Underrated Recruits in the Class of 2021 That Excel on Vault

Because our rating system was based on scores and video review for all four events, gymnasts with one standout event were often rated lower overall. Of course, teams that are weaker on one event, or are looking to fill a hole, will look to event specialists to solidify those lineups. Recruits who excel on a single event may not have ratings that reflect how valuable they can be to their teams, so we wanted to highlight some standouts.

Sara Hubbard

College: Auburn
CGN Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Vault high scores: 10.000 (2020); DNC in 2019

That 10.0 score really says it all! Hubbard’s Yurchenko one and a half is a solid vault. With one more JO season to perfect it, she’ll be ready for the SEC.

Anapaula Gutierrez

College: Stanford
CGN Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Vault high scores: DNC in 2020; 10.000 (2019)

Gutierrez will come to Stanford with both international experience and JO success under her belt. The Cardinal will be thrilled to be able to plug this 10.0 start into its lineup.

Emily Pires

College: UC Davis
CGN Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Vault high scores: 9.850 (2020); 9.800 (2019)

It’s not every day you see a Yurchenko full-on tuck, a 10.0 start value. Davis will be happy with both the start value and execution here. Keep her in mind as a sneaky fantasy vault pick in the future, too!

Keanna Abraham

College: UC Davis
CGN Rating: Not Rated
Vault high scores: 9.700 (2020); 9.700 (2019)

Abraham missed some time on leg events in 2019. We don’t have video of her in 2020 after returning, but her scores have stayed consistently good. Plus, the technique on that one and a half? Lovely. Yet another catch for Davis.

Alana Laster

College: Uncommitted
CGN Rating: Not Rated
Vault high scores: 9.850 (2020); 9.750 (2019)

A problem we see a lot in college vaulting is closed hip angles; Laster’s full does not have that problem, and the one and a half is a very realistic option. Whichever college she ends up at will be happy to have her in the lineup, regardless of which vault she’s performing.

Lucy Lehman

College: Uncommitted
CGN Rating: Not Rated
Vault high scores: 9.525 (2020); 9.725 (2019)


Lehman has great lines on her Yurchenko half, a vault we don’t see extremely often in college but which scores well when executed like this. Despite some missed time in 2020 on top of the shortened season, we think Lehman is one to watch.

Karlie Chavez

College: Uncommitted
CGN Rating: Not Rated
Vault high scores: 9.825 (2020); 9.675 (2019)

Chavez’s club competes a lot for a level 10 team, and her vault scores are quite consistent across all those meets. It’s easy to see why: She’s powerful, keeps her hips open and has great form. Colleges love to see a consistent Yurchenko one and a half; it’ll be fun to see where she ends up.

Savanah Warren

College: Nebraska
CGN Rating: Not Rated
Vault high scores: 9.775 (2020); 9.825 (2019)

Amplitude! Beyond hip angle, it’s the other sneaky deduction that brings college vault totals down. That will not be a problem for Warren, who gets both height and distance. The Huskers are known for upgrading vaults; maybe we’ll even see her add onto the full in college.

Athlyn Drage

College: Maryland
CGN Rating: Not Rated
Vault high scores: DNC in 2020; 9.700 (2019)

We love to see a solid, open-hip full. We love even more to see that someone with a vault like that is also working a realistic one and a half. Vault can be hit and miss for the Terps, and Drage will help.

Isabella Hughes

College: Uncommitted
CGN Rating: Not Rated
Vault high scores: DNC in 2020; 9.675 (2019)

Despite some obvious form issues, this vault has all the pieces of a successful college 10.0 start: amplitude, open hips and shoulders and an uncanny ability to stick. We hope to see Hughes back on the JO stage in 2021 to see if this vault makes it to a hard landing.

Marlee York

College: George Washington
CGN Rating: Not Rated
Vault high scores: 9.550 (2020); 9.600 (2019); 9.725 (2018)

Consistency is key to college vaulting, and York has it in droves. Sure, she doesn’t have the highest scores on this list, but she is easily the most consistent. There’s certainly some hip angle to work on, but the Colonials will love to have a solid and consistent full to plug into the lineup.

Josephine Kogler

College: Maryland
CGN Rating: Not Rated
Vault high scores: 9.700 (2020); 9.600 (2019)

Talk about height! A high Yurchenko full like Kogler’s says a lot about technique and pop off the table; judges love to see this kind of solid work since so many fulls fall flat. The Terps have a sneaky one here.

Rachel Katz

College: George Washington
CGN Rating: Not Rated
Vault high scores: 9.750 (2020); 9.650 (2019)

A strong Yurchenko half can go far in college. What’s even more impressive about Katz? She’s working on upgrading from a half to a one and a half. We can’t wait to see which vault she competes in 2021.

Article by Emily Minehart and Talitha Ilacqua

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