It’s that time of year again! Tonight we will get our first look at the 2019 Red Rocks! While the quantity of routines lost from 2018 is small, the graduated seniors left some big shoes to fill. How will the new freshman fit into the picture? Note that freshman Cammy Hall recently tore her achilles and will be out for the season.
Also in injury news, Missy Reinstadtler has a sprained ankle and will be limited tonight.
The Utes will go to vault, then bars, then they will alternate between beam and floor to close it out.
Introductions happening now. Cool intro video!
Rotation 1:
Burch VT – Solid Y-full. Just a small hop back
Isa VT – Another good y-full with a small hop back
Roberts VT – stuck y-full! Glad to see her back!
Lee VT – nearly stuck y-full. Just a small shuffle
MMG VT – small step on Y 1.5.
Skinner VT – Pretty much her usual DTY with a small slide back
I guess six is all we’re going to see on vault. All could definitely factor into the lineup, but the last 4 were the most impressive. I’m guessing Tessen and Reinstadtler will factor in as well, if healthy. Onto bars..
Rotation 2:
Dula UB – falls on jaeger. couple of short handstand, but the rest of the routine was solid. small step on landing. Apparently she’s recovering from mono, so endurance might be a struggle at this point
Lee UB – nice piked jaeger. handstands seem a bit short, but my angle isn’t too good. falls on dismount.
Well, this rotation is off to a rough start…
MMG UB – apparently upgraded, so let’s see how it goes. close on deltchev, upgraded dismount to a full in. A hit!
Reinstadtler UB – huge jaeger, beautiful form as always. small hop on full in dismount
Isa UB – big tkachev, pretty much stuck DLO dismount. nice!
Skinner UB – huge tkachev, kinda college salutes out of that dismount, but solid as always. She changed her routine this year to add the same bar release.
Burch UB – good jaeger, solid routine, but not quite as big as the last few routines we’ve seen, but a viable option!
Randall UB – good jaeger, short on a few handstands, small step on DLO. great routine!
The rotation got off to a rough start, but they pulled it together in the end. I think there were several short handstands, but the TV angle is not good, so I’m not 100% sure. Right now, I’d go with Lee, MMG, Reinstatdler, Isa, Skinner, and Randall for the lineup.
Now the gymnasts split up into two teams and alternate between beam and floor
Rotation 3:
Soloski BB – fron areal BHS seros – solid! small step on dismount. great leadoff! I could see her replacing Stover in that spot (not that we can ever really replace her 😉
Burch FX – stuck double pike, but was spotted. nice rudi, good final pass. Really solid routine! I could see that maybe leading off
Randall BB – solid BHS LOSO series. solid leaps. beautiful rufolva! so glad to see it in her routine! RO double full dismount with a small step.
Isa FX – just a double tuck to open, no full in. almost crashed combo pass, but saved it. good double pike.
Lee BB – slight wobble on series. very solid leaps. slight hop on dismount. nice!
Dula FX – good double pike to start. good back 1 1/2 to front layout. this choreography is fun! good double tuck to finish it off.
Reinstadtler BB – beautiful from areal to split jump, slight wobble on BHS LOSO. wobble on leap and broke connection. stuck gainer full dismount. beautiful as always!
MMG FX – good piked full in but chest a little low. very nice three flip combo pass. rudi to split jump to finish. great!
Skinner BB – great BHS LOSO series. A few balance checks. stuck double back! Solid as usual!
Both events look very good so far! No major errors from anyone.
Rotation 4
Burch BB – fights to save BHS LOSO, huge wobble. rest of the routine is wobble free. Small step on gainer full dismount.
Roberts FX – very nice front layout to rudi. great double pike. I really like this choreography. Very strong final pass. That was great!
McNatt BB – good front areal BHS series. stuck gainer full dismount. solid!
Lee FX – nice 2.5 twist. front lay to front full was good. double full to LOSO was good. nice routine!
MMG BB – great triple series! stuck 1.5 dismount. Very nice! I’ve loved seeing her confidence grow over the last few seasons!
Randall FX – good full in to start (spotted). good combo pass. solid double pike to end it (spotted). That could be a great routine this season!
Soloski FX – good DLO (spotted). Very fun salsa choreography! very nice double full. solid combo pass to close. Really enjoyed that one!
Skinner FX – here we go! great double double as usual! Fun choreo again. Very nice second pass. can’t believe how many flips and twists she fits in! and nice full in to finish. Amazing as usual. I don’t think I can really say anything else!
The Red Rocks look very ready on beam and floor! No major mistakes on either event (aside from a major wobble on beam from Burch).
For beam, I think I would go with Soloski, Randall, Skinner, Lee, MMG, and Burch. For floor, I would go with Dula, MMG, Roberts, Randall, Lee, and Skinner at this point, but I also like Burch on that event, and I’m sure Reinstatdler will be in the lineup once she’s healthy.
The biggest surprise for me was Macey Robert’s routines on vault and floor! She looks to be back and ready to kill it this season!
READ THIS NEXT: Potential Lineups: Pac-12 Part I
Live Blog by Mary Emma Burton
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