Transfer Files: Amanda Loo, Bridgeport to LIU

Name: Amanda Loo
Previous Team: Bridgeport
New Team: LIU

College Year: Sophomore
Major: Undeclared

Transfer Announcement: Instagram
Social Handles: Twitter | Instagram

NCAA Career Highs  

Vault Uneven Bars Balance Beam Floor Exercise
9.625 9.825


Vault Uneven Bars Balance Beam Floor Exercise
Bridgeport, Brown, West Chester, Rhode Island at Southern Connecticut (2020) Bridgeport, Brown, West Chester, Rhode Island at Southern Connecticut (2020)

About Amanda

In her freshman year at Bridgeport, Loo was a strong contributor on floor and also made two appearances on beam. Prior to college, she was a 2017 J.O. nationals qualifier and tied for silver on vault at the 2019 Region 6 regionals.

What She Brings to LIU


  • Skill: Yurchenko layout
  • Margin of Improvement: Loo never competed vault in college. During her club career, her Yurchenko layout was beautiful in the air and scored high, despite its low start value.
  • Impact on the Team: The Yurchenko layout is scored only out of a 9.75 in college, and as a result head coach Randy Lane will want to avoid having to use it in the lineup. It is a shame as Loo performs it really well.

Uneven Bars

  • Skills: Tkatchev, blind full to bail to handstand, double tuck dismount
  • Margin of Improvement: Loo never competed bars in college. In club, it was her weakest apparatus. Her routine was quite difficult, but her form was messy.
  • Impact on the Team: Loo was likely not recruited for bars, and with some talented bar workers joining the roster it is unlikely that we will see her.

Balance Beam

  • Skills: BHS + LOSO, straddle jump quarter + straddle jump, full turn, switch leap half + leap jump, side aerial to full twist dismount
  • Margin of Improvement: Loo has a knee bend on her acrobatic series, and she pikes down on her dismount a bit. Moreover, her leaps could be a bit more extended.
  • Impact on the Team: LIU has recruited a lot of strong beam workers. Loo did not see much action at Bridgeport, but she was quite good during her club career so she could challenge for a spot.

Floor Exercise

  • Skills: front somersault to double tuck, double pike
  • Margin of Improvement: Loo’s main areas of deduction are her landings, but her routine is otherwise strong.
  • Impact on the Team: Loo should contribute on floor from the start. She brings to LIU both a strong routine and one year of collegiate experience.

READ THIS NEXT: Transfer Files: Katy Koopman, Bridgeport to LIU

Article by Talitha Ilacqua

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