LIVE BLOG: Athens Regional Round Three With No. 1 Oklahoma, No. 8 Georgia, No. 9 Kentucky and No. 15 Cal

Today’s the day! This closely-ranked showdown is bound to come right down to the wire.

Oklahoma is the only team here that can feel pretty confident about its chances of earning a berth to nationals but that second spot is completely up for grabs! Sure, Georgia might have a home advantage, but Kentucky was in a similar position last year—having to go head-to-head with its neighbor in the rankings—and managed to solidify its trip to the 2018 championships. We also can’t completely count Cal out as the Bears actually have a higher season-high than both Georgia and Kentucky.

Rotation 1: Cal VT, Kentucky UB, Oklahoma BB, Georgia FX

Trautman (OU): Great turn, super solid BHS LOSO, cat leap switch side is great, pike front toss is lovely and ends with a stuck RO 1.5. FANTASTIC start!

Stuart UB – good first hs; straddled jaeger, maybe caught a little close; bail good; double tuck, stuck.

Dowell (OU) – beautiful front aerial, switch switch is nice, solid full twisting BHS and a stuck front full dismount

Jones (CAL) – Y full with a bit of a hop in place

Kwan UB – good first his; next hs good; lovely pak; nice next hs; double layout, some legs, small sttep. Nice!

Snead FX – pass to shush, lovely; switch to cat(?) leap, good split; whip to double back, little deep landing but absorbed well

Clausi (CAL) – Huge stuck Yurchenko 1.5! Amazing!

Lehrmann (OU) – Solid BHS LOSO, front aerial to beat jump is good, great stuck gainer full

Mastrangelo (CAL) – Another stuck Yurchenko 1.5! Great ending to cap off the Bears’ first rotation.

Dukes (?) UB – little pike-y DLO. missed the rest.

Dickson FX – nice dbl arabian; 1.5 to lay, good; switch side popa, hit splits; ends with a solid dbl pike.

Woodard (OU) – Side aerial to BHS with some slight knee bend, lovely scale and front toss, switch to split jump is great, stuck aerial to back full…legs just a bit staggered on the landing

Webb (OU) – Slight check on the full turn but brings things back with a solid BHS LOSO, cat leap to front aerial with another slight balance check, switch to split leap is lovely! I like that combo. Stuck side aerial to back full to close.

Vega FX – 1.5 to lay to split good; nice double pike; good from what I saw.

Nichols (OU) – Front aerial to split jump… split was a bit low, good BHS LOSO, another switch leap to split leap and a RO 1.5 with a tiny hop to close out a fabulous rotation for OU!

After 1: 
OU 49.700
UGA 49.550
Cal 49.375
Kentucky 49.300

Rotation 2: Georgia VT, Cal UB, Kentucky BB, Oklahoma FX

Webb FX – 1.5 to full, good; good splits; fhs rudi, good control; good leadoff!

Draper FX – whip to 1.5, good; fhs full lay, nice; good splits; forgot she was a 2 pass routine for a sec. Gets all her difficulty in though!

Magee (UGA) – Yfull with just a tiny step on the landing

Warren (UK) – Side aerial to BHS with a large wobble but stays on nice dance and closes with a stuck RO 1.5

Ward (UGA) – Tsuk layout full… beautiful body position but doesn’t quite get the stick. Hops back

Angeny (UK) – BHS LOSO LOSO with some feet issues and a small balance check, switch to beat jump is nice, side aerial to tuck back full is stuck but has a bit of a wonky shape in the air

Vega (UGA) – Good Yfull with a hop back

Korth (UK) – One-arm BHS LOSO is good, just some knee problems

Degouveia FX – nice start; her choreo is my lifeeee; combo pass good; lay to full, good; switch half popa, good; 1.5 to lay to close; another good routine for OU!

Cal gymnast just stuck a bar dismount.

Kuc UB – maloney to pak, lovely; nice next hs; ftdt, stuck. Lovely!

Dickson (UGA) – Omelianchik with a bigggg bounce and step forward

Lukacs (UGA) – Y double full! Chest a bit low but she sticks it!

Stuart (UK) – Lovely chest stand, switch to ring jump doesn’t quite hit her shapes, good BHS LOSO, cat leap to side aerial to back full is good and stuck

Snead (UGA) – Stuck Yurchenko 1.5… very nice! Vault seems to be going very well for the teams tonight!

Dukes (UK) – BHS LOSO is good with just a small check but hides it with some dance, nice straddle ¼, great RO 1.5 stuck to finish

Dowell (OU) – Great Dowell! Good control on the landing, RO 1.5 to front lay is floaty and lovely, hits her shapes in her Strug to Popa, last pass is also lovely

Trautman (OU) – Double lay is good just takes a nice controlled lunge out of it, front lay front full is so high! Great leap pass and a big double tuck to close out this rotation!

After 2: 
OU 99.375
Cal 98.950
UGA 98.925
Kentucky 98.575

Rotation 3: Oklahoma VT, Georgia UB, Cal BB, Kentucky FX

Lehrmann (OU) – Y 1.5 with a small hop forward

Roberts (UGA) – Missed the beginning but a beautiful double lay to finish with the tiniest of hops

Webb (OU) – Y 1.5 with a slight step to the right… maybe opened a bit too soon

Lukacs (UGA) – Solid Tkatchev, good floaty pak, and another good double layout with a small hop

Degouveia (OU) – Good Y 1.5 with a tiny hop

Trautman (OU) – Y 1.5 with a small hop forward… OU just isn’t finding those landings right now

Clausi (Cal) – Switch switch is solid but back leg a bit low, good BHS LOSO, andddd the feed cut out

Nichols (OU) – Y 1.5… not her best. A bit short on the landing and has to take a step back

Dowell (OU) – Another Y 1.5 with a step back… struggling a bit more than the other

Oakley (UGA) – Great Jaeger, Lovely handstand shapes throughout, and closes with a nearly stuck full in! Andddd it’s a 10! A bit odd because it looked like a bit of a hop on the landing but the rest WAS very good

Seilnacht (Cal) – Floaty front aerial BHS, side somi is solid… wowza she’s staying super focused as the crowd goes wild from the 10 from Oakley, side aerial to tuck full dismount and fakes the stick

Korth (UK) – Huge full in but lands with her chest a bit low, good shapes in her leap pass, super floaty Rudi to LOSO, big double pike… really nice set

George (Cal) – Aggressive wolf turn, missed most of the big stuff but she stayed on, good switch ring, and stuck gainer full

Keelen (Cal) – Great BHS LOSO, powerful piked front toss, RO 1.5 is nearly stuck just hops back a tiny bit

After 3: 
OU 148.825
UGA 148.500
Cal 148.350
Kentucky 148.125

Rotation 4: Kentucky VT, Oklahoma UB, Georgia BB, Cal FX

Webb UB – pak, van leeuwen, good; dbl front half stuck. great leadoff!

Sy Seilnacht FX – opening double pike, chest a lil low but not bad; good splits; lay lay half, good; ending pass good; solid hit.

Marks with a good routine for OU and another stuck dismount.

Kwan (UK) – Yfull with a small hop back

Snead (UGA) – Lovely BHS LOSO BHS, didn’t quite hit shapes on leaps, oooooh almost off on her punch front, RO double full with a hop back on the landing

Dukes (UK) – Yfull a little crunchy onto the table and then lands forward and has to take a step

Thomas UB – good hs; bail good; good dismount. Oklahoma’s bringing IT.

Shu FX – solid double pike; lovely dance; 1.5 to lay to stag, good; good closing pass, solid overall!

Dowell UB – straddled tkatchev, missed most of it, double lay dismount good.

Lehrmann UB – straddled jaeger, good; holds next hs; solid bail, little arch; ftdt stuck; great routine!

So Seilnacht with another hit for Cal.

Nichols UB – good first hs; traddled tkatchev to pak, lovely; shap half, good; stuck DLO, some leg sep, but not much. great way to close out the meet for OU!

Dickson (UGA) – Great front aerial to straddle ¼, solid BHS LOSO, switch to split again doesn’t really hit her shapes, stuck dismount

Magee (UGA) – Solid leaps and jumps, side aerial to back full with a medium step back

Hyland (UK) – Yfull stuck!

Stuart (UK) – Y 1.5 stuck! Great landing shape as well!

Oakley (UGA) – Nice forward roll mount, good wolf turn, sold BHS LOSO, floaty front aerial, slight check on her ring jump and a stuck cartwheel to gainer full

Korth (UK) – Beautiful Y 1.5! Another stuck landing for the Wildcats! Amazing way to finish off their night!

George FX – front punch through to rudi good; lovely splits; solid next pass; fhs rudi secure landing.

Mastrangelo FX – she’s the sub for Bordas, who was injured in a touch warmup; wonky full in, weird landing but kind of reined it in?? 2.5 is much better; 1.5 to lay good. If not for that first pass…

Baumann (UGA) – Amazing and aggressive side aerial to LOSO, unique leap combo of wolf to switch side and a STUCK RO DOUBLE FULL! WOW!

Vega (UGA) –  Lovely mount and shapes in her ring jump, great front aerial to split jump, solid BHS LOSO, tiny check on her turn, and a small hop on her side aerial to back full

Clausi FX – better full in, maybe a little low chested, not the best angle to tell; fhs lay lay full, not bad, not great landing; 1.5 to lay good; good routine, just a few too many 9.7s in this rotation overall

OU 198.475
UGA 198.050
Cal 197.675
Kentucky 197.600

This was a thriller, but in the end we’ll see Oklahoma and Georgia at nationals.

Individual qualifiers are:
Hyland (Kentucky) – AA
Clausi (Cal) – VT
Nixon (Kentucky) – UB
Kelly (Missouri) – BB
Dukes (Kentucky) – FX

Live blog by Tara Graeve and Rachel Riesterer

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