams (Cortland): Opens with a high double tuck, couldn’t tell if oob. Front lay to front full, keeps it in it looks like. Dramatic yet spooky music, always spooky music, always. Soft feet on leaps, otherwise bouncy. Puts her hands down on her last pass.

Freyman (Ithaca): Back tuck back tuck series, nice. Switch leap stag, a little soft but solid. Front tuck, steps forward, keeps it on. Looked like a rudi dismount, but went off frame.

Floor camera was adjusted again. No more mystery tumbling.

Nadler (Cortland): Front lay to rudi, chest a little down but nice. Nice leaps. Another high energy routine. Closes with a clean front twisting pass, chest up. Solid.

Kyriakopoulos (Ithaca): BHS LOSO, soft knees but solid. Switch leap, split 3/4, shy on the jump but nice leap. Front aerial break beat. Front gainer full, steps to the side.

Rodriguez (Cortland): Rudi to back tuck, nice. Switch side to popa, good. RO 1.5 to front lay, solid.

A. Bailey (Ithaca): Sissone, straddle 3/4, good. Front aerial, pause. Back tuck, steps back. Switch leap to straddle quarter, great form. Tucked front full, looked like just a few steps.

Bang (Cortland): Opens with a clean double pike, takes a step back, chest a little down. Bounces on the double tuck, almost puts hands down. A little shy on leaps but good amplitude. Front lay to front full. Solid routine.

Iosso (Ithaca): Back tuck back tuck series, small pause. Switch leap, straddle quarter, good. Switch side, solid. Side aerial, saves it. Piked gainer off end, holds on with her toes.

After 5: —

Ithaca hit beam, and Cortland hit floor, able to drop the fall. Ithaca is done for the day. Still no scores but it looks pretty close.

Rotation 6: Cortland BB, Brockport FX, Ithaca Bye

YMCA dance party during the touch.

Gallagher (Cortland): Cat leap side aerial, comes off. Round off. Front toss, beat. Switch leap series, good. Tuck front full, a few steps it looked like.

Galioto (Brockport): Nice double tuck to open. Nice leaps. 1.5 to front tuck it looked like, good. Fun choreo. Solid.

Brown (Cortland): Balance check on the full turn. Front handspring back tuck, wobble with a shoulder down. Cat leap side aerial, some knees, leg comes up but keeps it on. Switch leap, split 3/4, comes off. Piked gainer off end, steps forward.

White (Brockport): Brockport with another nice double tuck to open. Beautiful leaps. Team is having fun with the choreo. Awkwardly rebounds on her 1.5 to front tuck and sits it down. Nice routine otherwise.

Nothnagel (Cortland): Judges are taking an intermission on beam. They’re wrapping it up, it looks like. Kudos to Nothnagel and her solo dance party. Split quarter to split half, a little shy. BHS LOSO, comes off. Front tuck, solid. Overshoots the full turn but covers nicely. RO 1.5 lay, step forward.

Pecoraro (Brockport): Music delay. Brockport all over the team choreo. Opens with a nice double pike. Nice leaps, good height. Front lay front full, few steps forward. Closes with a double tuck, chest a little down. Solid routine.

Potamianos (Cortland): Side aerial pause side aerial. Comes off. Chest down on full turn, stay on. Switch side, some form issues but solid. Back tuck pause straddle jump split 3/4, soft feet knees. Gainer full off side, takes a step back to the side.

Paultre (Brockport): Opens with a double tuck, few steps back. Good leap series. Front full to front lay, bounces forward but looks like she kept it in. Great form on jumps.

DeAngelis (Cortland): Fun front walkover mount. Side aerial, wobbles. Front aerial, step back, but clean otherwise. Chest down on jump series. Side aerial and balks the dismount.

Figurelli (Brockport): Bounces out on double pike, but nice otherwise. Leaps, good, nice amplitude. 1.5 to front lay, nice.

Rodriguez (Cortland): Cat leap side aerial side aerial, solid. Hitch kick, front toss, foot comes up but keeps it on. Neat series. Split jump to straddle, big wobble but fights. Gainer 1.5 off side, solid.

Castellaneta (Brockport): FTDB, solid with chest up. Switch side popa, good. Front full to front lay. Her music seems to have stopped. Closes with a huge double tuck. She gives me Lauren Gildemeyer vibes. 9.850

Swick (Brockport): 7th routine. Double tuck, some soft form. Leaps looked good. OOB on 1.5 front pike.

Final: 187.275 Brockport, 183.850 Ithaca, 180.000 Cortland

Overall, a great meet for teams that haven’t been on the floor in YEARS. A few things to finesse and figure out, but I’d be worried if everyone came out and hit perfectly today. No one team had a meltdown and teams really rallied from one event to another. No scores yet but if I had to guess I’d say Brockport, Cortland, Ithaca with Brockport and Cortland being within a point. But let’s see. I was WRONG.

Vault: Castellaneta (Brockport) 9.725

Bars: Gare (Brockport) 9.500

Beam: Castellaneta (Brockport) 9.525

Floor: Castellaneta (Brockport) 9.825

All around:

Live Blog by Allison Freeman

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