Non Big Four Conference Gymnasts to Fill out Your Draft

We’ve been hitting you with a lot of fantasy gym content lately, but it’s only because we want this to be your most successful year yet. Today we plan on tackling that part of your draft list that comes after you’ve identified all of your well-known favorites. We are highlighting the gymnasts to fill out your draft that go beyond the big four conferences: Big 12, Big Ten, Pac-12 and the SEC. As mentioned in our feature outlining the gymnasts that the top fantasy gym teams had in common, there are a lot of really incredible athletes that are often overlooked in the smaller conferences. 

We’ve broken down the list into two parts: returners and freshmen. We used data that took both their NQS and consistency into consideration, and we’ve also outlined the events they regularly compete. In the case of the freshmen, we outlined the top 10 incoming gymnasts and included our best guess at the events on which they will likely see lineup time.

Too lazy to draft and want us to do it for you? We have you covered there, too.

Let us know who you think we missed in the comments below.

Gymnast School Events
Khazia Hislop North Carolina VT, BB, FX
Courtney McGregor Boise State AA
Shannon Evans BYU AA
Jovannah East Bowling Green AA
Autumn DeHarde Utah State VT, BB, FX
Mikayla Robinson North Carolina VT, FX
Maya Reimers Bridgeport VT, BB, FX
Denelle Pedrick Central Michigan AA
Courtney Mitchell Lindenwood AA
Drew Grantham NC State AA
Alexis Stokes Boise State UB
Taylor Chan San Jose State AA
Emerson Hurst Towson VT, BB, FX
Alyssa Ito UC Davis VT, UB, BB
Helody Cyrenne BYU UB, BB
Abbey Miner BYU VT, FX
Karley McClain Southern Utah AA
Kelley Hebert UC Davis AA
Gabriella Bouza Boise State VT, UB, BB
Michaela Burton Pittsburgh AA
Emma Winer New Hampshire VT, BB, FX
Hannah Nipp Southern Utah UB, BB, FX
Breanna Franklin Lindenwood VT, BB, FX
Izzy Herczeg Cornell BB, FX
Anna Salamone Air Force VT, UB
Tyler Davis Air Force AA
Abby Fletcher Kent State VT, BB, FX
Anna Kaziska SEMO AA
Kathryn Doran Bridgeport UB, BB
Emili Dobronics Eastern Michigan AA
Shylen Murakami Southern Utah UB, BB, FX
Lauren Diggan New Hampshire VT, UB, FX


Gymnast School Events Notes
Hallie Thompson North Carolina AA
Raegan Walker Yale AA Recovering from injury
Sofi Sullivan Utah State AA
Hannah DeMers Central Michigan AA Placed 2nd AA at the Michigan Exhibition meet
Kylie Gorgenyi New Hampshire VT, UB, FX Potential for AA if she makes beam lineups
Payton Murphy Western Michigan AA
Alexis Ortega NC State AA
Chloe Negrete NC State AA
Adrianna Popp Boise State UB, BB, FX
Maya Page BYU BB, FX Potential for bars as well

Article by Mary Emma Burton, Jenna King, Kalley Leer and Rebecca Scally

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One comment

  1. Emili Dobronics and Jada Rondeau both did AA for EMU last year and both did well on floor. Emili had a good NQS on beam and Jada was solid on bars.

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