October 8, 2015
Florida has been scarce with sneak peeks into training compared to other universities, but fans did get a beam update Thursday. We see the return of Kennedy Baker’s wolf turn and a glimpse into some of the newcomers’ skills |
October 13, 2015
The vault changes have everyone working upgrades. Senior Bridget Sloan could stick her Yurchenko full no problem, so it only made sense for her to work a one and a half. |
October 16, 2015
Freshman Alicia Boren was known for her power in level 10, and this Yurchenko one and a half is definitely not lacking in that department. |
October 21, 2015
J.O. phenom and Gator freshman Boren works on improving her bar dismount in time for season. |
October 29, 2015
The Gators held their first intrasquad of the fall and celebrated Halloween by making it super heroes vs. villains themed with the villains coming out on top! The team also provided 12 (!) minutes worth of highlights. |